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+ CAMBRIAN EAILWATS.—Approximate return of traftio receipts for the week ending Sept. 10th, 1893: -Miles open, 237. Passengers parcels, horses, carriages, dogs, and mails, X3,840 merchandise, minerals, and live stock, £ 1,844; total for the week, £ 5,684; aggregate from commencement of half-year, £ 61,620. Actual traffi- receipts for the corresponding week last your :-Milt-s open, 237. Passengers, parcels, horses, carriages, dogs, and mails. J £ 3,529 merchandise, minerals, and live stock, Cl.982 total for the week, JB5,511; aggregate from comm. ncpm' nt Jl corres ondiiiti period la." year, Jitiu,788. Increase for th-J wfiek, passengers, Ac., X311 merenandipe, mi'ral". &c.. X 00: t-)tai incre;>.s« for the week. JB173; aggregate increase from commenoomout ef halt-year, XOOO. Decreaae, Passengers, parcels, &c., OO": meruit <fc" £ r73; total decrease for the week, AW; aggregate decrease from commence- ment of half-year, JB000. Aggregate increase, paa- parcels, ate., Jtx>o6 nia obancin., minerals, *n i|live stock, £ 000; total for th wt-ek, £ 000 aggre- gate iiicrense from commencement of half-year, 832 vc-egate dee- ease. passenyert,, parcels,&c., :0 0: merchandise, nun-Tal* and live stock, £ 34; ■;rr;r for the week, OOO; aggr'-gate decrease from commencement of lialf-vear. JE000. 1 /í.) >q,¡"¡ ii1! CeLo/rulMsS Warranted to REMOVE CORNS PYTHE EtOO 1*8 whe- ot .ai; .,1; slJ. worn with tightest *ioot. arid i OP-<IVE'Y oui in a week. No cut ing r-quired. of testi- monialp free, or If. battle for 14. stain us br CHAVE & JACKMJN, BEUM-. H^ T Refuse Imitatumt. G. E. DAVIES, Chemist, Hroad-stre^, Welshpool. E P P So GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. COCO BOILING WATEII Oil MILa. THE POPULAR LAW BOOK, Always KEPT UP TO DATIl NO MORE LAWTERS' BILLS ( Now Rpadr, THIRTIETH EDITION 100 closely- printed papes, containing about 4,000 Statements on Pcmits of Law, verified by Notes AND Preferences to Authorities. Price, post free, 6s. 8d. (saved MI ererr consultation !) cloth. EVERY MAN'S OWN LAWYER, A HANDT BOOK OF THE PRINCIPLES OF LAW & EOUITT .BARRISTER. 30th Edition (18S»3). Brought up to date, lBciudins' the Rettinc and Loan? (Infants) Act 1802* Gamincr Act, 3892 Shop Hours Act, 1892; Publio Libraries Act, 1892; Small Holding Act, 18H2; Witneem Public Inquiries) Protection Act, 3892 Clergy Discipline Act 1992 f Ct%18 £ and 1892 of Children Act, 1891 Slander of Women Act, 1891, etc, With foil particulars how to Sell or Mortgage Land through the Land Registry without professional assistance. Alsothat ,hanizes in the Law MADE hy the Bankruptcy Act, 1880 MiX CONVEYANCING and Real Property Act, 18H2 the New Law aa Small Properties under the IM ITATES' Estates Act IWO the Directors' Liability Act, 1890; Prevention of Cruelty to Children Act, 1889 with ma.ny other recent Acts. Corp,s:1' Rights and Wrongs of In divid nRl- -Corn m ercial Law—Law ¡ IS to Goods Stolen or Lost-Criminal LIW—Pariah Law- V>ONNTV Oonrt Law—(Jame and FISHERY Laws—Poor MPN'A Lawsmta—Rets and Wafers—Fill- of Exctianjre—Arreement* "Copyright Patents—Trade MarkB-Insriniw-LLBD ^2 Slander—Divorce—Mortsag-es—Stock Exchange Practice irespass—Nuisances—Transfer of Lanci- Wills, etc., eto. Explaining THE LAW FOR Landlord and Tenant-Master and Servant-Workmen and Apprentices- Heirs-Legat(-c-s- Husl)nud and Wife.