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— y—■ j "WANTED, V 4Youth as an APPRENTICE to a Wool- len-draper, ia 'He town of Beaumaris; as j; he will be treated as one of the family, a premium ^•ill be expected;—fio ijiu.it speak the English J "Juid "Welch languages tluentlv. •; if by letter post 1 •paid, to ihe Printer of ilus paper. j | A D N I C» R WILL mee with liheral C!lCQurageme:1t L in the pincipai tovi, of Carnarvon,!v.e f2 na to twenty mipils. A j>i i .it i -.jn.tv be ina-e to ne Printer oi tr.is r.pe ti b; later, post palll. N. H. 11 he understands D i &i, ltwdlbea recommendation to him. TEN GUINEAS REWARD." WHEREAS John Thomas, of Beaumaris, I ¥ v •Liaea-dr^er, was on the night of Tues- f daj- itic IGih instant, stopt on the road between Baij^or Ferry and Beaumaris, by some person oa foot, who knocked him o If his horse, and attempted I to rob him; I. A of ire is hereby given, That wlioevei, will apprehend the person who | stopped the said John Thomas, or any of his ac- complices, or give such information to Mr. John j Jones, Attorney, Ty ny Goiigl, Beaumaris, as I shall be the means of discovering the olfpndcr or offenders, shall receive the above reward on his s or their conviction, upon application to the said John Jones. Felt. 20, 1808. CAPITAL TIMBER. | TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, J At the house of Mr. John Owen, in Eglwysfach, hi ihe county of Denbigh, on Thursday the 17th.. on day of March, 1803, between the hour's of 3 and 4 o'clock in the afternoon, subject to conditions, /A OSE LOT: SEVEN IJnndi" and forty-four OAK, awl eighty-eight OAK. C YPH ERS, growing on a farm in the parish of Eglwysfach aforesaid,-called PIas lurwgle, occupied-hy William Griffith. Five hundred and thirty-nine OAK, and one hundred and sixty-nine OAK CYPHERS, Crow- ing on a farm in the same parish, called Peonant Cauo], occupied by Owen Jones. •Ninety-eight OAK, and twenty-seven OAK CYPHERS, 'growing on another farm in the said parish, called Ciltwliao, occupied by Robert ItoiiCi'i*. The Timber is Scribe-raarfeed, and the greatest part thereof is of large dimensions, and well cal- culated for ship-building and variou, ether pur- poses.- The trees growing j>n PU* Twrw-de farm, are convenient for exportation, being within-less than a mile of the navigable River Conway, and those Oil the other farms/within three utile* of Tal-y-eafu terry, on ltic river. The Tenants are directed to shew the Timber, and for further information apply to Mr. Roc;nit LEWI*, Eglwysfach, or Messrs. OLD FIELD, soli- citors, Farm, near Abergele. RICHARDS OX, GOODLUCK, & CO. STOCK BROKERS, V Corner of Bank Buildings, Cornliil!, AND FACING THE GATE OF THE lONG'S MEWS, CIIAKIXFI CROSS, LON DON. "S^ESPECTFULLY recommend to the tioticc ) of their friends and the public, the STATE LOTTERY', that is to coiunic ce dra," iii-5 on the 8th of NEXT MONTH (MARCH). The Scheme; with oftly 25,000 Tickets, contains nearly double the number of CAPITAL PHIZES that former ones of Fifty Thousand Tickets have had. This Lot- tery has Sixty Capital Prizes, not three Blanks to a Prize, and every Prize to be drawn from the Wheel-not one fixed. CAPITALS. g Prizes of = £ 20,000 arc « 10,000 30,000 4 5,000 20,000 :1 1,000 20,000 SO 500 1;),000 6,205 other Prizes 105,000 25,60.) Tickets. £ÙC,OOO TICKETS and Srin r, s are OR Sale at J. PEARSON'S, HOLYHEAD,. For RICHARDSON, GOOOLUCK, and Co. London, where all Lottery business is transacted. 1') "[" '[ l ? MARBLE ROOMS, f Brownlezu Hill, Liverpool^ and PiecadiUysJ Manchester. S. AND T. ERANGEYS, THESPECT FULLY inform the Nobility and Gentry, in the Principality of Wales, that they have con-iianHy on sale, an extensive assort- ment of-sculptured and plain MARBLE CHIM- NEY PIECES of pure s'-atuary and variety of Marbles. From the advantage of importins; their Mafb! es from Leghorn and other parts, they are enabled to sell at low prices, some of which on will be found cheap as stone. Monuments, Tombs, Tables, &c, &c.