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THE LLE WkNY ESTATE, NORTH WALES. MESSfl?. WIN STANLEY and SON, re »[»«'(?M'ullv a qua nt the Publi-, 'ha he Lewenv F« s r, si lid e io the co nnies o; an Fill) Vi>r'!i Wale- adve ised 'o be .'•ill hy a :Cinn, ill 48 h: "II W,c'la} .irt t t\.» \m the *9'h and SO'b .ian. is^iis^ed of if,t C,)!ttritet. Loudt.ny Mug 12, löH). JMEXAI PITT CLUS, JT~MTE nexf Meeting "f 'h« Members of the J MEN ^1 PI I T CLUB, will he held a-" ,th Sporuman Lin, in the town 1 Carnarvon, M >u l.iy the iesth insian', in order to releh,-ale 4he Anniversary of 'lie Birth Day of the Right "^•»n<)iir,ihltf WILLIAM ,¡ITT, when the Presi- deill expe-ts a full attendance, to honour die of ihaf immortal Statesman, and tosup- Port the principle* hy which he preserved Britain (lie r,,e w,ii(-h I)y the destructive spirit of tb;: Preach Revolution has OVClwiiellUiMi the .uions-of Europe. Sir IV. B. HUGHES, President. (;t'nl}cnwo ire requeued to attend Set-,e-ary ?| "He o'clock, to propose and ballot in New Members, and dinner will he ready at 4 o clock. THO. Jo.nss, Secretary. ^ntj/von.$fa:j 1 th, HH n. Si'dLLiiJAS, T > rov ER Tills SEASON7, ,.It Two Gnin-ai the. ii find f'urae Shillings ike Groom; or Gui'teas l/ee i'ou! THE WEU CUED A "to KNOW" BOUSE, JOHN BULL: RlT'l SIRE is now covering; in Scotland, at "^JL Ten Guineas the Season,-afid Mare* sent hundred ndes to hin. "1')\1.\ DR Y'. )-ie the Season, and three shdlimrs the «>• 21. 5-i. the F>al, a beatitilijl BAY '(*r?SK, wi«t» !r.i > I black le^s, and a hatvKmue in hi" fore he ad, fir'een hands anH a half-high, is ^real hone and iirure, rising four years "I- over soon 1 and free f >mi blemishes, and re- ^rkablv te npca'e; ■>:<" by the celebrated horse ORANGE FLOv\ LR, •P-VT or A uriru rtKoaoitiP **«* lie is alJtwe by judges to ht a likely to list-It,) and valuable stock. He will aI- I |y><J ut Carn.irvon every rather Si'tir lay, and ^'jiinog VIon lay-, at Pwllheli Wednesdays, at ~bwilos: Inn Thursdays and Fridays and the •"ernate weeks ar Madryn. N. ki. Several we't hred col's ro be sold, sro' by Stallions, out <j{ good and useful iH< £ r-e*. Angfosty. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTIOV, .&t tht, George and Dragon Inn, n Llanerch. f'uel'l, ita the ifterno,)ti oIf Wetineii(i;L) the 6'h 'al of •!urie IS 10, in the following Lots. xiiii. ject fo Mich con i-Mns as shall be then prrt. ^U"e- unit, is ,iisi>osed of in 'he mean twne hy I'rivH'e Coiijract, of which due notice will be givell L'OT AL1. that Vi'swia^-e, TcnenTenf. nrd Lands, 1, called Cdlt Heli^ situate ;iti tin', parish of ''anfecbell, in 'he ski-I county, in it),, holding of t "1111 Owen. coufaiiiifig 'zKa. r-. ftp. or tliere1- ¡¡bout, V LOT 2. An that Messnaire, Tenement and l-ands,called a° > Orais, situate in the parish of H »l>»pead, Mie saiil t-ouill), in the holdings of Owen le., and If ic'sard Oweri, enntainiug 7a-. I r. 30p Itiert,ah()tjf. 1.°' 1st. I < beautifully situate wittlin,a qtjirter a Mile of file port of Ceii>nia«s, which alibrds ''t' necessary articles of manure—lime, saad and lea töl\¡:' in the greatest ahuII.b1.-ce.. Lot 2d. Is situate close to U'dyhead Tijrjijjikei, "d capable of iaiproveir.ent. for par ic.nlars apply to Mr. Rokt. Pfichard, ^nruej. Llwydiarrh Esgnb, Anglesey, at nme O'fitie the surveys of tlie above \\I1&t." mav he seen. < CJRNARPON. