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SURRENDER OF THORN. THE intelligence transmitted to Mr. Cock- fmrne at Hamburgh, and by him sent to Go vernment, is not confirmed. Some papers assert, that our Minister at Hamburgh only stated an opinion that Dantzic bad fallen. The statement was to the followitig effect -That just as he was writing his letter to Govern- ment, ad vices had been communicated to him by General Tettenbom we believe, of the surrender ot Dantzic by capitulation that the intelligence had come from General Witt- genstein, at Dessau, who knew only the bare fact, but not the details, which, however. lie would send the moment they-reached him." This was the substance of the communication to Mr. Cockburne, which certainly he could not doubt, and which, of course, he trans- mitted to Government. Had it not been con veyed to Government in so positive a way, we should have stated that some doubts were en- P, tertainlupon the subject. To mistake one fortress for another seems strange but it is the fortress of Thorn that has fallen and not Dantzic. A dispatch was received yesterday .from General Stewart at Berlin, dated on the 23d, announcing that Th om. had surrendered by capitu!ation to the Russians. The French part of the garrison were made prisoners of war—the Bavarians were allowed their parole, There was found in the fortress a very large quantity of heavy artillery, which was imme- diately sent off to the besieging army before Dantzic. And hence we hope to hear, ere long, that the latter place has fallen. Thorn, though an important fortress, situated as it is on the direct road from Poland to Berlin, is certainly a much inferior acquisition to Dant- zic, and hence we expect some will consi- tier Thorn as a tritling possession, whilst mag- nifying the consequence of Dantzic, they pour upon us the full tide of their gloomy appre- hensions, because that place is still in the power of the enemy. The advices from Genera! Stewart, and from Hamburgh give us reason to expect hourly inosl important intelligence. Bhicher and General D'Yorck have combined their force, and are understood to have crossed the Saafc, to bring Beauharnois to a battle. Reauhar- lIoisis said to have fallen back from the Saale, it having been ascertained to in: Bonaparte's intention, to try to drive the Allies from the Banks of the Elhe, and thus to make himself al';ilii iiiaster of the mouths of that river and the Weser, cutting off all coiifmrniicaUon from this country, and Deniiiirk 10 join her force to his. It is prohabje that the next advices will bring us tIteiulelligence of a great. battle. Seba-siiaiti has advanced with a e i, considerable force to Luneburg, and DCIrIl berg, and Benkedorff's corps, which were bc- tween the Weser and the Elbe, have again crossed to the right side of the E!hc We understand that TOGO more Swedes have landed, and we trust that the whole Swedish force, with the Crown Prince at their head,, will arrive time enough to take part in the first great buttle. PRICE OF STOCKS. per Cent Consots. 59il 3 per Cent lte(i 5SH H4 4 per Cent. 7'if 78 5 per Ceiit

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Thursday, May 6,.,