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AMEuicjy i j r-i;as.


AMEuicjy i j r-i;as. The Aew YerSc (',l'ellillg'Jost. after stattng the terms oy the iintish negociators -namely- L The claim of [fie Britisli to lake their own seamen from American vessels; 2, A definite settlement of the boundary hue the Indian territory—trot to he altered bv pur- chase orotherwts"; 3. A ><•. ision of iiie boon dary line to facilitate iiie British communica tion by lasid between H ilihix and Quebec; 4. The military occupation of the Lakes i y the British only—leaving to the Americans the use of them for commercial purposes; 5. The right of the Newfoundland fish err; hut not to cure their fish on the shores of the British Colonies without an equivalent, remarks as follows;- Snch are The outlines, a we can roiled tiiem by a hasty perusal What shall we say to them? In ine firsl place, candour compels its to confess we do not see ill them those in- solent pretension's which yesterday stared us ill the face. Our luformal !Ollwas both im perfect and incorrect. Those more resembled the conduct of a horse dealer, than the digni- trcd proposals of one independent nation t at.omcr. Th. se before us offer, if you plea se a Hard bargain terms ceitamiv uoi io b; dC copied; but they do not, 1 think, presume upon absolute dishonour on our part. Let us t auuidty cousider iu brieftcriiis, their amount. Let us take them as they stand; Our admi- nistration are not now, for the first turn; made 'cquainted vv.tli !he certainty, that they ne ver can obtain a ireaiy wtil-le they insist on protecting the subjects of Great Britain on board our merchaut vessels; arsd 1 venture to I affirm, that they are prepared to relinquish i Ins pretension. This question, then, presents no obstacle to a peace, altnough made a sine qua non; in English an indispensable condi- tion. As to the article respecting the Indians, take it as you will, whelller as respects tern- lory, or as respects the Indians, or, lastly, as respects the two negociating Powers them- selves, it cannot be listened to for a single moment. First, As to !eri*.Iory -As rf-silects Great Britain and the United States, il was by the Treaty of Peace settled and agreed bel ween the parlies, that the territory fit (lit,.stioii be longed to us: can they now, then, pretend to illlermeddle with it, under any pretence, or in any shape?— No. Secondy, as to the in- dians: 1 ask Great Britain, it it has ever been heard of ihat Indians are considered as inde- pendent nations ? We know that France, when in possession of Canada, never treated I ht- if) ag such. Lastly, as to the two nations; I cllllfess myself utterly aslonished that the British Commissioners should propose a mea- sure to our's, which, if it was accepted, it would he morally impossible to observe, for Ihe'inevitable encroachment of civilized Iteo pie on savage nations, and the retreat of the latter, can no more he prevented than can-se Ilud effect can be separated and moreover, such a stipulation would only be the cause of another war in less than five years- It is, therefore, inadmissible on every ground. Asto a revisum of the eastern boundary line no one has ever objected o running lines for the purpose oi settling disputed boun- daries. Should we lose Moose Island by as- certaining the truth, we v-viii is*, Mr. J ffersou to explain why it was not obtained definiti vely by file ratification of Mr. Kind's convention ? However this is not a sine qua non, and con- sequently might be disposed ot if nothing else prevented. -11 Lastly.—T-nev do not pretend to interfere with our right to fish on the Newfoundland banks, but they refuse to yield the privilege to cure our tish on their own shores without an equivalent. This is precisely 'he distinction formerly taken in this paper. The first, we maintained was our striel. nght. and so dearly so, that we not only would never surrender it, but we also said that we were quite certain Great Britain would never ask it of us. Our iel (et's of yesterday, speaking conjecturally, informed us she had, and we pronounced the den,aud insufferable. It now appears she does I not, and she only expects an equivalent for the use of her shores, to which we have no right, and which is so far from being essential to our full enjoyment of the fishery, that in point ot fact, as I have since ascertained, our fishermen did not avail themselves of the pri vilege when they had it gratuitously. But the article respecting the Lakes is surely not to be admitted No: not as it stands But observe,itisnotpropo-ed to us •ii what must be indispensably granted if it I sh(iuld say the Lakes or no Peace; that is, an equal participation of the Lakes, it is merely a proposal, an extraordinary and inadmissible proposal, 1 admit but if the ar- ticle can he so modified as to be made per fectly reciprocal, each to do or abstain fr. doing what the other does or abstains frog, doitig, 1 Co not know but it might be wel! en >u,,h. Otherwise, however, it must he re- sisted at every hazard."



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