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■ V ,111, " '*'■'*


■ V ,111, '■ Borge Guard, (Jet. t, ISla. tlis Majesty has beeu pleased <o make the fol- Ibwirfg-appoinhiient on the Staff of the Army, 4 "'Colonel RalUh Darling of the 51st Regi- ment, to be a Deputy Adjutaut-General of the; Fo:-ces. T.'m? ICI/M.I anrier iti-Chief is pfeased to direct, that On). Darling- shall, under the superinien- viam e of the Adju-ant-Geoeral, take charge of the details of the Recruiting Service of the Army. Ait letters, returns, &c. relative to tbishranch of the service, are to be transmitted as here- tofore, under cover to the Adjutant Gene- ral he Forces, Horse-Guards, Loadot);the worcte Recruiting Department" being marked on fhe outside of the cover. By command of ,the R ght TJon. 'he Commander-on Chief. HARRY CALVES T, Adjutant-General GOL-DSMIDT.—-Further particulars:— A< investrgation has been made into theaffliirs oi the laleM r.(ioldmÙdt, by desire of Go- ind we to find that. the "result has been of a most satisfactory nature. Mr. V!0x011, fhe partner, of the late Mr. G. Qeitv'rcd to the Chancellor of the Ex chequer "an ucoiiiHonhe'concerns of the House, which account was.suhnnlled to the-examination of Yiie Governor of the Bank, and Messrs- fiain- :y>ri'ôÙ Barnet, and Kensington, add the re- was as we have already stated. The "House of Gdltfsmidl and Co. tfietii- 0 v vc3 sf800,0t)0 of the loan, of which d?20(J.T)06 was on account of the Irish Loan l>ut the temporary embarrassment wh;ch led (lie rash act so generally deplored, arose from, purchases of omnium to counteract the 'depression. of the Funds. Some very errone- ous rrpofts have been in circulation respect- ing the transactions between Mr. Goldsmidt, Vtid lite East India Com,pany the tact, we is, iii,tt the aid which- the East Tiiidia Company "were to receive from tlie.5v.1b-. lie was advanced in Exchequer Rills, which .;tver. as usual, put into the hands of Mr. .T* olds mi (It to negotiate. Of the ^500,000. Std-anced by Government, the East India tympany had received £ 130,006, and the lKreVtors had announced to Mr. G, tlat they -jiiioatd want the remainder on the 1st. insi. The Company hold omnium as a ■security for tfiat sum. The account between the Treasury and Mr. ifoldsnvidt was completely balaoc-th Ibut il !s stated that Mr. Gdldsmidt held Ex-j tBiequer Bills for some of the other Govcim- fefnt offices, to dispose of for them. Many .eminent merchants and bankers as- sert, that the death of the two GoidsmuUs and IStjry. Baring, will be eventually productive of public good, by breaking- a link of the chain which secured that monopoly which "Juis s long had a banefjl influence in the Stock it is thought, thai IJO!withstanding the respectability of Mr. <ioldsmidt's partners, and his surviving bro- thers, (Asher and George,) neither they, nor -any other two individuals, are tikeiy to arrive at th at-commanding elevation .of overwhelm- ing influence, at whose Ftittiitiit slood tire late B. aud A. Goldsmidt, Esquires. 1 A tremendous eruption of Vressriviti5iook place on the 13th and I4lh ult. and the village ¡ ■of Resina had been well 11 gh overwhelmed by the torrent of Java. The mountain was rather tuore IranqulI on the 14ih, but fresh erupti- ons were apprehended. The Hero Captain Newman, having lately | arrived at -Portt-mowlh from tier station in the | ilaltic, brings with her the intelligence rif the ] following distressing ev«nt, which lately hftp- j yiened to a pnr't of Iter crew :—Two boats of i the above-menfio.d ship were ordered -to j cruize against the Danish privateers andrtrw-j bo lts, on the 13th of August. 'One, which I ■was commanded by Lieut. Jeiik-s, upset in a j violent squall, hut by the great exertions of 35r. Henry Wittenooni, the Officer in the other 1 J«iout. Je(iks, and seven of his men, were saved, and nine drowned. In thi-s deplorable 'w'^Va boat too deeply laden in conse- quence of this increase, thev resolved, to at*, tempt to save their lives by running their boat on shore at itostock, in which they suc- ceeded, though nearly exhausted, and lauded 11 9 a fe fy. At that awft;l period, the night Coming on, and the fitorm increasing, they were (horrible' to relate, and scarcely will it be believed in civilized Europe J) againforced to sea by the Meeklenburgh soldiers, and abandoned to the fury of the elements, which •their fe<r»t being unable to contend with, was soon after struck by a wave, which (iiied her and she instantly went to the bottom, three only of her ci-evy beiii,, washed ash ore by cling- ing to scwue spars, and the two Officers and fifteen men were drowned .'