—Figures for siipportiiig Lamps, San Dials, in Bronzo or Artificial •'Stone, wasranted t, stand the weather. Dry Hair, in j^cks for use. v- -w TIMBER. tI THE FOLLOWING LOT OF TIMBER TO BE SOLD, At the Bee Inn, in Abergele, on. the evening of Saturday the 19th instant, subject to condi- tions > 113 OAK, 57 ALDER, 12 A S Growing on Tail y Dder iveii FarrA, in the parish of Abergele. The is SCRIHE-NIARKE^, and some of the Tree- OT dimensions.. I:hc tenant will hcw tlk iilibi' JOHN PRICE, WOOLLEN AND LINEN-DRJPES, "Wholesa lèanà H etaiI, V CHURCH-STREET, WREXHAM, r; RATE-FULLY admowlcdges tohisnllm. "tJr rous Friends and the Publican general the distinguished favors he has met with for the num- ber of years he has been in trade, and having determined en tirely to decline the above business, begs, leave to inform them, that the whole of his large STOCK IN TRADE will immediately, and during the ensuing Fair, be disposed of, at very reduced prices, and upon such terms, he most confidently assures Shopkeepers, that will rijake it worthy their particular attention. Any person desirous of entering upon that commodious and well-accustomed SHOP, together with the I> WELLIN G-HOUSE aud its APPUR- TENANCES thereunto belonging, may BE ac- commodated with them upon reasonable terms, by applying to the said JOHN PRICE, on the premises. March 3, IS08. ANGLESEY. TO BE "LETTUR-MSHBD, And entered upon immst]lately. much admired MANSION HOUSE of A IJENLLYS, pleasantly situated within a mile from the market town of Beaumaris, and with or without 25 acres of LAND, in a high state of cultivation. The Mansion House, is large and e'legant, AND fit, for the residence of a family of distinction, containing a dining room, two parlours, "five spa- cious and airy bed rooms, with convenient closets, three other bed rooms of a smaller size, aad three servants'garrets. I The attached and detached are commo- diolls, comprisinl; A good Coach-house, and Stahlin" for nine horses. It is delightfully situated within half a mile of the sea, AND conunands an extensive, prospect of the beautiful vale of LlaWoed, the bay of Beau- maris, and the Carnarvonshire mQun'ai'ns. The country-abounds- with GAME, and a good pack "of harriers is kept in the neighbourhood. For further particulars apply to Mr. JOHTJ JoxES, junior, attorney, Beaumaris. Royal Exchange Assurance Office, London, FEBRUARY 24TH, 1S08.. rjfTHE Corporation of the ROYAlT EX- 1 CHANGE ASSURANCE have constituted 1 GHANUE ASSURANCE have constituted and appointed Mr. JOHN ROBERTS, of Bangor, in the county of Carnarvon, Attorney at Law, their Ag-cnt and "Receiver for the said place and parts adjacent; for the Assurance of Buildings, Goods, Merchandizes and Farming-stock, from loss or damage by fira; and also for the Assurance of Lives. By order of the Court of Directors, SAMUEL FENNING, Jun. Secretary. BRITISH FIRE-OFFICE. THE BRITISH FIRE-OFFICE, at Their principal-OHiccs in the Strand and Cornjbill, London, and by Agents in Edinburgh-, Glasgow, I Drtblln, and the principal Towns in the United Kingdoms, continue to grant insurances against Fire, on the terms and conditions of their .printed proposals, delivered gratis. The directors have great pleasure in reflecting that by their exertions and plans- THE benefits and principles of insurance arc more generally felt, and understood; and they trust that they have a claim for preference with the public, for the liberal conduct, they have evince d in all their transactions..Premiums for insur- ance renewable at Christmas, must be paid on or before the 9th day of January iiext. JNNCJJL PREMIUMS. Common Insurance, 2s. percent.