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_n- ABERYSTWYTH TOW M COUNCIL THE RATE CASE. COUNCIL DECIDE TO APPEAL INTEREST ON OVERDRAFTS. 5 DIVERGENT VIEWS. A meeting of the Aberystwyth Town Council was held on Wednesday Jhe Tow n Hall when -e ^Tn T, «KTT FjetlaSs;^ jniSr* idwin Morris, Gi. ^v''ki11 ? H,/ny, V Morgan, ^HughS £ 0'"n clerk)! 'sirneeileyric "Hughes (assktant ckrk) Mr. Evans (sanitary inspector). THE BALANCES. Mr. Samuel wanted to draw attention to fthe statement made at the previous meet- ing regarding payment of interest on bal- ances at the bank.. The Mayor said Mr. Samuel war not m iorder in raising the question on the minutes lit would come later on. L x Mr. Samuel: I wish to make my protest- iagainst the statement. Capt. Fosse ct Roberts asked if the -Mayo; 'seriously asked them to accept the repliC"; [Which he had given to the allegations made !by Councillor Gibsoi h's t51 The Mayor: I do. I ,me,a" to [the statement contained in this renoit is (correct statement received from the Troas- I-Prer of the bank a* to the nett amoun, or interest paid and charged. Capt. "Roberts said the Mayor had not re- rplied to the statements mac10 that- txierc was a certain amount of interest paid on PYOI- drafts The Mavor did not reply to ttuu l*t all He took nn another issue altogether, The Mayor said there was a full reply to (that.. ,• Mr. J. Gibson wanted to raise the aues,-ior> business remaining from the Pr^vl"1l'f! [meefing, but the Mayfrr again ruled tlie discussion out of order. ISOLATION HOSPITAL. i The Clerk read a letter from Mr. David jl'elix Brynearnedd Farm, stating he v a- jprepared to sell the necessary land tor an isolation hospital at £ 180 per acre. The matter was referr,ea to tne T1 mance Committee. CONSTITUTION HILL BRIDGET. The Clerk stated ho had received corres- pondence from Sir Thcmas Tacon, m whicn 5ie stated that instructions had been given to carry out the necessary repairs to t.ie bridges on Constitution Hill. V A letter had also been received from Mr. Harold E. Moore, to whom Sir Thomas lacon pad now transferred the property seating ithat in his opinion a considerable por- tion of the Hill ought to be opened to the public. He was prepared to offer to the Corporation a portion of the Hill, three a,Cres in extent, on a- sub-lease, for the Nominal ground rent of LI per annum, on ■condition that it was kept open for the free (U«e 0f the public. The terminus of the "Cliff Tjadwav would be on this free portion, foe onlv expenditure the Corporation would "he asked to undertake would be in tcpau- be jWn? and in purchasing the two ters and glass house on the property. fir Moo e safd he could also arrange for (the sale of the clifl railway for Property having originally cos "■ L The matter was referred to ™aI £ e Committee, with power to arrange an in- fterview with Mr. Moore. The Clerk said Mr. H. O. Jones had ar- C(ipted the appointment- of surveyor and inspector of pleasure boats, and the first- m- sp^otion had twen for th^ 28th ins.. The Clerk reported that a letter hod been '"eceived from Messrs, Smith Davies and Co., Solicitors explaining that owing to an ac- cident to Mr. Richardes th-y had been nn- shle to nrrano-e an interview with him m "the matter of Richardes v. Corporation. L An npoh'cation by Mr. George Smith. Cambrian-street to be appointed town inorter, was referred to the Finance Cfom- ^CvTrre^on^nce with Mr. John Watkins r^airrip" of the Sfpam Pae^t Co. as Hl,e ^,v1:t-n of the Harbour, was referred 'to committee. PETITION AGAINST FURTHER LITIGATION. The Clerk was proceeding to read a peti- tion whereupon Mr. Samuel objected, and 'aId in accordance with the standing orders the petition should be presented by some • Ccierk said it seemed to him it could be included in the same category as ordin- Rrv pnrrPRnondence. The Clerk then read the petition, signed hv a laro-e number of ratepayers, protest- in <r :,rrainst further money being spent on &ny proceedings in connection with the rate Appeal ( Cries of "Oh, oh.') Alderman Peter Jbnes: There are a lot economists about now. hy a laro-e number of ratepayers, protest- in <r :,rrainst further money being spent on &ny proceedings in connection with the rate Appeal ( Cries of "Oh, oh.') Alderman Peter Jbnes: There are a lot f economists about now. Mr. R. J. Jones: I quite agree with the P Mr F Morgan wanted to know who pre- SrlfSw 'it -s handed in by Mr. 