Cassell, Petter, & Galfiiris Publications. -+- CASSELL98 MAGAZINE. Monthly, Sixpence; Weekly, One Penny. CASSELL'S MAGAZINE. Illustrated. "Of the many periodical publications which, owe their existence to the enterprise of Messrs. Cassell, Petter, and Galpin, their new venture is one of the most creditable. The matter is of a popular and interesting character, frequently teaching while it amuses, and all throughout marked by a care for the moralities without intruding them unduly. In each number there is plenty to attract all classes of the community; and the names of some of the contributors-men >v>o do not usually contribute to very cheap magazines—prore that Messrs. Cassell have resolved to make their new periodical at least worthy of the success Whioh it is well calculated to obtain."—Standard. QASSELL'S SERIAL PUBLICATIONS. CASSELL'S MAGAZINE. Illustrated. Weekly, One Jreuky; Monthly, 6d. Presented Gratuitously with £ °- f> and Part I., Ward's famous pieture o". "The South Sea Bubble." THE QUIVER, A Religious Magazine, Illustrated. r AO <ne ■Penny I Monthly, 6d. T £ LL',S ILLUSTRATED BOOK OF FABLES.— fd A>JT?AI?15: Illustrations by Gustave Dord. Monthly, CAS9rT ° of Gustave DoriS presented with Part I. POLL'S ILLUSTRATED PENNY HEADINGS. MontWy 6dby Tom Hood- Weekly, One Penny; CASSELL'S BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY, with file- p,rtrate ortraits. Monthly, Cd. (To be completed in ih.rty-six Monthly PM-ts.) CHORAL MUSIC. Edited and Marked by OvV Vr. SLIK" Weekly, Twopence; Monthly, Is. (being CA- sPT T r^1^ per Full Size). Weeklv n JLLUSTBATED SACRED POEMS. CaWt .olle Peany: Monthly, 6d. New Ff] if;LIiUSTR^TED HISTORY OF ENGLAND. Eno-rav^t? 'wn^ne I°ned Paper, with about 2,000 P A yopT T ,5 Weekly, Three-halfpence; Monthly, 7d. EdiHm, ^lustrated FAMILY BIBLE. New Tliroo v,' if11 e(l Paper, with 900 Engravings. Weekly, Three-halfpence; Monthly, 7d. TIE I-TOLY BIBLE. With Gustave Doré's Illustrations. In Monthly Pnrts, at Half-a-Crown. Fols. 1. and II., price One Guinea each, now ready. CASSELL'S ILLUSTRATED BUSYAN- THK PILGRIM'S i i-OGIIESS and Tun HOLT WAR. Illustrations by II. C. fteious and P. Priolo. Weekly, One Penny; Monthly, Gd. CASSELL'S ILLUSTRATED NATURAL HISTORY. New Edition, with 2,000 Eng ravings. Weekly, One Penny; Monthly, with Coloured PlntM, 6d. CASSELL'S ILLUSTRATED SHAKESPEARE. Edited by Mr. and Mrs. COW-DEN CLANKY.. With Illustrations by B. C. Selous. Weekly, One Penny; Monthly, 6d. Vols. I. and II., containing the Comedies and Historical Plays complete, price 12.s. each, now ready. CASSELL'S ATLAS. Weekly, One Penny: Monthly, with Coloured Maps, Is. CASSELL'S RAILWAY TIME TABLES, embracing all Kailways from and to London, and all the principal iowns, also those running in the Metropolis. Monthly, 211. Illustrated Volumes, Dord's Illustrated MILTON. X5. The book of the y,ar.Saturdal; Review. Doré's Illustrated DANTE. X2 10s. The most Daiatesque work on Dante that ever was pro- duced." -Timu. Doré's Illustrated DON QUIXOTE. XI 10s. contrast of fact and fancy is invariable, yet evel fresh."—Pall Mall Gazette. ID Ord's Illustrated BIBLE. Vol. I. Xl ls. ▼asteflt^wnS^H a monument—the culminating and ArtQuaZlSrtJ hfe aS a work of illustration. D°* '8 Illustrated CROQUEMITAINE. £118. art."—'iS perfect treasure of humorous D0r|i^nustrated bARON MUNCHAUSEN. "A true livre de fee. "-Saturday Review. Jjord's Illustrated WANDERING JEW. 15s. tuous Review says:—"Here are seven most sump- type do i handsomely printed, and with paper and prenenr -r^' and from the sam° artist and entre- preneur. They may be proud of each other." pASSELL'S FOXE'S BOOK OF MARTYRS. Vjj' With about 200 Illustrations. 12s. TrJtJi ^ev*. ,C." H• Spurgeon, referring, in the Stcord an Bays'' << r i13 e(?Jtl"n of "Foxe's Book of Martyrs," the ]r,„ days of the threatened revival of Popery, Gospel country, the lover of liberty, the lover of circulaf^T t scarci-l.y (lo a wiser thing than aid the UJatl°n of this precious volume." assell's Shakespeare's Comedies. With about VA 18« Illustrations by H. C. Selous. 