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R|| "Ro^al patronage. gj ii HIS MAJESTY |§ 1 KING EDWARD 1 has again honoured HUMBER, Ltd., with instructions to prepare a Wi dw 4m IHUMBERI jlWl for His Majesty's personal tise. His Majesty has never ridden anything else but Wfl ICsJ HUMBERS, displaying thus his confidence in the cycles La ■jgl "IN ALL THE WORLD UNEQUALLED." [gl ^3] Prices from £ 6:6 to £ 14, or by easy payments from 7/11 per month, delivered E#l carriage paid to any Railway Station in the United Kingdom. Ijzjj Handsome illustrated Catalogue post free■ Dm T n JONES BROS., /^mksMC\ THE CROSS, jTrkldCS ■ NEWTOWN .IIUM8¡R. "Wo "Woo "W To TO BE SURE OF A CURE ■H (Safe, thorough and permanent) for such diseases as Eczema, fiyl HB Scrofula. Scurvy, Bad Legs, Abscesses, Ulcers, Boils, Sores Bpgi H9 and Eruptions of all kinds, Blood Poison, Glandular Swellings, |jll Rheumatism, Gout, in fact j^p ■ K SKIN K BLOOD DISUSES, I HB° Don't hesitate, but start a course of Clarke's Blood Mixture, lip ■HpJ the world-famed Blood Purifier, and the experience of vlSi BT< thousands, whom it has cured permanently, will soon be /M| ■B The Editor of the "FAMILY DOCTOR" writes" We have seen hosts of gilli H|H letters bearing testimony to the truly wonderful cures effected by Clarke's Blood pffjfjJ ■H Mixture. It is the finest Blood Purifier that Science and Medical Skill have brought ^■1 to light, and we can with the utmost confidence recommend it to our subscribers and the «sS||a I CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE 1 MM) Can be obtained of all Chemists and Stones, 2/9 pef bottle, or post free on I islla MB receipt of price direct from the Proprietors, THE LINCOLN AND MIDLAND I Sffsii ■■ COUNTIES DRUG CO., Lincoln. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. ;o j CAMBRIAN RAiLWAYS COMPANY. THE DIRECTORS of this Company are prepared to receive TENDERS for Supplies of the undermentioned Stores, to be delivered in such quantities and at such timps as may be required during the Twelve Months ending 30th June, 1910:— No. Specifications. No. Specifications. 2 Oils and Tallow 21 Bolts, Nuts and 3 Cotton Waste Chair Spikes 4 Clothing 22 Lead, White and 5 Brushes Red 6 Bricks, Drain Pipes 23 Lead, Sheet and and Lime Piping 7 Galvanized Wire 24 Nails and Crane 8 Carriage Trimming" Chains and Horse Hair 25 Paints, Turpentine, 9 Copper, Block Tin, &c. &c. 26 Varnish and Gold 11 Canvas Leaf 12 Coke 27 Hemp Ropes 13 Iron Tubes and 28 Stationery (3 yrs.) Fittings 29 Soap 14 Fencing, Wood 30 Screws & Washers 15 Files, Springs, 31 Transfers Spring oteel and 32 Timber, English Buffer Plungers 33 Timber, Foreign 16 Glass 34 Timber Foreign 17 Iron and Steel, Bar (Supplementary) and Sheet 37 Fog Signals 18 Pig Iron 38 Leather 19 Indir Rubber 39 Motor Spirit 20 Cement The Directors reserve the right of accepting any portion of a Tender, and do not bind them- selves to accept the lowest or any Tender. Specifications and forms of Tender may be obtained at the Stores Offices, Cambrian Works, Oswestry, and specimens patterns, and samples may be seen there daily, except on Saturdays, from nine a.m. to'four p,m. Sealed Tenders should be sent so as to reach the undersigned not later than nine a.m. on Thursday, the 17th June, marked Tender for No.. S. WILLIAMSON, Secretary. Oswestry, 25th May, 1909 CAMBRIAN RAILWAYS COMPANY. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE TREATY the several stacks of well-harvested HAY, of the growth of 1908 (except where otherwise stated) standing at the under-mentioned Stations on the Cambrian Railways, and estimated to contain the respective quantities, more or less, also under- mentioned, viz. Est'd Est'd STATIONS. Wght. STATIONS. Wght. Tons. Tons Llanymynech No. 1 6 Harlech (1907) No. 1 5-1, WelBhpool No. 1 4i (1908) 8 No. 2 5i Talsarnau (1907) 6 Abermule No. 1 2i (1908) 8! Towyn. 