-Exe. cutors and Trustees-Guardian and Ward-Married Woman r -Infants-Paftn,rs and Agents-Lender and Borrower- Debtor and Creditor—Purchasers and Vendors—COAIDANII* friendly Societies—Chnrchwardens —Clergymen Doctor* —Bankers—F armers—C on tractors—Sportsmen Farriers— Horse Dealers—Auctioneers—House Agents—Hotel Earners Pawnbrokers — Surveyors — RAILWAYS — Camera *QNN stables, etc etc. haiifls of every business ma, and all who c,¡ bills. "-H',ekil. "THIS excellent handbook • • • adini ablv done, adtairablv ARRANGED and admirably cheap."—Leeds Mercury. BM CBOBBT Lockwmoi, ■ I ULL CoCT! LONDON, And Sold by PUJLI O > L^RS.KEWTOWN MEM w^° intend to Many men should sb« THE MAGIC MIRROR. 111 I a UN P M 11 m»y concern them. Important III I HPN to all in ill-health. Happinaw ■ ■■■ ■■ ■•■■■IV assured by its bright reflectloBa. A safeguard from evil to all who poisess it. Fret per fttif for two Stamps ADDRESS? MESSRS. WILKINSON, 43, FITZALAN SQUIRE. SHEFFtELA. ÜI HO L 101 Impurity of the Blood.—Enfeebled Existence. This medicine embraces every attribute required in a and domestic remedy. In obstruction or congestions of the liver, lungs, bowelss or any other organs, these Pills trt 6Sp6CH ally serviceable sad eminently successful. They should be kept in readiness in every family, being a medicine of incorop&r&bit utility for young persons, particularly to those of foeble GftQ* stitutions. Biliousness, Loss of Appetite, Hea& ache, and Lowness of Spirits. These Pills effect a truly wonderful change in olebilitaUIII constitutions, as they create a healthy appetite, correct indigat tion, remove excess of bile, giddiness, headache, and palpitKMB ef the heart. Mothers and Daughters. If there is one thing more than another for which thMI Pills are famous it is their purifying properties, especially their power of cleansing the blood from all impurities, removing da80 gerous congestions, and renewing suspended secretions, Untvap sally adopted as the one grand remedy for female complaint^ these Pills never fail, never weaken the system, aad always bring about what u required. Indigestion, Stomach, and Liver Complaints. Persons suffering from any disorders of the liver, Ctomfte^ or other organs of digestion, should have immediate recoune M these Pills, as there is no medicine known that acta on tkat particular complaints with such certain succcss. Nervous Debility. Persons who feel weak, low, and nervous, may reat aHPt( aome serious ailment is looming in the distance, agginit which instant action should be taken. These renowned Pill* pr—eat the ready means of exciting energetic action on the Urer, liberat- ing accumulated bile, and lifting at once a load from the Ifjflli muI expelling a poison from the body. HMnoay's Pilh are the best remedy known in ike world for the following diHasa Agrn Headache Stoaa aad Ortral Asthma Indigestion Secondary Symf* Bilious Complaints Liver Complaints toms. Blotches on the Skin Lumbago TIC DoloMU Bowel Complaints Piles Ulcers Debility Rheumatism Vencreml Afaction Dropsy Retention of Urine Wormi o( aX Idadt Female Irregulori- Scrofula, or King's Weakneai FTOK ties Evil whatever Fevers of all kinds Sore Throats &C., 4c., Soot Sold at Professor HOLLOW A. T's Esta 78, Ilow Oxford St. (late 533, Oxford St.), Loadftl also by neatly every respectable Vendor of Medicine tfcson^N^t the World, in Boxes and Pots, at is. ijtf., as. §4+ 4a. 6d., us., aas. and 33s. each. Fufl printed directions are afr^d to each Pot aad 1M, j and can be had in any language. S.B.—Adrioe Gratis, at t}¡:: above addrewt, aft between the hours of 11 aad 4, or by bum Ife «}-* WAXTKD-. op m. plover- Viuifiirfif? ServaBti- Cioa*. ia to adv It it EXPRtbr .UftMh id Paper.