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THE WEEK'S NElfS. *»«-'——~~~'''







IT e IALWAYSI | HAS!e| ERIT e LY I ALWAYS BW| WINS! HKXBYand ANN BRIGHT, hon. superintes-denls of the North London Home for aged Christian Blind Women, say that St. Jacobs Oil has proved unfailing; that rheumatism and neuralgia have in every case been removed by using the Oil. and many oid Indies some of them ninety years old, instead of tossinabollt in agony, H now enjoy good nights' rest through □ its infiii eitcu." I Mr. N. PRICE, of 14. Tabernacle- I square, Finsbury, KC, said:—"My 9 wrist, that I had sprained two years H lmfore, and whi"h had given me pain I without intermission, yielded like S nvuuc to thu application of St. Jacobs a Oil.* Mr. J. CLATtK of 21, Sonth Island- place, Brixton-road, I-ondon, said:- Although I was not able to rise from a sitting position without the aid of a chair, I was able to stand and walk after the application of St. Jacobs Oil." Mr. J. WTI.KIXSOX, 88. Bentham- road. South Hackney, suffered from rheumatism in Irs feet and legs for twenty years. The contents of one bottia of St Jacobs Oil drove away all pun, and brought about an effectual cure. ROBERT GEORGE WATTS, M.A.. M.D., M.R.C.S. of Albion Hoase, Quadrant-road, Canonbury, N., -aid:I cannot refrain from testifying to the very great efficacy of St. Jacobs Oil in all cases of chronic rheumatism, sciatica, and nenralgia" Rev. EDWARD SINOLKTON, M A-. 30, lioumerue-road, Streatham, said:—"St Jacobs Oil removed all pain directly Rev W. J.C AULTTELD BROWNE M A., rector, Kittsford Rectory, said My parishioners, npon mv recom- mendation, use St. Jacobs Oil." Mr. E J. fEUSEY. Brixton-rise, l/imlon, wan_treated for sciatica by eminent medical gentlemen in private practice and in the Convalescents' Home, Bexhill on the Sea. near practice and in the Convalescents' Home, Bexhill on the Sea. near London. He obtained no relief, bat the contents of one bottle of St. Jacobs Oil practically cored him. IT CD ALWAYS WlLLje I CURE FITS! AND TO PROVE IT T will GIVE A BOTTLE of my Remedy for Nothing, M JL that Sufferers may have an opportunity of testing th« truth of what I fearlessly state." Because others have Uled to curr you is no reason whyjro* should continue to suffer. Send at oAue for my TREATISE and a FREE BOTTLE of mcdictM. It costs yon nothing for a trial, aad IT WILL CURE! Address > Mr. B. U. ItOOT. BM. BaAMghGu4m, Bus too Road. LONDON. N.W ALF-PRICE.-An excellent English made Piano. -LjL forte, full oompaea, sweet tone, neat eve, in good condition. Has been out on hire. Call and see it at PHILLIPS & SON'S Music Ware- house, 19. Broad Street, Newtown Tailoring and Outfitting ESTABLISHMENT, 14, BERRIEW STREET, WELSHPOOI» I BEG to state that I have just received » Choioe SELECTION of the NEWEST I)E8I?3JS in WOOLLEN CLOTHS, and that, as in past seasons, it will be my constant endeavour to gain the con- fidence and recommendation of my Customers, by supplying at Moderat- Prices well-made Garments with pood style and fit), of thorouiyhly sound and durable materials. I would call speaial attention to the following lines:- Black Worsted COATS AND VESTS, made to measure, from 30/- Scotch Tweed BUSINESS SUITS, from 40/- A Splendid Line in TROUSERINGS AT 14/- the Pair, REMARKABLY CHEAP. Soliciting a cotltinuanoe of past kind favotrt, WALTER J. DAVIES. AgENT FOB THB COWN LxFz ISSUXAIROB 00. a2 r WORRY LABOUR AVOIDED BY USING THE FOUR unequalled DOMESTCC BOONS I Sa > can predaM Mora itMrt with Tvt Htay BSssT BISINo'jVM EASIEST, QUICKEST, CHEAPEST & BFST Qhres to ■•tal Articles of mnr dMCftittaaT^Z Croper. Steel. Pewter, Silver, Gold, *c., »'.■« tifal Soft Brilliant Pollah, which lasts 11 It tS^ aa LOB< Without Taraiahiag as other Labour, no Mixing, BO '-SH ^TTMII !■ Bondoir, Kitchen, Stable, Shop, Ac. Polishes anywhere, indoors or outdoor*. Contains Btareh MM Gloaa, Boru, ■■ W ■ Com, ■■ k i ■11 M Boru, ■■ W ■ Com, ■■ k i ■11 M Wax, Ac. LUl Requires HO Addition or Preparation. MB «S^D Saves Tim* w§P\^§| IW 413 ? labour and Unoar. uinty. Produces BEAUTIFUL W111TB GLOBBY UHBL CHANCELLOR'S PLATE POWDER S»Y6s on Immense amount of tiw» and iMbooz, tsd brighter polish than anything else. There ki no of which weknow to egnklitR^x^Uence."