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r P-LE .1r, the Legacies of our Forefathers, by which we have a RIGHT to the Liberty b( the Press; we have a ltWllT to the Freedom ot Speecht and we have a: RIGHT to our Fortunes, which • WILL BE PROCLAIMED fo the Purchasers of Tickets and Sbaref'itt the present Lottery* in Five Thoosand I'rifes, including Forty Capitals, Four of which are Twenty Thousand Pound*each i and as there are •«t few Tickets and shares left* you are entreated to buy imujediately, for N amber niwat S^ii Eighty Thousaud Pounds* aud all the Lottery witfl>e ^rawa ,NE If vI M.NESDA .¡. CARX4&yONStU&E> j =:"L RHOSIIIRWAU-N TNCLOSVRIPI. I The undersigned, th» Commissioner ap- • pointed by ait Act of Pariiautoat pa»s«d ia the 42d year of tlie reign of his present Majesty,, entitled, Ad Act for dividing, allotting* and in- closing, a tract of emme and watt@ litu(is,to the aeeraj parishes of Aberdaron, Llartfaelrhys, and «*jwcroes, ut iheVouaiyof Carnarvon," D» hereby gioe notict, that a meeting wilt b« be Id at; the bouse of Mr, "*vid Rice,; Jjnuwu by t'he oacne of ihu Crown IfId Anchor -ir»a, in the towu of Pwllheli, in tt>e Wd county of CaiBUrvon, oo Wednesday the of FcbM^Fjp ioatant, between the hours of •tevca o'clock.io the forenoon,, and one o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, for the purpose or farther carrying the saidl. act into ex ,ee'' Dated thin tit day of February, 1810. BEN J. WYATT. f. y Commissioner. —- -I, *i f MH. CIUTT, r, IT T ftatterod, from the very respect*. JLJL able and iiuivterous list of Subscribers to his late work, begs leave to ilifol-la, theiu and the -Public, that he proposes going on with his in teBdÚPlall,Yi:.l;. by publi'sliiag SKETCHINGS 71 f atet'i by permission, to the Very Rev, the ean and Chapter of the Cathedral Cbuncb ^nes(er) of Select Parts of the Gothic and Saxon vuildiugs now remaking; in the CUy of Chester/; The Etchings will be made by Mr. Cuitt, from accurate Sketches, taken on the spot by himself. Size of the plates to be 9,1,- iticiies by 8 £ hic-hes Price to Subscribers H. Is. Noii-su:b»cribers 17. 5s. to be paid for on delivery of the Prints. i, Subscribers are requested to semi their names -to Air. Cuitt, or to Mr. Brostei, and Mr. Poole yooksellers, Chester; Ajir. Todd,. York I PT to, ongman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, iuLoudoo. j. |^ere niay be had, copies of the Old Buildings iU l"e City of Chester, price tL 5*. Chester Jan. 2014. uno. t' North Wales Infirmary. AT a COMMITTEE MEliTINGbeUin ih« Qra«d Jury Room, iu the .town of Beau? ftarii, on Tuesdar tfeeSOth day of January, 1810. Sir W. JB. HUGHES, » in the Chair. p of an Infirmary by Mr, Wyatt, and:'Ad' Estimate of the same having beeu laid before *hfi Coramit/ee, andHighly approved of. :1 It va.v Resolv.;d, That application be madf-io the Earl of thi. Lord Viscount Warren Uulkclej, and Sir /Catkin "Williams Wynne. Barf, as Lords t.ieute-1* Of the CauiMiM -Ot A-qi fesey, Caiu.n vein," and Merione»ft»uifWI to MM Hon. HerTWf'oy p. ?ir Robert Williams, Bart, and Sir Robert >Vn-" ^a»ns Vaugban, Bart, the Members Of the s;.idn A-ounties, to request that they willwait u[k»b <he: l*!Ji'T't>*>f Wales, to solicit bis support to.tke Or,i,i rifles Infirmary, andftoveftpest his Royal. *ghnc* wjll.be pleased to became the Patron the Institution, being the first of ihe kind ever s **tablished in His Principality- jj Y:7 That the thanks of this Meeting be given to i ]Benj. Wyatt, Esq. "for the handsome Design of the Intended- Indratary, presented by him to sb<*5 Committee. That the next Meeting be held at t'he Orand Ury Room, in the town of Carnarvon, subject to. R call from the Secretary. 5 Signed in the name of the Meeting h-y 1 W.B. HUGfIlES, Ohairnm That «ie Thanks of the Meeting be presented 'he Chairman, for bis conduct in the Chair. WE, the undersigned, do request that W the SHERIFF of the County of CARMA-R i til N d, CALL a COUNTY MEETING, for the purpose of taking fflto consideration the necessity of adopting mea- M sures for obtaininga Repeal of the Actiih-lios- ing a Duty upon Coal9 carried Coastways, as soon as it may be convenient. Dated tbe 1 lib of January, AfilO. 