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THE STATE OF VENICE UNDER 'La FRENCH. '1 -I The most Illustrious persona in Venice were reduced to the extreme of indigcncei bel smalt WRS the number of those who escaped the :'generíoil ruiH, It was computed in 1804, no less than nthousaud of the heads of noble famiiies were begging in the afreets. At every corner, on every bridge, might be seen some, lair Venetian-taily covered with a veil, and on knees imploring the aid of charity; whilst her male relations were occupied in pursuits f,tr less honourable, m order to procure sub- sistence. The distresses of the nobles and of the wealthy were not confined to tbemsel ves alonc; for, the VeneliaDs belllg- naiuraiiy osientali-: ous, thousands of menials, and of-the lower dasses of the people, were supported by their botiiity these therefore, were now abandoned to all the horrors of want < for, in the general disorder alld misery of the state, where was employment for them ? innumerable gay gon- doias were laid aside, and their skilful rowers being utterly unqualified for any other occu- pation, were in a slate of starvation. It is scarcely possible to depict the miserable situation of the nohles. Tlw Ahhe- a man of talents and of probity, with whom I was very intimate, one morning at break- fast related to me, with tears in his eyes, the following circumstance, which he said had happened ouly the uigbt before. The Abbe had passed that evening al the house of a ?9 friend; in the course of it they were attracted a id charmed by the sinjrng of a female in ihs street, immediate!} under the window. The pleasure of the good Abbe was, however, soon cowvr-rfed into melancholy; he thought he recognised She voice of a friend, t>i d !»a#- tcned to the street to ascertain ;he truth. The person was so muffled up that hecoulJ no £ idssco' er her, lie ran to her house, rnd hts I repeated knocks at the door were at length answered from will,in by her children, who informed him, that their mother had gone out willi their father and a friend to procure something for supper, and that having now no servaut, the" were lo-'k(-d it- nil their re- turn. Eeir.g isow persuaded that the .«< ig- stress was h's old frier.d, ;ie her, and with the i n ;isi regret, dis overc<f that she wag the i ojp-ess ( r, singing in the streets, in the hope of colic-»M a few soldi, to purchase food -,I,e Let 81), Z children. 1 In her days of sV» s markable fine player on t' p u • well aq a A possesses an CY e *«sfc u. » h> Ci.tl(-tlti% j i d i <»» oiiian ni ti vhii h si lived. Before the French quitted V.»o'a?f v Inst no! take away wis!- U'em t!:ev sfi oyed reight line ships oi e lir e, ;.nd se- veral frig-tiles which were then «m. (lie st.x lc m an unfinished stale, tin v r»-».dered useless cutting their sterns, stern .post% '.«nd kef I in different places, and i ikmg away .'h.- snore? -,er dered serviceable entirely Nken to pieces. This arsenal used to furnisn-eaiploy- meut to several hundreds oi workmen, now its o,iiy Ior tors, who are (It,4 into lire i»o«d i rem «u,s of ttiose u' rics •vhich the Fre l« hx«t> destroyed, und which were »<r nerly the pride and glorv of the Te netians. A huge portion of the arsenal is formed into m. oyster bed, which produces uo small reveuue.—-Mac^iiVa Journal. -1411£>

'-''':"*-'!" G AME LAWS, 18
