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Aberystwyth Town Council.


Aberystwyth Town Council. A Lively Meeting. Public Lighting. Castle Improvements. Workmen to be lie-Started Mr Phillips' Arcade. ■i —» Public Library Site Selected Markets and Fairs. A meeting of the Aberystwyth Town ^un- oit was held on Tuesdav at the Council Chamber, Town Hall, when there were pre- sent the Mayor (Mr. fcaac Hopkins) in the Shair; Councillor R. J- Jones (ex-mayor); Alderman W. H. Palmar.; Councillors T. U. Edwards T. J. Samuel, Wm. Thomas, Capt. S C. M. Williams, Daniel Thomas G. Fossett Roberts, R. Doughton, ■ nr) T 'Gibson with Mr. Rees Jones (bor- suiveyor), and Mr. C. Massey (deputy. clerk). THE TOWN CLERK. The Deputy Clerk reported that the Town Clerk had left forlftndon haT1?l\\JP^1blic ment at two o'clockthat day with the l^ib c Works Loan Board m reference to the ap plication for the loan for the breakwater works. PROPOSED RECREATION GROUND The following letter was read from Mr. J. to. Evans hon2 sec. of.the Cycling Club m reference to the recreation S10^1 ■ e to supplement our previous letter _to tiit Council upon the matter, and to offer the Corporation an annual rental of nlans portion of the Flats mentioned m the plan and specifications as submitted to you. \Vc venture to think that when the lull amount that will be expended is fuiiy considered and the many advantages derivahie to the towr. and adjacent owners are appreciated that our committee can lay a fair claim to yo and we trust favourable, decision m this mat- ter, which would matenally add referred to the Finance Committee. Mr. E. G. Piears, Terrace-road, wrote sta- ting he had purchased a motor ca^, anhc^f R" lied for a license to ply for ^V^fh/G^eial The application was referred to the faeneiai Purposes Committee. THE HARBOUR WORKS. A letter was read from Mr. Walmesley, engineer of the Harbour Works, enc^mg his monthly eport. He also enquired how the Public Loan Commission matter stood^ a*. Mr Lester had sent him a statement shov. lug £ 3948 for work done and furthei mateiul °\he6l^ter was referred to the Public Works Committee. A TREVOR ROAD COMPLAINT. A letter was read from Mr. Evan Davies, 8, Lisburne-terrace, drawmg attention to the atate of Trevor-road, and also the footpath that led up the side of 8, Lisur ne-terrace. The footpath which the Corporation had pared had sunk so much that the water ran inwards instead of outwards, as it should do. The pavement had sunk so much that it dam- aged his house greatly. Therefore, he asked «ras it fair that he should have paid for pave- ment that injured his house, and which was Hot properly done. He did not understand the Private Roads Acts, which the Corpoi- atfon rf Aberystwyth had brought forward Did it mean the persons who had paid for making the road .should keep the road in pro- per condition, and clear the buckets, and also Say rates and taxes? The road was simply disgrace to tke locality. It was far worse uow after payinf 3s. 7d. a yard ^h vn etore It was covered with stones, so that all the trucks came on the pavement, and shook the, house fearfully, and also damaged it. Was ':t¡ fair that a working man should pay so much for making the pavement and road, and then to have his house injured by water, Xd »• nuisance with trucks? Mr. W. Thomas asked if the footpath lean- ed inwards. The Surveyor said he could not saj, as he had ndt had an opportunity of seeing it. When the work was done the fall was from house. He could not say what subsidence had taken place since. Mr. W. Thomas said what he could nor ndèrstand was how it could have given away ow. The stuff underneath was hard enough. After some discussion Mr. T. J. Samuel proposed, and Mr. Daniel Thomas seconded, that the surveyor visit the place and report to the next meeting of the Public Works Committee. This was agreed to. A DANGEROUS ROAD. A letter was read from Mr. T. W. Powell, erocer, calling attention to the dangerous State of the road leading from Marine-terrace to Cliff "terrace, a portion of which was on the borough side of the boundary, or if not, so, could not the Council see their way to 8(Cept the roadway as a whole upon the Wrmi • forth in an accompanying petition. There iiad been minor accidents there before, but i-ecently one of his men lost control of his horse, and the horse and vehicle rolled over, 2. sustaining a damage of quite £40. Fortun- ately the man was not in at the time, other- wise his life for a certainty would have been lost. The petition which was signed by a number of ratepayers, said some time ago when the Council was proceeding with the completioi-, of the road they were stepped by Mr. Rich- ards, of Penglais, making a claim to a por- tion of the land. The petitioners with others in the neighbourhood, subscribed together a sum of 925, which they paid Mr. Richards in order to get the right of his alleged claim, and the agreement had been handed over to the Council. The petitioners had gone to a. further expense of £ 24 in forming the load in the rough. The purchase was carried out and the work done on the understanding that the Council would properly finish off the work Mr. T. H. Edwards said from what he had been given to understand this petition was sent to the Council two years ago with the deed of conveyance. He would like to know whether the matter was then considered. Mr. Gibson That particular p-titioii ? Mr. Edwards: That is the petition as sent in two years ago. and it was returned to Mr. Powell one day last week. The Deputy Clerk said it was only handed to him that morning. Mr. Edwards: This 1s the document sent 'n ith the deed two years ago, and nothing has ice been neard by these