—The surviving (HWç declare, every appeal was made to tlie Officers' humanity to let them stay till the gale abatexl, and tiiey offered to surrender themselves -prisoner*, of war; but ail to no purpose, for they actually drove them to their fate wtih the point of the i)ayonet Sticit an act of inhumanity, in a civilized country, to I)e credited.—Captain upon hearing this, instantly sent in a lfag of truce, >v!th a letter to the Duke of Meckleuburgh, to demand justice on the ti-c-ads ot itiose uil. feeling brutes, and to request that if the bo: dies were found they might be decently in- terred.—Mr. Wittenoom wasdust entering into .0 t!1 Iiis 21st year, and was on the eve of promo- lit)ii, for bravely capturing with an interior force, a few days before, a Danish privateer lier iii-ize. During Il&bh$ry.—A! fitree o'clock ycifter- ^ay morning, the house of Mr. Newman, sil- versmith, in Picadilly, was robbed of plate aill! jewels to the amount of 2001.-Tlie vif- itis efl'cI in tite iiiost (liabo manoer. They set fwe to an unOuished li nise in Eagle street, adjoining Mr. Newman's iiouse and gave the alarm of fife. Theser- I ca-tie down 4 o-u opening the door she |>< rcuved the house in Eagle-street in flames,- and was persuaded by the villains, who J};¡d got into the passage, to go and alarm the fa uiily. Wliiist slie was going up stairs, they went into the shop, aiid -oitole,the property.: I'uring that time several people had collected, a) d broke down the boarding in-the front-of the house. No enines having" arrive at the time, the neighbours exerted themselves to Extinguish the flames. Several carpenter's clu sts of tools and uufinished work were de- stroyed.—The viiiaius have uot beeu disco- .i;jn:J. • .¡,. Explosion and Conflagration.Tha follow- ing are the details erf Hie "unfortunate catas- trophe which happened in tliecity of Eis- nact) liVur,zbuOgh, Sejtf- It.-—About half past eight o'clock, on the evening of the 1st of September, a French waggon, drawn by nine e 11 horses, and loaded with 14 cases of powder, cartridges, and grenades, arrived at the gates of this city, and entered it. In spite of the difficulties which arose, the waggons continu- ed their fpote, although it was remarkable that one of them smoaked it hardly arrived at the market place, opposite one of the inns, when it caught tire with so great an explosion, that it was heard at Erfurt, 12 leagues distant. In a moment the neighbouring houses were on fire, every person who was near them was shattered to pieces. The limbs of seven call- nouiers, who escorted the waggon, and of the horses, were scattered in the streets. Two young married people who were sitting in front of their house, were crushed to pieces by all enormous free stone, which tbeexplo sioii hurled upon theni. M. Counsellor norr has been burot, and seven persons have been found dead in his house. Captain Schenk oc- copied the second floor of this house; he was it tiie lime in his room, with his wife, chil- dren, and a very iuleresting person, daughter. of Richell" Milaslerof Finance; when the Captain, perceived the conflagration, he pre cipiiated himselt into the street, and was <.iveti. his family and M,i3S Sophia Eichell fell avictuu to fueflames* In another house, Sel- ielt, an advocate, married about three weeks, was s^Uin^ at ttio-^kie of Jus young wife, 0:1 a coucTf near"" the windows which looked into the street; the explosion struck the wall and ?he.top oj the house, and by a iniraculou- phenomenon, the couch tell from the second iioor into the street, and the married co.i>ti< were quite free from danger, but all the other ■•terislied in the flames. The conflagration iste^ until tlie afternoon of the next day, ;ii nougli there were more than a hundred pump*- -it work, ami, a prodigious number of persons, ''antfetnbied trom all points to rentier assistano There are a'* ut forty houses burnt. Th" windows iii ,ill the houses of tl»e city hav> '• Jeen broken; ttntllhere arc very few house- where the hangings of 4.he roouis -have 110 been damagecL The nuinlier of persons k cd iÜéàlrea¡]y known to amouIiltá more Ib,¡' !fty. It is presumed there are more than eighty"persOHlufort illy wounded or very iniiri. maimed.