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FICE-llEG.dL TOUR. ------


FICE-llEG.dL TOUR. A quarrel between two southern ladies of rank involved their Graces i;¡ an auk ward predicament. The wealthy Dowager, Coupes,, of K—is owner of a mountain lodge, celebrated for its beauty in Arthur Young's Tour. The Duke and Duchess during ftheir stay in the county of Tipperary, were invited by Lord and Lady C to w »-i:en- (li'! fet, to be given by thelll at this lodge, tHe party b.etr,¡; aet:cpte: f«uly C wrote a dry mandatory note to die ige WHO is Lady K s temailt), ordering him to n'dke all ready, by the appointed hoar, for the recep- tion of the grand sum;. Lady K- y.ein"- apprized of this liberty, and deeming if preyump- tious on Lady C 's part, gave counter-or- ders to the porter. The Vice-Regal party arrive in grand process ioii-t hey find the gates fast locked-the fences guarded by cheveaux-de-frize the walls lined by a strong guard, prepared to repel trespassers. Lady C-dcllland:i admit- tance, and is refused she supplicates in vaitl- she resorts to that elegant style of langljag which she displayed some years ago with such peculiar flucncy at a parisian theatre—Cerberus is inflexi- ble—toe aid-de-camps, attending ladies, and as- sembled courtiers. are all agiiist !-tlie party remaius exposed to a drizzliiig i-ain, at the top ot Gal ti mo re, ten miles distant from any village, and on a desert, spot. At length The Duchess spies the humble cabin of an emaciated peasant 5 it becomes her refuge and her palace. Sbe par- takes of his humble fare—enjoys his boiled pota- toes with excellent appetite—faults not the con- stant smoke—divides with his family the rich viands prepared for the fete. Her example is followed-all partake of this repast. The tour, originally not directed to an inspec- tion of the miseries of the Irish peasant, becomes, by this incident, a source of unlooked for instruc- tion. The between the ostenta- tious pomp and pageautry of the splendid mansi- ons already visited, and this wretched abode, can- not here prove unprofitable to Ireland, ft must have left indelible impressions upon the Ducat Tour. And when the revelries of Cahir, Cur- raghmore, Marlfield, and CharleviUe, recur to memory, the surrounding wretchedness of a neg- lected peasantry must attend the recollection. To return to the mountain fe-tc—the peasant was rewarded by a present from the Duke, of alt the remniluts of rhe feast, and all lile table fur- cloths, and the other articles, without exception and the courtly train, tired, wet, disappointed, and {humbled, returned, in melancholy processisn, ill the company of Lady C-, whose society ihey finally quitrted on the same afernoon, to proceed to COl'k.-( Du!Jlin Evening Post, Nov. 23,1 lilt

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