petitioners. I shoi.i like to know whether it was really brought before the Council. Mr. Daniel Thomas proposed that the matter be referred to the Public Works Committee. Mr. T. H. Edwards: I second it, and that a report be submitted as to what has been done since the petition was first presented. This was carried. A QUESTION OF ORDER. Mr. T. H. Edwards asked whether the re- ports of committees would be in order if mem- bers of those committees were not convened to attend. The Mayor: I should think it is not in or- der. if all the members are not convened. Mr. R. Doughton said if it was done pur- posely it was wrong, but sometimes it was 3ue to an oversight. IU4 T. H. Edwards: I don't want an ex- oliwation from Mr. Doughton. Mr. Doughton I take the ruling of the layor, not your ruling. If it is done pur- >osely it is out of order, but sometimes there is an (^mission. We had a Market* C-oinuut- ee, aud Mr. Edwards is referring— Mr. Edwards: I certainly object to Mr. o bton making inferences as to anything v said. fhb ■M'j.vo": I have auswerod the question. Mr. J. Gibson said there was a I" -'?lted list there was no excuse. r. Doughton We wont by tl nrmu> Mr. Edwards: Well, the printell list is wrong. P\ li.ue LIGHTS COMMITTEE. This committee cuoinmended th- t lir, lamp in Vsenor street be removed a few ( 'f lo vor down the st-eet. so as to light a .<;t. there. That 8 lamp hf placed or >yi~ te 01<> entrance to tnr> Vale of Rhoide' Rr^Uvav Station. The committee having e::usidercd the tender of Aerystwyth and CliiswicK Electric Supply Company Limited, recom. mended that the same be accepted. Mr. W. Thomas, who presented this report also presented the report of a committee of the whole Council, held on December 17th, which recommended tpat, instructions be given to the Town Clerk to prepare and sub- mit draft contracts with the Company with the approval of the Council. The Mayor ruled the report of the com- mittee of the whole Council out of order. Mr. W. Thomas: What- is your instruction in the matter to be, wir? The Mayor: That meeting nas been calleu irregularly, and it is not legal, and I rule it out of order. Mr. W. Thomas: Do you refuse to take the report of that meeting ? The Mayor: Yes. Mr. W. Thomas: You were there yourself. The Mayor: But I won't allow any discus- sion on it. I rule it out of order. j Mr. W. Thomas: But every member in the House of Commons even is allowed to point out to the chairman, or the speaker his views on his ruling. The Mayor: I wont allow Mr. W. Thomas: But you were there, and voted at this committee yourself. The Mayor: Number 7 please, the minutes of the Harbour Committee". Mr. W. Thomas, however, moved the ad- option of the recommendation of the Public Lights Committee that the tenders of the Electric Light Company be accepted. Mr. Daniel Thomas seconded, and this was carried. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. This committee recommended i) That ap. plication be made to the Local Government Board for their sanction to borrow tne i ui thei sum of £ 60 to cover the increased estimate owing to the alterations in the original design, of the public convenience at the Castle and that the necessary resolution be passed as required by the Board; (2) That an alivertis. ment be issued inviting tenders forthwith, and that it be referred to the committee to open. and accept a tender. That the cost oi construction and completion 01 the stone groyne at Castle Point be included in the ap. plication for the supplemental loan in con. nection with the Promenade Extension, and that the Surveyor be instructed to prepare the necessary plans, specifications and esti. mates, of all works in connection ynh the extension not included in the original estimate' and that application be made to the Local Government Board for their sanction to a supplemental loan. The further consideration of the application on behalf of the Postmaster General for the erection of an over ground telegraph wire was deferred, pending a reply to a letter written by the Tow. Clerk upom the subject. The Town Clerk had been instructed to inform Mr David Owen that unless the owners of the respective premises abutting on Penparke streets and lanes were payed, metalled, or otherwise placed the latter in a satisfactory state of repair, the committee would recommend the Council to consider whether the provisions of the Private Streets Act should be put in force.—An amended plan submitted by Mr and Mrs Hugh Howell of two new dwelling houses to be erected by them in Northgate street; and also a plan showing the alteration in the height of the dwelling house, No. 28, Portland street, in compliance with the Council's requirements, submitted by Mrs. Margaret Jones, had been iespectively examined, and the committee recommended them for approval by the Council.—Instructions were given to the Sur. veyor to proceed with the works of paving and channelling of Union court, Laura place and Gateway buildings, in pursuance of the statu. tory notices published.-The Town Clerk re. ported that in his opinion the Vale of Rheidol Railway Company were liable in respect of the damages to the roadway along Rofawr, caused by the laying down of their railway there, and instructions were given to the Town Clerk to take such necessary proceedings as was neces. sary to enforce the claim of the Corporation. —Tenders were opened for slate kerbing and channelling, and that of Messrs Williams and White was accepted, subject to the quarry being approved by the Surveyor and delivery being made at the Aberystwyth Railway Station.—The consideration of the desirability of erecting a shelter and public convenience on the Promenade extension, and the prepara. tion of plans and estimates of the work was deferred.