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THE WEEK'S NEWS. A schooner from North Wales to Douglas, with slates, foundered with all hands about a mile off Douglas. Mr Thomas Cook, the well-known tourist agent, died at Leicester on Monday night at the advanced age of 80 years. Sir Gilbert Edward Campbell and his colleagues in alleged bogus literary societies were committed for trial at Bow-street. At Bermondsey, the coroner's jury returned an open verdict in regard to the mysterious death of Rosetta Lea, whose body was found dead in a stable. The -v Dr Bigg was elected president of the Wesleya. Jonference at Bradford. The Rev Dr Waller was re-elected secretary by an almost unanimous vote. Joseph Howard, a farmer at Fillongley, near Coventry, murdered his wife by cuttii g her throat with a razor, and then took his own life in a similar manner. At Bisley, Private Harris, of the 2nd Man- chester, won the broDze medal in the first stage of the Qaeen's Prize. Xhe Prince of Wales's prize WHB won ty Lieutenant Dalglish, 3rd Lanarkshire. Miss Couuie Gilchrist, the celebrated burlesque actress, was married at All Souls' Church, Langham.place, London, to the Earl of Orkney. The bride was given away by the Duke of Beau- fort. A woman named Wright gave birth to a child in a railway carriage at Accrington. She was travelling from Colne to Blackburn, and received every care and attention at the hands of the rail- way officials. Col. H. Clay King, a prominent member of the Tennessee Bar, has been sentenced to be hanged. He shot and killed another leader of the Ten- nessee Bar at the termination of a case in which he was counsel. Returns from Astrakhan, Saratoff, Samara, Tsariizin, and other places in Southern Russia show a continued increase in the mortality from cholera. lu some districts of Persia also the cholera is rag ng. There are in England something like 20,000,000 feitile acres lying idle. And yet, says the Horticultural Times, we import food products to the extent of .2130,000,000, half of which could be produced at home. Sentence has been delivered in th3 trial for con. spiracy at Sofia, four of the prisoners being con- demned to death, and others to terms of imprison- ment ranging from three to fifteen years, while six were acquitted. Both Ema and Vesuvius still continue in eruption, and great damage has been done in the neighbourbood of both volcanoes. Professor Palmieri attributes the eruption of Vesuvius to a connection with Etna. A di-tressing sequel to a labour dispute is re- ported from Southern Hungary, where a band of 180 reapers who had struck were fired upon by gendarmes, twelve v. omen and children being killed and many wounded. What are we coming to next? Waterproof sheets of paper stuck together by a special process, and compressed by hydraulic power, have bten found in Germany to be material suiffciently hard not only for the Boles of boots, but for horsrshoe 6 MIND, DON'T YOU FORGET IT.—There is no remedy equal to Gwilym Evans' Quinine Bitters for indigestion and its consequences. If you suffer, try it at once—it never fails -dae advt. in another column. Mra nook, wife of the professional runner, has obtained a divorce. The parties were married in 1884, at Toxteth-park, Liverpool, and the respon- dent's conduct was most cruel. The adultery was committed with his cousin, who was formerly a barmaid at a Walsall hotel. The Ameer of Afghanistan has written to the Governor General of India in regard to the insur- rection of the Hazaras, stating that he refuses to accept the dictation of the Government of India, as he is engaged in the legitimate operation of quelling a rebellion in his own territoiy and assuring its tranquility. A shocking accident occurred in the Duke of Sutherland's estate yard at Trentham. A. engine-driver employed there got his arm broke in the machinery, and Thomas James tempo- rarily teok his place. Jajaos was showing another workman how the accident occurred when he was himself dragged into the machinery and mangled beyond recognition. SOMETHING NEW I-Persons suffering from nerv- 0..8 weakness, depression, loss of energy, &c., may learn of a really bona-fide r-medy; thoroughly rp- liable and cheap, upon sending two stamps to Mr Herbert, 8, Shepherd's Place, Kennington Bark, London, S.E. c480 A malignant faver has broken out in Kilkenny Gaol, and two prisoners have died. At the Assizes Sir Peter O'Brien and Chief Baron Palles refused to hear criminal cases, declaring that on no account would they sentence any prisoner convicted to confinement in a pest house. Pri- soners whose sentences have expired are not allowed to leave gaol for fear of spreading the contagion. Sergeant.Major Davidson, 1st Aberdeen Ar- tillery, was accidentally killed in the Government camp at Barry, near Dundee. A strong gale prevailed, and as the large caeee tent showed signs of giving way Davidson and several others were sent to take down the canvas. A pole snapped, striking Davidson a tremendons blow on the bead. He was rendered unconscious, and died two hours afterwards. The remains of the Rev. Dr. John Thomas, the esteemed Congregationalist minister of Nether- field Road Tabernacle, Liverpool, were on Wed- nesday interred in Anfield Cemetery in the pre. sence of a large and representative gathering. At the funeral service in the Tabernacle prior to the interment eloquent tributes to the deceased were paid by the Rev. Dr. Hugh Jones, the Rev. Dr. Roberta (Wrexham), and Mr J. CaTvell Williams, M.P. The committee of the Liberation Society has passed a resolution deeply deploring the death of Dr. Thomas. An accident oacurred at the Cwm pit, Mertbyr, by which two colliers named James Havard (45), of Cefn, and William James, of Cefn Isha, were killed. A third man named Lewis was injured severely. The men, with others, were walking along the main roadway, when a fell of rock took place, and instantaneously killed the two fiist- named. At the time it was not known who was really under the roofing, and a young man named Havard, who helped to remove the debris, was horrified to find the body of his father. Several other men were near at the time of the accident, and had remarkable escapes. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS are admirably adapted for euring diseases incidental to females. At different periods of life women are subject to complaints whieh require a peculiar medicine; and it is now an indisputable fact that there is none so suitable for complaints of this nature as Holloway's Pilla. For all the debilitating disorders incidental to the sex, and in every contingency perilous to the life and health of woman—youthful or aged, married or single—this great regulator and renovator of the secretive organs and the nervous system is an immediate cure. Their purifying qualities render them invaluable to females at all ages. They are searching and cleansing, yet invigorating; a few doses will speedily remove every species of irregu- larity in the system, and thereby establish health on a sound and firm basis. NOT ANOTHBB BAILOR DISASTER.—The three aeronauts of the balloon Jupiter, picked up at Devizes, who had been given up as lost, have ar- rived safe and sound at Oamaret, near Brest, on board a fishing-boat. The aeronauts state that the balloon no sooner rose at Havre than it was driven by a violent wind in the direction of Cape La Hev £ It had no guidf-rope, and its anchor grapplings proved powerless against the heavy tide. All the moorings gave way, and the balloon rose rapidly, the occupants meanwhile sending off a rocket of distress. Although the signal was noticed by several fishing boats, it was found im. possible to succour the aeronauts owing to a storm. The balloon drifted rapidly downwards until it reached the water, and the car bounded among the crests of the waves, the occupants having the greatest difficulty in righting them- selves. Now and again they heard the voices of fishermen, who were seeking to rescue them, but as the soundbgradually died away in the dis auce they reeolvaerco face the howling tempests as best they could. After clinging to the ropes with desperate courage they were picked up at day- break in an almost lifeless condition.


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