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We understand thai supply of Welch Bi- llies, to the amount of 300have been received from the bociety for promoting Christian Knowledge, by the Secretary of the Diocesan Committee at Bangor these Bibles, we un- derstand contain the Apocryphal hooks, have marginal references, aud the whole service ol the Church, forming one volume, and may he bad for 6*. 6d by applying1 to the Rev. J H. Cotton, Secretary of the Committee. Thursday se'nnighl the annual meeting of the Society for promoting Christian Know- ledge and Church Union in tly; diocese of St. avu s, was held in Carmarthen, when an "upresMve Sermon was preached by the Rev. Mr, Griffith, Rector of Llaubadern-fawr fro n 2 Peter ii. 21. On Monday se'nnight, the master of a ves set was fined five pounds for discharging his ballast withiuhigh water-hiark,in the borough 11 w Kidwei'y- '"formation was laid by Waiter Thomas, one of Ihe pilots of the port, the circtitnstatice is inserted in ornfr to guard others from falling into the same error. The King of Prussia lias issued a Proclama- tion dated from Konigsberg, June 12. wherein states, that it was the enemy who firsl pro posed the Armistice, and that it is only to af lord time for the national efforts now put forth 10 ohtain their full vigour, in order that his people may be enabled to conquer their independence." COURT OF EXCHEQUER.-Sir Watkin Lewes v. J. Morgan, Esq.—This long-pending cause came on for the decision of the Court on Monday last: Mr. Baron Wood spoke at considerable length in favour of the defendant; Mr. Baron Graham and the Lord Chief Baron (Mr. Baron Thompson being absent on account of indispo- sition,") supported the judgment of the House of Lords; and the Deputy Remembrancer was or. dered to ealculate immediately tpe accolwtnt rents and profits received by the defendant from the estates, and apply them in discharge of the mortgage, in order that the estates may be res- tored. Fair.—Llanrbiader y mochnant, July 24th. We understand it is intended to open a sub- scription for the purpose of erecting a Marble Slab in the High Church, Glasgow, to the memory of the Hon. Lieut. Colonel Cadogan, of the 71st, or Glasgow Regiment, who fell so gloriously at the head of his Regiment ill the battle of Yriitoria, and as a testimony of the regard in which he was held by all ranks of the citizens of Glasgow The idea of applying for Ihe aid of the Spanish Cortes in aid oflhe Irish Papists, how ever brilliant and patriotic, is not ori-'itial. So long back as the time of that glorious hei-elit Queen Elizabeth, the Irish Papists ap plied for aid to Philip of Spain, then a ty- rant almost as powerful, and almost as cruel as their present idol — Bonaparte; the "looaty bigot, perfectly coinciding with his Irish sup- plicants, granted them abundant aid in ships, soldiers, and arms, blessed hy the Pope, and destined for the destruction, of Britons; how ever, the result was, that the heretical Queen and her Protestant subjects laid the hope of the tyrant and the traitors in the dust. What then can be expected Irom a Cortes ? Thev are too wise to interfere; but the complaint of the present race of Papists may possibly have Ihe happy effect of detaching Slime lwell ty Spanish recruits from their allegiance. A m ile child, apparently about six weeks old, was left at a Gentleman's in Camberweli, on the evening of Thursday last. Theltnle was found by one of the footmen in a wicker-basket placed against the hall door, neatly clad and, from the few necessary ar ticles ol dress foiiud with it, it had every ap pearance ot belonging to a person of respect ability, and had affixed to its riglil arm a let ter, addressed to young Mr. accusing him ol having deserted its iKotner, without furnishing her with the means of it, at the same time exhorting him to be a I kind and an afectionaie fattier, and earnestly intreatiug him that she might ere long be per- i milted to see her child again The circum- stance of this dscovery 011 being told to thp family, who we*e spending the evening at a neighbour's, caised them to hasten home, when the old geitienian and the young misses observing in the liftlefoundling a great family resemblance, unaiimously agreed that a nurse I should be provided for ii, and in the mean- while ordered lhatevery attention should be paid to its comforU I tire at tr oolwich.