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J GOOD TEMPERS' SOIREE AT ( Nb.WTOWN [ The first of the series of soirees in connection with the Glyndwr Lodge of Good Templars, was held on Saturday week, in the New Church-street Board School. The chair was occupied by Mr Geo. Morgan, C.C., who opened the meeting with an interesting address. He said that in every direction they could see the mighty volume of public opinion increasing. and ere long they were certain to have passed the Local Veto Bill, and, let them sincerely hope, the Welsh Local Veto Bill (applause). Was Wales to wait the growth of opinion in favour of great social questions until England was ready? They believed the people of the United Kingdom would soon be prepared in this respeot, at any rate, to concede Home Rule for Wales. Wales was ready to apply its remedy to the great problem of its social misery. So long as 140 millions were squandered on intoxi- cating drinks, so long would there continue periods of sluggish demand for clothing, food, furniture, &c., while millions needed them day by day. If but a portion of this 140 millions were spent on neces- saries there would be less misery, and if in Newtown. when their opportunity came, they could divert some £ 10,000. now spent annually on intoxicating drinks in our town, into the tills of the tradesmen, there will be no longer the keen anxiety and distress so prevalent amongst them. DR. Ross stated he had attended a wicked foot- ball match in the afternoon had bethought he would have been called on, he might have absented himself and prepared. He confessed he bad rather a weak- ness for football, and be perhaps could hardly help it, seeing he had been brought up and lived nearly all his'dnyB within a few minures walk of the field where many an international battle had been fought- Hampdes Park, the grounds of the world-famous Glasgow Queen's Park club. He thought it was the duty of the temperance party to give a helping hand to elevate the tone of the game. and to try and raise athletics to a higher standard. This was the first social meetirg of their winter campaign, and he hoped that as the result they would be able to initiate a great many more new members into the lodge. Reference had been made by the chairman to the question of the treatment of habitual drunkards, and it was a question that ought to re- ceive their careful attention. He did not think it was right thai. the drunkard should be elased with the criminal. He was not a criminal; he was suffer- ing from a disease, a disease which he might have in- herited or acquired, and he therefore ought to be treated on proper lines. Dr Sutherland, the Glasgow prison medical officer, had given the matter a great deal of attention, and had read, at various timPs, papers bearing on the subject to the economic section of the British Association. He advocated the laying aside of a large prison for the sole treatment of in- ebriates. They would he treated by medical men, and each case would be treated on its own merits The speaker said he felt sure that if this plan was accomplished the lunatic asylums would not be so overcrowded. Dr Clonston, an eminent psychologist, had stated that 15'20 per cent. of the patients in asylums were there through the result of drink, but his experience as clinical assistant and assistant medical officer in an asylum led him to think that as regards that establishment, anyway, the percentage was much larger. It was, however, a matter for legislation, and it was the duty of the temperance party to see that legislation was obtained. The programme was as follows, Miss E. Woolley presiding at the pianoforte: Pianoforte solo, Mies Woolley; reading, Letting things alone," Mr W. Hnmphr ys song, When the flowing tide come* in," Mr D. J. Saer song, "The Holy City," Mr J. H. Humphreys quartette. When the storms sur- round, remember Me," Mr James Davies' party; pianoforte solo, Miss Woolley song, Mr James Davies. Tea was then partakt-n of, which was sup- plied by Mr Evan Bebb. After tea. Mr D. J. Saer sang, and the remainder of the evening was spout in various games.