12s. Ntm. volume nobly illustrated."—Illustrated, London C^SstJtio^118011 CrUS°e- 7Sl 6d' With 100 CaS^1iUuSS™itb'a Works. 7s. 6d. With Q^OUghSby TSMortIn!S,78P6rd fUSdy illustrated "Mr. Morten's illustrations thron are excellent, capitally drawn, and most humorous ?l\u ,aro excellent, Art Journal. Cassell's Banyan— The Pilgrim»8 Pr 7s. 6d. With 100 Illustrations. rogress. Cassell's Bunyan — The Holy War. 7S gj With 100 Illustrations. CjasselPs Family Bible. Illustrated with 900 iV, Engravings. Price from 31s. 6d. to 60s., according to wnumg. Superior Large Paper Edition, from 50s. to 70s. CJasBell's Family Prayer-Book; or, Morning and 7s. 6d. Prayera for Every Day in the Year. Price Oassell's Natural History. Illustrated with °r in ?' 2,000 Engravings. Complete in 4 vols., at 8s. 6d., vo«., at 15s. each. Cassell's History of England. With about 2,000 -Preg Ililistratiolls. From the Earliest Period to the lme. Complete in 8 vols., at 6s. and 7?. 6d. each. V^nf8. Popular Educator (Illustrated). js. in 6 vol?., at 4s. 6cl., cr in 3 vols at 8s. Gd. vy'a6!v!'s. Bible Dictionary, Illustrated (com te in Two Volumes), priee 12a. 6d. eaoh, ZL ] Q U I V I,] R. The QUI V E R. Monthly, Sixpence; Weekly, One Penny. A RELIGIOUS MAGAZINE, ILLUSTRATED. ence'"1^1?^- one °lleaP periodicals in exist- t Journal. anions „ u1,trated magazine, which holds the highest rank for class of periodicals which are peculiarly adapted nnday reading."—Army and Navy Gazette. i-y, Tt 'Kow rc <dr, n Cbes.p Editi-m. price 6s., of '1 1JY T,^T° 11T 11 E S Y r A s R A G E the At'tii:1; flio History o* nn' l^cp'r-dirio:! fl0m '-no of til' '"n +i 0 c trough Jirit:. Ii Territory, by EiitUt I "i tjovn I' m tue a.n-ky iloun'Miiif!. With r-R R" t, :llld Map. By Viscount M.P., Cantab q •' aud C-u)LE, 31. A., 31.D. hardship.? are as nothing %ect«tor. endured by *lsccullt Milton and Dr. Cheadle. T The Large Svo Edition of f S T PASSAGE, (Sulh mUoT) s Map3'is £ fci11 in Print' Price -x. "T'llliii IIIH BENJAMIN THE GROCER, HIGH STREET, BRECON & Y C ¥ 4 v TOWN OF TALGARTH. D. M 0 R G A N PLUMBER, GLAZIER, HOUSE AND SJIN PAINTER, IMITATOR OF WOODS AND MARBLES, &C., Has now in stock a large assortment of Sheel and Crown Glass, and Glass Slates-(the higher qualities of glass supplied to order). Sheet Lead and Zinc, Lead Piping, Oils and Colours. Gilt and other Mouldings in various patterns. Picture Frames made to order. A large stock of Paper Hangings, in great variety, just received, consisting of upwards of 1,500 pieces and 18,000 yards, varying in price from 6d. to 4s. 6d. per piece of 12 yards. > D. M. respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, that he has introduced,'in connection with the above business, the General STATIONERY TRADE, in which he will supply all goods at a fair remunerating profit. London and other Publications supplied weekly. Agent for the BRECON COUNTY TIMES. [152 Talgartb, February 27th, 1867. CHARLESGIB SON, BRECON AND BUILTH, Importer (direct) of SANDEMAN'S and COCKBURN'S PORTS INGHAM'S MARSALA; DUFF GORDON'S SHERRIES; CLOSSMAN & CO.'S (Bordeaux) CLARETS; MARTELL & CO.'S COGNAC. The above names are well known as the largest and most respectable Shippers in the world, and as C. GIBSON deals direct with them he is the only medium between the Shipper and Consumer; the public therefore reap an advantage (either in Quality or Price) by dealing with him. NOTE.-No Agents appointed, therefore the above Wines, &c., do not pass-as is too often the case-through a third parties' hands. BONDED VAULTS KING STREET HALL, BRISTOL. GOOD HARVEST ALE at 8d. and lOd. per Gallon. GREAT REDUCTION IN CALICOES, LINENS, SHEETS, PRINTS, WINSEYS, PLAIN AND FANCY DRESSES, ETC. QLIYER "FRITCHARD Invites an inspection of his Large Stock of New Goods. PLAIN AND FANCY WINSEYS FROM 4D. TO 2s. 6D. PER YARD. FANCY DRESSES FROM 4tD. TO 3s. 6D, GLOVES AND STOCKINGS EQUALLY CHEAP. MANTLES, JACKETS, AND MILLINERY IN THE NEWEST STYLES, AT THE LOWEST PRICES. FUNERALS FURNISHED, AND PARTICULAR ATTENTION GIVEN TO MOURNING ORDERS. CARPETS, DRUGGETS, BAIZES, MOREEN OIL CLOTHS. SPECIALITIES :—LONG CLOTH AND CALICO, 1 YARD WIDE, AT 6D. REAL ABERDEEN WINSEYS, VERY WIDE, Is. THE UNIVERSAL COKSET, 3S. THE 10s. 6D. WATERPROOF CLOAK. 