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, oAt the Sportsman's Inn, in the town of Carnar. Von, on Saturday. t*ie 2^d day of June, 1810, between the hours of three and five in the af- ternoon, in stich lots, and subject to liucb cou. ditions as shai) be then agreed upon. A Li. that FREEHOLD messuage Of DWI fd.INO HOUSE, called tfoe Car. i'^rvon fas'!e, with th<? Plot, Piece, or Parcelof l5"i(l or Oroun I. belonging «'»nd adjoining thereto, littiale in Castle S'recf. in the town of Cariiar- j,"n, and now it, t}1(i ocetipii''°D °f William WiJ. ^'aiiis, victualler. The above Dwelling.hon«i9 is Contiguous to the j*>arke'-p!ace in Carnarvon, and well a.-tapfed "T public line, an the ground adjacent thereto jk»y he divided info advantageous allolments, for "le purpose of building iij>on. v Also all those two \li<;s?*U\or:S, DWELl- *N0. HO USES and PKEMlSRg, situate in Hole 'he Wall Street in Carnarvon aforesaid, and bf\ in the several holdings of Wi'Maiii Wiliiauis 8tV:,emaker, anvl Roherf Jones, la;lor. And also all that SHOP and PREMISES, 81tate near the Bridge leading towards Porth- tnawr, in Carnarvon aforesaid, now in the occu- !I.HIII" or Alln Davies, widow. The last mentioned dwelling hons?s and shop re hidd uodi-r a lease for Ihree lives, one where* f 's now Lv it!s>. The tenaiits (who are all at will) will shew the .esPec jye premises, and further-particulars may se had ;»t the Office of Mr, IK R, WII.UA.MS, °iicitor, CaFuarvon ON SALE, At J. Jones's, it'itie andfpirit I' aull, CARNAltvox. LONDON DOUliLE SINGLE BROWN STOt T PORTER. la Bolts* Casks% ithd Bottle* AND ALSO BOTTLED CYOER AND PERRY. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At the Eagle* Inn, in the city of Bangor, in the county of Carnarvon, on Thins ay the 1st day of May iristan', between the hours of three and 5 o'clock in he afternoon, and subject to such condi ions as shall be 'hen produced, un- Jess disposed of mi the mean ruie by Contract, of which due notice will be given ALL that valuable and well accustomed WA TER CORN GKtsT MILL with the or Dwelling.hoiiie, Sta- le, Store-ijnuse n,1 Appurtenances thereto belongm;, si.'ua'p ami being on the ri^tr Ccgin, In Iu parisli of iia.ii-" gor, iu the said count v, caik> i Nit-i-il la'e in the ,)Cdlp¡¡'lnn oj' Mrs. HOBER rs ot Pciidre, ieceasi-o; winch premises a ie held by Lease U!Ier tile L'Isti"l) of iiiitig,)i- fur 21 years from die day of February, lasi pas1, subject '0 a reserv e.I rent of .£i 6s. 8d. per all This Mill a in a good stafe of re pan, has a ck)iii,aitf, supply of waier, and -he Lease has the aiUanta^e: of being renewable at ihe en,I of every 7 oil payment of a line as is usual vv itil L ases under ihe See of B;oig.»r at the same time will he sold in excellent Vliil Horse. Also all-ihat Field or Parcel of Lund with the Apptireoances, called Che Coch, situau: ami tieing near Bangor ferry, in the said parish of Bangor, containing by admeasurement 4a. Sr. Up. or thereabouts, hel i by Lea^e under the said Lord Hidwp, from. te 3hr of March last past tHf ti year*, at a reserved rest, of £0 Is. 4d. and is now in rhe occupation of Robert Iollci, jtyeoinau. C'ae Coch contains a cood Stone Quarry :which uia.i be worked wi h 'he consent of the fsaid Lofd Bislifip, a i l the Lease may lie reiifc-ed as above ui'Tii io*u d. Alsoainost d silable and compact Freehold Messuage or D'*elii<ig»house, Brew»house, Gar- den, and l*feinises, with the Appurtenances, si'tia e in 4igh-sireet, in the said city o Bangor, Id I in The occupation of Mrs. Heyi.anu; coii- taiHiiig Ti