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LONDON. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16. The campaign on the Niagara frontier is considered as dosed on the part of rhe Ame- ricans. and much discontent is exprssed at •She circumstances of orders having been given «u Gen. Brown to retreat with a superior force when he was upon the point of aHack, sag Gen. OnimiTiond. Bill the American iiiiew tliit wers (MI their way lo join Gen. DrummoHd, and ins retreat might then he not so eisy. In Tonimunicatins the intelligence of the close of the campaign on the pari oflhe Ymericaus, the Halifax Paper of the 18h induces us to idrr thai though they (liie Americans) consi :(lend the campaign as closed, we had very itle;iq and intentions — And. in fact, -we understand that Sir James Yeo was to saij wwh fresfi troops to join General Driimmond on She 1st nit. They would join about the -irl"). and active operations co nmenrc about the 9th General Brown with j»=>rt of his ar had retired to Sackett Halbollr, leaving Genera! with a force at Fori Erie, of •of which we to a good account.— Vlc have a.aíL\ land(d 11\ the Chtpe(.ke, about 60 miles below. Baltimore. The new Taxes are in progress through Congress, not without s'rong opposition from many leading Members, It argues most favourably for the ■Bvitisiv cause in America, that the American 'Generate and Naval Officers are involved in quarrels j General pas writlcu a long to Commodore Chauncey hastily, on business, bit! more particularly to reproach iiim for omitting to support him as he ought lo have done on Lake Ontrio The letters by the Lisbon Mail are to the SOihult A copy of a Document of consi- derable cur.osiSy has got abroad, which is Jikelv to affect a number of distinguished in <i viduais it it be authentic. It purports to be a formal Address from many of the principal Nobility of Portugal to Napoleon, in which they propose lo him to nominate a Sovereign, and to exclude the reigning family from the thr"1\e of thai kingdom. I Tiie triiusnort ship Sovereign, bound from England to Quebec* was wrecked on the 13th of <):•(<.b;.T lass, on the island of St. Paul, Gtnph of St. Ltlwi-eiiec she had on board »!'•<« ofli-i'rs, and 186 notdirrs of the 49i.li, 58'h, and '81st regimen's, 2 servants, 21 wo- inou and children; in all, including the cap liii mile, and 10 seamen, forming a total of Oa's 3J lives were -ilved The -o'(. ig!! «as sailing at seven knots an hour and it being about se en n't lock in the r,,i-#A ,ii wiil.4i s-lie sij!.i not a.ove three minutes before she struck. The survivors were taken off the is land two days after, by the Champion, and arrived here on the 3d instant. They had saved but a small quanlily of provisions, and could not have subsisted very long. Lie-it. Holfe, of the 58!h, is the only omccr saved; together with two serjeants, 14 rank and file, and 10 seamen. Officers drowned,—49th Regt. Lieut. H imUly, wife, and child Knsigu Wil- son 58Hi, Lieiits. Farmer, Heseuridgfe, Gold smid; Surgeon Donoghoe. 81st, Lieutenant. Serjeant; Ensign Skelton. Let ten from Hamburgh menlion the ap- poinfmen!■ of Count to the com round of a Russian army of I20,0n0 men, lo be assembled on the frontiers of Turkey. Recent letters from Cadiz stale, that a new duty, ig dollar per quintal, had been laid .2 Upon all fish imported into Spain. By the Maduri Gazette, we find that the Ex- Milllsler MaCàlVlZ IS 10 heimpnsoned for six years, in the strong Castle Antonia, near A;o»ua, and his daughter to be consigned to a convent. A Baron de Boulnois, a French General OiFker, was lately stopped, like Lord Oxford, near the froo?icss >f > pies, by an arii,ed A private letter from Ghent communicates the following facts :—" Several persons have been sent to England by different Fabricunin, both from France and Belgium, who are to get employed as well as they can, in some of the lactones in Manchester, tor the pur- pose of learning in A hat manner the spinning of colton is carried oo. if some method is not taken to put a slop to these proceedings, there will nol be a machine in 'iuglaud which will not soon have a counterpart in tins coim trs and unless there is a duty laid upon cot- ton wool equal to Ihe difference in the puce of labour, I am certain tiiii they will soon iiuder-sell ihe English in all foreign markets. The desertioiis frotili the Belgian army cnuli ti'iue to be great—they go by fifty at a time. The French, I am told, are forming a regi- meld of Belgians, and give a higher bounty than they do in this country. I have just been informed that the Hanoverians suspect they are to be sent It) America, lor which service they do not seem to have a great affedion,- The American Commissioners here have or. dered their hills from several of their Iriiies- people. Some articles of dress, which were rn kmg at a neigiibounwg place, have been ordered home iiiiiiiiislic.d looks like a remove. I understand that the Aniericatis are much ill ftar 1'1' their manufactories on Rhode Island, where they ave sixteen veiy luge establishments. I do not think that at present wear a pacific aspect. Lately, at Islington, a person, drt-ssed like a Gen lemau, called at a house, and inquired if any of the lodgers.