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See transactions of the Linnean Society, vol. iii. p. SO. where his lordship, the learned and candid bishop of Carlis]e styles" Mr. Pennant's Zoological labours a primeornainenuo the science of natural history, as well as his native country." For the respectable names, who have refer- red to this subject, see my Essay on the Genus Gentiel-na s n's Magazine for June 1809. p. 5IT. + Since [ wrote the above, and sent it to the Editor ofthe Gentleman'«Magazine, who thought proper to refuse it publicity, I find that that Gentleman, whose death is here asserted prior to the year 1S00, vindicates his own existence, in 1810—SEE Gentleman's Magazine for-November 1809,— The CAMBRIAN for December 2, 1809.— and the NORTH WALES GAZETTE, February 22, 1S10, the writer, in al templing to impose on the feelings of the reader, with the expression h IIlsultcd veracity" p. 713. and that vilely hypocritical harangue, at p. 818, that there must be an end to all confidence in tha social intercourse of stiait f'rojii the titoii-ven in which the words of private conversation be not as lully recognized as the most posi" live written evidence T from the moments that the attribute of reason be prostituted to Ihe unworthy purposes ol" falsehood. That a want of reverence for truth is pregnant iviiii the tilost pernicious consequences tO society, disgraceful a" contemptible.— When, I say, 1 l ike a review of all iiiis, and consider that the man who wriles thus, haj been fully proved (to ue his own words, who well knew where he applied them) gyiity of 44 the most degrading, and useless falsehoods* that can stain the character of" (whom hd is pleased to terin) 11 a, man of science." p, 713. I really stand amazed; I feel tlic. esl concern, to reflect that the human heart is susceptible of such flagitious conduct and hypocrisy. I sincerely wish that, Wantonly to sport with such serious language, may not indicate a mind susceptible of depraviiy of a very deej*jdye. Mr. Donovan may call these intemperate if he wiil. Who- i ever reads what be has said iu I he Advertise? » ntsnt before his Hislvry of I ishes, or his Excursions in 8. h ales, and particularly in I the Gentleman's Magazine for August, and September, 1609, wiil, I trust, candidly ad- mil, that they have not flowed without just cause. Before I close this REPLY, let us, for a moment, inquire bow much more successful Mr. Donovan is in another attempt of plausi- bility, (taking into consideration some parts of his publications) and how far he can benefit himself by t 1). 7 17, he says "What reasonable man could MIppose sticii a tale to be a fabrication on my part ?"—1 repiy, that I will not argue who could or could not suppose i; but a man must be very unreason- able to doubt it, who reads what is above slat- ed, and Air. let tel-+- more, the greater the d Ifliviilly, which a rear ? sonnMc man should find in supposing it, the more-disgraceful ihe fad, when mcoiui ovcrt- ibly !)r4)%:t,cl. eiiii cotild II iii.,iwer 1 know not what end, but It evidently miglit answer ihe same end, as Mr. Donovan aimed aI, when he displayed his splendid tn- 1011 1, lent, in attempting La causc confusion about Dr. Goodenough's observations on the iieau- maris shark of Mr. Pennant. £ What motive could I have in view f" The very same, I guess, which he had in view, wilen Itittei-ed the gross misrepresentation, and falsifies, which he has published about my original drawing of the Beaumaris shark, which 1 intend shall be a subject of future F(ir the full statement of bolb ihese particulars, I wish, in the mean lime, the reader to see the Advertisement b€~ fore Mr. Donovan s history of l ishes, and the letler press to plate 108, under Ihe article Squa!1ls enrnubieus, in the same publication; and likewise Mr. M. Griffith's Jettcr.t- "Could il be of the leasl possible consequence to me, whether such a fish did or did not exist ?" 01 just equal possible consequence' and of neither more nor less, as far as I can discern, than whether the AIORIUS ^>f Alr. Pennant, the LEPTOCEPHALUS of that emi* nent Zoologist Dr. Gronavitu, concerning which no reputable author ever entertained the leasl doubt, "does or does not exist hut which Mr. Donovan has, in the same manner as with regard to the EATRACIIOIDF-3 trifurcalus, so assiduously endeavoured (see his above mentioned Advertisement) and ex- erted, to the utmost, his same bright talent, to prove to be a ncneutiiy, and to cancel; but with the same wretched success as J may make more fully appear on a future occasion* If it was in thus creating, with a view of circulating," such premeditated inslancesot confusion, that Mr. Donovan" devoted the labours of his life, to the benefit of science," it had been more for his credit, and more fof the benefit of science," that he had devoted his labours to some other employment. What Air. Donovan says, at p. 712, of "provoking the contest," is HI his USUAL strain of untruth the provocation 1 fir»* found in his Excursions through s«juth fValest but, as to the contest taking plare, before f had measured weapons," I readily and I'tilif admit, my weapon is plain unembelUsbcd TRUTH. The weapon," which this gentle- man feels himself so confident ju, is that bril" liant accomplishment, which has given origin to all the fabrications, alld falslwod's, which appear in the Advertisement, and Excursions, above mentioned, and likewise, under his name, and some of his friends, in the Genile- man's .Magazine for August and Seplember, 1809. With regard to which accomplish/nentt I, in charity, hope that the man does not e- ist who will rashly presume to "measure weapons," or dispute the paim with iiiiii.- Let him, therefore, maiulain his prcccdcucy, and unrivalled, as well as unenvied, contem- plate it with all the satisfaction which U10 sense of such an attainment can inspire. H. DAVIES. t These observations occur in an essay on the Porkbtagle Shark, or Sqrietlus cornnbicus, publish' » ed in the Transactions (Jf the Linncall society* Vol. III. p. 83.

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