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_L Fit it with such Furniture as suits-according to the fashion and the time."—Shakespeare. COOKE BROS., COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS. FIIR KIITIIRF Warehouse and Bedding 1 Ulllll IUIIL Offices & Show Rooms— "P artorv FOR HALL, LIBRARY & DINING ROOK, WESLEY STREET. UPPER BRIDGE STREET. In Various Woods and all the most approved Styles. N|l, Mlll i i < < M Overmantels p-^ c Specially Designed to Match Furniture. ART POTTERY AND METAL WORK. FU NISI I L JIL. ARTISTIC 11 BEDROOI FURNITIURE. WESLEY STREE' IRO AND BRASS BEDSTEADS Is VARIETY. SPRING, HAIR AND WOOL vcttmitto POTTW ATPQ „ riQiliUAi uO aires for Complete Ho™ F,i:ni.hini(. MATTRESSES. Oireo for Complete HOTO I>nnii.litaj. Carpets & Hearthrugs. liT OUR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE MAY BE HAD ON APPLICATION, bat & Visit to the SHOWROOMS is necessary to obtain an idea of I,b-, LARGE RANGE OF GOODS which are Continually on View. To publish a complete Ca.alogue ia impossible, as the change of novelties is constant, and in many cases the designs are original. Show Rooms:-Wesley Street, Newtown. fSR G. C. GITTINS B EGS to announce that he has always ready for de- -D livery a Large Stock of COFFIN BOARDS (English Oak). FELLOES of all Sizes. And WHEELWRIGHT'S MATERIAL of all Description G. C. G. has also some Capital WELSH PONIES. Trained for Riding and Driving, for Sale. Particulars and Prices on application. ADDREss-G. C. GITTINS, Brithdir Saw Mills, BERRIEW, Mont. Railway Station Montgomery. e36 D.A. VIE8) CELEBRATED Cough Linctus The most Speedy and Effectual Remedy FOR COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, HOARSENESS, LOSS OF VOICE, DIFFICULTY OF BREATHING, And all other affections of the Chest, Throat, and Lunga arising from cold. Tlte following are Selected jrom many other Testimonials Wern, Pool Quay, Welshpool, 20th December, 1887. Dear Sir,—I have used your Cout'h Linctus in my family for several years, and have never found any other preparation so effectual for Coughs, Difficulty of Breathing, and Chest Complaints, and am pleased to add my testimony to-its extraordinary efficacy.- Yours truly, THOS. D. DAVIKS. Penygraig, Mochdre, Newtown September 2nd, 1890. Dear Sir,—I have suffereli for three years with a Cough and Shortness of Breath. Seeing an adver- tisement of your Cough Linctus it induced me to try a bottle, and I am very pleased to inform you that I found great benefit from it.-Yours truly, WILLIAM PBYCB. PREPARED ONLY BY G. E. DAVIES, CHEMIST WELSHPOOL. *) I Sold in Newtown by Mr W. H. LAMBERT, Chemist. Sold in Bottles at Is. l £ d. and 2a. 9d. each. II GUNS! GUNS!! GUNS! A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF Breech & Muzzle-Loading Guns AT SPECIALLY LOW PRICES AND GUARANTEED QUALITY. rr SOLE AGENT for the "NATIONAL" Red, White and Bke CARTRIDGES. Greatest Penetration, Absence (f Recoil, L D (8t Ki ling Range. ALL KINDS OF SPORTING REQUISITES OF BEST QUALITY AND LGWEST PRICES. TURNER, NEWTOWN. fOOO WEAR BOOTS! THEY ARE THE BEST AND CHEAPEST. Finest QUALITY. Great VARIETY. Lowest PRICES. COMFORT and STYLE. EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED. 4, BROAD STREET, NEWTOWN. e481 MRS PILOT, 13, Bridge Street, Newtown, ill oontiimM to give the HIGHEST PRICE that 0 beedfor OLD CLOTHES. a577 A. E. BOND. I Confectioner, 8, BROAD STREET, WELSHPOOL Manufacturer of WEDDING CAKES of the best Quality. A choice ar-l-ction of ORNAMENTS and BOXES. CHBISTKNIXO AND BIBTHDA.IT CAKES, Genoa, Currant, Sultana, Madeira, Almond, and Seed Cakes. School Treats and T;.