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NEWTOWN. LEGAL.—The Lord Gbsmoe'.lor has been pleased t, appoint Mr William Watting of Messrs Talbot and Watkins, a commissioner to administer oaths in th'- Supreme Court of Judica'ure. HAND RECITAL.—As will be seen by our adver tisine columns the Newtown Silver Band purpos holding a recital in High-street on Wednesday next, tkt 7-15 p.m., when they will make their first appear- anoe in their new uniform. POLICE COURT.—At the Police Court on Wed nesday, before R. Lloyd, Esq., Ed. Wild, butcher Aberoechan, was charged by P.O. Rowlands wit' being diunk whilst in charge of a donkey una cart. -Finecl 10s. and 6. coats. THK FORTHCOMING BAZAAR-Owing to th^ Shrewsbury Flower Show being held on the 17th ana 18th of Aiigust, the bazaar, originally a i vect'sed toi those dates, his been altered to Monday, Tuesday. and Wednesday the 15th, 16th, and 17dJ August. MARRIAGE.—On Weduesday morning, at the Wcv leyao Chapel, in this town, the marriage of the Rev R. W\cherley, Primitive Methodist Miuist r, and Mary Morgan, of Leicester Hall: \"a. H Jie,nniz d b.\ the Kev J. Harries, Wesleyan mitti,ter. The bridt- was given away by Mr Hugh Dav.e-i, and was attired in her travelling costume. Miss Wycherlcy acted as bridesmaid, and MrW.O Jones as best man. A large company gathered to witness the ceremony. Abon thirty sat down to an excellent br a.kf"st at Mi Tickers' Dining Rooms, Broad-street. Eulogistic apeeches in favour of the bri.e and bridegroom wer, given by the Rev J. Harries, Messrs Edward Jones. Hugh Davies, S. Cooper, W. O. T. J..n'a, and Cnarit-- Kiueey. Mr Wycherley briefly responded on behal: of the bride and himself, acknowledging the man kind words spoken and the handsome ureten; t noeived. The happy pair L-ft by the 10.50 tr iin fc gouthport, laden wita beat wishes for future happine-s And prosperity. BRASS BAND CONTEST-.—On Monday, July 4 b. the South Wales and Monmouth Brass B n.d As^ocia tion held their second annua contest, when prices to the amount cf nearly J2100 were offered f.,r couipeti tion. One of the chief prizes was a ban Jsome ohai- lenge onp, which has to be w n three times in succes. aion before it becomes the vroperty of any one baud. Tha test piece wai a sel ctiun from Mercandant^s ffirsni optrfi, 411' Gn.trniotjk' arr^ngGcl by Mr H. Jtouud. Mr Richard Steid w*s the adjudicator The prizes were a w r,jed as follows: 1st prize and cup, Yscnbowen Temperance Band 2od, Litnall) Town Band 3rd, Blaina (Lancaster) Band 4th, Morrison Band. It may b" of interor-t of the meui- -re avd i-i. nd* of the Newtown Band to learn that the firs; and th rd b inds were beaten by it at th, Por-vn 0 ntest, and tht tiie sjcoud band was also defeated by it at the Poritypridd content in Octo- ber of last year. On July 9th the Llanelly Band also took fourth prize at the Manchester Belle Vue cun. test out of 19 competitors. CONGREGATIONAL SUNDAY SCHOOL TBA PARTY. -The beautiful weather of the past few days has been a pleasant relief after the cold and stormy winds of th. previous weak, and already the annua.1 Sunday school treata have began to fall into t-ieir allotted place among the many and varied periodica) .events of the neighbourhood. On Friday morning last the scholars of the above Sunday Schoos assembled at the schoolroom, New Ch arch-street, where a procession was formed, headed by a contin- eant of the Newtown Silver Band, set off at intervals by banners, flags, etc., and the long line of smartly dressed children, numbering about 250, appeared at their best. Arriving at the Canal side, where two boats had been prepared to convey tile party down to Giansevem Park, the work of embark- ment at once commeDced and after some little delay a start was mide. The ride in the boat took some considerable time. it being nearly four o'clock when they reached their destination, although th, Jott Newtown as early as 12-15, but to lovers of nature the journey was not at all tedious, as the varied scenes en route afforded plenty of room for contemplation, and the beautiful scented odour from wild flowers and hay was much appreciated. It may be stated that at Abermule refreshments wero supplied to the children. Immediately on reaching the landing staga at the Revel the procession w-is again formed and wend-id its way to Glansevern Park, Which had been kindly lent for the occasion by Mr A. C. Humphreys-Owen. Under the broad limbs of a group of treeJ the tables had been laid, and a substantial tea provided for the now hungry excur- sionists. Dining in the open air is at all times a pleasure, and on this occasion the pleasure was cos- aiderably enhanced as it being so hot the holding of the tea in a tent would have been almost insufferable. The tables were presided over by the following ladies, who had'plen'y of work to eater for the 400 who took tea: Mrs Griffiths, Miss Baker, Mrs Henry Roberts, Jlra Edward Watkin, Miss E. and N. Jones, Mrs Trow, Miss P. Watkin, Mrs Dd. Jones, Miss Lizzie Jones, Miss Davies, Mrs John Edwards, Mrs Hayes, and Miss Lillie Davies. After tea the scholars ranged themselves around the park and indulged in games, cricket and football being the chief features. Swings bad been arranged under the trees for the junior echola; an i the glad sound of the ohildren's voices mingled with the hum of the busy insects as they dived iito t.he honeyed recesses of the nodding blue- IMU, or hung on the trembling petal of the blushing foae. The garlens and grounds were thrown open, and large numbers paid visit-A to the sides of the placid lakes, the bosoms of which were covered with filiea. The cave at the rear of the gardens was as gagerly sought for as that of Endymion's by the enraptured Diana, and the gold fish in the sparkling fountain became a source of amusement to the younger fraternity. The band played for dancing And a very pleasant evening was spent. The arrange- ments were carried out by Messrs Henry Roberts, Edward Watk n, aud T. Rees, the latter also supplied the coufeotio lery. The tables and benches were i kindly lent by the frieu Is at tie Revel. At tin c;op. of the day the IHna., votes of th tnka were passed, and the party proceevied homeward, arriving at Newtjwn at a late hour. ABERHAFESP. The news of the birth f a sou and heir to E. B. Proctor, Esq o Aberhafesp H-1), was received with general rejoicings, »n i tne bells of the Parish Cnurch j'tng out merry peals during the greater part of the day. We are informed that a hunired years has 61..p.e.f s,n:i the last birth took place at the hall. JB Jth Mr* Pr ctor and infant are doing well.










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