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MONEY IMMEDIATELY LENT FROM .£10 TO X5,000 AT LOWER INTEREST THAN OTHERS TOLadiesand G<ntlemen, Noblemen, Clergymen Schoolmasters, Clerks, Officers, Gei t'eme'/s Servants, and others in good situations, Fanners. Gardeners, Carriers, Tradesmen, Cih propr er< rs. ShoDkeepers. Lidging-house Keepers, Piivate Hr-u-c- holders, and others, on thpir own security, withou bondsmet, on Note of Hand alone; repa_\mei;t> irranged to suit borrowers' own convenience al1 cimmunicatione strict'y private and confidential: u- srenuine application refused, and honourable "nc straightforward transactionsguarant ed.—Ii:tend:n^ borrowera are invited, before applying elaewhj;e, t ,all or write to acfual lender, MR. B. EDWARDS. 3, Severn Terrace, Smithfield Road, Shrewsbn y. Town or country; distance no objo,-t. Lett iaimediately attended to. Established 1851. 1 EPPS'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. COCOA • OIU«« VATia 08 -AW454 PHILLIPS & SON" Are now in a position to execute all (Irder. for FRAMING IN-A VARIETY OF MOULDINGS. Don't let your Pictures eo to wast- but beautify your rfouse. 19, BROAD STREET, NEWTOWW Cekmdme Warranted to REMOVE CORNS BY THE ROO when other remedies fail. Can he e su a, worn with tiphtcst boot. and i-o-itive y cures in a week. No cut-ing r-quired. Thousands oi testi- monials free, or Is. bottle sent 'or 14 run, by CHAVE «fc JACKSON, he i-t", r _) Refuge Iniitatunm. G. E. DA VIES, Chemist, bl60 Broad-street, Welshpool. THE POPULAR LAW BOOK, ALWAYS KEPT up TO DATIl So MOBE LAWYERS' BiLLS Xow Ready, THIRTIETH EDITION (1893), 700 cloiely printed pages, containing about 4,000 Statements on Points of Law, verified by Notes and References to Authorities. Price, post free, 6s. 8d. (saved at every consultation I) cloth. EVERY MAN'S OWN LAWYER: A RANDY J-J BOOK OF THE PRINCIPLES OF LAW & EQUITT. By A BARRISTER. 30th Edition (1893). Brought up to date, including the Betting and Loans (Infants) Act, 1892; Gaming: Act, 1892 Shon Honrs Act, 1892 Public Libraries Act, 1892; Small Holdings Act, 1892; Witnesses Public Inquiries) Protection Act, 1892; Clergy Discipline Act, 1898 Forged Transfer Acts, 1891 and 1892; Custody of 'Vldren Act, 1891; Slander of Women Act, 1891, etc, Witi full particulars how to Sell or Mortjrasre Land throngb the uand Registry without professional assistance. Also the i important chances in the Law made by the Bankrn-ptc.T A'-t j s90 and Conveyancing and Real Property Act, 1892 the w L w as to Small Properties under the Intestates' Estates Act, 1890; the Directors' Liability Act, 1890; Prevention of Cruelty to Children Act, 1889; with many other recent Acts. I l^TnifHTgrwo Rights and Wrong's of Individuals—Commercial Law-TAW as to Goods Stolen or Lost—Criminal Lqw-Parish Law- County Court Law—Game aad Fishery Laws—Poor Men'. Lawsuits—Bet* and Wagers—Bills of Exchange—Agreements —Copyright—Patents—Trade Marks—Insurance—Libel and. Blander—Divorce—Mortgages—Stock Exchange Practice— frespass-Nuiøances-Transfer of Land-Wills, etc., etc. ExpLAjyiKG THE LAW FOR Landlord and Tenant—Master and Servant—Workmen and Apprentices — Heirs—Legatees — Husband and Nlif4-Bxe. cutors and Trustees-Guardiaft and War!—Married WHTUU -Infants-Partners and Asrents—Lender an n"wer- Debtor and Creditor—Purchasers and Vendor* ompanie* —Friendly Societies—Churchwardens—Clfre-mt. II—I tnctor* —Bankers—Farmers—Contractors Sportsman Firi lers— Horse Dealers—Auctioneers—House Agents—Hotel Keeper* -Pawnbrokers Surveyors Railways Carriers Qon. stables, etc., etc. Should be in the hands of every business man, and all who wish to abolish lawyers' bills."