>a Parties Snpp ied on the most moderate Terms. PURE WHOLEMEAL BREAD. Made as directed by Dr. Aliinson. See Testimonial u.406 Allsopp and Sons' (LIMITED), BURTON ALES AND INVALID STOUT. AGENT- C. MOlidAN, Brynhatren, Crescent, NEWTOWN. d296 I I The Burning Question of the Day IS—WHERE CAN I PURCHASE A STRONG SWIFT, AND SILENT SEWING MACHINE, AT THE LOWEST PRICES? THE ANSWER RECEIVED FROM ALL PARTS IS-WHY, AT HUMPHREY JONES OF COURSE, WHERE THEY CAN BE PURCHASED FROM £ 15s. Od. Price lists sent post free on application. NOTE THE ADDRESS :— 9, HALL STREET, WELSHPOOL WM. LL. POWELL, CAMBRIAN VAULTS, NEWTOWN WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANT, AND MINERAL WATERS AND CORDIAL MANUFACTURER, WHOLESALE Bottler & Dealer in Gninnesa'san Fiudlater's Celebrated DUBLIN STOUTS Ba¡¡s' and Alkopp'a BURTON ALES & STOUTS; also other Brewery Companies Ales and Stoats it all size casks from Sd. per gall. Celebrated Soda Water, Lithia Water, Potass | Water, Seltzer Water, Lemouade; Ginger Beer. | Ginger Ale. Cordials of every description. SPECIALTY:— Hampers of Wines & Spirits from 10s. and upwards Manufactory and Stores- CAMBRIAN MINERAL WATER WORE: NEWTOWN. Ail orders strictly attended '}!;õ i Selected purveyor of Flour, Oatmeal, and Feeding Stuffs to the Oswestry Llanfyllin, and other Boards of Guardians, and of Horse Provender the Newtown Local Board. THE "AGRICULTURAL OUT-LOOK,, 31 BAD TIMES AND HOW TO MEND THEM. FARMERS, DEALERS, AND COTTAGERS CAN OBTAIN Prime Roller Flour and Pure Feeding Stuffs Direct from the Mill And thus save the middleman's half-crown per sack profit by sending to the Wholesale Corn Stores in the Frolic, near the Parish Church, in nsrEWTOWjsr, Open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wholesale Price List for the Current Week. EXTRA PATENT ROLLER FLOUR 31 6* 280 PATENT DO. DO. 29 6 BEST FINE 27 9 "I FT INE 26 9 BEST SECONDS 25 9 No. 2 SECONDS 7 23 9 No. 3 SECONDS 21 9 PRfME YELLOW INDIAN MEAL 12 11 240 PRIME FLAT CORN 12 V CRUSHED INDIAN CORN (for Horses) 12 9 SMALL ROUND CORN 7 1". 12 & WHITE SHARPS. iq 9 anA GURGEONS 7 jj 1S0 NICE SWEET Home-made BRAN 4 g inn SPLIT BEANS 13 9 200 CRUSHED OATS "I 9 a 140 FOWL CORN (Specially Mixed) 13 6 240 BEST BICE MEAL 11 9 PURE ENGLISH BARLEY MEAL 13 6 200 An Allowance of 3d. per sack made off all Orders for 20 Sacks and upwards. Half or Quarter Sacks Weighed up for Cottagers at Wholesale Prices. N B.—No Hooks are kppt for credit purposes, and to obtain Stuffs at the above wholesale Drices the CASH MUST BE SENT WITH THE ORDER. Sacks mast be paid for with the Goods, and will be allowed for IF RETURNED IN GOOD CONDITION WITHIN ONE MONTH. SPECIAL OTTOTAT IQI^S TO LARGE BTJYEItS. QUOTATIONS also given for delivery of 2 or 4 ton Lots at any local Canal or Railway Station. OSDERS FOR 50 SACK LOTS and upwards should be sent by post two days before. Orders by Post should always bo accompanied by BANK DRAFT or CHEQUE, and should he sent Direct to Mr. FREDERICK BATHER Morda Steam and Water Mills, OSWESTRY. Telegraphic Address—" Bather, Oswestry." AGENT FOR-" The Alliance Life atd Fire Offices," Chairman: Lord Rothschild; Subscribed %pital, Five Million Pounds Sterling. The Scottish Provident Life Assurance," Capital, Seven Millions. —"The Cornhill Accidental Assurance Company," Capital, £ 1,000,000: Has paid over X3,000,000 as compensation for Accidents.