0.1 DYNEVOR, « CAWDOR, V ROBERT SEYMOUR Z\ «• WILLIAM MANS>LL, > 44 J. JONES, « D. H. PUGH, a Meeting of the Nobility, Gentry, and Free- holders, oi the county of Carmarthen,convened by the Sheriff, and beld in the Hall of that County, in the town of Llandilo, the 26th day Of Jasuary, 1810, pursuaot to tbe above Requi- *«tiofl: y Hesotvedy That the Member for this County be requested to take every measure in hllllOwèr during the Present Session of Partiamenty to procure a; re» t firom a. Duty upon Coal aod Cnlm carried bywate.r from anyplaoe to any otber.p,facewitliin the limits of tbe same port io South Wales, as Ivas hitherto enjoyed in the County,of Carmar- tj>en, until the late order from the flonorable L?ard of Customs to levy the'Duty'in such Places, That the Member of this Coimty be requested to,eo¡jr.epolld' with the Members IOf- the Counties and Boroughs aggrieved by the exaetipn of the duty, and to solicit ihtu vo-ope- ra.tino,in ,the measure. That we lament that the accidental omission of the following words, "from any ptate to Anr. pthor place within the limits of the same port. the Requisition to tbe Sheriff for calling this "Meeting has produced ajiy misapprehension with *^gard to the objects of tbiR Meeting, which were tended to be strictly looai. That these Resolutions be printed in the Cam- Bristol, and Nbrtjb Wales Gazette^ and be ^ansmitted to the Clerks of tte Peace of such ^unties and Boroughs specified in tlie preceding Solution. THOMAS LEWIS, Deputy Sheriff. Resolved, Th,it the Thanks of this Meeting be given to hoaia8 L £ WjSj Esq. who presided in the absence for bis aturntiou aod conduet in r ft S. RhydcUan Stale Yar4\ j* A SLATE YARD i« now opsr.ed at the5 xT^. PoriTof RHYPDU", wl.ere a crvnUawf Kitpply Cf Roofing Slates from the Penrljyh Ouari fies wi|l be kept and solii for ready uone-y enly. Al i'iy to Mrl -WViTti Mbitfit, St. Asaph^ 9jr-; to Joun Jon es, Rhyddlan Bridge. y Ntwborough Annuel CcuniHg Match% lit be held at Newborbugh, on Thuri- « w day the 15tb in*t. when the President hopes tct be favored #itb tb« company of bi* Friends.. "d Diuiterj 4è, atS o'gfeck^ afttie ltate.t nn JOHN J6KES, President. Rating, Rote^ S auniarist Feb. Atht IS10. ■■■■•>■ —r*—mi jj.r, -i- "fcijbwi TOKE LfiT, AWD EVTEttBD "PONI)IMI!:ÐI4tl.L.t; ARE A D Y Furnished Houst, situate in A tlie pleasaiifrst pare of the town of Bern- tnaris, facing the sea, with* shrubbery^ in front, consisting of two (Kirlours, one drawing rooia, seven Oed rooms, and an excellent nursery, kitchen, pantry, servants hall, laundry, andgooil cellars* with a large kitchen gardes well stocked, a six .stalled stable with,cbach- houses from ten, to thirteen acres of good Laud ctose to the tpwn may b had if wanted.-—For further particulars, apply <0 Mr.JAMES HARRIS, Beaumaris. J,lJariJ 25.; 1810.' NO TIME TO BE LOS1. PBRS05$in the Country are respoctfuliy requested to otiKiHrc, tbat tbe ttrawmg of Ibf present atATfc LOTTERY vill beriB Aud (iiW«hpn Wednesday the 14th Instant i f,hertf~re"a]| iwwhwe" Must he made before that "»>■—Th# Scheme coutain* 6,000 Nuiobtirs, &nd the following CAPITAL PRIZES i 4 of rf30,0()0 a. 4 5,000 20,000 K of j.ooo ta.ooo 20 of 500 » 00t) Øsid¡;s ;4!6ö inffetior Prizes fh»ni 00 JCt5. Orders for Tickets abd Shares, accompanied by RemiUaiicts to, the auiount, addressed to vithep of 'J Jt$lv'¡jfrl:Co,OF. X6. 11, Poultry, .V'o. 12, Charing Cross, Atf. 31, Aldgate High Street, London, Will meet imtnedmtc er and Shares n»ay also behad of "ttiefr A .}II,

.LW:Political Summary. ?'

EDx PSI)AY.-Four, o'CMcfc,…

[No title]

Family Notices

.Cetrmistwns itr the fkftligh…


:'- ■ ^SHIPPING...

! - :.LONrDozv,..M,4 it KRTS..!Fi.…

,-.¿,'... I,".... ."Central…


OF LEATHER AT BEADENIRA"'",............,.....""'''''.'",.

..',".. 1FM& THE ENSUING WEEK,.…

t'r -''.., ' • TIDE TABLE…