1 & 2, THE SQUARE, HAY. [18 BRISTOL PACKET COMPANY. -EL? JOHN PROTHERO Respectfully informs the inhabitants of the town of Brecon and neighbourhood that he has just taken to the old-established and well-conducted CARRYING BUSINESS of the late Mr. W. THOMAS, and that all goods intended for conveyance by his Boats, which will arrive in Brecon from Newport every other day, will receive his prompt attention. All goods to be conveyed by PROTHERO'S BOATs-from London, per Great Western and South Wales Railway, Newport,from Liverpool, Manchester, Birmingham, and the North of England, "per London and North Western Railway to Newport,—thence "per PROTHERO'S BOATS OJ-and all goods from Bristol, 'per Burton's Bristol Packet." GOODS CARRIED and DELIVERED WITH CARE and at MODERATE CHARGES. No more complaints of delay in delivering goods!—PROTHERO'S BOATS will await the arrival of the Packets at Newport, and be despatched with promptness to Brecon three times a week. Brecon, 1st Oct., 1863. [17 IMPROVED CHAFF CUTTERS, TURNIP CUTTERS, TURNIP PULPERS, I WINNOWING MACHINES, THRASHING MACHINES, MALT and CORN CRUSHERS, adapted for Steam, Horse, or Manual Power, cheapest and best at the Makers, HODGES & WRIGHT, BRECON. [598 THEATRE ROYAL, BRECON. MISS KATE ROBERTSON respectfully begs to inform the Nobility, Gentry, and Public generally of "Brecon and its Neighbourhood," that the above Theatre (after undergoing thorough renovation and repair, including the construction of a NEW ENTRANCE) will be RE-OPENED at an early date, of which due notice will appear in a few days. Miss K. R. also wishes to state that a NEW COMPANY is engaged, and the whole will be under her sole management. Wellington Hotel, Brecon, October 31st, 1867. [599 PRINTING BY HYDRAULIC POWER! THE PROPRIETORS OF THIS JOURNAL beg respectfully to inform the Public that, having completed their MACHINERY FOR PRINTING BY WATER POWER, they are now in a position to execute PRINTING WORK of all kinds, and to any extent, at a considerable advantage to their customers as compared with the charges made by Establishments in which the slow and tedious process of hand-power is relied upon or indeed as compared with the more expensive power of steam,—Water-power being far more economical than Steam for Printing purposes, while it gives exactly equal advantages in regard to rapidity in the execution of work. The whole of the Type being new, and of modern style, the Proprietors are enabled to promise neatness and superior "finish" in addition to the other advantages they offer, while the greatest care is taken to ensure correctness. The system of business pursued at this Office is that of basing the charge upon the actual cost-not, as is too common in the Printing Trade, of estimating the charge by comparison or by the appearance of the work. Hence customers may rely that they get value received in every case, as each charge is capable of being vouched in the most minute particular. Orders from a distance receive prompt attention, and, when necessary, proofs can be sent by the next Post after the receipt of order. All Parcels carriage paid so far as the main lines running from Brecon extend. ENGRAVING (on Wood, Copper, or Steel)—LITHOGRAPHIC PRINTING,-DIE SINKING,— EMBOSSING (Monograms, Initials, Crests, &c.)