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THE DECLARATION OF THE POLL Took place at the Town-hall on Friday morning. Long before ten o'clock a crowd assembled in High- street, and Mr. Gwyn and his supporters were the first to enter and take up their former positions. The Mayor shortly afterwards arrived; soon after followed Mr. H. P. Price and his friends. As the latter entered the hall they were met with hootings from the other side, the Liberals responding with cheers. After the usual preliminaries had been gone through, which took up a good deal of time, the Mayor stated that the numbers were- For Mr. Gwyn 372 „ Mr. Price 357 Majority for Mr. Gwyn 15 The statement was received with great cheers by the Conservative party, and with counter cheers by the other side. The Mayor then declared Mr. Gwyn duly elected, and said their thanks were due to those gentlemen who had so kindly assisted him in the election. He alluded to the returning officers-Mr. Jeffreys Powell, at Trecastle, Mr. Bright, and Mr. John Morris, in Brecon. (Applause.) Mr. Gwyn rose to return thanks, and was received with cheers and hisses. Silence being obtained, he said: Before I proceed to address you, let me beg and entreat of you that you will hear everybody who will speak, fairly and impartially. (Hear, hear.) I believe it is what every Englishman has a right to expect, and I do sincerely trust that the unseemly exhibition of Wednesday last will not be repeated on the present occasion. (Hear, hear.) It is now my pleasing duty to return to you, and especially to my warm and zealous friends, my best thanks for the kind support they have given me upon this occasion, and for conferring on me the honour of returning me for a second time as your representative in Parliament. (Applause.) It is a proof to me that you consider that I have done my duty in Parliament. (Cheers and hisses.) It is a very anxious thing to know sometimes how to act; but I have exercised my own judgment, and I have supported such measures as I conscientiously be- lieved to be best to promote the public and private interests of the country and my constituency. I can assure you, gentlemen, that I shall continue to pursue the same course, and I hope, if it should oplease God that I should ever come before you again, that I shall then receive your approbation for the course I shall have pursued. (Cheers, and a voice "You shall have it.") I will not on this occasion detain you at any length but I hope that if any bitter feelings have been engendered during the long and protracted struggle in which we have been engaged, I hope from henceforth they will all be laid aside, (hear, hear); that we shall again meet together as friends and neighbours—giving me the credit of acting for the best, not only for my own friends, but for my constituents at large. (Cheers.) The session we are about to enter upon will be a very important one,—more so than has ever occurred in the course of our lives and many measures of importance will be brought forward,—measures that will require the careful consideration of all parties. I assure you that I shall consider them all in an independent spirit, and give an independent support to whatever Government may be in power. (Applause.) I thank you all most sincerely for the trust you have once more reposed in me. I shall go to Parliament, when it is called together, with the full determination to act to the best of my power to promote your interests in every way. (Applause.) Mr. H. P. Price was greeted with cheers and groans. He said My friends,—To a contest there must always be two sides-a winning and a losing side. (Hear, hear.) I unfortunately appear before you on the losing side. But even the losing side has its own peculiar charms and consolations. (Applause.) And that peculiar consolation is that the losing side invariably draws towards itself the sympathies and kindness of mankind. (Loud cheers.) This, gentlemen, has been a most remarkable contest, extending now over nearly three months. "r e have waged it purely by moral forces, and by moral agencies (hear, hear), and looking at the means and agencies we have employed, and seeing the large number of peisons who without anv inducement or allurement of any kind, have yet manfully and straightforwardly recorded their votes in mv favour -it is a most striking moral fact. (Applause, and You did not bribe.") I wish that our contest had been successful-not for the mere fact of placing me in Parliament, which was a small matter,-but because our success would have been a o-reat moral political triumph. (Hear, hear.) I haye been told I ought not to have come and disturbed the peace of this borough. I assure you I would not have disturbed the peace of this borough if I had not the support of a very large majority of this constituency. (Hear, hear, and applause.) I had a very large and commanding majority of pro- mises. (Hear, hear, and interruption.) How and by what means that large and commanding majority suddenly disappeared, and was reduced to a mino- rity,-small though it be,-can only be attributed to that one potent influence,—an influence which shuns the noonday (cheers), and chooses for its silent operations the shadows and secrecy of ni°ht (applause and uproar),—I say, gentlemen, it is&to that influence alone that I attribute my present position. (Interruption.) I shall not touch further on that subject. (Cries of Quite enough," "Shut your mouth," as well as of "How about the man in the moon.") With the revelations the public will shortly become familiar (applause and uproar, and a voice "He will be out in two months,")- revelations which will speak with the severity of power which belongs to facts -the complete history of my defeat. (Applause.) It now remains for me, —which I do with the greatest possible pleasure,— to thank most warmly all of my friends (interrup- tion), and especially those professional gentlemen who toiled and worked without reward and without remuneration (loud applause and uproar), and were simply influenced by a sense of public duty; and to all my other friends and supporters through the whole of this borough, from one end to another, for the warmth, heartiness, and cordiality with which they have assisted me in this contest. (Cheers and hisses.) They deserved to win it. (Cheers.) All I have now to say is to thank you once more, and to hope that on a future occasion you will find a better captain to lead you on to victory. (Loud applause and hooting.) Mr. H. Gwyn at once came forward, but the noise was so great that it was some time before order could be restored. He then said I was in hopes that the apple of discord would not have been thrown down (interruption) on the present occasion, because I en- deavoured in the few remarks I made to vou to steer clear of all personalities ("Cheers and hisses and dis- order.) I am here openly and plainly to declare that this election has been as far as we are concerned a fair and perfectly pure one. I know of no undue in- fluences that have been used by a single member of my party. But of course there is a tribunal,—if they think otherwise—open to them, where this question can be tried and I shall appear, if I am called, before the tribunal with clean hands and a clean conscience. (Great cheering and uproar.) Mr. Gwyn then proposed a vote of thanks to the Mayor and the other returning officers, who had been engaged in the arduous task of the election. Mr. H. P. Price said he begged most cordially to second the proposition. The proposition having been received with cheers, The Mayor returned thanks. In doing so he told those present that that was the first time the majority of them as electors had bad the privilege of using the franchise. Th y should look upon it as the greatest blessing that could be offered then, and use it independently, fearlessly, and conscientiously. They would then deserve the confidence Govern- ment had placed in them. He now thanked them for the way in which they had supported him. (Applause.) Some one of the Liberal party then proposed three cheers for Gladstone, which were given with great heartiness, and were followed by three groans for Disraeli. The Conservatives at the same time set up three cheers for Mr. Disraelu The two parties then left the hall one after another is; a body, accompany- ing their respective representatives to their tem- porary residences.