-The committee nominated the following members of the Council to act as a Footpaths' committee, viz.. Councillors C. M. Williams, T. J. Samuel, David James, Daniel Thomas, John Gibson, and T, H. Edwards, and that they be empowered to co opt six additional members who are not members of. the Council.—The amended plans of the pro. posed Arcade and other buildings in Terrace road, submitted by Mr David Phillips. showing the proposed additional exits from the pro. poised new Hall, were carefully examined, and the Borough Surveyor having advised that the exits now proposed, though differing ffrm those which he had originally recommended, were, quite satisfactory and sufficient, the committee recommended the plan for approval by the Council, subject to the exit leading to the Bath street entrance to the proposed Arcane being increased in width from 4ft. 6in to 6ft.. thus providing three exits each of 6 feet in width, viz., one to Terrace road, one to Bath street and the third to Portland street.-The committee recommended that the existing ordnance plan of the town on the 1/500 scale, be revised at the cost of the Cor. poration when the ordnance survey of the adjoining district is taken, up and that the necessary order be given to the Director General of the Ordnance Surveys in reply to his letter of the 28th October, -1903. The approximate cost will be 2100. In the opin. ion of the committee the extent of the Cor. porate Estate, and the importance of securing an accurate survey and large scale map, amply justifies this outlay. With regard to the proposed supplemental loan for the Promenade extension, Mr. T. H. Edwards asked whether the alterations to the Castle would be included in that. The Surveyor said the sloping of the cliff and the building of retaining walls would be included in this. Mr. R. J. Jones said he. hoped before any application was made to the Local Govern- ment Board that all supplemental amounts would be included in one estimate so that one enquiry could be held for the whole. Alderman Palmer: Supposing we go on with the work and they refuse to give a loan. Mr. R. J. Jones: We could not help that. We know something like E2,500 has already been spent beyond the loan sanctioned by the Local Government Board. Mr. Edwards: £2,500 beyond the amount asked for in the first place. Mr. R. J. Jones: Yes. Yr. Edwards: Business that is. Alderman Palmer: I think we ought to know how much we are going to spend. Mr. R. J. Jones: I strongly suggest that whatever application be made now for a sup- plemental loan should include everything. Mr. T. J. Samuel: I second it on that under standing. Mr. T. H. Edwards: Only lately have you allowed that the Castle works were part of the extension. I flunk that should be defi- nitely stated here. Mr. R. J. Jones: There is only one portion that can be included in the extension, and that is included in scheme No. 3. We could not include the excavations. Mr. T. H. Edwards: That is because of the faddists. Mr. H. J. Jones: No, because of the arch- aeologists. Mr. W. Thomas said scheme No. 3 had not yet been passed. The Mayor refused to put it to a vote three weeks ago. Mr. R. J. Jones: The scheme was accepted at the last meeting. The work alone was stopped. Inasmuch as it was stated that the matter would come on at a later stage further dis- cussion was deferred. h IMPROVEMENTS OF COURTS. With reference to the Public Works Com- tees recommendation as to paving and annelling certain courts, M^ C. M. Wil- uams asked whether the Surveyor had pre- pared plans and specifications for the other courts and alleys decidcd upon 18 months' ago. He thought they should have had five or six by now, but they only had three. The Surveyor said he hnd prepared the plans of i' ountain-court nt had instruc- tions not to proceed with the work. The majority of the courts included in the list. presented some time ago had been done away with. There were only one or two left. It was ugrced that the Surveyor proceed with those which were left at his earliest convenienmw. MH. PHILLIPS' VrcAUE. Mr. Fossett Roberts proposed that the Public Works Committees "ecommendation in regard to M". David Phillips' aicade be i re-considered. It was a matter of f'Teat im- p jrtam e. He had oppo* ;t In committee, I .1d since then events h.)i-I --let which ivite .justifi id the •o-ppo-h''«n rhevru at the ct)nl--iittec- to the jwir-s; oc +-1, plans as pre- I sented that day. The rhi f n he aijjd others had to the- pirns wviv the exits 4iid not- lead into the main streets direct, dna. any one who had read the carrespondence in tho papers in regard to the terrible cat- astrophe in Chicago would agree that they must have exits leading into main streets, and not into passages which led into the main streets. It involved a great responsibility on the Council if any accident occurred He considered that the original plans which tho Surveyor brought in were the ones they ought to have adopted, but they had thrown those over and adopted a makeshift. Alderman Palmer seconded Mr. Roberts. Mr. W. Thomas said it appealed to. him that the exits provided in the plan were equal if not better than if the exits were direct in- to Terrace-road. Terrace-road was not a wide street, and instead of two or three exits into Terrace-road they had them now into three streets.