—BOOKBINDING, and all other Branches of the Printing and Stationery Trades on equally advantageous terms. Estimates given (upon application by Post or otherwise) free of charge. BRECON COUNTY TIMES OFFICE, BRECON, OCTOBER, 1867. THE CHAMPION LIVER AND STOMACH PILLS. of^th6 *>S are compounded from the recipe of one (who6 f10st enQinent physicians of the present day >. • ro™ purely philanthropic motives—knowing hetr excellent properties from experience-has been ° |ive ^e benefit of them to the public a aAu" y are prepared by an able and experi- enced chemist, and are acknowledged, by the faculty, r I6 + a S. va^uable medicine for all disorders of the s om c and derangements of the liver ever prepared. I:) It is a well-known fact that most of the diseases incident to tne numan race arise from a disordered stomach, and an irregular state of the bowels, and for want of a suitable remedy, taken in time, thousands of (at first) simple maladies become serious illnesses. To guard against this great evil, and to preserve the blessings of health, these pills are confidently and earnestly recommended. They act generally on the constitution, cleanse the blood of all impurities; regulate the secretions, and give tone to the stomach; correct the morbid con- dition of the liver, regulate the bowels, and, by removing all impediments, restore elasticity and vigour to the whole frame. Sold in boxes (with directions for use) Is. lid. and 7id. each (a saving by taking the larger size). n Sold Wholesale by Messrs. Barclay and Son, London and Retail by all Medicine Vendors. I. AGENT FOR BRECON:—MR. MORRIS, CHEMIST. WILLIAM LLOYD, AUCTIONEER, APPRAISER, LAND and ESTATE AGENT, HAY. Valuations for Administrations. Timber HAY. Valuations for Administrations. Timber Measured and Valued. [48 J 1"^ AYE'S WORS DELLS' PILLS. This invaluable Medicine, which has been known throughout the UNITED KINGDOM for nearly half a century, and recognised by all who have tried it to be the BEST PURIFIER OF THE BLOOD, is admirably adapted to supply a great want—that of a remedy always at hand, easy of application, and certain in its results. Its timely aid prevents, and its assistance cures, all Diseases, however caused; and where these Pills are persevered with DOCTORS' BILLS ARE UNKNOWN. Being a purely vegetable preparation, they may be taken at any time by either sex without fear of danger. Acting upon the bowels mildly, yet effect- ually, by their fine tonic, aromatic, and aperient properties, they remove all oppressive accumu- lations, regulate the secretions of the liver and bowels, strengthen the stomach, and purify the blood. Prepared solely by JOHN KAYE, Esq., of Prospect Hall, Woodford, Essex. Sold by all Chemists and other Dealers in Patent Medicines, at Is. 1 -id., 2s. 9d. 2 and 4s. 6d. Wholesale Depot, 22, Bread-street, London. [245 PURE WATER. GEORGE SHAW'S IMPROVED I,X PURE CARBON WATER FILTERS are warranted superior to any other invention for effec- tually removing taste, colour, lead, and all organic impurities from any kind of water. Prices and Drawings, on application, from the Manufactory, Crown Filter Works, Manchester. Agents Wanted. [446 LOWER CHAPEL, BRECONSHIRE. SALE of STOCK, FURNITURE, PHiETON, SILVER-MOUNTED HARNESS, a small RICK of HAY, &c., &c. MR. JAMES HALL will SELL by AUCTION, On Thursday, November 14th, 1867, On the Premises at the PARSONAGE HOUSE, LOWER CHAPEL, the whole of the HOUSEHOLD FURNI- TURE, and other Effects, the property of the Rev. ROGER WILLIAMS, who is leaving the neighbourhood; consisting of carpets and hearthrugs, fenders and sets of fire-irons, wire guards, mahogany dining and Pembroke tables, 6 mahogany hair. seated chairs, handsome rosewood loo table, ditto pianoforte (by Oetzman and Plumb), 7 octave; 5 drawing-room chairs in Zebra wood, pier glass in gilt frame, carved rosewood couch, pair of handsome vases, window curtains and poles, easy chairs, lamp, clock, large fire screen, hat-stand, floor-cloth, barometer, mahogany and other chest of drawers, and the con- tents of 5 bedrooms; together with the whole of the brewing and dairy utensils, kitchen requisites, &c. Also, 10 cross-bred ewes and 10 lambs, 2 goats, 1 cow, a first-rate milker phaeton, light cart, silver- mounted harness, cart harness, quite new garden tools, wheelbarrow, and a small rick of hay well harvested. The Sale will commence at 1 o'clock precisely. As the Lots are numerous and the days are thort the Auctioneer earnestly solicits a punctual attendance. Cae Prior, Brecon, Oct. 29th, 1867. [600 ABERCARN, ONMOUTHSHIRE. UNRESERVED SALE OF VALUABLE WORKING HORSES. MR. WM FORD has been honoured with instructions from the Ebbw Vale Company (Limited) to SELL by AUCTION, at their Stables at ABERCARN, On Thursday, November 7th, 1867, All those THIRTY HORSES, which are to be dis. posed of in consequence of the Company applying steam-power instead of horse-power at their large works at Abercarn, viz. Lot I.