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PRUSSIAN EDICT Fon THE LEVY-EN- MASS E, &c. &c. (From the Berlin Gazette of July 31.) We, Frederick William, by the Grace of God, King of Prussia, &c. Beholding with satisfaction the perseverance and distinguished bravery with which our army has sustained until the present moment its strug- gle for our country, as well as the numerous efforts and sacrifices by which our faithful sub jeers have with the greatest emulation contri, huted ill every manner to its defence, and to obtain the great results for which this struggle has oesn undertaken we have firm confidence, that this public spirit, which has been manifested by all with so much glory, will never cool; and we build upon it principally our hope of success in our just cause, 1.4(1 of the permanent and solid establishment of all States, particularly that of Prussia. We also perceive with pleasure the prompti- tude and zeal with which the Landwehrhas been organised, and the levv-en-masse carried into execution and behold with gratitude the attach- ment to our person, and to our country, by which the Prussian nation is particularly distin- guished. JII doing justice to these sentiments, we believe it to he our duty not to demand more efforts and sacrifices than necessity may exact, in order that business may suffer the least pos- sible interruption, as upon that depends so es- sentially the welfare of our faithful sllbjects- We command them, in respect to the levy-en- masse, enjoined by the edict of the 21st April of the present year, as follows — Art. 1 The Levy-en-Masse shall continue and he enforced as ahead) ordered as the patriot- ism, however, which has been generally mani- fested induces us to think that every Citizen ea, pable of serving is filled with an anxious desire to defend the country in case of danger, and will cheerfully obey the first summons to take up arms, il infirmities and old age do not prove ob, stacles to fulfilling so honourable a duty, we have made the following modifications :— 2. There shall be. formed out ot the Levy-en- Masse a Reserve, wh'cii being kept constantly at its full complement, may be sufficient to COlli, plete promptly the Landwebr. A particular or- dinance will regulate the organisation of this Reserve. 3. Moreover, in the country and in the towns which shali not contain 300 men fit for the ser- vice of the Levy-en-Masse, one-third of which nllrnbtrhallltortl themselves ready, alternately, during one week, to elIte, in ease of need on im- mediate service in mounting guard, and in fulfil- ling all tht; military and police functions that the Magistrate may require. 4. in the iarge cities where business is less compatible wuh the military service, and in which they may find more than 300 men tit for the service of the Levy-eii-Mas»e, there shali be formed of the one-third which shall remain when the men engaged for the Landwebr shall be tie ducted, some permanent companies or battalions of citizens, who shall make part of the Land- webr, but whose duty will be confined to t'ne defence of (be city. In those places where guards of citizens already exist, they will enter into those companies or battalions. G. The Levy-en-Masse. as well as companies and battalions of arquebussiers and of burgess guard, will remain under the immediate orders of their respective commanders but they will likewise be under the cOlltrol of the magistrates, of the police of rhe place or district. 8 The Ministers of Justice, without excep- tion, as well as the Functionaries of the Police and of the Communes, with -the exception of" Provincial Councillors, will remain in the coun- try on the approach of the enemy hut ii is for- bidden-them to fake any oath to obey him. Alt the other superior authorities, particularly all the administrative authorities, will retire it is evpcc'ed, however, that they will not withdraw' until the last moment. 9. The Levy en Masse will he exercised and trained every Sunday and Holiday, and they will meet: three evenings in each week for a like purpose. 10. The evacuation of a place, and the devas- tation of a district, shall not be carried into ex- ecution without particular orders from the Mili- tary Gove rnments, in case those measures shall be judged necessary. In conclusion, it is under- stood that; it is the duty of every individual to deprive the enemy as much as possibie of all mcans of subsistence. We particularly recommend to our faithful subjects Ihe observance of the above articles, and to keep in mind, that zeal when not regu- lated by discretion, is prejudicial to the cause it is intended to serve. Given at Berlin the 27th July, 1813. (Signed) FREDERICK WILLIAM. (Countersigned) I! ARDENT, SCHG. Bresl/jw, July 0 Military Govern- ment judges it proper to recall to the mind of the inhabitants, the Cabinet Order of March nlh, which is as follows — 1. Every individual who, without being au- thorissd by the Government, shall form or main- tain any correspondence wilh the enemy, and communicate with him, either by writing or verbally. 2. Every individual who shall procure the enemy horses, arms, ammunition, or clothing. 3. Every man convicted of furnishing to the enemy forage or provisions, without having been compelled to do it by a military force which he is unable to withstand, shall, for every one of the above offences, be tried before a council of war, and if found guilty, he punished with death.