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London, Monday Evening, June…


London, Monday Evening, June 28. ON the 6th the Armistice was made known. Into the causes that led to it no insight is given, nor is any mention made of a Congress or of Negociation, though a report prevailed this morning that Ministers are in daily expec- tation of the arrival of an Austrian Nobleman, with a notification of the Armistice from the Emperor of Austria. accompanied by an invi- tation to send a Minister to the proposed Con- gress. The Nobleman it is supposed will come by the ivay (if Calais. It is probable that Sir Charles Stewart's dispatch prepared oiir Go- vernment to expect a communication from the Emperor of Austria. On Saturday a foreign boat was discovered off Dover, making for the shore, but owing to the badness of the sail, &c. unable to reach it one ofL,rl gallies went off to its assistance, but the wind blowing strong, from tbe East could not reach it till it got near Dimcburcli it had on board two Dutchmen who had made their escape from Helvoelsluys. They were .talien on board one of the reveitic culters and landed at Dover yesterday; the account they give is, that they belonged to one of the 74 gun ships in the Texel, all the men of which had been marched off to join the army, to gether wilh all the men who were-capable of bearing arms, on board the Scheidt fleet, but these two having made their escape, got to Rotterdam, and from thence to [ielvoetsluys, where they tooli a boat and put to sea they had only one oar, and the sad was made of an old blanket, and part of their shirts with this miserable equipment they put to sea to escape I be iron gripe of Buonaparte. Luckily the -weather was tolerably moderate, or the must have perished. The fleet, as they say, is eatirely'dismantled, every elfectiveman hav inj; been-marched-off both from the sea and out of the towns,-&c. on the coast. The vessel with Messrs. Gallatin and Bayard, who have been appointed Ministers Plenipo lentiaiy from the United States, has been spoken with in the Slieve hy one of our cruisers. It is supposed that they will proceed to the Congress, if a Congress be held, for the isegociation of peace. There are private letters from Paris of the 23ul, which mention a great rise in llitjFteuch Funds. Omnium rose this morning nearJy half per cent. This is the day on which the Receipts are taken in, and they were taken very eagerly. t, p n tc, R n f ,« rn r ksi 3 per Cefu Consols — 3 per Cent Red 56|-| J 1 f. t J B :i <)tn"iuin -m consols for Acct 5"{R

To the Editor of the LIVERPOOL…

[No title]

I'hursday, July I,

Family Notices

[No title]

[No title]



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LONBON . il A R ,< E / >.


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