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I CURIOUS PROPHECY. The following curious prophecy, in which a warm imagination may possibly see some allusion to the present times, is copied from a iittle book, entitled Calastrophi mundi, or Merlin Hevived, published in London, iu the year 1683. Anancieni prophecy of Sybella Tiburlinn, i found in the year 15^0, in the bowels of the mountain l'aurus, in Switzerland, after a great inundation ot waters, which broke down a part of that mountain, and left discovered in the ruins the following words, fairly engraveIl upon a large marbie stone, in very old Latin characters and style, which is in English thus: A Star shiili arise in Europe over the lber nians, towards the Great House of the North, whose beams shall unexpectedly enlightcn the whole world. This shall be in a most desired l ime, whet mortals, wearied with wars, shall unanimously desire pcaec.-They shall strive, indeed, by ocraiou of a long lasting interregnum, with varies studies, which shall obtain the reins of empire. But at last the oflspring of the ancient blood shall overcome, and profeed victoriously by force of arms, until resisted y 1 -1 by contrary fates. For about the same time, this Star set. another coeval light blaz nig wilh more ardent flames of war shall spread his empire even to lhecoasts of the An- tipodes. But first France shall submit her neck to Ins yoke, and Britany, suppliant in ships, shall stretch out to him her languishing hand but this bright beam before his time, shall, with the vast desire of men, abscond himself in the clouds of the gods. Who, being extinct, after direful and bloodv comets, and flashes of fire seen in the heavens, there shall remain nothing for the future, safe or healthy amongst men. The firmament of heaven shall be dissolved, and the planets be opposed in contrary courses. The spheres shall justle one amongst another, and the fixed stars move faster than the plan ets. The seas swell as high as the mountains, and nothing remain but night, destruction, ruin, damnation, and eternal misery I his ancient prophecy is recited by Corne- lius Gemma, in his treatise of Supernatural Apparitions, and taken not ice of by several oiher good authors, as particularly the in- comparably learned Tycho Brahe, 111 his dis- course on the new star that appeared aiitio 1572, who thus expresses his judgment of it:— 1* lhere were," sailli he. divers exposilions of Ibis propiiec\, at the time when it was first found out some interpreting it of Charles the Fifth, others drew Ih meaning of it to Philip King of Spain, and some thought the King of France was meant thereby htlt I think thai il doth rather pomt out those lberi, who inhabit northward, tow ard Muscovia. So that this oracle of Sybilla Tiburti: a did not denote the Spaniards, but those Iberians which are neai unto the Muscovites, especially when she useth these wot-ds Qttprii lbei-os ad Magrtam Splentrioni Domum. Over the I fieri, towards the great house of Ihe North and truly Muscovia, Scythia, and Tarlaria, do make a great part of Europe, so that it may well he called the great bouse of the North; and therefore, since this unusual star did cast its perpendicular beams and influences on the country of Muscovia, it is not lo be doubted hot that this star, together with th;it tract of land, doth agree with the Sybilline Oracle." 18 Anecdote.—Eccentricity is frequently the object of ridicule, hot rarely of profit « as was the instance of Mr. Morrisco, aw emi- lIent weaver 111 London, and a mall of vast possessions resident iu Spital-fields, who had a Dili drawn upon him trom abroad of 80,000'. which was held by an Amhassadol; at our Court for acceptance. VVheii I lie,) ld gentleman made- his appearance, the messenger wag appalled at his figure, which exhibited penury personi- fied ho tnerelore hurried back lo the Ambas- sador, full of doubts and fears whether it could be possible siicb a mall should be capable of raising over 80.000/. The representative ofSo- vereignty, terrified at the ide 1 ot his probable loss resohed to satisfy hllllself hYIJers uat inspection "Iiich he had 110 sooner done, than Morrisco divined his thoughts, and to. east ttieiii, and to turn his ooubts to present profit, he offered ft) pay lhe bill immediately tor a valuable consideration the offer was gladly accepted, and viorrisco fairly pocket- ed 40001 the produce of his shabby habili- ments. mecdote of Lucien Bonaparte.fol- lowing anecdote of LUCien Hot aoarte, now residing near Worcester, (ksencs to lie e- nerally known. When the Due D'Lngluen was seized, Lucien, who knew Napoleon'* intentions, felt !o I)reveiii it, -,in(I repaired to the Tliuiiienes He remonstrated against a deed which would shock the moral' feeling of mankind. and stamp eternal disgrace on the name of Bonaparte. He used everv argument which his ingenuity could devise*; but Napoleon remained inflexible, and he waa obliged to retire without effeciing his purpose. As a last resource, Lucien went to his mother, roused tier feelings against the atrocious deed, and urged her to employ her whole art of per- suasion to avert it. The lady without delay hastened to Ihe palace, and, presenting her- self before her son, fell down on one knee. She conjured him, by nis regard for his fami- ly, to save file life of the Dnke she also con- jured bin; by the honour--of tlie French nation, and by his own glory, to grant her request; but he respectfully raised her up. and told her that lie could not grant her request, be- cause reasons of stale which she could not comprehend, prescribed bis conduct. Lucien when lie le aned the unfavourable issue of his mother's application, lfew again to the Thuil- leries, rushed into the presence of his brother, and, upbraiding him in severe language, Na. poleon became equally incensed—Lucien seiz, cd him hy the collar; but, a general in wait- ing separated them. Lucien gave up the conleg! ¡ qllit l'rarH:e," said he, aN he waf! about lo retire 1, for I will iiot live iiiider a. man who disgraces hiulself at once as a son by lils v.ti)t oi" aiid as mail by I)is cruelly. You will render every man," conti- nued h. addressing his brother, your ens" my and the day may approach, when like a second Nero, you will be dragged through the streets of Parisand taking a valuable repeating watch from his pocket, to give emphasis to his argument, lie laid it on the floor, and, stamping on it, exclaimed, hike that YOll will be dashed in pieces-like tltat- like that,—as he repeatedly stamped on the watch. He tticii left Paris, and settled at Rome. TIDE TABLE FOR THE ENSUING WEEK, K J5 G LAV4N SAKUS, S M I ° n ;<< S 3 pfeHH- BO5„O £ «.», 52 *<B* p > o May be crossed 3 **> i* a SS$ £ £ «* b hours after high «( e ° « S £ 2 v-ater, andconti- 81 » o nue safe & hours* ,¡:W u Daus mr-rm nigh High High Tnpi JJoMavs "ays. Water Water Water Water Water Water ^o^ays. MAY. H. M. II. M. H. M. H. M.IH. M. | H. M. Thursday 27 4 18 5 IS 5 58 6 48 7 8 i 7 8 Fri-iav, 28 5 6 6 6 6 4G 7 36 7 56 | 8 4G Saturday .29 5 54 6 54 7 34 8 24 8 44 i 9 34 5th S.af.Easter. Sunday 30 6 42 7 42 8 22 9 12 i 9 32 10 22 Monday St 7 30 8 30 9 10 10 0t 10 20 11 12 Tuesday TUNE 1 8 18 9 18 9 58 10 48 i 11 8 11 8 j Wednesday. 2 | 9 C i 10 6 10 46 11 36 | 11 56 12 46 BA NGOR Printed and Published by J. Broster. Orders, for this paper, are received in London, b~ Tayler and Newfon, Warwick-square—and J. White, 33, Fleet-street.