- -Some people have also been killed ><) endeavouring to extinguish Ihe-tlaTOes.ff he wiio had -the care-of the castle, Called .'vVartburgh, having drawn -away ahout forI} bails ifiiird- cyric of them be- ing too hot,, burst and killed At ashofl distance from the waggon, which caused s. iiilich distress, there was a second fol!ov?inr r it, equally loaded with powder;- but just be- fore the explosion it fell back. A JiWle fur- ther these were-.six others of the same kind: | ¡flhe, had Ünnwdiakly followèd, as IS cnsto niary, ail the ci1 y would have been one tieap! of rtiiiis., It is impossible, to paint the Cull sternation amongst the iuhabitfints. The num- ber of families who have lost their houses and their fortunes is very considerable. The great- er number is in mouaiing, or as to.mouru over ¡ some unfortunate one who is wounrit d. The indomptahle French cutter pnvateer,' of 16 long guns and 130 men,.arrived on YVed* nesday at IPiymouth. Her capture isacurinus business: she sailed from Roscoff in the night ( -is of fhe SOth ult and on the 1st instant she was in a fog >n the middle of the Owen Glen do w I er's coiivt»y coming down Ch annel, tihe tiad boarded and captured the Roddam of Dublin,' j the.Master of which took to his boat, went alongside of the Commodore, and informed alongside of the Commodore, and informed ] him of the circunislance. The Commodore 1 made fog-signals for the convoy to lay to j in about an hour the fog cleared off, wlfen the Indomptable found herself under the tee of Die Owen Glendower, and was ordered to strike, but would not, on which the Owen j Glendower commenced a heavy fire, knocked her sails, yards, and rigging aii to pieces oiit which Capt. Balder saId be surrendered, after he had three incii killed ittid loitr wounded. The indomptable was fOJï)Je.ily,l.l:e wan Re- venue cutter, Capt. Salmon, which was cap- lu.-ed after a very severe action by this sallc Capt. Balder, about three years since, in which Capt. SaJmun was killed. Capt.-R. also took.- the John Riill privateer, Capt. Treig^orth sometime since, and has reigued several years unnurfested. A remarkabfe instanc, proving the fame and respectability of the house of the late Messrs. B. and A. Goidsntidt, occurred about six years since, A biil of exchange f« rl000/. drawn by theni on a house at Paris, had passed through a great many hands on the Continent and wlieli it feil due, one of the who had accepted it was dead, and the other, after his decease, had removed io Atnerica, and no provision was made for honouring the hill. The holder of it, wanting the money, shewed it to the principals, a large mercantile house in France, and asked their advice on the sub- j ject who said, he need be under no inconve- I iiwnce or apprehension on account of its not being honoured-by the acceptors; that they" knew the drawers to be stit-ii honourable men, that they would themsel ves pay the bill, rattier then it should he disgraced, and they accord ingly paid i. -TI bill was afterwards sent by post tu Messrs. B. and A. GyIdstnidi, by the iirm who had thus taken it u;i, xst.dorsed— Paid by Messrs. J. M. Ltpialb-e and Co for jt e-honor riflhc drawers.—-Such generous .conduct of merchants hi an enemy's country,, is," perhaps, unprecedented, and shews the Highly iiii teriiig opinion entertained of the y I honor and ptmcfuaiity in business of the late" and A. Goidsmidt. Four journeymen printers named GddeR; Adams, tittle, and Bradley, were put to the Bar ot the Old Bailey, on Tuesday, on a charge of a conspiracy to induce the Journeymen of the Times office to raise their wages. iNi r. Allen, asCollnsel for the prosecution said, lie., had hen instructed in consequence bf the contrition of the- defendants to abandon the prosecution but the i ommon Serjeant who presided said, that he shuutd consent to no ill-timed and ill deserved indulgence Their crime, he added, was a crime which involved the best interests of a Commercial Country, it aimed at our trade, our commerce and our most vital concerns, and w;.s of a worse description than hiany kinds of feiouy. He should however consent to respite, the trial till the uexl sessions.



0the Editor if ike North W,.aW…