— Hazardous, 3s. Double Hazardous, 5s. Farming-stock, 2s. (id. percent, onlY. ROBERT SKELTON, SEC. Broster and 80n, Agmtsilt Bangor and Chester. JVhotesafc Stationary Warehouse for Shop- keepers, ,.1 AT THE ponT OF BANGOR, CARN ARVOXSXIIT'E, To be opened March 25th, lSQS. BROSTER & SON, (Booksellers to His Royal Highness the DUKE of GLOUCESTER), AFTER, experiencing the favours of the trade in the Principality for upwards of forty years, embrace this opportunity of returning tneir grateful thanks, and respectfully mforra them that they purpose opening A warehouse in this port, they purpose opening A warehouse in this port, for the sale of WHOLESALE GOODS ONLY viz. Paper of every description, of the best qua- lity-All kinds of School Books, Bibles, testa- ments, and Common Prayers—Account Books, Copy and Memorandum Books, Day Books, Ledgers, &- c. &c. ruled to every pattern by pa- I tent machine-Wafers, Wax, Quills, AND Pen- cils—Bonnet Boards of various kinds, with the other articles sold its retail shops. n. & Son trust, when the DELAY and EXPENCE OF CARSIAGE is considered, that this establish- I ment will prove an advantage to THE trade in ge- I ner; WANTED, an of goad educa- ¡ tion, to the printing business. I BROSTER and SON inform their Literary Friends and the Public, that in a few weeks will be published their animal CATALOGUE ,OF LOOKS for 180S; which, from the collections they have purchased, they have reason to think will comprize A VERY CURIOUS and RARE AMORT-. MENX IN the DIFIEREAT brandies of literature, i MENX in the DIFIEREAT brandies of literature, :.J- .œ: BEAUMARIS. t TO BE LET, And entered upon the 12th of May next, A LARGE- aud. Commodious D WELLING- JTm._ HOUSE, late the residence of the Lord Bishop, of Ferns, in the town of .Beaumaris, An^icaea; consisting of two good parlours, house- room, servant's hall, bailor's pantry, kitchen, larder, dairy and laundry oii -he gi-oliii(i floor; a drawing-room, 24 feet by 16 leet, with three windows in front, aud threejrooo bed-room in IJte attic story a coach-house^«stalled -'able, saddle room cart shed, auft bt 'COW-li OL with hvo walled gardens. The house is ptcasanUy and conveniently situated, commanding a line view of ihe soi, separated from it by a flowcr-gatdea and sin ubbery, ftom which there are steps down to the sea for the purpose of bathing. The tenant may be aecommodatetl with ihe fur- niture now in the house at a fair valuation, and also with 10 to 17 acres of rich land, adjoining Baron-hin Lawn. For further particulars, apply to Mr. R. WILLIAMS, Beaumaris. THIRTY-EIGHT CAPITAL PRIZE8- In the last year, including Two Prizes of Thirty Thousand Pounds, Wer! all shared and sold by T. BISH, At his old established Offices, JVo. 4, CornhiU, and A'o. 9, Charing Cross, London, WHERE TICKETS and SHARES are W selling for the STATE LOTTERY, the Scheme of which contains more thau double the IHHnber of Prizes than were in the last Principal and Supplementary Lotteries added together—viz. 3 Prizes of £ 20,000 20 IlrizcE; of 3 10,000 30 500 4 5,000 45 100 &c. &c. &c. Tickets and Shares are also selling for the C [TY LOTTERY, the Prizes of which consist of sub- stantial Freehold Houses, discharged of Laud Tax. THE SCHEME CONTAINS 1 Valued at £ 25,000 7 Each of £ 4,000 1 7,000- 6 3,QUO 4 Each of 6,000 1 2,000 Persons in the country may be supplied, the same as if present, by senfflig their orders, post or carriage paid, to either 4, Conibili, or 9, Charing Cross, where Schemes, may he had gratis, and ail Prizes in either Lottery will be paid an demand by T, BISH. TO CO FEB, tI AT MADRYN, CARNARVONSHIRE, At Two Guineas the season, and Three Shilling the Groom, JOHN BULL, a beautiful fine topped bay horse, supposed by judges to be of very su- perior form, with black legs, fifteen hanefe and a half high; has great hone and power, rising se- ven years old; got hy the famous horse John Bull, the property of the late Earl Grosvenor, out of a capital Highflyer iiiii-e.