—Bet ween seven and eight o'clock on Thursday morning the inhabitants of Woolwich were hrowu into consternation in consequenceOf prodigious volumes <sf smoke which envelcped (he whole town. It was soondiscovered that the white hemp store- house, in the rope yard was 011 lire. The alarm immediately spread, and the engines were quickly on Ihe sjot. The dnllns heat to arms, and upwards otlooo artillerymen from the barracks arrived It assist in quenching the » flames: but notwithstanding the most prompt j and active exertions, Ihe fire continued to [burn with irresistible :apidily till about nine o'clock, when the roof of tiiis part of the build ng fell in. For some time great appre- hensions were felt for He safety of tile adjoin! ing buildings of the Riiyal Arsenal but by Jhe prompt supply oi water and the great ex- I ertions of Ihe military, the (lames were pre venled from spreading, and were got under about 10 o'clock, The greatest intrepidity was evinced by the Artillery men, many of whom were placed in the I)erilokis tions in endeavouring to subdue the Hames. The damage done must have been considera- ble, and it is supposed that severalthollsalld pounds worth of hemp and oakum have heeii destroyed. The Of the urctt.isunt yet been discovered, though various conjectures are afloat as to its origin. It is only a few months ago since a fire happened in another part of tho huddulgs. It has been conjectured that the fire-works exhibited the evening before may have been the accidental cause (If i the calamity. Tuesday the Court of Common Plçs gave judgment in the.case of Capt, Brisbane v. the Executors of Admiral Dacre The clecisio., is of considerable importance fo the navy. Capt. Brisbane paid to Admiral Dane, ae. cording to the usage of the service, a share of freight'which-Capt. Brisbane had earned for bringing bullion from South America. III 1808, the Courts of Westminster decided in the case of Montague and Janverin, that the flag officer had iio to any freight, and Oil that decision Capt. B. brought his action to recover back the money paid to Admiral Dacre, in ignorance of the law. After plelid ings o and con, the Court were cleat ly (,| opinion that the action cannot be supported The plaintiff will of course he nonsuited. .>g Extraordinary —A desperate battle was fought a few days since, in Driver's Field, outside Lawford's Gate, between two girls, named Charlotte York and Mary Jones.- Tiley were accompanied to the field by above 400 of their own sex when a ring whs form- ed, seconds appointed, aud having distneum hered I hemselves oflllost of IIwir habiliments, and shook hands, they set-to. They fought twenty an#, rounds, in the course of which many knock-down blows were given, and slcill and courage displayed on both sides. They were so dreadfully beaten that it was difficult to discover a single feature in the 1 human fuce divitie" of either of the combatants. York was the victor. L ist Thursday the remains of Mr Hunting- don, were taken from Tunhndge Wells to Lewes, and interred in a vault at the Jireh Chapel, in the presence of some hundreds of spectators, of all denominations. The hearse was followed by eight mourning coaches, and a considerable number of other carriages. Lady Sanderson, and her two daughters, with the children of the deceased, by a former wife, were Ihe chief mourners. A stone, at the head of vhis grave, exhibits the following epitaph, dictated by himself, a few days prior to Ilia death Here lies THE COAL HEAVER; Who departed thilS life July 1, 1813, in the 60th year of his age, Beloved of his God, but abhorred of en. The omniscient Judge, at the Grand Assize, Shall ratify and confirm this, T,) the confusioo of tDany Thousands; For England and its Metropolis shall know Thai there hath been A PROPHET among them W II. S. S. A young lady of great fortune who had been given fit marriage hy Buonaparte to one of his military officers, poisoned herself in Paris last month to avoid the nuptials A letter was lately read before the Linean Society, giving an account of a very singular change which takes place daily in the leaves of a species of gotylcdon, from India, which is cllltivated in many hot-houses. lii ilic oiorii- ing these leaves are as sour as those of sorrel, at noon they are tasteless, and i:i the evening I ihey are somewhat bitter. This singular chtnge has been explained, hy sunposiag that tiie plant absorbs oxygen ias during the night, and forms an acid, which is again de- composed during Ihe day. M. Gallaud, t e geometrician, of Char- veux, near Niort, has obtained from the French Government a brevet of invenlion, for a new system ol optiCs and heliophiogia Phis learned mall supplies the plafe of concave and convex glasses by dioptric squares, which magnify or approximate