—" The Royal Exchange Fire Office," Total funds, £ 4,000,030. e222 I SAML. POWELL, EAGLE BREWERY, NEWTOWN SPECIAL HOME-BREWED HARVEST ALES IN ALL SIZE CASKS, 6d., 8d., lOd., and Is. PER GALLON. DUBLIN STOP IT in all Size Casks AT BREWERY PRICES. C«oi,rB SELECTION OF WINKS AND SPIRITR. OlC NEW SEASON TEAS 1/- per lb. 1/8 1/4 p 2/- THESE BEAUTIFUL PURE TEAS from JL India and Ceylon are the Finest of their respective kinds; they are carefully selected and combine the FINESr FLAVOUR with the greatest strength; and are the Best Ready-money Value ever offered to the public. DELICIOUS HOME-CURED HAMS & BACQN. Prize Medal Danish Butter Colour. CORN, FLOUR, CHEESE, AND EVERT OTHER ARTICLE IN THE TRADE. JOHN SWAIN, THE INDIAN & CEYLON TEA STORES, 23, HIGH STREET, MWTOmL .f60 Families Supplied Daily. THOMAS REilli, BAKER, GROCER, AND PROVISION MERCHANT, CANAL SHOP. AND Market Hall, Newtown, BROWN & MALT BREAD. CURRANT, SULTANA, & SEED CAKES. Tea Parties & School Treats Supplied ON MODERATE TERMS. HOME-FED HAM & BACON From Choicest Dairy Fed Pigs. Your Orders Solicited. eOOO ————————-————————————————. ESTABLISHED 1880. 28 & 29, Crown-Street, Newtown, N. Wales. WILLIAM TRANCED, TIN PLATE WORKER, 1 BELL-HANGER,:GAS FITTER i ETC. Every description of Dairy Vessels 1 kept in Stock or Made to Order. 6443 WANTEDS, ETC. j WANTEDS, ETC. j GENERAL SERVANT wanted, from the country. I Apply, Mrs Bell. Bryu street, NewtowD, fl36 j T> EGISTRY OFFICE FOR SERVANTS.—IVTrs. j Rider, 2, WaTerl'. o Place, Welshpcol. e554 TWO CARPENTERS and JOINERS WANTED. App'y—Evans, Builder, Montgomery. f50 ^1X7"ANTED, General SERVANT, mn*t, under- *tand pltiiu Cooking; also HOUSEMAID NURSE.—Apply by letter .to N., Office of this papt-r. f 150 WANTED, a Str^ntr Lad as apprentice to the Wheelwright Trade.—Apply to D. R. Gethin, Betiwe. fi68 BOOT TRADE-Warited, immediately, a smart yonrttf GIRL Assistant.—Apply R. Rickarris, Eagle Boot Depot, Newtown. fl66 -3 COLLECTORS WANTED for Oearl Assurance Company. Whole or Rpare time. Splendid I-terms.—Apply E. Suuiton, district superintendent, Percy Street, t'hrtjtvfbory. fl§9 WANTED, JAM POTS,.anv quantity, 1 nnd21ba- Good price given. Apply, Hit butta's Confec- tionery Works, Newto" n. fl78 WHY Send your f ace Cnrfsirs and Feathers on* of Newtown to be Cleaned an<1 Dyed when yu can have them equally as \A 1:11, or better and ehefiper, at HÜWELL'S, EaKles L-iJ!e off AFarket st., Newtown. Featbert4 cieaned Qr ofvefi an4 curled in at few hours. Curtain* Cleaned, Grentlemeu's Clothes Cleaned and Pressi-d -I.ual to !W\V. Ladies, fi,ht. Dresses and Jackets C:Piiied ojD Firi-hed. Having had 27 yearp, expetience in the above.- Works: HOWKLL'S, Eagles LFtue. Ne,*towxj. a410 TO BE LET. I EXCELLENT APARTMENTS, suitable for one -i or two Young Men bathroom and usual offices.—D.M., Express Office. fl31 TO LET, Chappl House at New Wells. Tenant to acc as Chapel care-taker.—Apply, Rev. H. R. Evans, Rhiwfyd, Abermule. flG9 TO BE LET, W^rnddu Farm, pituate near the village of Churehstoke, containine about 240 acre3, possession 25th March, 1894.-For further particulars apply to Mr E. Lloyd, The Rectory, Berriew. f97 TO LET,—A COACH-HOUSE AND STABLE, situated on Pool-'oid, NewtowD. Ample room for two horses, and gool coach-bouse.-Apply, Office of this Paper. fl40 GOOD GRASS KEEP until March 24th, 1894, on Pen Ithon Estate, Radnorshire, in Lots. Some is good aftergrass mown early.-Addre-s: Mr Poole, Pen Ithon. Newtown. Montgomeryshire. fl63 TO LET, ;DOLOBRAN FLANNEL MILL, near Dinas Mawddwy. Great Water Power, with machinery in good order. Moderate rent.