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POLITICAL sUMMAiii. NORTHERN WAR.—THE progress of the French army has been considerable since the battle of Wore hen, though wherever it has encountered th covering divisions of the A I-. lied Army, the result ban been such as to inculcate the necessity ofgrent circumspccfion and prudence in all its attacks. The Allies, y diverging as they have done from Ihe rout of Bresiau, have suffered the French to inter- pose between Lhem and the greiller part of the Prnssian territory and if this movement do not meditate some very important measure, as we think it must, the consequences oil a sn view,"(Io not promise to he favorable. We nHinol refnulI our surprise al Ute greai uleiionly of force with which the A ilil's 'o;»igh.l the battie of Worchen. We had sup. posc<Uh«l the junction of Barclay de Tolii's orps wifb the Allied Armv, would, at least, have put them on all equality with the enemy but, notwithstanding that event, we see them v tsit-v by tite French armv The battie of Wurcheri, if is true, was all dforl o Buonaparte's entire strength but then, it ail eveiit foi- (jur anxiety, that though he ■ ouid not effect the objects which he was jus itied in presuming be could accomplish by h" advantage of numbers, yet that he was able to extend himself greatly beyond the position, and to put on an exlraordi- narydisplay ol bravery and skill to contest the b ;ttie,wiih the results that ensued from it. Oor h. nes are, therefore, for the moment, turned upon that .character winch the Allied Forces have evinced in battle, and upon the unalter- able constancy of their Royal leaders to it to the last—and ultimately, upon the im- mellse resources of the Russian and Prussian territories, which, if applied with vigour and promptitude, are more than sufficient to de f: at the tyrant's views for the subjugation of I hc ConilIcnt of Europe. lie may run a short career of advantage—the weight of numbers may for a while push him forward hul there is, we trust, in lheheroism and mag, nanimity in which the war is waged agains! him, the ifnal overthrow of his uelrrious pro- jects. In the licld he can force no triumph from his opponents, though he is seen hi per son regulating the movements of his artiiy- he is inddltedfor his progress to his superior- ity, which obtainsbv manceo He whal it cannot. wiii li-i balic-lie has hitherlo paid prodigally in blood for the ground he has moved over. One of the French official reports, alludes to a sharp conflict between the rear-guard of the Allies, and Macdonald's division, on the ground intersected by the Queiss and Bober but as there is nothing said beyond the mere fad, we presume the French had the worst of the contest. There is nolhing further of the missionaries from the allied camp, though the French Papers are laIc enough to afford some information on a subject in its nature so im poi tant. These make no commentary on the retreat of the Allies by Schweidnitz—a silence from which, perhaps, some favorable auguries may he drawn. An account from Vienna slates the assemblage of a State Council, at which the Emperor of Austria presided, and, during the convention of which,Count Bnbna, the Austrian officer who had repaired to the French head-quarters, had returned. Nothing had transpired from his arrival.


"/'Hili'-IiiIII LONDON.