-Jerry, brown horse, 15 hands high. Lot 2.—Drummer, black horse, 14 hands Sin. high. Lot 3.-Smiler, brown horse, 15 hands high, very powerful. Lot 4.—Captain, brown horse, 15 hands high. Lot .-Traveller, „ 15 hands 2 in. high. Lot 6.—Surly, black horse, 15 hands high. Lot 7.- Collier, 15 hands high. Lot 8.-Bil- Rattler, brown horse, 16 hands 1 in. high. Lot 9.—Spanker, brown horse, 14 hands 2 in. high. Lot 10.—Turpin, „ Lot 11.—Lion, 15 „ Lot 12.—Turpin, „ 14 „ Lot 13.—Rambler, bay horse, 15 hands high. Lot 14.—Captain, black horse, 16 hands high very superior tip borse.. Lot 15.—Blackburn, black horse, 15 hands high. Lot 16.—Venter, brown horse, 15 bands high. Lot 17.-Doctor, black horse, 14 hands 2 in. high. Lot 18.—Lester, black mare, „ Lot 19.-Billy, grey horse, 15 bands high. Lot 20.—Grey, Lot 21.-Jerry, brown horse, 16 hands 3 in. high. Lot 22.-Ball, bay horse, 15 hands 1 inch high. Lot 23.-Dawson, brown horse, 14 hands high. Lot 24.-Bowler, bay horse, 14 hands 1 inch high. Lot 25.—Farmer, brown horse, „ Lot 26.—Venter, bay horse, 15 hands high. Lot 27.—A very superior black hack mare, very useful for saddle or harness. Lot 28.—A superior bay horse (nearly thorough bred), 15 hands high, is young, a good hunter, and very useful for other purposes. Lot 29.-Farmer, bay horse, 15 hands high. Lot 30.—Briton, brown horse, 14 hands, 3 inches high. Lot 31.-Dragon, black horse, 14 hands high. The Auctioneer has great pleasure in inviting his numerous friends to this genuine stock of horses, many of them young, and he has no hesitation in saying that this is one of the most superior lot of horses that he has ever had under his hammer. The horses have just come out of work, possessing excellent points, and in good condition, varying in age, from 5 years, 6 years, 7 years, &c. The Horses may be viewed early on the morning of the sale. Luncheon on the table at 12 o'clock, at the Com- mercial Hotel, Abercarn Sale to commence punc- tually at 1 o'clock p m. Positively no reserve. For further particulars apply to Mr. Thomas Jones, Stable Manager, or to the Auctioneer. Auctioneer's Residence and Offices, Greenland Cottage, Brynmawr. [593 ANTED, a small FURNISHED HOUSE in the vicinity of a good Town or first-class Railway Station it must contain three reception rooms and five bedrooms (exclusive of servants' rooms), small garden, croquet lawn, coach house and stable, and where some ROUGH SHOOTING might be obtained in the neighbour- hood.—Address, with full particulars and lowest price, J. G., Dunrowan, Weston super Mare, Somerset. [595 T. ANDREW, MILL LANDS NEW BRICK AND TILE WORKS, NEATH. Best Building Bricks, Tiles, Crests, Draining Tiles, 11 11 and Pipes of all kinds and sizes. Seakale, Rhubarb Pots, and Garden Ware of all descriptions. Prices forwarded on application. (588 MR. CHARLES TAYLOR, ARCHITECT, SURVEYOR, AND CIVIL ENGINEER. OFFICES: 128, HIGH STREET, MERTHYR TYDFIL. PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND ESTIMATES PREPARED. QUANTITIES TAKEN OUT, SURVEYS MADE, LEVELS TAKEN, &c. [550 IMPORTANT. IF you want to BORROW MONEY at a cheap rate, go to Mr. W. WILLIAMS, 16, Dock-street, Newport, Mon., and Insure your Life, and he will guarantee that, with approved personal security, you can have any sum from X50 to X2,000, for 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 years, repayable by fixed half-yearly or quarterly instalments. Office hours: 10 to 5. 74 HpHE NEW ENDORSING PRESS Inks itself and gives a Distinct Impression.