'samoel said the reason why he asked fthat the -petition should be presented through i member was in order that they should have |* dkciWion upon it. He now suggested hot disrespectfully, that the petition should L referred to the Mayor, because this vtas Kn appeal brought by ^^r^^rumouJed Corporation. He had heard it rnn i Outside that there was an appeal ° ""For (to -the Erich Court, and people ?aid jo goodness sake don't land us into any Pawsuits" Probably, that n-as the. m«an- of tlirx petition, hut after discussing tne Matter with several of those ratepayers who id not know the reason for the appen1. fthprv wnre ouite satisfied it was the proper (ur(> to take. The whole question raided Lamneter was a technical one. the Mayor's "objection to the rates was on a technical point.. Mr J T. Davies said the sub-committee l^d no power to go further than Lampeter. &nd to take the matter to a higher court, ^as going beyond their power. Mr. J. Gibson: ""What about your General purposes Committee. I Mr. Davies: You shall have a go at that OH. t' Mr Wilkinson said he differed from Mr. ^vn.uel when he said that the Mayor s ob- Wtion was a technical one. Mr. Samuel retorted that if he was in- "■rrupted further he would have to say "qziie bitter things. r Mr. J. T. Davies: Let's have the bitter Rings fir8^ „ Mr "Wilkinson: Mr- Samuel can say as II)-inv bitter things as he likes. The Clerk appealed to the members not to discuss the case, inasmuch as it was sub- 1,1 Mr° Samuel sa,-d the appeal to thp High t nurt was only part of the action as a whole. The Mayor- The public have read the Hole case, and I think can judge for themselves. STONE FOR. BRIDGES. An application by the County Surveyor ^<>r 200 or 300 tons of stone from Ystrad Alicurl, quarry for the erection of bridges ..It Tregaron and Pont Llanio was referred to the Public Works Committee. POSTAL FACILITIES. V petition signed by a large number of peoole of Penparke. asking the Council 0 1 jto" appeal f°r t>wo deliveries daily and a Sunday delivery at that village was read. \jr J. Hopkins said they were asking lHore than the people of London had, and W was surprised that a religious place like Penparke should ask for a Sunday delivery. The Clerk wac. directed to forward the petition to the Postmaster General. AN ABSENT MEMBER, The Clerk said he had received a letter ti ( m Councillor Daniel Thomas stating he ti m Councillor Damel Thomas stating he pQuld not attend the nieet,m8 day as $would be awav in Pembrokeshire. Mr. Thomas also said" that he- strongly objected Q spending anv of the ratepayers, money I'pon any action regarding the legality or ''legality of the last rate. Mr. I. Hopkins: He does not care much or would be here to-day. PUBLIC W-OPKS COMMITTEE, Ill's Committee made the following re- r0thmendations :—That the Town Clerk be nirnendat ions :I.'Iiat the Town Clerk be I instructed to report as to the powers of the ) Council to proceed against persons registered I under the Cowshed and Dairies Act in re- spect of offences committed within the JUoroueli and also ot offences committed outside the Borough That Mr. Daniel ihomav ba requested to interview Mr. Felix, Brynearnedd, and to ascertain whether he 's prepared to sell a portion of his farm for the purpose of the erection thereon of an Isolation Hospital. That the Sanitary In- spector be authorised" and instructed to take proceedings against all persons, whose .,r.s-'>>ods or stables are not kept clean or are "in a dilapidated condition. That the iio'nit'irv Inspector be authorised and in- ted to apply for a "closing order in respect of each of the following dwelhng- Wes viz.. those of Mr. 11. Davies, dwell- ST hoaU in Fountain-court; Mr. David rImTl<es dwelling-house in Penparke; Mr. tT")* ,-r'xniah Jones^ dwelling-house in Pen- rin-ke and Mr. Dawson, dwelling house in TrpVechan. That notice of overcrowding be served on.Mr. Jeffreys the occupier of a dvelUng-house 111 irimty-row. lhat the noceysury steps be taken by the Town Clerk with view to obtaining the sanction of the T r- ]1 Government i^oard to the closing of fb Harbour Gap. That the application by the Public Works Loan Commissioners for pavment of £ 315 in respect of the unex- npinde'1 balance of the Streets Worits Loan £ '^046 be referred to the Chairman of the Firance Committee, the Town Clerk. Rfv-oueh Surveyor and Borough Accountant, "or" their report thereon. That the sum of l-3 be paid to the University College of W^.ies bsing the amount due for the cur- rent ve a r as an acknowledgment, from the Corporation for the right to run their drain J-h,'o^h- the Vicarage Field and to enter +-M "nid iield for the purpose of inspection han necessary. The Town Clerk reported further upon the rights of the Council in regard to the naming of streets within the T"or' ,rh aUd he v.