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MR. ClJR.RAN's LEi'iEu.


MR. ClJR.RAN's LEi'iEu. (Concluded from our last.) Their misery might be softened, by taking a reasonable rent for their farms, by easing them of tythes i these sacrifices, perhaps, can scarcely be hoped from Priests and Landlords; our Cler- gy have heeu up in arms against any relief, or even temporary encouragement to the reclaimer, however to their own ultimate benefit. Our pea- santry must, therefore, for ever be a mere drug; whatever the Landlord chooses to demand fo- his land, must be paid till trade shall become a bidder against him, and so extinguish the monor poly of our Grandees. But what measure did our Reformers propose with any such design?— Certainly none. Don't mistake me—I do not mean that any thing, save the Petition, should have been mentioned at that Board—buf, I mean that their silence on the real causes and rente- dies of our sufferings, shews them grossly igno- rant or regardless of them. So far as they al- luded at al-I to these subjects, the tendency was merely to iiiiiiiiie-to make our lower orders turbulent and furious, and so far expose them as unlit as undeserving or mild or rational treatment; but these notables thought they were raising themselves by the apsry of legislation—by ap- pealil) to the mob upon points of law and con- siitut;on, They replied in their meetings to the speeches in Parliament; and, finally, and I see no apology that can be made for it, they embroil the country stiil more, by forcing them into points exclusively religions, and with which the iaity should not, have presumed to meddle.— First, they complain, that the g-reat mass of the people, and that most truly, are kept in a (legree of ignorance unknown in any other religion or the earth. And, next, they call upon these hono- rary Theologians, upon this very baibarized mass, to decide upon the Veto as a most profound point of clerical difficulty. With respect to the Clergy themselves, a most respectable order, this has been peculiarly un- feeling-for reasons which, I remember, you a- greed. It has involved them in cruel and un- just suspicion on all sides, lessening their credit with the High, and their authority with the Humble. And see the fruits of all tlii, !-ii(I Member of either House would venture to stir our question, and, instead of an extension of Ci- vil Rights, we get the oil Act passed, without opposition,thus enabling Government, by a single dash of the pen, to put Ireland in a state such as the world never saw. Our affectation was for our beloved Prelates, and our dear Poor Orders; and upon these, peculiarly, have we pulled down those horrors. A man of property may roll home drunk in his chariot, and langh at the curfew; but what shelter has the poor man to save him from such a I)i tiless stol.Il ?-Btit i lit! gangrene sinks still deeper—the spirit of the Government springs directly from that of the law. Now, this last act can be justified on no human ground, except that the nation is peopled with monsters, that must be ruled like beasts.— See here the deplorable state of our poorer peo- ple God help them they are always ultimate- ly the suiferers—they are the cards with which gambling adventurers play they never fail to be soiled during the game, and after it to be flung into the lire. No matter what abuse may be com- mitted in the exercise of such an Act. What ap- peal can we make? what a number of men have we among us, who miii looii, to fortune and pow- er, by sharpening its c,,Ige ?-to what a frightful union between the Judicial and Executive must. it leall I-an union peculiarly formidable iu a province, and at a time when sayings of our Courts, whether truly or falsely, are circulated, stating, that our people are so feroicated that civil justice will no longer do! No doubt the public iiiiid has been not a little-disturbed..And what else could be expected Irani the perpetual efforts to irritate But I should never have done if I thought to have exhausted Ihis killing subject. 1 shall for the present, only add a word. England must know that war (and very soon) is possible that her darling France, by nature her enenty,and the Peninsula-, and the Continent, too, may join with America in defending their maritime rights against her maritime claims. It would be no new alliance. If she has common sense she uuisi see, Ihat justice and prurience would recommend to her not fo make the strait, waistcoat the com- mon dress of Ireland for ever. But such an hope would surely be much ripened, if we made her understand, that what has been done and said of late is not to be attributed to the honest or t(linking class of our people, that we have not; (he remotest idea of severing the connexion, or attacking her religion. or this, verhaps, more hereafter. 