— Price (including Die), ONE GUINEA. No place of business should be without it. A specimen may be seen, or an impression from it sent by post, on application at the '•BRECON COUNTY TIMES" OFFICE. ACCOUNT BOOKS (with or without Printed and Ruled Headings) manufactured at a cheap rate at the "BRECON COUNTY TIMES" OFFICE, CHRIST'S COLLEGE, BRECKNOCK. FOUNDED BY K. HENRY VIII., A.D. 1541. THIS College, the buildings of which, including the Chapel, have been handsomely restored, offers a Classical or Commercial Education, upon the system of the best Public Schools, and on the most moderate terms. It is governed by the Bishops of St. David's and Llandaff, the Lord-Lieu- tenant of Brecknockshire, and other gentlemen of distinction in South Wales. Its Grounds are exten- sive, and its site is one of almost unrivalled attractionf There are Vacancies for a limited number o' Boarders, at £50 per annum, inclusive of X8 Tuition, for which, and for all other particulars, application may be made to Mr. F. WATKINS, Registrar of Christ's Collpge, [571 BRECON BOROUGH LEET. THE MAYOR (J. DAVIES, Esq.) has appointed the ANNUAL BOROUGH LEET DINNER to be held at the WELLINGTON HOTEL, on MONDAY, the 11th of NOVEMBER. Dinner on the table at 4 o'clock. The Mayor Elect will preside. Tickets (2s. 6d. each) to be obtained at the Bar of the Hotel. [597 BRECON & MERTHYR TYDFIL JUNCTION RAILWAY COMPANY. NOT ICE is hereby given that a SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING of the BRECON and MERTHYR TYDFIL JUNCTION RAILWAY COMPANY will be held at the COM- PANY'S OFFICES in BRECON, on TUESDAY. the 19th day of NOVEMBER next, at noon, at which it will be proposed, and, if agreed to, resolved that, pursuant to the 25th section of the "Brecon and Merthyr Railway Act, 1867, "a sum not exceeding X50,000, part of the capital of Y,570,500 which the Company have not raised, but are au horised to raise, be at the time of the issue thereof applied to the Con- struction of the Ivor and Dowlais Junction Railways of the Company, and that the net profits arising upon such railways be appropriated to the payment of interest and dividend of such capital. By Order. W. ROBERTS,' Secretary. Brecon, 30th Oct., 1867. [594 COUNTY OF BRECON. NOTICE is hereby given that the Lords of Her Majesty's Privy Council have granted a License for the holding of a SALE of CATTLE at PONTRHYDYFERE, in the Parish of Llan wrtyd, in the said County, on the 20th day of NOVEMBER next, of which the following is a copy:— At the Council Chamber, Whitehall, the 22nd day of October, 1867, by the Lords of Her Majesty's most Honourable Privy Council. The Lords of Her Majesty's most Honourable Privy Council, by virtue and in exercise uf the powers in them vested under the Contagious Diseases (Animals) Acts, and of every other power enabling them in this behalf, and under and in pursuance of the consolidated Cattle Plague Order of August, 1867, do hereby License the holding of a Sale of Cattle at Pontrhydyfere,in the Parish of Llanwrtyd, in the County of Brecon, on the Twentieth day of November next, subjpet and according to the con- ditions, provisions, and regulations applicable thereto under the said Acts and Order, and to the following conditions, provisions, and regulations "1. Cattle shall be admitted to the Sale from the following parts or places only (that is to say), any places situate within the Counties of Brecon, Car- marthen, or Cardigan. "2. John Jones, of Dolgoy, Llanwrtyd,"shall be appointed Pass-master for the Sale. "3. This License is revocable by the Privy Council whenever they think fit, and it shall absolutely cease to operate if any case of Cattle Plague occurs at any time after the date hereof, within ten miles of the place licensed for the Sale. "EDMUND HARRISON." EDWARD WILLIAMS, Clerk of the Peace of the County of Brecon. Brecon, 23rd October, 1867. [591 BRECKNOCKSHIRE SESSIONS. NOT ICE is hereby given that the _L I ADJOURNED GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS of the PEACE for the COUNTY ot BRECKNOCK will be held at the SIIIRE-HALL, in the Town of BRECKNOCK, on WEDNESDAY, the 6th day of NOVEMBER next, at Twelve o'clock at noon. Dated this 17th day of October, 1837. EDWARD