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Family Notices

- fll^T FOH A {to '<1 \NCE.


fll^T FOH A {to '<1 \NCE. Th"- r j 11 -vi i»- t »• c11 v iS! penned soine y-ear,, age. by f/L, r»i' 1 >• r, and Ana- ereo.,itic writer or I1IK mtf OK-ST. 'ACi^TII -l. 1 s,metu) —Virgil, I Idl, .J.e .a .j> ,.1 i|)e cell ot -if., Aira bais ex- tn', -lv\ o ie >or M 'tvejszi be uf '• S '.11 • nl-, \v(-e tiie jiro- pn-K )- K iei h he • er iii* ol moantain 11:1 n 1 I. — le ii jfii' of-?r,in.'e arid iih, .id* d ut i> ie the vorv- | 1 bi 11 „ j, C1V t ,1^ ,;lij j ;ire a tali-, l I,f,i of t ,o,> 'i.ne-j I •' « "t »• 1.1 v 1 e-- 1 „i. 1 or „/ I .oiler Vliibian rnpo-'r-n Like t)err I l;c couki tea n .1 se pent to spea'; 01 ml j nv keasjtam.i'jdor say nis prayers nke P r* When he.lay,upon his bed of rushes, in » just before the last gloom of life was dir.. fos e.s seemed to glow %v;ltl) li, )i,e than mortal ani- anJ lie voice not of Ibis world Till ibe lamp do (he cell 'Of St. Aga'ha is extinguished, never can the j bouse ot Malvezzi be in peace."— Here., said the. f mile, pointing to sortie fragineiitsof atone-whicii i-ariely peeped forth from a wilderness of weeds — j ,iere are the rains of"Uie abbey which adjoined j ( he castle ot Mai vezzl, and here was the celt of I St. ,'Vgatha1, w-here^ the,fatal lamp lay burning.— sew a century had elapsed from the period of | i-.e her.nii pi. di< >inn, -and <5!ill the house of I l.L.y w ,it, l,i,l l>y bloody ilisse'ii'ioiis. j 1 athei «j "i, st >, en 1 brother ,-i'ain;t brother," I condicied u,{.i unrelenting Fcrnctfy. and murder j I not remem!>ei the prophecy of the hermit?— Said the yout!ff(t)sti-ft:;f'r, who appeared most interested in (he lale,amJ to whom tneguide I pai (ie iias 1\ add.e--ed himself—But did. they » no' remernlur live p«ophec> of the hermit i Thq did," (I ti ie guide, and,still the f 1:1 j) w is tine v;.a; ,ish:-d.. In vain was it expos- c 1 to t.e In is ii I the rains; it would loss in Ithe S'1 n' ■)«' '.a o'i to the "'iast but it would 1 1. burned briglitec than ever! .fl-fatcj Ci .ien were your sorrows to | -lunibei Ji wa- on the last evening of the | year Uo«\ whi.di composed a century from the | peuodot tin: iiermu death—vespers were ju-t co.Inilt d, i'itl the abbey was still lighted up I Uftf°r i.i-i e you.ig iMalveytzi, and his loi- j lowers hid hcc.i otAiing their thanks to tne | Deit), fhat Jr> t-| ttiat day to pass over tiie!i rhemarqiiis linge e.j I last 1.1 t'.e c">i v, e'id wa. pacing pensively to- I w s the ites, n h--i a le-nale form rushed: ,ra- j y sides disap- .1 th, fie suh.eiranaous wicket. He f'i; o.'ed t,ir: i;aa.o:n, ,ind, she entered the CPII or S v interestingly beautiful 1-" •Aid Man v,/i ti> oioi-elt, scarce repressing his .istom-inneoi white he stole a glance at this un- knÜwn, over, k fratr\nellt of the wall of IhecelJ. W -'ood be-ide (tie L.np, and raised her eyes •• haaver); thcv had a iningled expression of puy au¡1 exultarion; ar:! while they softened' >vi<ii regret for tlie pas'. f(ley seemed to hrighfeu 1M1 a hope for the fe.'nre! While Malv'ezzi i/;edin t»rea.fbiess expectation, lie heard a so -lie f lit- oi gans of toe 1 ) e were touched by so tie ui-.hie. hand an. m -d the sweet voice of nene.i breath..>g p <e to the wounded spirit of 1(]urtforl\1natc;- the female e\u-gui-i.cd .be t • •" and van is lied Bui, 1 the x. ;yf„

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..'Thuvfidaij} J^uvcmntr 21.

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I, ■ ' .MA RKE TS.''


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