—Weekly Tinui. This excellent handiook- admirably done, admirably arranged and admirably cheap."—Leeds Mercury. CROSBY LOCKWOOD k SON, STATIONERS' HALL Com, LONDON, I And Sold by PHILLIPS & SON, Booksellers,Newtown || EU who intend to liairf In Ell SHOULD SE* THE MAGIC MIRRO*. M mi It concern them. Important iMfti M to all in ill-health. Happinea* ■ Iflkla assured by its bright reflections. A safeguard from evil to all who possess it. Fret per paSt for two Stamps. ADDRESS: MESSRS. WILKINSON, 43, FITZAUN SQUIRE. SHEFFIELD Eat ro ",c WAY'S OINTMENT- = Universal Patronage. Let all sufferers from general or local disease take heart SA, fellow in the wake of thousands, who ascribe their restorsftk* of health to the use of HOLLOWAY'S OIXTMENT AND PlLlJIr Rheumatism in the muscles or joints, gouty pains, neurataO tortures, cramps and spasmodic twitches depart under U>p employment of these noble remedies. Bad legs, all kuw» <* wounds, ulcere, sores, burns, cutaneous inflammations, «I» quickly conquered. The reputation Holloway's Ointment an* l-ills have acquired throughout the habitable Globe shouW induce every afflicted person to give them a fair trial baetm despairing of relief or abandoning hope. Bronchitis, Sore Throats, Cougfcfp and Colds. This Ointment will cure when every other means haV0 failed. It is a sovereign remedy for all derangements of tn* throat and chest. Settlea coughs or wheeling will be promptly removed by rubbing in the Unguent, Bad Legs, Ðad Breasts.-Old Wounds, Sores, and Ulcers. It is surprising fcc* quickly a sore, ulcer, or wound, itprirtT the boay of Strength and unfits it for the duties of life, and iC ic no less wonderful to watch the effect of Hollo ways healin* Ointment, when it is used according to the printed dircraigft and assisted tiy appropriate doses of the rills. Gout and Rheumatism, WiI1 be cured with the greatest certainty if large quantity* cf th? Ointment be well worked into the afflicted parts. treatment must be perseveringly followed for some time, culy assisted by powerful doses of Holloway's Pills. Illem purifying and soothing remedies demand the earnest attention of all persons liable to rheumatism, gout, sciatica, or other paiw ful afiections of the muscles, nerves, or joints. Dropsical Swellings. This incomparable Ointment is earnestly recommended .:1 suffering from, or having a tendency to, dropsy. The worst cases will yield in a comparatively short space of time when thi* Ointment "is diligently rubbed into the parts affected. In alt serious maladies the Pills should be taken to purify th« MeoA and regulate its circulation. Both the Ointment and Pills should be used in tú following complaints:- Bad Legs Corns (Soft) Scalds Bad Breasts Gout Sore Throat* Bums Glandular Swell- Skin Disease# Bunions mgs Scurvy Chilblains Lumbago Sore Head Chapped Hands Piles Tumours Contracted and Rheumatism Ulcers Stiif Joints Sore Nipples Woundf Sold at Professor HOLLOWAY'S Establishment, 78, New Oxford St. (late 588, Oxford It.), Loadaff tin by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine thtougfcofljf the Civilised World, in Boxes and Pots, at is. xjd., as. 9^: 4s. 6d., 111., sss. and 33a eacb. Full printed dkveiiem we aikxed so each Pot and Box. and can be had in any language. JT.B.—A-dric« Oratii, at tike adirMa, üQr. tetwMa the UvnMU VA iifliylillir,



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