-as instructed to take no further steps in the matter ol the alteration in the name 01 until further ordr of the ouncil. Instructions were o-iven to the Town Clerk to report upon the' claim made by the Aberystwyth and 'vijerdovey Steam Packet Company, Limited, for pavill&llc of damages alleged to have been "otained by the s.s. Countess of Lisburne" wliile^ entering the Harbour. Instruc- tion were also given to the Borough Sur- veyor to submit an estimate of tite cost of improving the s.s. "Countess of Lisburne's berth in the Harbour. The TeFl n Clerk re- ported that the plan prepared by the Bor- ough Surveyor and submitted to Messrs. Cobb had not yet been received from the latter. Your committee were, therefore, unable to consider the matter fully. They however, recommend that to avoid any dis- pute hereafter, as to the extent of the obli- gations proposed to be undertaken by the Council, Mr* Powell should be asked to meet your Committee on the ground, and that the lencino- and other suggested means of pre- vent-ng trespassers should be agreed upon and accurately defined. Your committee also recommend: That Mr. D. J. Lewis, Great Darkgate-street who attended and made application for permission to erect a kitchen at the rear of Osborne House, be required to submit a plan. That the Borough Surveyor be instructed to remove the water pipe in Brynymor-road as to which Mr. T. W. Powell and others had made a complaint. That instructions be gi\n to the Borough Surveyor to pre- pare and submit an estimate of the cost of ereding an additional wooden groyne on the South Terrace Beach. That the follow- ilQ: plans be approved of, viz.: Those sub- mitted by: Mr. M. Davies of three dwelling houses proposed to be erected in the Lion Field; plan of the North and South Wales Bank,' new bank premises proposed to be erected by the bank in Great Darkgate- street. The Borough Surveyor read a re- port by Mr. W. Cardall upon the sfete and condition of the Town Clock and his esti- mate of the cost of carrying out the neces- sary repairs amounting to £ 75 10s. Your Committee recommend that instructions be given to the Borough Surveyor to obtain further information in the matter and to report thereon to the Council at their next meeting. Councillor Daniel Thomas reported an interview with Mr. Ferx, Brynearnedd, with reference to the proposed sIte for an Isolation Hospital on that ^^ake t.;ons were given to the T(^ hi h Mr Felix enquiries as to the pi ice at wi • i would be prepared to sell the lan 3 to the Corporation. Your Committee re onmmend that authority be given to the Borough Surveyor to purchase a ho Bead a letter from Mr. T. Guest, Birming- ham. dated 9th April, 1908, relative to Mr. Fear's application for approval of plans o proposed alterations to these premises. Instructions were given to the Town ClerK to inform Mr. Guest that the Council could not agree to dispense with the side lights shewn on plan nor would permission to pro- ceed with the work be granted until the Council were satisfied that the drainage arrangements of the premises were adequate and were approved of by them.—Mr. Oliver s letter with regard to the nuisance alleged to be caused by the working of a gas engine at the Briton Slate Works was considered, and instructions were given to the Town Clerk to report upon the obligation of the Council to interfere in the matter. Your Committee decided to convene a meeting to consider the question of the Town Water supply.—Read a letter from the Secretary of the Vale of Rheidol Railway Company dated 8th April, inst., stating that the Company was at present awaiting a report from the engineer of the Company, and promising a further communication on re- ceipt of same. Yout Committee decided to visit the Harbour upon a date to be here- after fixed by the Chairman. Mr. F. Morgan complained that a defec- tive cowshed belonging to Mr. Jones, the cemetery keeper, to which attention was called in July last had not yet been re- medied. The Mayor said the Public Works Com- mittee was solely responsible for the delay. Alderman Peter Jones said it was the duty of the officials to see that these things were carried out. Mr. F. Morgan: When I raised this ques- tion the Mayor and his lictichmen and