WILLIAMS, 592] Clerk of the Peace. PARSONS, FLETCHER, and CO.'S INDIAN RICE STARCH. (TRADE MARK, AN RE L E P HA NT.) This excellent STARCH, introduced by PARSONS, FLETCHER, and Co., has met with a success unparal- leled in the annals of the Starch Trade, and is known as the ELEPHANT STARCH. Ladies should insist on their Laundresses using this Starch, which, being manufactured by an improved process, is much purer, and consequently more glossy, requires no boiling, and is ENTIRELY FREE FROM THE DESTROYING EFFECTS TO THE LINEN so common in other Starches now in use. 22, BREAD STREET, LONDON. Sold in Packets of tlb., Ilb., and lib., and in 41b. papers,by BENJAMIN THE GROCER AND BENJAMIN AND COMPANY, BRECON, And all respectable Grocers. [338 Eleventh Thousand, 54 Illustrations, post free 12 stamps. PEOPLE'S GUIDE TO HEALTH; JL or VOLUNTEER'S MANUAL. By HENRY SMITH, M.D., of the Royal University of Jena. A New Work on Gymnastics, Movements and Exer- cises for the Developing and Strengthening the Human Body How to Acquire Health and Strength, Secure Long Life, and Avoid the Infirmities of Old Age. "Anyone in search of health and- vigour of body will find it useful."—Morning Chronicle. May be had direct from the Author, 8, Burton- crescent, London, W.C. Also, by the same Author, A GUIDE to the CURE of NERVOUS- NESS, WEAKNESS, LOSS of APPETITE, or INDIGESTION. Illustrated with cases in proof of the Author's successful treatment, with neces- sary instructions by which sufferers may obtain a cure. Free by post, on receipt of two stamps, direct from the Author's residence, 8, Burton- I crescen London, W.C. [521 HAY. SELECT ARTICLES PREPARED and SOLD by JOHN L. DAVIES, PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST. THE BANKS OF THE WYE BOUQUET, A delightful and lasting Perfume, and an elegant Souvenir of Wales, in Bottles at Is. 6d., 2s. 6d., and upwards. ———— DAVIES'S SUPERIOR LAVENDER WATER, possessing the fragrant and refreshing odour so much admired in the flowers. GENUINE EAU DE COLOGNE, and a choice selection of Perfumes, Fancy Soaps, and Toilet Preparations of the most celebrated manufacturers. SUPERIOR LONDON MADE TOOTH AND NAIL BRUSHES. A Large Assortment of HAIR BRUSHES and CLOTH BRUSHES. Fine TURKEY and HONEYCOMB SPONGE, WATERPROOF SPONGE BAGS. GENUINE PATENT MEDICINES. ELASTIC STOCKINGS, TRUSSES, &C. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY DISPENSED. AGENT for SCHWEPPE'S SODA, POTASS, SELTZER, and other Mineral Waters. [71 HE CELEBRATED GINGER CHAMPAGNE (Registered) UNFERMEN- TED WINE not intoxicating. Sole Bottlers- WITHY AND COMPANY, Orange Grove, Bath, and Wilder Street, Bristol; in Champagne Quarts and Pints. Families can be supplied direct from the Works if there exists any difficulty in obtaining it from. Wine Merchants and others in their own neighbourhood. A sample Hamper, containing 1 Dozen Quarts and 2 Dozen Pints, sent to any address, carriage paid so far as a through rate can be obtained, on receipt of Post-Office Order for 30s. Agents Wanted. [417 CYDENHAM COLLEGE, SYDENHAM, KENT. PRINCIPAL-REV. W. TAYLOR JONE*, M.A., Queen's College, Cambridge, Fellow and Examiner of the College of Pre- cepters, assisted fcy a Staff of Competent Resident Masters. Master of the Junior Department-Rev. W. Taylor Jonet, Jus., B.A., L.C.P., Queen's College, Cambridge. German-W. Finkch, Esq. French-M. Boulland, LL.D., M.C.P Oriental Languages—Rev. George Small ,M.A. Drawing—T. C. DibdiD, Esq., M.C.P., Examiner in Art, Col- lege of Preoeptors. Pianoforte and Singing-W. J. Westbrook, Esq., M.O.P. Dancing and Calisthenics-J. B. Tenniel, Esq. Fencing and Drilling Mr. Heading, late Colour Sergeant Grenadier Guards. Fees for a thorough gentlemanly Education, including instruction in the -various departments of English Literature and Science, the Classic, French, and German Languages, Mathematics, Drawing, Vocal Music, and Drilling, with admission to the Crystal Palace and Grounds;- Per Term. Per Annum. Boarders 20 Guineas 60 Guinea*. under 12 years of age 18 „ 54 „ Dailyloarders 11 „ 83 „ ». under 12 yrs. of age 10 „ SO „ The Academical Year is divided into three Terms, viz. Spring Term from January 24 to April 30. SummerTerm from May 1 to July 31. Christmas Term. from September 18 to Pro>0pMii*o«a oo AppliuatlUIl 10 tilG Key. W. XAYLOR JONES, M.A., SYDKKHAM Comal, S.K. N ATIONAL MUTUAL ASSURANCE SOCIATY. Chief Office, 269, Strand, London. Agents wanted in London and the Provinces. Assurances. Annuities granted for all ages. Endowments from 1:10 to E100 received at 14 or 21 years of age. Sick Benefits, 5s., 7s. 6d., or 10s. per week, with medicine and attendance. Sutcs at death, £2 and upwards; Members admitted from 8 weeks old to 70 yeart, and may be- come free to benefit on entrance. Fsr term? apply by letter to Messrs. Humphries aad 'Winters at the chief ofP-,e as above. THE LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION. ESTABLISHED A.D. 1730. Head Office- 80. 7, ROYAL EXCHANGE, CORNHILL, B.a. West-end Office- No. 7, PALL-MALL, S.W. REDUCTION IN FIRE INSURANCE DUTY. The Directors are now prepared to give the public full advan- tage of the Reduction in Duty upon all Insurances effected or renewed after the 27th April, 1865. No charge made for Policy, however small the amount insured. JOHN LAURENCE, Seoretaxjr. ACCIDENTS TO LIFE OR LIMB, IK TEE FIELD, THE STREETS, OR AT HOM., Provided for by a Policy of the RAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE J-* COMPANY, 64, CornhiU, London, E.O. Compensation has been paid for 10,000 Claims, £1,000 in case of Death, or 96 per Week while laid-up by Injury secyred by an Annual Payment offrom £3 te £5 5s. For particulars apply to the Cltrfci at the Railway Stations, to the Local Agents, or at the oiiiccs, U4, Cornhill, and 10, Regent- street. v T V r A <*«crptarv. THE QUEEN INSURANCE COMPANY. LONDON OFFICES- QUEEN INSURANCE BUILDINGS, 60, GRACECirURCH-STREET, E.C. AND 13, REGENT STREET, WATERLOO PLACE, S.W. LIVERPOOL OFFICE— QUEEN INSURANCE BUILDINGS, DALE-STREET. The Company is represented by Branch AgenoiesthrOI ghout the United Kingdom, and in most of the Colonies and F)roign Countries. Capital £ 2,000,COO Paid-up 18-7,672 Funds in hand, as per last Report. 343,413 Fire and Life, Income over 125,CJ6 Dividend paid last year, 10 per cent. FIRE INSURANCES AT THE REDUCED GOVERN- KENT DUTY. RATES OF PREMIUM. Common Insurances Is. 6d. per cer t. Household Furniture from Is. 64. per cent. Hazardous Insurances 2s. 6d. per cent. Shops and Stele? therein from Is. 6d. per cent. Doubly Hazardous Insurances 4s. 6d. per cent. And Special Insurances acoording to Risk. ALL RATES OF PREMIUMiYERY MODERATE. HOME and FOREIGN FIRE and LIFE INSURANCES II every description. J. MONCRIEFF WILSON, Manager. JOHN E. LEYLAND, Secretary. Applications for Agencies at Home or Abroad to be &ddreeie4 to either the Liverpool or London Offices, npHE LIVERPOfU and LOKDOX and GLOBE FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Offices-I, Daie-street, Liverpool; 20 and 21, Poultry, 7, Cem- hill, and Charing-oross, London. PROGRESS OF THE COMPANY SINCE 1850. Ye;:x. Fire Premiums. Life Premiums Invested Funds. 1851 £5,JO;) £ 27,157 zE502,824 IS,53 222.279 7 2,78 1 821,061 1S61 8G0.130 185,974 1,311,905 1864 742,674 236,244 3,212,300 JOHN ATKINS, Resident Secretary, London. Life claims are payable in thirty days after they are admitteL XTATIONAL UNION LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. Chief Office-No. 355, STRAND, LONDON. POLICIES PAYABLE DURING LIFETIME. This Company transacts every description of Life Assurance and Annuity Business, and offers special advantages to I amongst which may be mentioned :— 1.-PoJicies at the ordinary rates of Premium, after a term of vears become payable during the lifetime of the assurel 2.—Indisputability after three years. 3.—The granting of greater facilities for the continuance and lisn-forfciture of Polioiea. Prospectuses and every information may be had om application. HENRY BUTTON, F.S.S., Secretary. No. 855, Strand, W.C. .a W\W\1A"n 1_- A. -¿..