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ENLIGHTENING THE WELSHMEN. AFTER some delay "his constituents and: -friends 11 have presented to the MEMBER for the Montgomery boroughs three silver vases "m recognition of his services to the Unionist cause." The presentation was made at Welshpool on Thursday evening week, by the EARL OF POWIS, in the presence of a large and brilliant gathering. The MARQUIS OF LONDONDERRY attended to make a. speech, and a live Duke, a Lord or two, and three or four Members of Parliament, added -to the lustre of the occasion. In addition -the moat noble MARQUIS OF SALISBURY wrote a letter testifying to his sympathies with the object -of the meeting. The MEMBER for the boroughs, It may be freely granted, fully deserved this public recognition of his services to Toryism. But his success at the polls may certainly be described as a personal rather than a party victory; and in readiug the speeches delivered on Thursday evening, it seems evident that the speakers were fully cognisant of this fact. With the BOBOUGH MEMBER'S speech we shall now say but little. It affords ample opportunities for .criticism, which will be forthcoming when the 4jeea«ion presents itself. Denunciation of the -petition and its authors was to be expected, and was not wanting. The sketch of his political career was perhaps hardly palatable to the men who had fought the battle of Conservatism in .Montgomeryshire all their lives; and his re- funding the audience that the Boroughs EJECTED in 1877 the then LoRD CASTLE- KIAQH and subsequently elected him was probably an ebulition of self-glorification to be pardoned, when the excitement of the evening -was taken into consideration. Perhaps the HONOURABLE MEMBER will at the next Con- servative meeting supplement the interesting narrative of his political life by giving an account d the ten years previous to the date at which lw commenced it on Thursday. It will probably be quite as interesting and possibly more instructive. The chief speaker of the evening was the IfARQUIS OF LONDONDERRY. The oldest voters living in the boroughs will better recollect this gentleman as LORD CASTLEREAGH, for as such he solicited their suffrages on behalf of the Con- servative party in 1877. As Colonel HARRISON remarked, "to the loss of the boroughs," his LORDSHIP'S valuable services were then declined. Since that time much has happened. Instead of occupying a seat in the Commons, where all around is turmoil and confusion, the noble MARQUIS sits in the blissful tranquility of the Sovute of Lords, having taken his seat by virtue of being a born legislator. It cannot be doubted that it was with some amount of pride that LORD LONDONDERRY visited the county. Having re- weired new light he wished to improve the political understandings of benighted Welshmen. But for some reason or other his LORDSHIP was doll—insufferably dull. Scarcely a joke enlivened fcislong and weary oration; not a brilliant point Inspired the audience. But there is one never-fail- ing method adopted by Tory orators, when other modes of awakening applause have failed, and that is to follow an example unworthily set by LOUD RANDOLPH CHURCHILL—to abuse and mis- represent the greatest political leader of modem times. What the Tory party will be aVe to talk about when Mr. GLADSTONE does pass away, must be to them a matter of serious considera- tion, The only deduction sensible men can draw from such policy is tnat having no proginmme, and being destitute of arguments, they seek to elevate themselves in he affections of the people by the abuse of an honourable opponent. However duch some of our political friends may think Mr GLADSTONE'S policy is at fault (and there is no doubt that many persons honestly are of that opinion), he is a man of brilliant genius, an orator of the finest order; his statesman-like qualities towering majestically over any living man, that the whole nation should be proud of possessing him; most of all, those Jingoes who atedaily reiterating boastful words concerning the greatness and power of the British limpire. The Irish Question remains unsettled. Speaking generally, whether Home Rule is right or wrong, the spectacle of the veteran leader, of 83 years, frying to work out the solution of the problem .-ought to command the admiration, or, at least, the tcespect of every man who by birth is attached <to the nation. The two topics touched upon by the noble LORD ,were the Welsh Church and Ireland. If his ■LOBDSHIP'S arguments were weak, he is to be .complimented for his honesty and candidness. It ,would not be.,surprising to learn that he was more .so than can be pleasing to the BISHOP OF ST. ASAPH. This reverend prelate, at Welshpool, said the reason the Church party was opposing Dis- ,establishment and Disendowment was not that they feared for the Church; it was for the people! To tue what promises to become a historic phrase, ,-the proof of the pudding is in the eating of it," ADd Welshmen do not accept this disinterested at- 4&ade on.the part of the Church. We thank LORD IK>MDONDKBRY for completely dispelling this JDncory "fear for the people." He says if the Church is Disestablished, in all probability Dis- 4ndowaLent would follow, and consequently the Church would be ruined. Here is the key to the ggfcoation. Nonconformists feel that the position 4f the Church to-day is purely superficial, and is auty maintained because it leans on the State. At a. whole, the Church does not triumph by the imate icerits of its own faith, but by passing an Aefc of Disestablishment and Disendowment, a Idgber itoue and deeper spirituality would be -introduced. It is ridiculous to talk about the tteeewsity of the existence of the Church in order ,that Christianity may be recognised. it the Church were disestablished, leaving Dissenters ,Out of -the question, there would still remain good .And faithful churchmen and devoted clergymen,- mho would continue unabated their ministrations Although disclaiming that he spoke from a party joadve.. LORD LONDONDERRY'S candour was further displayed when he informed the meeting that it ..trU the duty of all lovers of the Church to rtsombine and devote themselves heart and soul to dbrip the Unionist party. Hitherto it has been iSie boast of the Church that it is not a party institution, and any insinuation in that direction lw been indi-nautly repelled as being false. These little vagaries and opposite statements can be emily remedied if the noble MARQUIS would eoafer with the Church Defence