the blind following voted me down. The Mayor said, that was incorrect, and said Mr. Morgan had made more than one speech. Mr. J. Gibson: Y~ou have made fifteen or twenty speeches 111 about five minutes. The Mavor: I have to correct matters. Mr. J. Gibson: Rot! As to the closing of the Gap, it was stated that the application would have to be made to the Board of Trade and not to the Local Government Board. Alderman Peter Jones said on sanitary grounds he thought it would be a. great ad- vantage to have the Gap closed. Mr. I. Hopkins said it was the town I which made the nuisance on the Gap, and if they closed it he did not think they could find another place for the fishermen to moor their boats. Mr R. J. Jones thought the matter should be referred back, in order to see whether the basin could not be concreted. and a boundary wall built there. He moved an amendment to that effect. Alderman R. Doughton seconded. Mr. G. Wilkinson said the closing of the Gap would entail a large expenditure. The amendment to refer the matter back was carried with only two dissentients In reply to Mr. F. Morgan, the Borough Accountant said in his opinion it was quite impossible to get particulars of the R315, unexpended balance of the Street Works Loan. Mr. n. J. Jones said the matter had been referred to a sub-committee, and he did not see why Mr. Morgan should now raise the question. Some recriminations followed between Mr Jones and Mr. Morgan, the former char- acterising the latter's remarks as super- fliiity.1, Mr. F. Morgan: Superfluity You are only superfluous gas. Shortly after Mr. F. Morgan referred to Mr. Jones as the "local gasometer." a re- mark which drew a strong remonstrance from the Mayor. Referring to the recommendation dealing with the town clock, Mr. R. J. Jones said having regard to the estimated expenditure of £ 7o 10s., with a warranty for only three I years, would it not be well to consider the question of purchasing a new clock. The Surveyor was directed to report on the whole question to a meeting of the I Public Works Committee on Friday. The report of the Public Works Committee I was then adopted. PUBLIC LIGHTS COMMITTEE. This committee recommended payment of the following accounts:—Chiswick Elec- tricity Corporation for the quarter ended 31st March last. L102 15s. 6d.; Aberystwyth Gas Company (the like) C171 Is. lid.. The committee also recommended that all lamps on the Marine-terrace be lit during Easter Week, and that the Borough Surveyor be instructed to obtain a tender for the lighting of the electric lamps in North- parade and Chalybeate-street with sixteen candle power lights during the whole night. The report was) adopted. MEDICAL OFFICER'S REPORT. The Medical Officer presented his quar- terly report, which was as follows:—The number of births registered during the per- iod was 43 (.20 males and 23 females), as compared with -41 in the corresponding per- iods or 1907 and 1906, and with 51 in the corresponding quarter of 1905, and is equiv- alent ro an annual birth rate of nearly 21.5 per 1,000 in a population of 8,013. The number of deaths registered during the quarter was 42, as compared with 45 1Il the corresponding period of 1907, With 36 in iii06, with 46 in 1905, with 38 in 1904, and is equivalent to an annual death rate of nearly 21 per 1,000 in a population of 8,013. Included in the total ot 42 are the deaths of 5 persons' who were not inhabitants, rience, if we substract these 5 deatb-s the total would be 37, and this number is equivalent to an annual Local" Deiiili itate of nearly 18.5 per 1,000. But, accord- ing to the instructions of tlia Local Govern- ment Board, only one of these 5 deaths is to be subtracted from the registered total, viz., tho death of a person brought into the dis- trict on account of sickness and dying in a public institution, viz., at the Infirmary. Hence the corrected total for the quarter is 41, and is equivalent to an annual death rate of nearly 20.5 per 1,000. The death, at the different ages were as follows: Under 1 year, 5; over 1 year and 5 years, 3; over 5 years and under 15 years, 0; over 15 years and under 25, 0; over 25 and under Go years, 16; over 65 years, 18; total, 42. Eighteen out of 42 deaths were persons up- wards of 65 years of a^e. Eight deaths were attributed to bronchitis, pleurisy and pneu- monia, 4 to tubercular diseases, 4 to heart disease, 2 to influenza, 2 to diphtheria. The Notifiable Infectious Diseases:—12 cases of infectious diseases were notified during the ouarter, viz., 9 cases of diphtheria, 2 cases" of .scarlet fever, and a single case of facial erysipelas. 