- Mr. J. Gibson: There is only one direct exit. The others are into the arcade itself. Mr. W. Thomas added that if an audienoe of 700 or 800 people were divided in three different directions it would be better than have the whole crowded into Terrace-road. Mr. T. J. Samuel said he was of opinion they should have exits into the main street direct. He said that in Mr. Phillips' own interest. Mr. T. H. Edwards: He has one into Ter- race-road six feet wide. Mr. Samuel said as the result of the big fife in Chicago he "foil!?!? CTiat orders were now given to provide exits from every floor into the main street. He thought they should take every precaution before passing the plan. Mr. C. M. Williams said he"was very much surprised to hear these remarks after the full discussion they had at the. committee. Their Surveyor had gone into the matter fully, and had said that the present arrange- ment was quite equal to, if not better than the previous arrangement. Here they had a small hall sufficient to accommodate 800, and they had three outlets from it of 6 feet each, which were sufficient to empty it in a very short time. These exits were within a few feet of the main streets. Very recently they erected a market hall to accommodate about the same number, an dthe only exit from there was about ten feet wide. He hoped the Council would not harrass and worry people unnecessarily. (Cries of No, no.) Mr. Fossett Roberts: I object to that. I think it very unfair. I don't think it a fair statement to make. Mr. T. J. Samuel: I certainly object to it. Mr. C. M. Williams: I don't want to cast any reflection. Mr. Fossett Roberts: We are not harras- sing people I think that an unfair remark to make. Mr. C. M. Williams: I did not intend to cast any reflection, but it amounts to that After full discussion in committee, it becomes rather harrassiug for the man. Mr. Samuel: 1 must object to Mr. Wil- liams' remark. I am as friendly with Mr. Phillips as any man, and would like to do him a good turn if I could. Mr. J. Gibson: Be fair. Mr. Samuel said supposing there was a fire in one of the shops in the ground floor, how were people to come down irom the hail. Mr. T. H. Edwards: There are two other exits of six feet each. Mr. W. Thomas said even if a fire broke out in the vicinity of one of the exits they had two other exits capable of emptying the hall within five minutes. Mr. J. Gibson said there were too exits in- to the arcade equal to twelve feet, while the arcade itself was only nine feet. He did not think this matter was so urgent that it should be rushed through that morning. Mr. C. M. Williams: It has not been rushed Mr. J. Gibson: It has been rushed, and you hnve gone out of your way to say that this man has been harassed, and if there is a man capable of harassing, people it is yourself. Mr. Williams: I harrass people when they ask for what is unfair. Mr. J. Gibson: Well, let's have everything fair. Mr. R. Doughton was in favour of having exits direct nto the main street. What if a fire took place in the shops, the arcade would soon be blocked by people pulling their goods out of the shops. Mr. R. J. Jones: who presented the report thought there could be no objection to re- ferring the matter back to the Public Works Committee for re-consideration. en a division the committee's recom- mendation was negatived, and the matter was referred ack to the Public Works Com- mittee. FINANCE COMMITTEE. This committee recommended payment of bills, etc., amounting to t347 168. 3d., also the payment of half year's harbour annuties on the sum ót jE16,594 18s. 9d.. amounting to JE194 18B. 9d., due 1st January, 1904.— The Borough Accountant had been instructed to all the Town Clerk with particulars of the assessments to poor rate on water works account, and the Town Clerk, on receipt of same, was instructed to take the necessary steps by way of appeal or otherwise, to effect a proper assessment.—The committee recom. mended that two guineas be paid to the collector of rates for the preparation of an extra copy of the general district and water .rate,books.-The selection of a suitable form and pattern of the new Corporation cheques was left to the Chairman of the committee and the borough accountant.—It was resolved that a special meeting of the committee, to consider and deal with the question of the appointment of a chartered accountant, and the fixing of his remuneration, be convened and held not later than the 15th January, 1904, and that the Town Clerk intimate the fact to the secretary of the Ratepayers' Association.—The lease of No. 13, Smithfield road, to Messrs. D. C. Owen and Stephen Owen was examined, and was recommended for execution.—The consideration of the ap. plication bv the Aberystwyth Cycling Club for a lease of a portion of Plascrug Flats was deferred until the next ordinary meeting of the committee. In the meantime the plan furnishd by the Club was ordered to be left with the Borough Surveyor for inspection.— The committee recommended that the erec. trion of 6 additional workmen's dwelling houses in Greenfield street, according to the plan and elevation of the workmen's dwellings already erected, be proceeded with, and for that purpose application be made to the Local Government Board for their sanction to the borrowing of £ 1,100, with a request that in the circumstances a public enquiry may be dispensed with.—The Town Clerk produced a schedule of repairs, ete.„ Which the lessor contended still remained to Be done at the Old Assembly Rooms, and the same was handed to the Borough Surveyor to report thereon. fte report was adopted on the proposition of Mr. Fossett Roberts. MARKETS COMMITTEE. This committee reported that the Borough Surveyor had been instructed to inspect the slaughter house and report to the next meet. ing as to the desirability of providing a separ. ate shed for animals brought to the slaughter house, and generally upon the condition of the premises. Also that instructioys be given to the Surveyor to prepare an estimate of the cost of erecting pens and paving Smith. field square for the convenience of farmers and dealers.