—KyQPiBB Bampte* of the above Pony articles post fr** 9ar a J—>5* „ or <of any On* for 2 stamps (to cover poBtim), Hame this paper. Ask your Grocer to pet tiuwn C. CHANCELLOR & CO., LONDON, LO, TRY THEM. I SWEET AS HONEY. TO SINGERS. TO IMPORTANT. —— —— PUBLIC SPEAKERS. —— Universally liked by D. Jenkins, Esq., M.B., Rev. E. W. Divies, The patient may work Children and Invalids. recommends it as won- Baptist Minister, Ton as usual whilst "ag derful for the Voice. Rhondda, recommends Davies' Cough MistaXB Davies' Cough Mixture —In this it exoeeds lIIOI at all Times. Patent Medicines, HUGH DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE, THE GREAT WELSH REMEDY _u HUCH THE CRIAT I WELSH REMEDY. ""a Hugh Davies's Cough Mixture.—Recommended by the Highest Auwuruj. Dr. Rains. M.D., L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., L.S.A., Manchester, says"Havine a thorough knowUdge of he inmates composition of DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURR,' I can with the greatest confidence BMure hose afflicted with an irritable Cough, as in Chronic Bronchitis, Bronchial Affections, Spasmodic hathma &c., that it Î8 likely to be extremely serviceable, giving great relief and comfort." DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE is acknowledged generally to be the most speedy and efiLoaoiotlS remedy for Cheat complaints and general Colds. Having been before the public for many years, it has gained universal reputation. Thousands testify to its marvellous effect in immediately ALLAYING TICKLING COUGHS, Dissolving the Phlegm, aad relieving the distressing labour of breathing peculiar to ASTHMA. The Balsamic Healing and Soothing qualities of DAVIES'S COUGH MIXTURE place it fsrli advance of the ordinary Cough Balsams, many of which are compounds of Opium, &e. andIt acts by dissolving the congealed Phlegm, causing free expectoration, relieving thp sense (of weight oppression, Tickling in the Throat, and frequent desire to oough, that is AO troublesome to the patient. Invaluable for Whooping Cough. Its pleasant taste makes it a boon to children. DAVIES'S PILLS for Indigestion. DAVIES'S PILLS the Cure for Liver Complaints, nAl//PQ'Q THAI IP DAVIES'S PILLS the Cnre for Headache. UftVICO O I u nil It DAVIES'S PILLS the Cure for Toothache. i unrin11 nil I o DAVIES'S PILLS the Cure for Wind. AN/ID/L/UUo rlLLo, DAVIES'S PILLS the Cure for Costiveness. .rrn t> r™™ DAVIES'S PILLS the Best Medioine for Females, (bUGAR COATED). DAVIES'S PILLS the Best Cure for Skin Disease*. Sold Everywhere, Is lid and 2s 9d per box. C9* Sold at NEWTOWN by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Dealers. ProprietorHUGH DAVIES, Chemist, MACHYNLLETH, Medallist of the South London School of Pbarmacy-Qualliied Dispenser lof the London Apothecaries Hall. SCOTCH TWEEDS, ILL WOOL. e 170 LARGEST SELECTION IN THE TRADE IN ALL DEPARTMENTS DIRECT PROM THE MILLS.—Newest Styles in Tweeds, Harris, Homespim Meltons, Beavers, Serges, Ac. Fishing, Shooting, and Hunting Tweeds a Speciality. Also, Homespun, Clan Tartan, and Serge Costume Cloths for Ladies, specially wct»a in all the Latest Novelties. 50 PER CENT SAVED BY AVOIDING INTER- MEDIATE PBOFITS.-Travelling Rugs, Shepherds Mauds, Blankets, Flannels; Shirtings, Knitting Yarns, &e. Do your Shopping direct by poet, thus obtaining Goods of acknowledged Excellence at First Cost. Patterns Free. (Name this paper.) All Parcels paid. CURRIE, M'DOUGALL & SCOTT, LANCHAUCH MILLS, GALASHIELS, N.B. NOTB.-Fwmers and others can have own Wool Made into any of the above at Bedaosd Prion We Pay Carriage of Wool and Finished Goods from and to all Parts. ASEKTS FFUNI, LATHERS FREELY IN THE HARD ITs T W A • R ■»«_ WATSONS •"THE ils, SOAP PURPOSES. j I,JRGEST SALE OF Jib. TABLETS J-V THE WORLD, A re-production of THE SPLENDID PICTURE, ™T* 1—-B } CS HtAU "THE CHARGE OF THE LIGHT BRIGADE" | I O tXhefamous." lfatehless Cleanser Show Card), will be sent, in good gilt frame, carriage paid, to uj naAirwho will forward, with full name and address, 160 Matchless Cleanser Soap WRAPPER# Inkite wrapfar ia RED BLACK only), addressed to Joseph Watson and So