'Hie diphtheria cases:- Four members of one household in Terrace- road were attacked by the infection; one of them ,unfortunately, succumbed from the effects of the poison in the heart. Three members of another household in Portland- '10 road were also affected by the disease, and a child died from syncope, following upon the effects of the disease on the system. The other two cases were situated in Little Darkgate-street and North-road respectively. The scarlet fever cases oocurredin Corpora- tion street and Cambrian-street, while the erysipelas case was notified from Prospect- street. The common lodging houses have been thoroughly cleansed and lime-washed. The accommodation provided is more limited than in former years. The report was adopted. FINANCE COMMITTEE. This committee recommended payments amounting to ^1,378 17s. 6d. Ihe Borough Accountant presented a statement shewing the balances on the several current accounts of the Corporation at the 31st March, 1908: Cr., Burial Board, C43 2s. 5d.; Workmen's houses, t388 13s. 3d. Markets and Slaugh- ter house £ 172 8s. 9d.; Water Works, P-532 4s. 9d. The sum of £ 150 loan has been re- paid, and it is proposed to rc-borrow and credit the Workmen's Houses Fund with this amount. Dr. General District, R374 13s 4d.; Borough, £ 1,639 lIs. Id.; Court Fees, f32 14s. 3d.; Harbour, 8,908 4s. Id.; Public Library, zE140 2s. 7d. The committee also made the following recommendations :-That notices to quit be forthwith served upon the tenants of all dwelling-houses in Skinner- street which are in an insanitary condition, and that the Borough Accountant be auth- orised to take proceedings in ejectment, against any tenants neglecting or refusing to comply with such notices.—That the Sur- veyor be authorised to obtain ass; stance for the purpose of preparing the plans of pro- posed workmen's dwellings. That applica- tion be made to the Local Government Board to sanction the borrowing by the Council of the sum necessary for erection of additional workmen's dwellings. That the Council do not apply to the County Education Auth- ority for nny course of lecture during next Winter. That the Town Clerk be instructed to forward to the Local Government Board a copy of Mr. J. B. James' valuation of the lan-d proposed to be .sold to the County Education Authority. That Mr. J. E. James oe paid his fee of two guineas for preparing the last mentioned valuation. The consideration of the application of Messrs. D. Roberts and Sons, Limited, for a lease of a piece of land at the rear of the Wine, Vaiilts in Terrace-road was again de- ferred, pending Messrs. Roberts and Sons obtaining the consent of Mr. Fear to Mrs. Morgan being allowed to cement the bound- ary wall between the properties. and for that purpose to enter upon Mr. Fear's pre- mises. The consideration of Mr. D. Phil- lips' application for an extension of time for carrying out repairs to "Ystwyth House, Portland-street was deferred. The committee also recommended that all pre- vious terms and conditions given to Miss Doughton and Captain Parry for th renewal of the lease of their respective properties in Sea view-place be rescinded, and that new leases be granted on new terms and con- ditions. Head the following report of the sub-committee appointed in the matter of the General District Rate and Water Rate Appeals dated the 14th day of April, 1908:- Counsel having advised that the Respondents (the Council) should move for a writ of Pro- hibition in respect of these Appeals. Re- solved that the course advised by Counsel be taken, and that the Town Clerk he auth- orised and instructed to take all necessary proceedings in matter. The Finance Committee had resolved that the aforegoing report be received and adopted. Mr. F. Morgan wanted to know whether the Mayor proposed to put an item of £1;1 12s. bd. for advertising before the Council knoii-ing that it was illegal. The Mayor (ignoring the question): Pr<>- ceed, please ^tm1' tr ^-organ: Then you agree to it. Ihe Mayor: I do now what I have always done in the past with regard to the borough fund. THE RATE APPEALS. The report of the sub-committee, adopted by the .f inance Committee, recommending that the Council should move for a writ ot prohibition in respect of the rate appeals heard at the Quarter Sessions, was sub- mitted, and Mr T. J. Samuel moved its adoption. Captain Fiosyett