good parlours, with a tiih closet joining, 3 good bedroo.its, a kttedten, p'amry, ctdla-^and brewhouse wiih i,o,)tii, ot)ove, and a, | we! i i the Lot A-. Umshetl, :d'rtperett, ips(i liaintel fit' a neat stile, anil is a desirable residence for a small genteel family. \LSO TO BE LET, INI) ESTRRBO UPON IMMEDIATELY, An excellent new Dwelling-house ami Garden, si'ua'e in 11 in fhe said city of Bangor, comprising 2 good parlours on 'he roun i floor, a tea-room Is ft-ei by 16, and bedroom on lie t;i Qoor, S excellent lodging-rooms oil the second doe r with coiumodioss and a good kitchen, eel'ar, and wash-house, Fo. further particular*apply <o Mr.ROBERTS, Attoinej and Notary Public, Bangor, Mytti/dd■, Mtfnylho, Ca)-gifadrpn. and Khosddu INCLO DURK. ITSSundcrsi^ne<l,lieing IIk; -Stvle Com- 1, inissioner, ap|H)in<#d by virtue of an Act ( I parliament passed tfl the 48th year of file R. ig i of his present Majesty, intituled, "an Act for luclosftig Lauds m the several parislies of Llanbedrog-, LlaitiihangH, FLchcUClh, Llian- gian, and Llaniestyn, ill the cotitify of Ctfrnar- rtvon," Do hereby re That a Meelipz *f(w potting 'the said Act into cxecu' ion, will he held at the Crownand Anchor, in the town of Pwllheli, in the said couutys rtts Wedi.esday the sixth day of June next, atl2 o'clock at noon of the same da), when ami where all bodies, corporate-or jolitic, w;f.!o ,;flat[ have | or-claiin any "Commons or other Tight to, or fit the commons and waste lands by the said recited Ad directed to be inclosed, are required to deliver or cau-e to he delivered tu me all account ot schedule in writing, signed hy them or their res.. pecive husba'uds, guardians-, irustr-ess, couimit- tees, or agents of sucli their respective righrs-or claims, and therein describe the ivst)ecti%v nje, suages, lands, tenemefrts, and tiereditauients (and iheaniotiiv of the land-ta* cliarged thereon) in respect whereof they shall respectively claim, be entitled to auy and which of sucti'righ's m an<t' upoa the same or any iflart thereof, with the name or names of the fiersons tlieu in the actual possession thereof, and the particular computed quantities of the saiwe resfK-ciivei), and ot" what nature and extent such right is, and also in w4tai right and for ^hatcsfare and interest they Claim tar same respectively, distinguishing the ;ieeuold from n e copyhold or leasehold, or ou ilJu-com- pliance therewith, ever) oftileiii m«Kmg default therein, shall as tar onlyas respects ail..v claim so neglected to be delivered, fie totally barred and excluded of and from all right and fif:c io of upon such lands so to be divided respectively, a d of and from all benefit and adtau age m (It to any share or allotment thereof, i,niess I sha 1 for goitie special reason thiuk proper to allow further time for delivering t<r uie att accouut of any su. h rights and claims; Jnd I do hereby "ire furthcL. Sotice, That if any person or persons snail cut, dig, grave, lay, or carry any turf, pea', furze, or heath, in upon Of from the said commons and vas e lands hereinbefore mentioned or i.,ny part thereof (other than t'sc persous who are en- t tied thereto un ler 'aU recited Ac', and in sut h p'ace as is no" all ) ed out by me the said ( oin nissioner) 11 she or rhev shall he prosecu- ted for sm-h off. ice to the ir'nos' rigour of the Law, and any peisou wio shall give information of such offence, being co tniiued « me the said Commissioner, or ivir. Ro