6î Abererch (1907) 5 (1908) 8t For further particulars, and to treat, apply tc S. WILLIAMSON, Oswestry, April, 1909. Secretary BIND YOUR MAGAZINES. ¥ ALL CLASSES NEATLY AND EXPEDITIOUSLY EXECUTED AT THE "EXPRESS" OFFICE, NEWTOWN CL'ARKE'S B 41 PILLS are warranted to C cure m either sex, all acquired or constitutional Discharges from the Urinary Organs, Gravel, and Pains in the back. Free from Mercury. Established upwards of 30 years. In boxes 4s. 6d. each, of all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the world, or sent for sixty stamps by the makers, The Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Company, Lincoln. HAVE YOU A BAD LEG With wounds that discharge or otherwise, perhaps surrounded with inflammation and swollen, that when you press your finger on the inflamed part it leaves the impres- sion ? If so, under the skin you have poison that defies all the remedies you have tried, which, if not extracted, you never can recover, but go on suffering till death re- leases you. Perhaps your knees are swol- len, the joints being ulcerated; the same with the ankles, round which the skin may be discoloured, or there may be wounds, the disease, if allowed to continue, will deprive you of the power to walk. You may have attended various hospitals and ha.d medical advice, and been told your case is hopeless, or advised to submit to amputa- tion; but do not, for I CAN CURE YOU. I DON'T SAY PERHAPS BUT I WILL Because others have failed is no reason I should. Send at once a P.O. for 2s. 6d. to L. N. ALBERT, 73, FARRINGDON STREET, LONDON, and you will receive a box of GRASSHOPPER OINTMENT and Pills, which is a sure remedy for the cure of Bad Legs, Housemaid's Knee, Ul- cerated Joints, Carbuncles, Poisoned Hands, Tumours, Abscesses, Sore Throat, Bron- chitis, Bunions, and Ringworm. (Copyright) j [ Deecham's j D Pills were invented for the purpose of j C preventing and curing troubles < r arising in the digestive system and related organs as the Stomachy J > Liver, Kidneys, and Bowels. That j v, they have been successful in so C doing is proved by the fact that r they are more popular to-day than 1 V ever, and that they are everywhere L recognised as the premier family N f medicine in the world. Since c £ their inception sixty years ago J they have cured many thousands \i of cases of Indigestion and its f attendant ailments. They have £ dispelled such distressing com~ J plaints as Insomnia, Nervous Debility, Constipation, Sick Head- j ( aches, Depression and loss of tone. £ They have also proved a tonic of ✓ J* the highest order and are of great Si value in combating anaemic con- j ditions and keeping the general £ health in a permanently satisfac- J r tory state. Take Beecham's Pills J Si if you are out of 'sorts, they J L never fail to { MAKE 5 C A MAN HEALTHY. ] V Prepared only by f THOMAS BEECHAM, St. Heicms. < ( Sold everywhere In boxes, J price 1m (56 pills) ct 2(9 (168 Pll-lb, J rop,Aktt 0 K Cheap Bicvcle, vou kno\v the sort—"Direct from Factory mmi to Rider at £ 3 19s. 1 id." is dear at any price. It has Cheap Tyres, '3 Cheap Chain, Cheap Saddle, Cheap Pedals, Cheap Everything— wAV I' KISF RESULT in 12 months, it it lasts as long, looks a "Crock" SKI AS A CONTRAST LOOK AT THE ALL- ||i Mil STEEL RALEIGH. Tue Pnces vary from £ 5 19s. 6d. VXEr tBww t° £ l5 I!5S fitted with the Best and Guaranteed for ever. MB 5 M Brooks' Saddle, Dunlop Tyres. Sturmey-Archer 3-Speed tNjN ■■A Gear, &c. Send for book of the Raleigh, post free. m C. W. NORTON, Bf BROAD STREET, NEWTOWN. l

The Borough Member and Welsh…

The Welshpool Quid Pro Quo.

Poison License—A Grave Danger.

Dangerous Neglect in Newtown.

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Llanbadarn Foresters' Feast…

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