Robert-) seconded, and said the expense would be very little. The gent.emen who sent in the petition need not be disturbed. Had he been in the position of a private person and the matter his own personal business he would take the very course now recommended. Mr. G. Wilkinson asked the Town Clerk whether the sub-committee had authority to sanction tire application for this writ of pro- hibition. He was under the impression that the functions of the sub-committee ceased with the action of Lampeter. .Mr. F. Morgan said Mr. Wilkinson was a member of the sub-committee and did not protest there against the application being made. Mr. Wilkinson said the meeting was called j at a minuto s notice and it was only after the meeting was held that he had any doubts about it. I The Clerk said from the minutes he was I of opinion that it was ouite within the pro- vince of the sub-committee to carry out the resoluion, but it was ouite open for the Council now to limit that authority. A long discussion then ensued as to a statement made by Mr. R. J. Jones at the I last meeting of the' Fihance Committee that I what Mr. Edward Evans and himself had d(,ne when the recognizances were taken was done on the advice of the magistrates' clerk. Mr. F. Morgan said he had had a conversation with Mr. Hugh Hughes, the •magistrates' clerk, he said he was not pre- sent when the question of recognisances came up. Mr. Hugh Hughes had repeated this statement to him in the presence of his brother, Mr. A. J. Hughes. Mr. R. J. Jones said he was still of the same opinion that Mr. Hugh Hughes was present. The Mayor: He was present. He came there from a funeral. Mr. R. J. Jones said he had no reason to differ in his opinion, and he thought he carried out his duty quite rightly on that ocqaison. He asked what this costs were likely to be, and it was said something like JE20 to £ 30. He then said "If that is so I suppose the recognisances of the Mayor him- self will be sufficient." They had dealt with this question at Quarter Sessions, and the opponents of the Mayor were ignomin- iously beaten. (Cries of "Oh, oh.") And now they were going to spend more of the ratepayers' money on a frivolous appeal, which was fully dealt with at Quarter Sessions. Capt Roberts:. Are you the Court of Quarter Sessions? Mr. R. J. Jones said he did not go to Lampeter at the expense of the ratepayers. Mr. J. Gibson: I was there at the ex- pense of the ratepayers. I had ten shillings and I am going to have it stuffed. (Laughter). Mr. R. J. Jones said he considered Mr. Willis Bund made a strong point- The Clerk, intervening, asked the mem- bers not to discuss the case, seeing that it was sub-judice. Capt. Roberts: Mr. Jones is only taking the place of Mr Willis Bund and the Quarter Sessions. Mr. R. J. Jones said he was surprised Capt. Roberts should .interfere. He was an interested party as a member of the sub- committee. and he (Mr. Jones) was going tc protest against their conduct. He had been charged with having made a statement at the Finance Committee which was not correct. He was there to say he was per- fectly accurate as far as his judgment went. The magistrates' clerk was present. Capt. Roberts: Up against Mr. Jones' judgment we have the definite statement of Mr. Hughes that he was not present. Mr. R. J. Jones: Mr. Edward Evans will say the same as myself. Mr. J. Gibson: You are good pals are you not ? v The Mayor raid on that particular day the funeral of Mr. Matthews took place, and all were late arriving. Mr. Hugh Hughes came into the court while they were there. Capt. Roberts: At what time The Mayor: I can't tell you the time. We were all late. The Clerk sa:d what Mr. Hugh Hughes had said was that the whole work was finished, and that Air. Daff Jones, his clerk, was pre- sent during the whole time the recognisances were taken. <=> Mr. 11. J. Jones: I am strongly of opinion Mr. Hughes was there. I don't ktnow whether he was there the whole time or not. Capt. Roberts: -So if the Mayor and Mr. R. J. Jones said that Mr. Hugh Hughes was present then Mr. Hughes is not telling the truth. 