objects by repre- senting their insages in all lllliform manlier 011 all the points ot their surfaces, which is not done by the ordinary glasses. ills quad- rangular diophlogia presents a very great and very valuable economy of combustible sub- stances, by uniting in one point a giva num- ber ot burning foci, winch produce,at pleasure, all the degrees of heat necessary tor the usages of life, and I tie sciences aud arts. 1 hanks were lasl night unanimously voted by both Housos of Parliament, to the Mar- quis of Wellington, the Officers arid army under ins command, for the skill and valour which had achieved, on the 21st June, tiie decisive and splendid victory over Ihe French army near Vritroria. In the House of Lords Earl Bathnrsl particularly mentioned the death of Lieutenant Colonel Cadogan. A braver or more meritorious officer," his Lordship said, this Counlry never possessed. When he received that wound in the engagement whieh Soon afterwards proved mortal, he de. sired his soldiers to bear hilll to a neibbollr iog emincnce. There he leaned his back against a tree, and continued to gaze over 11 tile battle until ins eyes were closed for ever The same circumstance was alluded to in the House of Commons by Lord Casliereagh. This affeeling description reminds us of the death of General Wolfe, and is al ouee such a forcible re present ion of a true hero, that we trust Lord Lauderdale's recommendation of a monument to his memory willhe attended to. The Metropolis was again illuminated last night: it was [lie Itilrd atij last on the present glorious occasion. The enthusiasm of the people had not abated, but it no where broke out into any acl of lumult or disorder: it was an enthusiasm animated by the best passions, and regulated by the best feelings aud princi- I tl ples. The illuminations were in many cases greatly improved, and many new ones, as well as transparencies, were added to the previ- ously existing slock. Hay <'Inking; by jilachinei-Y.-At the late meeting of the Bath and West of England Agricultural Society, an artist exhibited a machine for tedding hay, said to he equal to the complete separation of the crop of lwenly acres within the day. the work was done with greÚI rapidity, and so completely, that not a lock could he found unshaken. The application of machinery to a purpose for which hands often cannot be found, and wherein much idleness and inattention prevail, i3 a consummation devoutly to be wished." We (eel aware, that many will plead in behalf oflhe poor, who, it will be said, must be in- jured by the adoption of such a device but this clamour has prevailed Oil every occasion, when lIovel pracl Ices, far more ruinous to all appearance to the interests of the lower das ses, have been started; With this machine, a farmer can merely by means of a hoy aud a pony, begin his hay making at a moment's warning, and execute a most material part of it with ten fold ease, expedition and certainty. Tire company present at tins experiment all approved of the « rinciple of the machine, but at the same lime objected both to the price and the want of simplicity. We understand that endeavours will he made to produce one devoid of sllch ohJel'1 ¡',HIS! he next hay season. The Inhabitants of (I by that spirit, of.loyalty and genuine love of their conn ,,i)irit of -111* •Ty, which they possess in an eminent degree, united on the 5t.h July, with the visitors of that most romantic sea-bathing place, in cekbration ol the glorious and important victory obtained over the French on the 21st June, by the most NoMe the Marquis of aiiii his aimy. A lil)era.i s(it).,ci-il)tioit wis ciite_re(I many tar barrels purchased—and at nine o'clock were assembled upon the Sand Hill, opposite to the Corsygedol Arms, every Gentleman and In- habitant of the place. The bonfire was lighted, and burst, into a most splendid blaze, illuminat- ing the very sea and mountains adjacent. The letter of Lord Baihurst: to the Lord Mayor was read,—(iod Save the King, sung—the King's health drank, and voIJjes of small arms fired;— the Prince Itegent—Lord Wellington and his army were afterwards drank in the same loyal aod enthusiastic manner-Lasting prosperity to the loyal inhabitants and trade of Barmouth. The Visitors were-Lady aud Mr. Parkyns Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Myidelton, and family Mrs. aud Miss and Mr. Appleby Mr. and Mrs. Bel- I)Iet)y Mi lamy Mr. and Miss Barber Mr. Ryland Mr. Witten Rev. Mr. and Mrs Eden; Mr. Russell Mr. and Mrs. Ed wards Vlts* Wytiiie, &c. &c.







London, Monday Evening, July…


Family Notices