it. fi'ridith, solicitor, P.vllheli, shall receive a re'falll 01 ze I Is. Od. ■ upon conviction ot the person so'defending in manner aforesaid. R. ELLIS, Commissioner. PxsUHelit ? itfaj 1-U/i, 1310. S U A 11 i>, • careful p.rlivM A RJ N KK, »s tw the Brigairiue Mai), of i re i)airin,a! W-itutii,ai-i and wifl^uTrSHKgpr sea ¡na (Oouth. A )io it, he ma?fetn Mlt, »s. Bull's H ea ¡!. M a if I, Is 10. < oi S3 of K',000 To.of 1,000 47 oi 6,001) ,| 99 &00 HORBY aud (':ü,f'o(k-C'-rokers,!lhnr,: ed and soUi the above Capital Prizes. &" i-ai(i -It(- sat-ne )ti oil JUN F, the 8tti, 'lie S'I'A,ri,l RV vvill I)egiii "lid liii,sti.- Four Extra Chances are given, by which th.* Holder of only a "ixteenth share can obtain SIX THOUSAND GUINEAS. Tickets,-Halves, Quarters, and Eighths, their several proportions, 'rders h 1>061 or.rafrlt'r eXccnlt'1 Oil TIll' ,;dn: •erms as if present, at theij; Old Established State Lottery 0^20, Cornhili, imd Si. Mar- garet's Hill, B,,rotieii.-A I%o ift !tic ir A Mr. THOS. POOLE, Bookseller, ( hesler. NE.I' .VrATv; LO fTERV, To be Drawn in June. MESSRS. HAZAKD, BUBNK, AND R<>. Stock -Brokers, London, respectfully in- form file Public, that Ticke's and Shares for ihe I presen Sta'e Lottery are ori su e at !heu Office, No. 93, Royal Exchange. The Scheme is on the sa ne Improved Plan as the last, a» tu mi.uber of Ticket*, mode'of Draw- ing, &c. and presents iiiad o* <m to he >'200,000 of rizts, FOUR EXTRA BENEFITS, Of I vO Vlw! c Tickets c-ich, Which are '0 Le given to the Four Tickets oft lie First Nii.iil)er it-awii a Prize above £ 15. Letters, post paid, dilly answered, and schemes gi-ii 1 is. Bank, India, and South Sea S'oelcs, "1 "twit liieve,al Alllliiti..s, h'lia !n', Fx/'II"\I"r Bil!. andevery desori jHion of Government Securities, her"lit and ,iclft b y Com iiis-iou. j 4 II .r V T WERIOJVErii REGIMENT OF Local Militia. TRAINING AND EXCERCISING. NOTICE is hereby given, Io all persons enrolled in the said Regiment, that they are to appear at the town of Bala, iu the e unty of Merioneth, on Friday, the twenty-fifth day of May, 18-fO, at 12 o'clock af noon, in order fo be trained att-1 exercised for 20 days exclusive of the day? of arrival at, and return from Baia^ being the time and place appointed by the Lord 'Lieutenant, or Genera-l Meeting of Lieutenancy, -for (tie iii(I coutity. And that every pet-soti wh,) shall jnot appear at the said time and place, will be decined a detierter. WALTER JONES, Clerk of the General Meetings, Cel", RliÇ, 2d May, 18*10. jCjfc- County of Carnarom, LOCAL MILITIA. Notice is hertby Given, flr it AT at a General Meeting of hi* Ma- il jesty's Lieutenancy of the taid County, J, holden at Carnarvon, on the seven■ h day of May 1810, for putting into execution the Acts of Par- liament retatinto the Local Militia. It, was ordered, that the Regitneiit of Locat Militia of the said County should e called out trained and exercised, for the space of twenty en- tire days, exclusive of the days of arriving at, and departure from, and ta&rchmg to and fiom the place appointed for exercise, and that the Men stiall asseiiibile at the place and times follow* ing, that is to say, in the Town of Carnarvon, in the said County, on Thursday the Thi.ty first [JITY af IlIa:I llltallt. by twelve o'clock at noun, and that the Serjeants, Corporals, and Drum- mers, belonging to the said Regiment, are to as* semble at Carnarvon aforesaid, on Thursday thl- Twenty fou th Dan of May Ins'an', by twelve o'clock