—Further particulars cf A. B., Express Office, t147 MONTGOMERYSHIRE. PENNANT, within two miles from Montgomery and within one from Abermule stations on the Cam. brian Railways. TO BE LET, this Commodious RESIDENCE, with gardens, orchard*, lawn tennis ground*, and with about 700 acres of shooting. From 10 to acres of meadow land in front of house may he had if desired.—Apply to R. Lewis-Andrew, Esq., Glanhat". ren, Abermule, or Mr Wm. Pritchard, Laud and Estate Agent, Tanyfron, Garthmyl, Mont. c390 — LOST, STRAYED, ETC. L08T, on August 9tb, on the Milford Road, Newtown, a Gold BRACELET.—Finder will be rewarded on returning it to the "Express" Office. fl30 STRAYED, from New Mills, 2 EWES and Four LAMBS, and Two YEARLING SHEEP; L on Ramp and on each side.-Any information to be given to W. Lewis, The Mill, New Mills, Newtown, Mont. f116 STRAYED from Temperance Hotel, Tregynon, K? about six or seven weeks ago, a Welsh SHEEP, fresh pitched P across rump; old pitch and ear mark known.—Anyone giving information to B. H. Phillips, will be rewarded. fl60 STOLEN OR STRAYED, from the Picton Inn 8 Yard, Newtown, last fair, a light red Hereford COW, white faced, white to top of shoulder, and a little white over rump.-Information may be given to Police Sergeant Morgan, Newtown. fl64 SALES BY PRIVATE TREATY. OFFERS WANTED for 10 Ordinary Shares of £ 5, each fully paid in the Montgomeryshire Brewery Co., Limited.—Henry Jones, Plas Tregayan, Llan- guyllog, Anglesey. fl72 CIDER BARRELS—A number of Clean Empty Barrels, to hold 50 gallons each, to be sold cheap.—John Swain, 23, High-st., Newtown. fi67 EOR SALE—HARMONIUM bv Christcphe and Etienne Brevete?, 4 rows vibrators, 13 stops, tind knee swell; walnut case; Price, X10 10s.— Apply Mr Proudfoot, Llanidloes. fl29 TO BE SOLD by Private Treaty, about 8 or 9 Tons of well-harvested HAY, the growth of 1890 and 1891, in stacks at Gunley, near Chirbury.— Apply to Mr E. H. MORRIS, Chirbury, Shropshire f124 RAPES and PEACHES can be had on apply- vT ing to the GARDENER, Aberhafeap Hall, New- town. e555 FOR SALE OR HIRE, a Brace of perfectly broken SETTER8.—For price and particulars apply to J. R. Jones, Newtown. flOl FOR SALE,Central Fire 12bore BREECH LOAD- ING Guu, twist barrels, double grip, rebound- ing locks, alt latest improvements. Good killing eun. Price Y,3 5s.—W. C. H. JONES, gunmaker. Newtown fl37 GAME, RABBITS, FISH. Best Prices given for Game and Rabbits. FRESH FISH EVERY 1UESDAY AND FRIDAY AT T. GOODWIN'S, f156 FISH DEPOT, NEWTOWN. THOMAS FARR. SON OF THE LATE JAMES FARR, OF SALOP ROAD, Coach Builder, SEVERN STREET, WELSHPOOL. ) ( FRANK H. SHAYLER, ARCHITECT AND SURVEYOR, I WELSHPOOL. t 6ILVER MEDALIST NATIONAL COMPETITION. Jo, Severn Street, Welshpool. e579 THOMAS JEHU, AGRICULTURAL i IMPLEMENT DEALER, AGENT TO ALL NOTED MAKERS, FITTINGS KEPT IN STOCK AND REPAIRS I ATTENDED TO, ALSO 1 BUILDER OF DOG CARTS IN ALL SIZES, ESTIMATES GIVEN FOR REPAIRS & PAINTING A LLANFAIR. WELSHPOOL. TRADE NOTICES. x JFISJEI FISHT FISH DAILY DIRECT FROM THE BEST FISHING STATIONS. MARGARINE, equal to Butter, FOR 14 Pound Cool, 9s. 9d.; 7 Pound Cool, 5s. Carriage Paid to any Station. HIGHEST PRICES GIVEN FOR RABBITS AND ALL GAME. EVANS, GAME DEALER SEVERN STREET, NEWTOWN. ea ALPACA, LIGHT TWEED AND FLANNEL- TRNNIS JACKETS. 0RICKETING & rpENNIS TROusEm TENNIS SHIRTS. Good Assortment of Sizes and Prices. fIENRY MORGAN CROWN SHOP, NEWTOWN.

Family Notices
