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Aberystwyth Town Council.


Aberystwyth Town Council. THE FLUSHING OF SEWERS. WORKMEN'S DWELLINGS. SMALLER HOUSES AT SMALLER RENTS. A meeting of the Aberystwyth Town Council was held on Tuesday morning at the Council Chamber, Town Hall, when there were present the Mavor (Mr R J Jones, Alderman E P Wynne (ex-Mayor): Alder- man Peter Jones, Alderman W H Palmer, Councillors C K Williams, W Thomas. J P Thomas, T J Samuel, J T Davies, K Doughfcon, G Fossett Roberts, and R Peake, with Mr A J Hughes (town clerk), and Rees Jones (borough surveyor). CORRESPONDENCE. The Mayor announced that he had received a com- munication from Sir Arthur Higge, conveying to the Town Council the thanks of the Prince of Wales for their kind expressions of gratification that his Royal Highness had signified his willingness to accept the Chancellorship of the University of Wales, and that the Red Dragon of Wales was to be added to the arms Of his Royal Highness. An application by J V Lewis to be allowed to place bathing machines on the beach at South Marine Ter- race was ordered to be placed on the agenda of the next meeting. The Clerk said he had received a number of letters from Messrs Paton and Henry with reference to the action of the harbour master in changing the berth Of their steamer. The letters were referred to the Harbour Com- mittee. The Clerk reported he had received a communica- tion from Capt Doughton stating that the complaint made in regard to lifeboat rocket signalling would be placed before the next meeting of the Lifeboat Com- mittee. PORTLAND-LANE. A further communication was read from Mr J Mor- gan, stating that instead of an improvement, matters bad been made worse in the condition of l'ortland- lane. A communication was also read from the Local Government Board, enclosing copy of a further letter they had also received from Mr Morgan on the aubject. The Surveyor said he considered he had done all he eould to improve the surface of the road in the wav Of laying surface macadam and gravel. It looked a bit rough at present because the steam roller could not be taken there to roll it. Alderman C M Williams—Why not take the horse toller there ? The Surveyor—The experience of the past shows that that would do more harm than good, as the borse breaks up the road in pulling the roller along. It was decided, on the suggestion of the Surveyor, that the members visit the street at the end of the meeting. POSTAL FACILITIES. A letter was read from the secretary of the G.P.O., Stating that as soon as the necessary arrangements had been made, a Post Office, at which money order I and savings bank business could be transacted would be opened on the Marine-terrace. A feeling was expressed that the new office should be placed as far down the Terrace as possible. AN ANNOYING KNOINE. A letter was read from Mr W L Warrington, 7, Terrace-road, complaining of the serious nuisance caused by the noise made by a new gas engine at Mr Green's foundry. This arose from the air and ex- haust pipe. which were in close proximity to his pre- mises. The noise was intolerable to him and his household, and the engine was frequently run at night. He had been in the habit of letting apart- ments to visitors, and if this noise were allowed to continue, his prospects in that direction would be ruined. The engine was a 30 h p. Mr J P Thomas suggested that the town clerk should write to Mr Green asking him to stop the noise. "The Clerk said he would adopt Mr Thomas' sugges- tion, and he was given power to act in the matter. STREET PAVING. This matter cropped up in the form of a question asked by Mr Fossett Roberts as to whether the paving of Portland-lane was part of the scheme for the general improvement of the streets of the town. The Surveyor replied in the negative. Mr Fossett Ruberts said the sanction to the loa n of 3,OOO was obtained a considerable time ago, and Tery little of it had been expended. There could be no question as to the necessity of the work, and he thought the Public Works Committee should give it immediate consideration. It was stated that the work had now been com- ,,u menced, and that the surveyor had been stocking a quantity of paving stones. Mr Salmon asked if Trinity-rd would be completed before the summer. The Surveyor said the matter would now be taken in hand, and he would have the planrf and specifications prepared. A WORKMAN'S INJURY. A letter was read from Mr W P Owen, solicitor, who is acting on behalf of James Ellis, a mason, who re- ceived an injury to one of his eyes while working on the Promenade extension works. Ellis, it was stated, had gone to Manchester, where Dr Roberts had told him it would be necessary to take the ball of the eye out. It was intended to buy a horse and cart to start him as a carrier, and Mr Owen asked the Council to do whatever they could for him as soon as possible, as he had earned no wages during the past six months. The letter was referred to the Finance Committee. TRUNK LINE TELEPHONE. The General Purposes Committee reported having had an interview with Mr C S Denniss with reference to this matter, and it was arranged that Mr Denniss should communicate with the local authorities of Machynlleth, Newtown, Welshpool, Aberdovey, and Montgomery, and enquirejwhetherthey were prepared to join in a deputation to the Postmaster General for the purpose of obtaining a reduction in the guarantee required by the Post Office Authorities before a trunk line communication can be effected. PUBLIC LIBRARY. This committee reported that the Rev George Eyre Evans had been elected its chairman. The committee could not accede to a request of the secretary of the Working Men's Institute for the loan of a part of the Assembly Rooms to be used as temporary premises for the Institute, but they would gladly try to meet the Institute on the occasion of any concert, or large gathering. FINANCE. The Finance Committee recommended payments en current account amounting to £252 16s 7d, and on capital account (promenade extension) amounting to 4824 9s Id, and these were approved of. It was also agreed to order the