a? noon, for seven extra days of exercise previous to the Meeting of the remainder of the said Regiment, of which all persons enrolled to serve in the said Regiment of Local Militia, are requested to take Notice and to attend at the times and place aforesaid, for the purposes ir the said Acts of Pariiammf contained, as they will answer for the consequences. By order of his Majesty's Lieutenancy, O.A.POOLE, CARVARVOy y 1 th Vay, lHt) Clerk of General Meetings, f jS i*' distiiijiuisbt-d i eaiurm «l the prcsec A Lot't'iy are presented to the Public iw th. luiitiwiiig iScbeiiie, which con aius r, Four Prizes of Tickets. lie's 9)00 1 Divided in th? following MONEY PHIZES* 4 Pri zes of £ 20,000 are £ §0,000 4 5,000 20,000 It 1,000 20 600 10,000 O 100 44 SO 2,:00 SG 25 900 4,860 15 121,900 The Four extra Prizes of Tickets will he de er- mined in the iollow ng mannerTo the iir, Iravvn Pri/ie above « £ i5-, (nor tailing to either oi 'h iiiider-ineiitioned Numbers) will be given in] addition ttie following 1 GR AND B EN EF1T PI? IZES I'f the far(v:nate. Number in of the Letter A, 1 no..rickets c >mprK-ed fn No. 1,951 to 1,S?5 11, IUOJitto in 3.001 to C, 100 ditto comiirUcd in 4,751 to 4,T73 I). 100 ditto Comprised in 2 5'H to 2,525 illl al! 'he P.-ize* Itial ImHi he severally drawn against them by v. hiob means One 1 i kf>t may pain £ 100,000 TtfKFTS A NT) S HAR F S Are selling at all *he Lo"ery Ofifces in this County. l\( LO SURE. ITM E undersigned, being I Ire sole C oni inissioner appointed hy an Act of Pallia me passed in 'he 49 ii year of he reign of h:- p.esent Maies y mtitled, i.n Act for iiielosin^ ia ift, in the town,hips of Llan, l'rewyn Bodlow- all,l ill itie yf lIan, 111 the jiarisn of LiaiieLJan-, in the Couiily ol Denbigh Do hereby give Police, that under the authority of 'he sari Àrt, 1 wilt cause to he put tili to sale hy public arc ion, at the White Lion Inn, in Ruthin, on Monday rhc IS'h day oi June 1810, at 4 o clock in the al'fe! IK'OII, subject to coiKttiions to he then p'odaced the following parcels of lands on the common: callcd situate in the iiitt (d wusliies tuj f manor. rot 1. An Allp'mentconrairiing tla. 2r. 361). hounded on the north by Lot 2, on the south hy the turn- pike road leading from Bala to Wrexham, on the Kest by Lot 3, and on the ea^t by part of said common. lot S. An Allotment containing 12". hounded on the 'north hy part of ihe said common, on the south hy Lot I tut 3, on the west by a ftairiage road learling from Rna.vlfelun to tfte tumplive road leading from Bala to Wrexham, and oil the east by other parr of the saiil common. LOT S. An Allotitient (,Oii'aii)iiig Sa. Sr. 15p. bounded on the north by Lot 2, on the south by the said turnpike road leading from Bala to Wrexham, oa the west hy Lot 4, and OH the east by Lot 1. LOT 4. An Allotment containing 9a. 0. 20p. "bounded On the north and west by the said carriage road leading from Rhaol felun ro the said turnpike road leading from Bala to Wrexham, on <tie south by ihe said turnpike road leading from Bala to Wrexham, and on the east by Lot-3. LOT 5. An \llotment containing 10a. Sr. tSI). boun(led on the north by a carriage road leading frOIll Ctwyddelwern to Wrexham, on the south by the said turnpike road leading from Bala to Wrex- ham, on the West hy Lot 1 and 8, andon the east j "by the said carriage road leading from Rhewl felun to the said turnpike road leading Trotii B, izi to Wrexham. LOT 6. An Allotment containing 8a« Or. lOp. bo-uurled on the north east, by Lot and on the north west by the public road leading from Liausaiuilfraid to Llanelidan, and oa the south hy the said turnpike road leading from Bala to Wrerham., LOT 7. An Allotment containing ISa. boanded -oil tfre north by Lot 8, on the south by Lot 6, and the said turnpike road leading from Bala to Wrex- ham, on the west by the said public roal leading: from to Llanelidsa, ted-on the east by Lot 5. 