0 The Mayor: I say Mr. Hughes came into the Court before it finished. Mr. J. Gibson said Mr. R. J. Jones had definitely accused Mr. Hughes of being a liar. Mr. R. J. Jones: I never said anything of the kind. In the course of further discussion, Mr. R. J. Jones protested against spending any more money on this question. They had only to wait for three months and then they would have the decision of the Quarter Sessions. The majority of the members of the sub- committee were those who advocated a heavy rate for the purpose of saving a little in- terest at the bank. Mr. J. Gibson said if Mr. R. J Jones' proposition for a Is 10d rate had been car- ried tbi-, appeal case would not have come on at all. Mr. Wilkinson said this writ of prohibi- tion was being applied for because those who supported it were conscious that on the merits of the case they had no chance of winning the ittesi. Alderman Peter Jones said the matter was a technical one all through. In fact, too many technicalities were being raised, and thev would find that they were spragging themselves to the future detriment of the town. A good deal of acrimonious discussion fol- lowed and then the Mayor said his appeal against the rates was not on technica,l grounds. His objection was a real one. It was not a question of a Is. 10d. or a 2s. 3d. rate. It was a question whether it was legal to transfer the £ 900 from the general district fund to the borough fund. As he stated at Lampeter as long as the ratepayers had allowed them to spend money on ad- vertising and for a hand out of the Corpora- tion rentals, he did not object. But when an attempt was made to put into the general district rate a sum of £ 900, that sum, as the Town Clerk had told them could not be transferred to the borough fund. Mr. T. J. Samuel, in replying to the dis- cussion, asserted that the question of the transfer of the zC900 was simply a technical matter. (Cries of "No.") He also strongly objected to Mr. R. J. Jones speaking of sup- porten of a heavy rate. A division was then taken, when the re- commendation to apply for a writ of prohibi- tion was carried by eight votes to five, the Mayor being neutral. The report of the Finance Committee was then adopted. PAYMENT OF INTEREST. Arising out of the Finance Committee's report, Mr. Samuel then said he wished to make a statement in reply to that read by the Mayor at the previous meeting as to the interest paid by the Council to the bank on overdrafts. As he said at the time he could not commit himself to the figures submit- ted by the Mayor, but some of the members jumped at the, swallowed them, and enjoyed them. The Mayor: You have no right to make that comment. Mr. J. T. Davies: Mr. Samuel is getting very witty lately. Mr. Samuel: It is my opinion. Mr. Samuel then went on to say that the Cor- poration had 16 different accounts with the treasurer, and on one half of them there were credit balances and on the other half debit balances. The Mayor had deliberately left out of his statement the Harbour revenue account on which they paid interest amount- ing to jEl,388 4s., during the past four years; the Harbour loan account on which they paid tl,222 Is. 9d. the Promenade Exten- sion account, on which they paid L538 14s. 9d. and tho Public Library loan account on which they pay £ 12 16s. The total amount of interest paid for the last four years wa3 £3,491 17s. 3d., or an average of £ 872 19s. 4d. per annum, or £ 16 los. 7d. per week. The total amount allowed by the bank in interest for the same period was £ 302 15s. 4d., leaving a total sum paid in interest cf £3.189 Is .lid., or zC797 9s. 6d. per annum, or £ 15 6s. nd. per week and not 2s. 7id. as stated by the Mayor. The total interest paid excluding the two Har- bour accounts for the four years was zC881 llc. Gd., or C220 5s. 6d. per annum, or £4, 4s. 71 d. per week. In conclusion, Mr. Samuel said he thought it was his duty, as chairman of the Finance Committee to give the ratepayers a complete and full state- ment as to the interest paid. It had been argued that the Promenade Extension ac- count was a capital account. A loan was sanctioned for a certain amount, and there was an overdraft at the bank. It was a current account, which was being paid off at the rate of £ 105 a year. As long as there ^is a balance existing in this account it was a current account. It was unjust to the ratepayers to omit an important item of that kind from a general statement if they were going to show the town what was actu- ally paid in interest. Mr. F. Morgan continued the discussion. Mr. Samuel then proposed that the Mayor's statement be deleted from the minutes and that a corrected statement be inserted. The Mayor: That cannot be done without notice. inserted. The Mayor: That cannot be done without notice. Mr. T. J. Samuel I move the suspen- sion of the standing orders. The Mayor ruled it was not a matter