-Ife has proved himself a sure and good stock getter. At One Guinea, and a Shilling the groom, OTHELLO, all elegant horse, all black, 15 J hands high, with sufficient bone, and extraordi- nary gO°d action, rising four years old got by that excellent fox hunter, Young Hercules, the property of Sir Henry Goodriek, Bart. Also, at Fifteen Shillings, A remarkable fine bony brown DRAUGHT HORSE, of a very good size, rising four years old; got by Mr. Hakewe,H, of Distich's Leices- tershire Horse, out of a Fiintshiie mare. ORANGE FLOWER will cover this season, at the Turf, Shrewsbury. N: B. The two last may either be hired for the season, or purchased. rr Good at 6s. per week, and excellent j accommodation for mares. 20th Ftb. 1S08. 1 STATE LOTTERY Of 25,000 Tickets, l Begins DRAWING 8th of MARCH, isoi. To be drawn in Ten Days. SCHEME. 3 Prizes of = £ 20,000 are £ 60,000 SO,000 20,000 20 1,000 20,000 30 500 15,000 45 100 4,500 6(1 5,1 3,000 1,000. 21 21,000 5,lorJ 15 70,500 25,000 Tickets. 5 0, 0 1,10 NO FIXES PRISE. The above SCHEME, NVitli not three Blanks to a Prize, contains nearly double the number of Capi- tal Prizes of any Lottery for many years past, though many of those Lotteries consisted of 60,000 Tickets. Present Price,—Ticket.= £ 20 19 0 Half.. £ 10 15 0 1 Eighth. £ 2 15 6 Quarter 5 9 0 1 SO Tickets andSiiarcs, in a great, or Num- bers, are How selling at all the Licenced Lottery Offices in London, and by their Agents in tfje country, who, have likewise on sale Tickets and Shares for the GRAND CITY LOTTERY, it Of Freehold Houses, discharged of Ltafid Tax CONTAINING Capital Prizes to the amount of = £ 104,000. viz. 1 valued at £ 25,000 7 valued at £ 4,000 1 7,000 6 .3,000 4 6,000 1 2,000 It is proposed that those Prizes which are di viderl into smaU Shares shall be sold, and the pro- duce paid to the respective Shareholders. PRESENT PRICE.—Ticket. = £ T 14 0 Half. £ 0 0 Eighth = £ 1 i 0 Quarter. 2 1 0 Sixteenth.. 010 <5 To lJ 4mvsn in Guildhall, 26th April, 1803. CURACY: T WANTED, by a Clergyman of respect- aide character,'conversant in the Welsh language, a CURACY, IN any of the counties of Nortii- \vales. Salary will be no great object, where thc use of the Parsonage-house can behad, and the situation likely to be For fitrtii,or eitltiti-c or the of tius paper; if by letters, post paid. THOXrAs AUS N, ivtiiTE LION INN, CifESTfi; n, TAKES this public opportunity 01 JBL ing to the Nobiiity aud Gentry of the principality of North Wales, his grateful acknow- ledgement of the encouragement he has experi- enced from them, and respectfully trusts his still further exertions in every branch of his extensive I undertaking will entitle him to a continuance of that preference. The following COACHES set off from the White Lion Inn: ROYAL MAIL TO LONDON, Every night about 11 o'clock. ROYAL MAIL TO HOLYHEAD, Every morning about 2 o'clock. ROYAL MAlI, TO LIVERPOOL, Every morning-about 2 o'clock. TELEGRAPH TO LONDON, On Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday evenings, at 4 o'clock. COACH TO SHREWSBURY, On Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at 1 o'clock. COACH TO MANCHESTER, Every day at half-past I o'clock. COACH TO MANCHESTER, Every morning'at i q'clock, by v/AV of Preston Brook. COACH TO LIVERPOOL, By way of EAST ham. every day, two hours before high water. (ÇJr The proprietors of the above coaches wil I not be for any parcels above the value I of 5L. unless entered and paid for accordingly.