-were at home being aiiswered iii lie negative, he very deliberately walked nitu the back parlour, when lhe lady of the house f »H wed him, he asked again if any of the servants Ili the way the lady replied 'bat #,ie w-.s the ouiy person in the bouse, lie thell jumped up from the chair, and placing her in it, he said he only wauled to tind he: alone, and at the same liiue pre- • nled a pistol o her head, and swore hewould blow her frams oui if she made any noise.— 1 The tady frtmled and when she av. eke found the m n wasgoie taking with him a silver wauh a gold ri g Jirve pounds iu notes, and some other small articles, altogether about the va ne of 8/. II ii siiid that the Lords of the Treasury have signified to the parties interested, that the Repeal of the Excess of Drawback on Giuss s intended to take place from the date oi 'he Resolution which has passed the House ot Commons for that purpose. A French squadron of two ships of the line, four fngaUrs, and three brigs, five days from HreL 1.1 lie West indies, was spoken on the Aujust. National Society.—On Wednesday the National Jr)c;etv for the Education of the Poor in the urinciples of the Established Church held their monthly meeting. Present—the Archbishop of Canterbury, Bishop of London,' the Speaker of the House of Commons, Rev. Archdeacon of Cambridge, Rev. G D'Oyley, RtV, H. H. Nor- ris, Rev, R, Letidou, Francis Benton, Esq. J. Esq. m. Davies, Esq Joshua Wat- son, Esq. Treasurer. Some fresh schools were united to the Society; and several or money, one to the amount of 3001. were made to- wards the establishment and extension of other schools. At the same meeting the half yearly public examination of the chiidren at the Central School, Baldwin's gardens, Cray's- i tin- lane, was fixed for the. 6th inst. at one o'clock. Female Uniform. — The Grand Duchess and the Margravine of Baden have taken upon themselves to attempt what no mortal has yet been able to achieve—a regulation of dress for ladies. They propose what they call a national costume, con- sisting of a white robe of any materials, except velvet or satin, and a g-irdle of red velvet, with a straight border esnbroidered in gold, the two extremities of which, fringed with gold, are to meet on the left side. The head-dress, from which feathers and flowers are banished, is to consist of a ribbon of red silh-, or velvet, with a gold border, passed into the hair. In tliisd-ress, the Duchess and Margravine say they shall ap- pear at the opening of a new Museum, where it is intended to hold public sittings; and they pro- mise themselves, "that the uniformity and noble simplicity of this dress will have the happiest, influence, especially.at balls." To this which is announced" without any idea of con- straint," the Ladies of Carlstuhe, and scveial places in the neighbourhood, have given their consent. Bole-street.—Yesterday Charles Weller, late mail-coach guard, was charged with robbing the coach from Newport, near Monmouth, of a par- cel, containing upwards of 2,3001. in Cash, bank- notes, and bills, and Jane Hickman was charged with being concerned with him in the robbery.— It apeared, that as long since as October, 1813, a parce! containing the above amount was sent from the Newport bank of Foreman, Fothergill, allrl Co- The notes and cash were in a paper parcel, which was put into a wooden box the parcel directeti to Downes, Thornton, and Co bankers, Bartholomew lane, and the box was directed to Mr. Fothergill, at Messrs Shee's mer- chants, Lawrence Pountney- lane, Cannon-street; and to give the appearance of a parcel it was co- vered with canvas. The box was secured by King's Head, Newport, to -o by the man. It reached Mr. Fothergill, as directed. On opening it, it only contained a letter. A witness stated, that the prisoner had confessed being concerned in the robbery, and that he was instigated to it by an old woman. After the robbery was committed he endeavoured to get the parcel back, when (here was only 201. taken out of it, but Jane Hickman would not let him. The prisoners have lately b,een taken into custody, in consequence of some notes in the stolen parcel having been pas- sed at shops in Londou, for goods, and which were yesterday identified as part of the stolen property. Committed -r rc-cvamination.

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