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t:f nrxf JPolitUal Summary;…


t: f nrxf JPolitUal Summary; oj WHEN Napoleon, returning from the vic- tory of Austerlitz, and the,occupation of the capital of the Germanic Casars, exhibited, in the haIrs of the Thuilleries, the image of an Oriental Court, by accepting the adoration of the Parisians, the most resolute felt some dismay at contemplating am an, who guiding t, 9 the abilities, and secure of the attachment of the intrepid band around him, seemed to have disabled the contingencies of warfare, and given to victory itself Ihe form, the force, and the certainly of a demonstrative science.— Since that time the piratical force of Prussia has been dispersed; the imposing imbecility of Russia laid open and Austria, after having been too late taught to know her strength, ■ rivelled into the Imperial diadem of France. A profuse stream of treasure was pomedinto the capital after every victory and the proud est efforts of art, antient aud modern, have contrihuted-to attest and to decorate the tri- umphs of the conqueror. The very soldiery, opposed to him on the one day. were found ,oit the next within his ranks, pressing forwards 'to the conquest of another hostile nations scr- vices. The noise of falling thrones almost ceased to attract our attention: AND states, ikingdoivis, iiid I)tlov"lje,g incited down into one common mass, were recast into the forms which we now behold,-or have Ischdd, occu- pied by the brothers, the generals, or the adopted son, of him, who has reaped the bar- ves!s sown,by Louis XI 7. aud matured by the project's of Barrere, and Hie masterly mililary: skill of Camot.The obverse of the medal, it must be confessed, is sufficiently brilliant. The coniemplalion of the reverse may be pro- ductive of other and very different emotions, For a too minute inspection however we have not LIUIEJ but we may observe and recapitu- late, an exhausted treasury a country denuded of its active and adult population ;a cultivation loll;a ciiit Iv harrassed and impeded in all its parts; a com- merce just struggting not to die; a continued desertion of a soldiery, different inheir lan- guage and manners, andollly unanimous in their discontent I generals disgraced, menac- ed, at variance with each other, accusing and accused and the very family of Napoleon it- self exasperated by discord and separated by flight. That the gentle, the nusdest, or the timiB natures of Louis and of Joseph should lay down, or-wish to lay down a throne, may not'IIÚI¡aplI, under the circumstances- of the case, much surprize its; but that the bold, reslless, and resourceful character of Lucien s!iotl,ltl,d(,cliiie a I)rize,l which even ( he virtue of the good has been too often sacrificed, to attain, might seem wonderful; if we did not recollect, that a vassal crown was a! which was offered to hint. Willi this most wretched of distinctions, a narrow genius and an abject spirit, could alone "he salisfred but the Jaco- binical temper, and consequent ASJ>IRALTK>HS,UJ' Lucicn, could have -been CONTENTED with no- thing less than an independeirt and imperial, crown and such a crown can never be -ac- cepted, bu-t iiiusi be woil. His PRESENT and FUTORE fortunes may PROVE interesting III the history of manners; but in other respects they seem to affect the political condition of the times, as far as lie is personally coil-ceriied, in a very inferior degree. Tke circumstances of t'he unfortunate Jo- -seph, who ha-s had his greatness most mi sera bly thrust tipon him, are of moreconsequence inasmuch as they are connected with the struggle in SPAHI., where goatherds, muleteers? SNIUGGJERSJ butchei's boys, and the very dregs of society continue to front the dangers, from which the degenerate nobilily, and tbe debas- ed Sovereigns of Europe have fled -,tl),I)alled.- These exertions too continue to be made in despite of a which iimtating the conduct of the Junta, seems employed in working a sum of how far they can paralyze the country's effects without beingthemselves hanged. The a-ssembly of the Cortes again postponed, and in the regency are to he found all the faults of old governments, which cling to a power, they cannot protect. hI the mean time the Guerilla warfare is incessant, and, as far as we canjudge from the dim and mutihued accounts nt us, seems to have reached aeon- siderable degree of organization, combining t:' l:> its movements with those of the more regular troops.-In Catalonia the present press of war is in the greatest degree; and Macdonald is slated to be on the banks of the Ebro, with tio, less, than 30,000 men. Of these, however, it may be fairly inferred, that a portion are employed in the siege of Tortosa, which conj tinues to vigorously defend itself, and stil- maintains its communications open with the zealous and indefatigable 01-Doiiriel. A re- ) gular opposition, however, to\ so large a French force, is not to be expected nor indeed desired; but-delay on the part of the patriots has been hitherto found equivalent to victory, or at least to the destruction of the enemy.— In the neighbourhood of Badajos, Romana, with Baliasteros and Carrera under him, seems to have been engaged with Mortier s corps, but nothing decisive ensued. The French be- fore Cadiz are ridiculously quiet; and their antagonists within, still more so. In fact the French have not only their own arms, but their oppoacaCe conduct on their side; and 4 ¡, that not cyea I single attempt has been made to beat up their quarters. The only hostility they feet is that of the Guerillas on the rear, by whom some very important dispatches, it is said, have been intercepted. Desertions both in Spain and in Portugal, continue to be very numerous. y In Portugal the enemy, notwithstanding his state of privation, without pay, and with in- competent provisions, continues to advance in the direction of Coimbra, as our army re treats.—What is the intention of Lord Wel- lingtou--whelher to tight, to protract the war, or to embark, cannot in coursebe known, until the fact discloses itself. To embark however without a contest, after the continu- ed supplies of men, with which the army has been fed, seems little probabie; unless we have all alongbeeli misled respiting the force of the enemy. A plot has been disco- vered in Lisbon, which had for its object the destruction of the magazines, and the excilin<r of an insurrection in the rear of the British army. Numerous arrests have been made, and as was natural to expect, chiefly pflheno- bility, who, strange to say, have not been ex- ecuted, but merely sent iuto exile.—Oporto, it is reported, is laid open to the enemy under JIUHl, who had advanced ngainnit!f'rtlmlhe north. SITILY,—Murat's preparations for the inva- sion of this island continue, and when we re- flect upon the character of the Government there, it is difficult to avoid wishing him sue- cess; provided our army does not suffer on the occasion.—A more thankless office we never undertook. BUENOS AYKES —In July some very interest- ing communications took place between the new Government and Lieut. Ramsay, of the Misletoe schooner, on the subject of trade.— Flie Spaniards wishing fo destroy the smug- gling trade, applied to that Gentleman for hilo advice and assistance upon the occasion. He very prudently resorted to the merchants, in common with whom he pointed out the ne- cessity of withdrawing the irresistible tempta- tion to an illicit trade, by lowering and equal- izing the import duties. Should this be done, we may speedily hope to see British Commerce generally diffused ill those extensive regions.

-.-London, October 8.; -



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