—That the Town Clerk be direct. ed to write to the Board of Guardians, to ask them to appoint delegates to meet the com. mittee with a view of improving the fairs. Mr. T. H. Edwards said this was the com- to which he had not been convened. He was not very anxious to be on these committees, but he had taken great interest in the mar- kets and fairs question, having recently at- tended and taken part in five or six meetings of farmers held in the country. He felt it very much that he was not called to this. It might have been an omission, but he thought it was a loose way of conducting business. He might, according to the Mayor's ruling, have objected to the report of the committee being adopted, but he would simply state his protest. Mr. Doughton, chairman of the committee, said no one regretted the absence of Mr. Edwards more than the members of the com- mittee. Mr. Edwards' name was not on the printed list, but the mistake had now been rectified. In presenting the, report, Mr. Doughton said the butchers were making great complaints that when they got semi- wild (laughter) beasts they had no place to put them, and they slaughtered them in the country, and so the fees were lost to the Cor- poration. They had not got a loose box to put thr'Dl in. Mr. T. H. Edwards: You have a loose box, Tor which you charge a. local butcher 2s. a week rent. Mr. Dou!»h*-o«: That is wo ;1'"P T>irg to remedy. T think we shou'd have f,-(o w three If-ne, boxes, because people are afrald to tie the ammrds pp. The recom !Hotidation wras ar^ont^d. ATr. Done:Von, refprring to tli-p- ;mp-ove- ment of the Smithfield, said everythin<r de- nonr'ed on do.il^rs. If th"v did riof, get dealers thev not ry-t fairs. ,-If PF,h.rts: There is plenty of stof'k if ••p- eomrt rV-rn. Mr. C. M, ^T*n'"r.rns: Yeq, if they can get plenty o* gr-od stock. Mr. R. J. Jones said the Surveyor had in- structions to prepan4 a complete scheme, and then they could decide to proceed with it in sections, and thus avoid a heavy expen- diture at one time. Mr. J. Gibson: This scheme will mean the taking of those gardens. Mr. C. M. Williams: No, there is plenty of room otherwise. The recommendation regarding the erec- tion of pens and paving was then agreed to. As to the question of asking the Board of Guardians to appoint delegates to oonfer with the Council Mr. R. J. Jones said the difficulty in the past had been that people would sell their feasts at home, and reason given by the far- mers was that proper pens were not pro- vided in the Smithneld. Mr. T. H. Edwards said he would like to know why it was recommended that the Board of Guardians should be asked to ap- point a deputation. Thev had a body of nwa im e town thft* fed tnkl inter- eat in this matter. They were rarepayers as well, and had. the interests of the town thoroughly at heart. They had held meet- ings in the immediate neighbourhood with the view of improving the fairs and markets He would propose that the words Board of Guardians be eliminated, and that the Rate- payers' Association be inserted, and that that body be asked to appoint a deputation. In the cburse of a few weeks there would be a large meeting of representatives from all the district in the neighbourhood to oonfer on the matter. Mr. C. M. Williams said he was much sur- prised to find Mr. Edwards so selfish. Mr. Edwards: I object to the term selfish. Mr. Williams said he used the word be- cause Mr. Edwards was a member of the Ratepayers' Association, and he thought the object of the members of that body iu going to the country districts-was to invite the co- operation of the farmers. They. had the whole of the Aberystwyth Union represented on the Board of Guardians, but Mr. Edwards wanted to eliminate the very people whose co-operation they sought. He had no objec- tion to any member of the Ratepayers' Asso- ciation being on the committee, but the far- mers were the people mainly interested, and to them they appealed. The cry for the last twenty years had been that the farmers tunately, they did not do that. should bring in their best stock, but, unfor- Mr. T. H. Edwards: The reason is because proper accommodation is not provided. Mr. C. M. Williams said if Mr. Edwards had watched this matter as he had he would not say that. Farmers believed that an animal looked better on the green grass than in the Smithfield, Mr. Edwards: That is not the evidence we had from the farmers themselves. Mr. Williams: I know the farmers as well as any member who has gone from the town. I have been connected, with them for over 25 years. Mr. W. Thomas supported the committee's recommendatie. Mr. T. H. Edwards said was quite pre- pared to alter his proposition and say the Board of Guardians and Ratepayers' Asso- ciation, inasmuch as Mr. Williams had prom- ised to second him. Mr. Fossett Roerts said if the recommend- ation was adopted they should limit the num- ber of representative. He would suggest six two from each district in the Union. Mr. J. Gibson said one pleasing thing about this "report was that the Markets Com- mittee, after a very long sleep, had suddenly wakened up to the idea that something real- ly must be done about markets and fairs. Something was being done, but it was a very pleasing thing to him to find that the Markets Committee had suddenly decided that some- thing should be done. Mr. R. J. Jones: Is thaf so, Mr. Chairman? Have you been asleep ? (laughter). Mr. J. Gibson: For .twenty years. Mr. Daniel Thomas said they as a Council were sufficient to represent the ratepayers. What they wanted on the