2.0T 8, An Allotment containing 9a. Sr. SCp. bounded oil the north by the said carriage road leading from Gwyddtlwern to Wrexham, on the south by Lot 7, on the wst hy the said rmhlic road leading from Llansaintffraid to Llanelidan, and on the east by Lot 5. LOT 9. An Allotmentconfaining 10a. Or, 25p, bounded on the north west by the said public road leading from Llansaintffraid to 1.1artfelidati, on the south by part of the said common, and aa undent in- closure twi Maes Ý Trayan, in the holding 01 R. JONES, and on the east by Lot 10. LOT 10. An Allotment containing 12a Or. 30p. bound ed on the north by the said public road leading from Llansaintffraid to Ltunelidan, oil the soutii by rh said ancient Inclosure, on the west rn Lot 9, and oa the earthy part of the .said com- mon. Thf foregoing Allotments are marked out, and plans may he secn at the Olfne of Mr. JONKS solicitor, Rhus, Ruthin; at the house of !\1I'S, \LICE Williams, Innkeeper, at Llanelidan aforesaid and Mr. JOHN WILLIAMS, or Shiim- tier Wen, will shew the Lois. RICHARD JEDB. C',ir1(, l \lh April) loiO. I TO BE SO ft) BY AUCTION, \t the House of Mr" M illiaiii Gr.ffiih, Tailed the Bull's Head IHIU in Ihe town-of l.lfrngefni, in the county <>f Auglesea, on Friday the 8th lay of June-, 1810, between the hours of two and live in the aftern »ou, uoultr an*t snbject to sue ii cotktttitMiif 4»'W'r!l ami ibere pro» f duceit ALL I Ii a £ <nte itsidi vid<d mwiety or lalf part of all that Messuage, Tenement, Farm o»d Lan.rs, with the a»ppurteiianees, catieit ijf f N Y COEl>, situa e in the parish of i>. dedev»» ii the said coaniy of Anglesea, -and now its the enure or occupalioa of as tenuiit • i will. Alldals-lltl that undivided moiety or half art of all that Messuage, fvfieuieii'. Farm wwi l.allfl,i, vvi#h (-"I led'] 1 DDY N Y C PPI,, [,, !iiluale ill the i.ansliof Ceirclrog-^ a he said eounty of Angles, a, and now in ijie enure or ocout>at>ioa of Richard Owen, as ;ei,iiitt at will. The tenants wifl shew the respective premise*, ■nd lurtner paiticulars may be had itl live OT ee d Mr. H. K. WI-l-l?aM•<, .Solicitor, Carivarv; h. Car s .i T i (1[. TO BE LET, )k).VD L'W*rEP.ED rPoir fMMEnrATrtT, CIWO commo^ioirs IJW LL« •* 1 >G-Hi)UsES, situate in Iii^l.-S u-«t and Church-street, in 'he town of Carnarvon. The House in High S-reer consists <»f acap:f3| entrance, a dining-parlour, a«:i drawing room, nearly feet by 17 a breatvlasi-parlonr 17 i, et >y 16. a bed-room of tfte same size. i«ti a orc*+- ing-room attaehetk, an.I •<*() other bed-rooms (;0 'he first floor; hve other bed-rooms in the ar is story, all ext-t,lleiit kii( a housekeeper's -room, and other suitable ofTice^. The House raClnrrch Street conrainsa laige breakfast-parlour-, dMvmg-pariour, and tea-room, (wifh a lecess) aUo two lodging-room* on the same < ory wilh The tea-room, four excellent bed- room- ii) file -itory. (-al)ital gar-i-els, aiiit a co,nmo lions- kitchen hens are iiiieomiiiongood vaults uutler each of the Dwelling-houses ol tbe Tenants ivay be accommodated whIj htee acres of capital Laiui, contiguous to the town of i aruarv on. For further particulars apply (if ^>y let er, post-paid) to Mr. H-. It. WILLIAMS, Solicitor ( asptiarvyn. (ONr plI.Opr R.) MSiiiO V K !'H s h IR K. Licrtfathreiii trnd LlaneiHyd itiefnsures. 