of urgency. Mr. Samuel: It must be done, or there will be another row. The Mayor: Row or no row. I rule it out of order. Capt. Roberts: Do you rule that Mr. Sam- uel would not bø in order in moving that his statement should also bo recorded on the minutes ? The Mayor: That would not be out of order. Mr. Samuel said he could not agree to two sveh different statements being placed on the minutes. Mr. R. J. Jones: Is it not a fact that both statements are identical? (Cries of "No.') Mr. F. Morgan: One is partial truth and II the other tile wiioie truth. Mr. H. J. Jones said the it-ems omitted by the Mayor weie omuted quite properly, and if those were taken into account the two statements were identical. Both state- ments had been supplied by the treasurer. Alderman Peter Jones suggested to Mr. Samuel that he should give notice frr the rescinding of the statement at the next meeting. At the previous meeting, .citain members with stronger assimil dive powers than himself voted in favour of an intricate statement of accounts. Alderman Doughton seemed to have been quite willing to close his eyes and open his n outh and take what- ever was given him. (Laughter). The Mayor, in replying to the discussion, &iid he was surprised that Mr. Samuel should bring in the Harbour account. The whole of that was excluded from his statement. If the Corporation expended a large sum on the Promenade extension other than by loan then they ought to treat that still as capi- tal. If Mr. Samuel was so anxious to put the ratepayers in possession of all the facts he ought to tell them what was the amount of interest and sinking funds paid. He (the Mayor) would prepare such a statement by the next meeting, and they would then find that they were paying something like £ 5.000 a year. The Harbour loan, and the Pro- ir (■rade extension fund were certainly capi-j tal accounts. Mr. Samuel: But the Promenade exten- sion is paid for out of the rates. The Mayor: And so are the loans paid out of the rates. The Mayor again contended that his statement that the net interest paid per week to the bank during the past four year; was 2s. 7jd. Mr J. Gibson: Rubbish! After further discussion. Jr. T J. Samuel gave notice that he would move at the next meeting a resolution either deleting tho pre- vious statement or correcting it with his figures. PUBLIC LIBRARY COMMITTEE. This committee presented the following report:—That all hooks presented to the Public Library be forwarded to the Book Committee for their report thereon. The report of the sub-committee appointed to consider a scheme for reducing the cost of lighting the reading room was read and accepted, and it was resolved that a request be made tto the Gas Company to allow the present experimental fittings to remain in the Reading Room until the next meeting of the Committee: and the question of adoption of gas throughout the buildinc as deferred until a report from other public Libraries w ob+ained as to the suitability of pas for Public Libra rips. The report was received. GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE. This Committee made the following re- oommendatione :—Ybur committee anther- :sed the chairman to fix a date for the in- spection of pleasure boats and vessels. Re- solved that Mr. C. Richard' hand bo en- gaged for Easter week (Saturday the 18th April to Saturday the 2:3th April, instant) at an inclusive charge of £ 10. Mr. F. Morgan asked whether the pay- ment of £ 10 was legal or not. The Town Clerk: It will be illegal. The Mayor: And you have 'said so many times before. Mr. J. Gibson offered strong opposition to the adoption of the recommendation dealing with the band. He said he hoped those instrumental in engaging it were pleased with it. When he heard it first he thought there was a circus in town. (Laughter).. The committee's report was carried by eight votes to two. CONGRATULATION S. On the motion of the Mayor, seconded by Mr. R. J. Jones, the Council adopted a re- solution recording their great appreciation of the invaluable services rendered by the Right Hon. D. Lloyd-George ,M.P., during his Presidency of the Board of Trade and offering to him their hearty congratulations on Irs appointment to the Chancellorship of the Exchequer. A resolution. congratulating Sir S. T. Evans upon his appointment as Solicitor General was also unanimously passed.

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Interesting \\ (dding.


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