committee was plenty of farmers. Mr. J. Gibson: What does it matter who does the work as long as it isdone. Mr. Daniel Thomas thought they should have a public meeting and not a small com- mittee meeting. Mr. T. H. Edwards: We have already done that. Mr. Daniel Thomas: But, surely, you are not going to blame us now for waking up. Long beforei the Ratepayers' Association woke up I suggested to the present chairman what has been done now. The committees recommendation was then adopted without amendment, and it w?s de- cided that the number or representatives from the Board of Guardians be limited to nine. PUBLIC LIBRARY SITES. COMMITTEE At a meeting of the e Library Sites Committee, held on the 26th December, the Town Clerk reported that he had an interview with the Rev. J. H. Edwards on the 24th December, instant, and that the latter stated that the lowest price he was prepared to accept for the site in Alfred place was jB390, and that unless that amount was paid, less arrears of ground rent (including current rent up to 1st April next), he intended to proceed to build upon the site.—The committee re- commended (1) that the offer be accepted, and that the purchase be completed on the 1st April next, and that Mr. Isaac Lloyd, who now hold the premises as tenant at will, be allowed to continue in occupation from that date as tenant at will, on the existing terms, viz., at a rent at the rate of ,£36 per annum. (2) That a plan be prepared by the Borough Surveyor "snowing the site, and the land at. the back proposed to'be leased to Miss Evans, Marine terrace. Alderman Palmer said he was in favour of the site at the Smithfield, adjoining the Gas Company's Offices. That could be had without any expense to the ratepayer's, and would be most central for every part of the town. He would propose that the Smith- field site be chosen. Mr. R. J. Jones, in seconding said the Smithfield site was more central and conven- ient, and there was the additional advanta- ges that they had it in their own hands. Mr. C. M. Williams said the Smithfield site was near the outlet of the town sewer. Alderman Palmer: What about the Board School? Mr. J. Gibson: If the town sewer is a menace to that part of the town the sooner it is donr away with the better. Mr. C. M. Williams: I don't say it is anui- snnce. I think it is kept in a splendid con- dition. Mr. J. Gibson: Well, have the library there Mr. C. M. Williams: But there is the ques- tion of sentiment. Aledrman Palmer embdied his proposal in the form of an amendment that the matter be referred back to the Sites Committee. On a divisin, the committee's recomm- I endation was carried by eight votes to four Alderman Palmer Where is the money to coine from ? (laughter) Alderman Palmer: From the borough fund Mr Doughton: We will get it somehow. A LOAN A resolution was adopted to receive on loan the sum of £100 on mortgage at 3 per sent, form the Rev Nathaniel Thomas and others, on the security of the Harbour Fund account, and authorising the Mayor to affix the Corporate seal to the security Mr. T. H. Edwards (to Alderman Palmer): Here's £100 at once (laughter). THE CASTLE IMPROVEMENTS. WORKMEN TO BE RE-INSTATED. The agenda stated that notice to move the following resolution had been received from Councillors W. Thomas and R. J. Jones: That in view of the approaching season it is desirable that the improvements and al- terations on the Castle Grounds, as described in plan No. 3 submitted by the 130rough Surveyor and adopted by the Council on the 15th December, 1903, be forthwith proceed- ed with and completed, and that the neces- sary instructions be given to the Borough Surveyor." Mr. W. Thomas, who moved the resolution said by dwelling on this matter they were getting a little bit ashamed of themselves as time went on. No. 3 scheme had been ad- opted, but he was not going to dwell on the way the work was stopped. Mr. C. M. Wil- liams said the men had not been stopped. That was true, but the work was stopped. Mr. Williams: But the CCouncil aid not stop the men. Mr. Thomas continued to say that he could not think of a worse reflection on Aber- ystwyth thnn that the v s to s—nnd t hnv were their customer' —who had been there the last two summers should come again next summer and find the scheme not completed as it should be. The ac'vice given by the Town Clerk wns given because of certain op- position. He .hoped th-iy would all agree to carry out the wolk, and re-commence at once, beean8 if the Mavor or any other member would oppose the borrowing of 'noney thf loan would he en(a-,ered to a certain extent. But tti-v had already spent £ 2,500 over and above the first estimate. r Mr. T. H. Edwarus: bhame. Mr. Thomas: it is not a shame. Mr. R. J. Jones: What would have became of the extension Y Mr. Edwards: You ought to have provid- ed for it properly. Mr. W. Thomas: Will Mr. Edwards allow me to proceed ? Mr. Edwards: Certainly, I was speaking to Mr. Jon. The Mayor: Don't you mention names, Mr. Thomas. Mr. Thomas went on to say that the com- pletion of the No. 3 Scheme would add £ 560 or so to the £ 2,500. He considered tney would have no difficulty in getting a supple- mentary loan tor tne whole amount without tinually given to complete works of this kind an inquiry. Supplementary loans were con- He hoped they would be allowed to go,, on without opposition, so that the work could be completed in time to allow the gardener to plant shrubs, etc. Mr. R. J. Jones seconded. He said they would all admit that it would be advisable to get the sanction of the Local Government Board before proceeding with the work, but having regard to the smallness of the amount and the importance of the