Association, or almost any clergyman, who would moreover Worm him that the correct way to refer to the Church in Wales is the Church of England in Wales, and not, as he stated, the Church of Wales. Space will not permit us to do more than men- lion the debut of the Conservative candidate for the county. It will not be necessary for Mr TRTFJKSK EENDEL to conduct another political aimpaign in the county. Mr ROBERT WYNN, if ftirfcSendfl allow him to speak, will make Mr ,L.' seat still more wcuce. A LAND COURT FOR WALES. THE sittings of the Welsh Land Commission continue to afford interesting reading matter to all persons connected with agriculture. There can be no question as to the usefulness of the ap_ pointment of a Commission, judging from the dis. closures of the varied wrongs suffered by tenants, and it must not be forgotten that the witnesses speak in the names of hundreds of their brethren, who are deterred coming forward to ventilate the;r grievances,and so prevents the Commissioners from obtaining a true knowledge of their difficulties. One remedy the tenants with practical unanimity seemed agreed upon-the establishment of a Land Court for Wales. With equal unanimity the landlords are of opinion that this innovation would inevitably estrange the peaceable relations between landlords and tenants. They argue that if a tenant requires a re-adjustment of his rent, he should go to the agent and state his case. Sup- posing the landlord granted the request, the ap- plicant could not fail but to feel he was under an obligation, and therefore in endless ways it would be extremely injudicious for him to adopt other views than those of his landlord. Practically, this means robbing a man of the dignity of his in- dependence of thought, and it is a system which has a pernicious infiuenee. Favour, or a 10 per cent. rebatement are not what farmers cry out for; all that they ask is to be justly and honestly dealt with. A Land Court is established for the purpose of met. ing out justice not merely to the tenant but also to the landlord, and the arbitrators are un- biassed and disinterested persons. If the land- owners have been guilty of all the beneficent acts of generosity which have been ascribed to them, and decidedly not guilty of any of the dishonest practices and mean tricks with which they are charged, it is but a natural enquiry to make as to how an estrangement can possibly take place. It landlords can prove that their dealings with their tenants have been just and are at present honour- able, an impartial ciitic would certainly imagine that the farmer would be made ashamed of him- self, while his noble and thoughtful landlord would be elevated to the position of a god. The real truth is that many landlords-with honour- able exceptions-fear that its establishment would decrease their rent roll, while it would place the tenant farmer on a more secure footing. The fact tnat landlords are opposed and tenants in favour of a Land Court should of itself be ample evidence to the Commissioners that the request of the far- mers does not come before its time. Besides, is it within the power of the human mind to imagine anything further apart or more wiiely estranged than these two bodies of men are to-day ? THE STAR" ON THE BOJr.OUGH PRESENTATION. LORD SALISBURY, in a letter to Sir PRYCE PRYCE-JONES which was read at the Welshpool piesentation, said that although the verdict and judgment in the O'BRIEN case were given on his side, 'his innocence cost him five thousand pounds.' We are heartily glad to hear it. LORD SALISBURY'S success in that case was the result of a series of the most questionable decisions given by judges during receat years. Five thousand pounds seems to be the standard price for indulg- ing in the unmanly method of political attack il- lustrated by thd O'BRIEN action. MR. FARQU- HARMON was condemned to pay it; the ex-Premier has had to pay it, in spite of what we must not call judicial whitewashing, and we trust that no man who aspires to great position, be he marquis or commoner, may be permitted to besmirch the character of an antagonist even if he be only an Irishman,' without being sharply reminded that public opinion sets a limit to-liceneet w4mtover may be done on the Bench." SCARCELY HUMAN." LORD PENRHYN owns forty thousand acres in Carnarvon, so that his own affairs have naturally come within the scope of the Welsh Land Com- mission inquiry. His income is for the most part not an agricultural one, as his great wealth comes from the Penrhyn slate quarries. He has, how- ever, hundreds of tenants who are taught to look up to their landlord as something scarcely human. It was LORD PENRHYN who advised the PRINCE OF WALES not to go the Bangor Eisteddfod in 1890, because at Wrexham, two years before, the Home Rulers had taken advantage of MR. GLAD- STONE'S presence to give him an address. Rumour says that LORS PENRHYN will think twice before advising the PRINCE OF WALES on such matters in future. IMPROVEMENT OF NEWTOWN. REGARDING the well-intentioned attempt of the Newtown Local Board to transform the banks of the Severn, at Short Bridge-street, from a dust heap into something approaching what it was originally intended for, the effort can be said to have met with the hearty approval of the whole tiwn. It is rather difficult to comprehend where the question of any infringement upon public rights comes in, for although there are posts placed into the ground, there is sufficient room to allow a horse and cart to pass through. If this is to be their permanent position, we fail to see how the slightest benefit can accrue. It is perfectly indifferent to the itinerant fraternity or anybody else whether they draw their portable houses through two abreast or in single file, so long as they can get on the green. At present the place is as accessible as of old, but if a locked gate were put up, the key to be obtained from the Surveyor, if legitimately required, the barrier would be an effectual preventative. Dr. PALMER, the medical officer, has reported the spot as being a nuisance injurious to health, and the Board would be perfectly justified in taking such pre- cautions as would prevent the green being fur- ther fouled. Now that Clifton Square is becoming an ornament rather than a disfigurement to the entrance of the town, the Board should certainly take steps to efface from observation the filthy scene which now welcomes visitors immediately upon entering the town. I

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