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THE GRAND OLD MAN ON THE POLITICAL SITU ATI jJN. Mr Gladstone was received with great enthusiasm by the Liberal workers of Midlothian in the Albert Hall, Edinburgh, on Wednesday, and in his speech touched upon many political topics. After express- ing a hope that the Local Government and Parish Councils Bill would this aesnion be practically extended to Sc.-)tland, he referred to the question of Scotch Disestablishment, and, mentioning bir Charles Cameron's bill as a measure for the practical settle- ment of the Chnrch queittion, said he tru-sted that many staunch friend* of the Scotch Establishment would see in the bill an opportunity which might not always be at their command, and that they wnuid arrive at an equitable and moderate s^tt'ement of a question which had presented a painful anomaly The session could not be counted a barren one, tor the Employers' Liabili'y Bill had made urea:, pro- gress and the Railway Servan'a Bill had become law. Though the grand Act of the sus-dou wan periiap« regardod by many in the light of a failure, they might depend upon it that it was not so, for the days, weeks, and months expended in dealing with the Home Rule Bill would have their record in hittory, and the reeds sown would yield a harvest. He maintained that owing to the tactics of the Opposi- tion there was a legislative famine in the land, th"t Parliament bai been unable to advance temperance legislation and the Miners' Eight Hours Bill, and incidentally he contrasted the Home Secretary's readiness to grant an inquiry into the disturbance lit Featherstone with the refusal by the Tory Govern- ment of an inquiry into the shooting at Mitchelstown. The Irish question still stood as a great barrier againat the legislative demands of the nation. But who was responsible for that barrier ? The question could only receive one answer. The responsibility rested with the House of Lords. Then he pointed out that the legislation of th Hoase of Commons had been a perpetual challenge to the House of Lords, and that when the Peers had tilted against the Commons they bad Buffered defeat and discredit. In the rejection of the Home Rule Bill they had been misled into a crisis graver than any that had ari-en since 1831. There was no such thing on record in any period of our hi-tory as a dissolution brought about by a vote of the House of Lords. It. was a gross and monstrous innovation, a new-fangled doctrine, of which Tories and Unionists were for d. But he held that the doctrine of allowing the House of Lords to hold the prerogative of bringing about a dissolution was nothing less than high treason to a great nation's title to be a self-governing country. If a dissolution came, the question of Irish govern- ment would not be the only one considered. There might be mixed up with it another question, and possibly the House of Lords would bitterly repent, when too late, that they had raised another issue. He hoped they would be induced to give satisfaction to the just aspirations of the Irish people; but if ..lot, they would find that the nation would not be jarred in its progress by a phalanx of fire hundred peers.