1THE undersigned, fhe Coiiiunssroner appointed by an Act of Parliament. s-assert 49 h year of the reign of his present |Vu- jesty, entitled, 44 an Act for iocosiug tends in -ha towllships of Naimau-nwch-yr-alon, N«ni»air-is- yr-alon, and Llanetl )<1. 11 rile pari^l.es «,i Llar- uehreth <f«d Lianell y'N .n the coun y of ihlfi- onetb." DO TtERF.HY C1P"F.Ot /r, That the next Public Meeting fof carrying nifo pffcc. the powers contained in the said Act. will be held at the Golden Lion Inn, in DolgeUy, oo Tuesday the29th day of May inst. tl4,e hours of 12 and 2 o'cloilk in the aftenim;, when I propose to receive tiwclaitHS ur all such per- sons that have any right to., ov, if) the said con., mons or wasie lands, who have not delivered in the saint,, atiti who are hereby desired to pio U>ce in writing, the name-s of the Tenements for which 'hey make such claim, specifying the sum each Tenement is assessed to (he Land Tax. And it being provided by the said Act that fhe expetices in obtaining and passing the same, and all other incidental charges and expences whatsoever, for carrying the said Act into com* ■plete execution, shall he paid by the Sale If aay part of the said wasie lands, so to be inclosed at aforesaid. Tht following Alk,lm?nt* of the said Commons, in the garish of Llandltyri, WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At the said Golden Lion Inn, in Dolgellv, on tilg said 9!n day of May inst. between the hours of 4 and 6 o'clock in the afternoon of that day subject to such conditions as shall be then and there produced A. 3E. P. LOT 1. A portion of the said com- r-qon iti the satd parish of Llanelityd, containing. 7 2 25 LOT 2. Ditto ditto. 50 0 0 lot 3. Ditto ditto. 18 0 0 LOT 4. Ditto ditto. 50 g 0 Lot I st. Lies between the high road leading frocii Dotgelly to Maentwrog and Mowddaeh river, and aboutSO yards of the said Lo\ at the north end joins Berth h-fydt the property of Wm. Oake-ey, Esq. and at the south end about 40 yards joins GeWi Gemlym, the property of the Rev. Richard Nanney. Lot 2d. Adjoins the said high road on the east, bounded on 'he north by a tenement called Maes mawr, and on the south by another called Pant llwyfog, the properties of G. Howcl Vaughan, Esq. and on the west hy Cae Gwernog, the pro- perty of Mr. William Jones, of Cae Gwernog. Lot 3d. Adjoins the high road leading from Dolgelly to Barmouth, bounded on the east by the property of NV III. Oakeloy, Esq. called Ty 'r. y celyn, and on the south by the property of Edward Corbet, Esq. called ftlaes y Garnedd. Lot 4lh. Adjoins the said high road, bounded on the sofh by Cae gwyn and Hafod y a, the properties of G. H. Vaughan, Esq" aPdBry-s melyn the property of Mrs. E. Owen, of Bar- mouth, and on the north hy ti e property of R. Hichards, Esq. called Moel isfryn, j the sa d Mrs. E. Owen's, called Maex y try far and Tai cynhauaf, and on the west by a road le: dint' from 'he said high road towards lselgwuibach. Dated !he 4th day of May, 1850 RO BT. W J LLlAMS, Commissioner. Further p¡¡rl,cu¡čs<; may he had by apply ir.g at 'he Office Of Jones and W I'iams, soMci- ors, D -Igelly or of the Commissioner at Hen* wrt ucha, where Mapsuiaybu Situ oi tbeabove AUo'.ui>;au,