work, he. consid- ered the Council should not hesitate in pass- ing the resolution. The Castle grounds at present were anything but respectable look- ing, and as Mr. Thomas had stated, the prin- ciple had been violated on more than one occasion. He did not agree with Mr. Ed- wards that they should have had tenders. Many things occurred which could not be foreseen, but they could not blame the Sur- veyor. Mr. Edwards: It was not- the Surveyor. Mr. R. J. Jones: I was only just inferring that your remarks are such that they cast a reflection on the Council. Mr. J. Gibson: Upon the late Council. Mr. Jones pointed out that the Local Gov- ernment Board originally sanctioned the bor- rowing of £ 12,700. The original scheme was deviated from, which meant an addition- al expenditure of £ 600. The cos tof No. 3 scheme was only £ 563, and he found on en- quiry that in the original loan a sum of L217 was provided for improving the Castle grounds. Consequently, the actual amount now involved was L340. Mr. J. Gibson: What about the excava- tions. ? Mr. R. J. Jones: The excavation is quite outside No. 3 scheme. Continuing, Mi. ooiu-is said he iiopeu tne Council would see the importance 01 carrying out the excava- tions completely, because as at present the place was a disgrace to them all. He would suggest that the Town Council write an ex- planatory letter to the Local Government Board setting forth the whole of the circum- stances, so that the board could see the ne cessity fo rthe work. Air. J. Gibson said he entered his protest against the work, and in answer to Mr. iho- man ht would say he was not opposed to the borrowing oi the money. All he opposed was the carrying out ol tne work beioie the mo- ney had been obtained. The old Council was responsible io. any mess- there was oil tne Castle, and they were now appealing to the new members to act irregularly and to help them out ot the mess ttiey had got into. i protest, and shall vote against carrying out tae woili until cue money has been got. Captain D. James supported the proposi- tion. Mr. T. H. Edwards said there was a prin- ciple involved, that of spending money beiore they had it. They had been told that if a prominent membei's of the Council opposed this the Local Government Board would never sanction the loan, and how were they going to get this £ 563. Mr. R. J. Jones: £ 316. Mr. Edwards said he was very pleased to learn from one of the old members that L217 had been included in the original estimate for improving the Castle. He would like to know what that covered? Mr. R. J. Jones: The retaining walls. Mr. Edwards said he was also sorry to find that the original estimate had been exceeded by £ 2,500. lie maintained that the whole of this sum was to be laid at the, door of the old members of the Council. They had no business in the first place to proceed with a job of this kind without proper plans, ana to-day it was a disgrace^ to them all. He objected to the whole thins on. the question of principle^ because if the Local Government Board refused to sanction a supplementary loan the money would eventually have to be Eaid out. of the. borough fund, and that would e paying out of revenue for capital pur- poø. Mr. T. J. Samuel certainly thought that the work should be proceeded with, because the Castle grounds as at present were incom- plete. He telt confident that they could ob- obtain a supplementary loan, for work of this kind. Supposing there was no supplemen- tary loan, the work must be done, and surely they were not going to leave the Castle as it was at present. To have the workingmen of the town standing at the street corners stopp- ed from their work a week or a fortnight be- for Christmas he thought was a great shame Mr. J. Gibson: It is the fault of the old members. Mr. Samuel: If yu like, I will say where the fault lies. Mr. C. M. Williams: Not wi the old mem- bers. Mr. Samuel said if they waited until they had the sanction for the loan, as Mr. Ed- wards wanted, they would possibly have to wait until the end of next summer. Mr. Edwards: Not at all, if done in a business-like way. Mr. Samuel said Mr. Edwards should wait until he had had a little experience of the Local Government Board.. The feeling in the town was that this work should be pro- ceeded with, and he would suggest that it be an instruction to the Surveyor that when employing workmen preference be given to those who were ratepayers in the town. The Mayor: I wish to ask the Surveyor if he has the plans of the Castle with him? The Surveyor: I have the plans of the No. 3 scheme. The detailed plans are not fin- ished. The Mayor asked supposing the Council carried out the standing orders that all works above 95 be let by contract had the Surveyor got the plans ready. He main- tained they would be breaking the standing orders if they proceeded with this work with- out inviting tenders. Mr. R. J. Jones: That is a matter of detail In the oourse of further discussion Mr R J Jones said they had every reason to believe that the greater portion of the cost of the improvements to the Castle grounds could be included in the supplementary loan. And the item was only £ 317, even if they had to pay it out of the borough fund. Mr. T. H. Edwards said he would like to know how much of the £ 2,500 had been spent in mutilating the Castle. The place had been cut about to please one man and then anot- her. The new members were sorry that such a blot had been made on the town. The Mayor asked Mr. Wm. Thomas whet- her, if the Council adopted No. 3 scheme that day, the work could be proceeded with forth- with. Mr. Thomas: Yes. The Mayor: In what time ? Mr. R. J. Jones: We could start to-morrow The Mayor: No. 3 scheme