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LONDON. Monday, March 26. Dutch Papers, to the 22 d March, hate been meived, and an additional Gottenburgh Mail.—The following are the contents Paris, March 10.—According to the last ac- counts from Madrid, great preparations were leaking in that city for the celebration of the festival of St. Joseph on the 19th of this month. The King had left Puerto Sania Maria in order to go to Chklana and be more in the vicinity of Cadiz. Since the nomiii-Ation of the of Neufchatel to the post of MajorrGeneral bfthe army in Spain, the Duke of Dalmatia has taken the title of Major-General to his Ca- tholic Majesty. Every day newparticular: transpire relative to the festivities which will take place in con- sequence of the marriage of His Majesty the Emperor. These festivities, it is said, will COfllinne a month, and far exceed in sumptu- ousness those of which history has preserved he remembrance under the nameof the festi- vals of the field of the sloth of gold. Atamolim other games it is said there will be u grand "tournament in the manner of our ancestors, iuthe Champ de Jlars,, in which the illustrious Empress will with her own hands distribute the crownsand.prizes to theeonquerors. The festivals are to commence in the distant parts of France on the day the Empress passes the Hiiine, and in Parison the dny of the comple- tion of the marriage, which will take place at St. Cloud. The Duke of Abrantes has left Burgos with a part of his army to proceed to Valadolid. His Imperial Highness Prirtce Borghese ar- rived here the day before yesterday.—(Royal Courant, March 22, from the Journal de L' Umpire of March 17.) Paris, March.—The King of Westphalia, ;atid the Prince of Borghese, are arrived in this capital. The Emperor and King- hils or- "dered Lite Inspectors of the Imperial Kitchens in future not lo make use of any other sugar ihan that of grapes. General Bonnet has notified from Oviedo, under date of the 18th February, that having received intelligence that the insurgents, in- tending to attack him with a very superiour force, in order lo dislodge him from his post., attackeJ, unexpectedly, their van, on the 14th and routed them so completely, that the passage of the Atora, by the bridge of Collatoi ofwhith they had rendered themselves mas- ters, was reslored., On the 15th, the enemy .assembled again near the bridge of Penuafio- ra, but sustained- there another defeat, and cre driven back to the frontiers of Gallicia. —(Rotterdam Gazette, March 22.) Pa ris, March 18. -Her Imperial Highness Ike"Princess Kliza, Grand Duchess of Tusca- ji)v, arrived here yesterday, and took her re- sidence in tiie Palace of Luxembourg. The King-of Westphalia is every moment expect- ed. The Viceroy of Italy and his Lady are like- wise expected Iwre; according to advices from JVlilan, of the 12;11 inst. they left that city on -,thettw)-.iiitig: of that day, in order to repair to Paris, where they will make a stay of some weeks. With respect to the arrival of the King of ?*>aple*, to be present at the festivities, in ce- lebration of •the .marriage, we have yet no cerUiR accounts. Advices from Naples say, that His Majesty inteuded about the 15th inst. to make ajourney into Calabria, whither lie had already sent a part of his equipage. The Journatof Turin, of the 12th inst. however, assures its, that His Majesty was immediately expected in that city ou his way to Paris. According to accounts from Munich, the Queen of N-aples had arriv" there on the 9th, and would remain there till she received cer- tain idvilee of the arrival of the new Empress -ri of France at Braiinau* -f Dort Courant, Mar oh, 22.). Amsterdam, March 12.—The Supplement of our Royal Courant of this day, contains tho following important article i— According to official accounts received from Paris, a Treaty was signed on the 16th inst. by the respective Fleuipotentaries of His Majesty the King, and His Imperial and Royal' Majesty, the Emperor of the French and King of Italy, by which, with the exception of snme unavoidable sacrifices, the existence a¡u¿ in- tegrity of the kingdom of Holland are pre- served." The same iccotititsiitatc. that His Majesty intends, immediately after the mar- riage of his august Brother, to return lo (bis country (Rotterdam Gazette, March 22.) Hamburg, Ifarch 1.-On the lstli inst. a rovalmanifcsto was issued in Berlin, accord- ing to which from and after the beginning- of the month of July of this year, no ships which, set sail 'from any port iu Europe shall be ad- mitted in any Prussian harbours, the cargo of which Consists of any other goods than those which are unprohibited according to the pre- sent continental system. All East and,WQSI li>dia produces found on hoard of such ships, shall immediately IH- confiscated. The im- portation of the like commodities being only permitted on board of ships which set sail il't,otij r(,irs of Airierici, clestit)e(i direct for a Prussia u-harbour, or from such ports of the East and WV^t Indies. ns are on terms of amity Wi'.lfFrance.—It is said, that with the consent of Russia, a empire is, ere long, to undergo a very important change. H iSülso reported, llld the "Archduke Ferdinatid, bro- ther to (h Empress of Aiifli ria, is soon to lead to the by menial altar a Princess of one of the most illustrious Houses in Germany —(Dor- drecht Gazelle, March 22.) 1 Sketch of the intended New Empress of France: III figure she is below the middle size; gracefully formed in the neck and shoulders, with a Complexion of Lhe most de- licate whiteness; a nose somewhat inclined to the Homan; e)es of the must brilliant blue, and a profusion of shining flaxen hair, that reaches nearly to the ground; her hands and feet most delicately shaped; her lills are truly Hustriall however when opened by a smile, they discover a set of teeth, most beautifully arranged, and exquisitely white. I remember to have seen her ollce lovely Auuttaken from her mother in just-such a transitory blaze of beauty.; joyfully expecting to fill a long esta- blished throue, and afterwards I saw her f!n the victim to her stlbjects,-on a scaf- fold

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