1 1 continue to fee-l an increasing dislike of every- thing here. I probably shan t remain long. 1 ■ have left some things in ti-eliill-,i I must settle, however I may dispose of myself after. England cant arrest me long. I ita-ve f,)U"Icl aiy goc)(I it) I)Iacei. My malady, a constitutional dejeciion, accumulated by a lile of no little disaster, can hope for no remedy in water or in wine, in general, the be- nefit of those plaecs is attributed to the attend- ant temperance but a person little given to ex- cess any where, has not milch to add that way tiiiU as fo evening parties, in a crowd of strangers, I never I iked them, nor was fit for them 1 have, (Herefore, given my evenings to the Thealrcs; I thetit to English, notwithstanding the iiillieulty ol a foreign language. I prefer the style of their Stage to our's. Onr's always ap- peared to me flat and dull, wifh lIevr morc than one or two of tolerable merit. On the contrary, here you never find any very bad. A comic na- tion it perpetually sending young aspirants to Paris, where of course, there can be no dearth, In England, you must put up with what you can get. No doubt, it is hard to find any exact prin- ciples of acting. It is, in a great degree, arbi- trary and accidental. Still nature will assert certain boundaries. In France there may lie bombast and tinsel; and the eternal monotony of amour in their plays, is liable to objections, ly- ing much deeper than the mere criticism of the stage; it goes to make the woman a bad sort of of man, and the man a bad sort of woman; it goes to take away the solid basis of every virtue of either sex; it leaves the men little to wish- to the women little to bestow. It annihilates the finespiiit of attachment. What can he feel for confidence given on a principle of good breeding To fascinate there must be no doubt of its being :1 exclusive. When I am writing my bad verses, I would spurn the Muse if I suspected her of whispering the same idea to twenty other poetasters, in the same principle, if you have only a slxty-fourlh of a ticket in the Lottery of reward, the prize is, in fact, a blank. How Cdn you join in triumph with sixty-three other fortunate adventurers? Still these exhibitions amuse. The acting is flippant and graceful, and the music sometimes excellent. The Eugiish, who have no national music, ailect to despise French. It is sometimes, perhaps, t,inselisit-but, 1 own, if frequently catches ui), fancy, and even my heart. But too much of these topics, I am not scrrv for having come hither when I did. Perhaps you see society better when cut. into piece-meal. As in anatomy, every thing is laid bare to the student. The best lesson that man can learn, is to- leration, and travelling ought to be the best school. There arc many points in which this people must be allowed praise—lively, cheerful, a constitutional philosophy, disposing them to he always satisfied. I wish, as to Government, they could be brought to an auchor. Whether that is to happen, who can tell ? can be i)io,-e divided than the general sentiment. The higher military men have got safe into harbour, and and wish, perhaps, for quiet. All under them must be discontented—long arrears due. They cannot employ them abroad for want of money, and, when the devil is raised, and can't be kept in work, we know the story. The favour to Bo- naparte is the more singular, because, allowing for his extraordinary energy, I doubt if he had a single great quality. If is clear he was no Statesman force alone Mas sufficient for all he did. Men herc ofrhe best authority pronounce him a man of uncommon energy in action but of no talent lor retreat. The question is of more curiosity than moment. If otherwise, it might not be easy to prove what credit to give to these criticisms. At last we have got our passports, and order- ed a carriage for to-morrow. We shall go by Dieppe; neither my fellow traveller nor iii,, -elf in the best health or spirits, i have a great kindness for him, though no human beings can be more different. I don't think diversity is incom- patible with friendship or affection; but strong contrariety, i fear, it. How different are they from the volatility of France—as well as from the loud, ardent, indiscreet vehemence of our poor people Certainly, it is not mere interest that forms the weight to the clock, though the utter want-of any regulating power makes it, a sad time-piece; but I consider it now as nearly a conclnm atum est, and the Insurrection Act little other than a monumental inscription, LONDON, TUESDAY. A nets Venue.—After a day spent at Diepre, we sailed, and, after forty hours, landed at Brigh- ton. I don't like the state of my health. If it was nvcxvAyrnaladie, under sailing orders for the undiscovered country, I should not quarrel with the passport. There is nothing gloomy in my religious impressions, though I trust they are not shallow. I fiii,,Iit liave been I)ettei-I know also, ttiat. others have been as blameable-and I have rather a cheerful reliance upon mercy, titaii an abject fear of justice or, were it otherwise, I have a much greater fear of suffering than of death. I had almost made up my mind, to bestow a cilizc(J to France; ani! ram morli[lcù at finding any drag- upon (he intention; yet a dr.i<; there is. I have no doubt that revolution has thrown that country a century back. Yet she has qualifies that might have hoped a better destiny. It has been to me that winter ill Paris might answer better. 1 just now, Wednesday, return from a long conversatioll with the truly Royal Personage, who saves you the postage of this. A few days must, I now think, take me across. I think of meeting some persons at Cheltenham. As to waters, I suspect they are seldom of tise-I arn quite decided against them, till Charon pledges me on the Stvx. Four's, verv trulv, J. P. CURRAN. To D. G. Lube, Esq. Great Britain-street, Duhliu- Franked—SUSSEX.


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