takes down the camera obscura. Can you shiit that for a year or two? Have we not got a tenant there paying a yearly rent, and could they turn him out without giving notice? Mr. C. M. Williams said there seemed to him to have been a desire to divide the Coun- cil into two sections. There was, possibly, a certain object in view but he protested strongly against it. The object of the old and new members should be to consider v. hat was best. in the interests of the whole town. He contended strongly at the last meeting that no resolu- tipn of the Council had been passed that the men be stopped. He took it for granted that this was part of a scheme to be com- pleted in consequence of the new parade. He was sure the rew members would admit that it was impossible to foresee what would be the effect on the Castle as the result of the extension. They had deviated from their original scheme in this case to the extent of £ 2,500, and they did that feeling sure the Local Government Bo^r-l "ouin treat them in the same way as they treated other Cor- pozations when they found it necessary to deviate f"m!1 vny Fch?mc. All must agree that as far as the Castle wr>s concerned un- less the work was done quickly it would soon cost them hundreds of pounds more. He strongly objected to the men having been stopped. ndm.'ttec: that i i any now work th-" Council t > p-oreed in the Srst. place for a I-,i ii, -,t in this case it was the completion of srWme. He st'onglv obj "L'c to any remarks being made that there as any mess. Mr. J. Gibsn: The old Council are respon- sible for the r.iess. Mi-. Williams: iu«f^om what th ■ opw m •Tv>v .•lliv V done thf mr e rn¡:>, S b- fore ion". My. T. TT. T.'r1- :1,. I should lil. M- Williams t "xrh "t h" r-qr by thai. Mr. J. Gibson: The Castle is in i v>»r.n"v> thpre no pl?ns.—and the old members are re: pons ble for it. Mr. Williams; Mr. Gibson is entirely wrong Mr. J. Gibson: Please, be -fair. Mr. C. M. Williams: Here. it was imposs- ible to foresee what would be the effect of the extension on the Castle before we did the work: We are not prophets. Mr. J. Gibson: Go on with the subject. Mr. Williams: I will proceed .when; I have answered you. Mr. J. Gibson Go ahead. Mr. Williams: I shall do just as I like. I do not want your dictation. In conclusion, Mr. Williams hoped they would unanimously agree to proceed with tnis work. 11.1. replying to the debate, Mr. W. Thomas said it was pure nonsense to say that they ought to have had an estimate. Mr. T. H. Edwards: Have we a right to reply to this about nonsense. Mr. C. M. Williams: No, he is going to close the debate. Mr. Edwards: Not when he attacks mem- bers. Mr. Williams: He is only attacking non- sensA. That is not an individual. Mr. Thomas continued to, say that he would sooner lend the money himself at 21 per cent. than allow the Castle to remain as it was now. The Surveyor said that in the original es- timate provision was made for retaining walls to the extent of R217. Mr. T. H. Edwards: And to-day is the first time we have heard of it. Mr. C. M. Williams: Why could you not have gone to the Surveyor's offite and seen the plans. You don't expect us to repeat the whole of the business of the Council to you at every meeting do you ? The Surveyor said as to the sloping of the Castle grounds that could not be foreseen, but he took tho precaution to provide £ 217 for retaining walls. The estimate had by now been exceeded by £ 2,500. Of course, the plans had beea deviated from conswerably. Had they left him to carry out the original plan he did not think he would have be«n £ 500 out. But they had an asset against ths £ "2,.100. There were horses, rails, and wag- ons to be sold, which he estimated at JE700. Mr. T. H. Edwards: You have nothing in the abstract. Mr. J. Gibson: And you have the walls buried at the Castle, too. The Surveyor: That has nothing to do with this scheme. Mr. J. Gibson: I thought that was an asset. Mr. Fossett Roberts proposed as an amend- ment that they proceed with the work to the extent of f:217, and that the Town Clerk be instructed to write to the Local Government Board and state the case. Mr. T. H. Edwards seconded. The Surveyor said the sloping work would have to be done first, and that was not in- cluded in the cost of the retaining walls. On a division fire voted for the amend- ment and seven for Mr. W. Thomas' propo- sition, the latter being declared carried. Mr. C. M. Williams: Very odd. Old and new mixed up. Mr. Edwards: Where are they? Mr. Williams: It is for you to find out. SUMMER ENTERTAINMENTS. Mr. R. J. Jones presented a report of the General Purposes Committee, wniclPre- commended re-appointment of Mr. Rogers, of Oswestry, as inspector of hackney carria- ges, provided he gave an undertaking not to do any repairs to any vehicles licensed by the Corporation, and the re-appointment of Mr. Hugh Jones, Carnarvon, as inspector of pleasure boats, provided a similar undertak- ing was given.—A vote of thanks had been passed to P.C. Thomas Davies for the efficient way he carried out the duties of inspector last summer.—The Town Clerk had been instruc- ted to write to Mr. Jack Edwards, Mr. Wright, and Mr. J. H. Rowe asking their terms for providing a band f 13 performerB for next season. It was als intended to add. vocalists.-The applications to supply a nig- ger troupe had been referred tp sub- committee. Mr. T. J. Samuel gave notice of his inten- to move that no band, nigger troupe, .or, «mjr other entertainment be allowed on the Mar- ine Parade next summer, but that all be re- moved to the new Promenade. -• < ■ •. The Council rose after a sitting- "lasting nearly three houYs.


[No title]

Yr Exodus Pabyddol.