payment of half-year's harbour an- nuities on the sum of 415,594 18s 9d, amounting to f.194 18s 9d. The agreement of lease to Mr Evan Owen, of a piece of land in Cambrian-street and the lease of No 6, Thespian-street, to Miss Ellen Evans were produced and approved of. It was agreed, on the committee's recommendation, that the piece of land adjoining the Terminus Hotel, and held by Mr Hugh Howell, but which it was proposed not to in- clude in the new grant to him, be granted to Messrs D Roberts and Son for a period to expire at the same time as the present grant of the Terminus Hotel at an annual rent of 10s per annum. A HOOD PROPOSAL. The Harbour Committee reported having con- sidered the following letter received from Mr C. S. Dennis, general manager of the Cambrian Railways Company :—" We are considering whether it would be practicable for this Company to run a steamer sex.t summer between Aberystwyth and New Quay, and in order that we may have the fullest possible information to enable us to determine whether we could undertake the risk, will you kindly inform me what charges would lie incurred for the use of the harbour at Aberystwyth for the purpose of landing passengers at high water, and as a berthing ground in rough weather. I presume it would be advisable in calm weather to berth off the Promenade, and to load and unload by boat from the shore. If your Harbour Committee could give me the benefit of their experience on any of these points, and also the information required with regard to charges, I should fee much obliged." The Harbour Master having furnished Mr Denniss with the particulars asked for with respect to berth- ing, &c., the committee recommended that the Railway Company be allowed the use of the harbour free of charge for the period of twelve months, and this was approved of. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE. The report of this committee was presented by Alderman Peter Jones. It stated that the complaint of Mr Edwin Peters with reference to the alleged nuisance caused by the smell arising from the frying of chipped potatoes by Messrs Berni Brothers, and also as to the disorderly conduct of boys who fre- quent the shop and prcmtses having been considered, the Committee having heard the Medical Officer as to the first part of the complaint could not recommend any proceedings being taken but directed the Town Clerk to communicate with the Chief Constable as to the disorderly conduct of the boys frequenting the Mr Salmon thought action should be directed against the chipped potato machines about the streets, which were also a nuisance. The committee having recommended that. proceed- ings be taken against Mrs Gammon, who occupied uninhabitable premises in Bridge-street, the Clerk now reported that the tenant had left the house, and the Chairman said lie understood the house was to be pulled down altA)gtltlier.-Tlie Clerk also stated that notices had been served on Messrs Jones and J. Bennson, the occupiers of a house in Bryn-road, fer overcrowding. It was agreed that the road at the rear of the Hostel be metalled, and that a gate be placed at the Hostel end of the road to prevent its being used in future as hitherto. In reference to the letter of the Aberystwyth Rural District Council, asking the Corporation to supply the neighbourhood of Penllwyn with water from the Inynlimon main, the committee recommended the granting of the application upon terms already agreed Upon by the Council for a supply outside the borough, Namely, each branch from the main to have a meter -.tth a minimum charge of 30s per quarter.—The mendatlOn was adopted. rLtTsinxe OF eewota. The Surveyor had presented a scheme to the Public workg Committee for the periodical flushing of the main sewers by means of the water van, and by W" from the water courses where availably Mr T. J. Samuel said he was one of those who was thankful for small mercies. He was very glad to get this table, but he did not think it went far enough for the purpose he proposed first of all, and he found that he had the support of medical men in the town, who said that they ought to provide flushing tanks. The flushing van, as far as it went, was alright, but it did not do the work of flushing tanks. He hoped 0 that matter would be considered again. As to the pipe from the baths, he suggested that a larger pipe e should run into the main sewer, and he believed that would be a great advantage, as had been admitted by the surveyor himself. A suggestion was also made at the committee that the main sewer should be tested occasionally, and he would like the Surveyor to consider that what he wanted particularly now was the day of the week upon which these different places would be flushed. They all admitted that the surveyor had got more than he could do, and he could not be here, there, and everywhere. It was to th interest of all of them to see that the work was thoroughly done, and by having the times they could see that it was done. The sanitary inspector could also enumerate the number of flushings in his fortnightly report. The Mayor-If you get the report that will meet vour suggestion ? Mr Samuel—I should like to get this table fixed up in the surveyor's office to know what days the flush- in gs take place. Mr Peake-And if the surveyor is not there you will go and see that it is done ? Mr Samuel—Yes. Mr Peake-But we can trust the surveyor. Mr Samuel-I don't mistrust the surveyor. I have a high opinion of the surveyor. But we all must admit that he has his hands full, and the work must be done thoroughly. Alderman Palmer said he perfectly agreed with Mr Samuel's remarks, but did not think this flushing by van would be sufficient. They should have a system of valves, whereby the water could be accumulated in the sewers, and when freed would sweep every- thing before it. It would be better to spend a little more monev at once, instead of these half-measures. The Mayor—Are you moving an amendment. Alderman Palmer—I don't want to propose an amendment, but speak of what should be done. The Mayor-You were present at the committee, and am sorry you did not mention these matters then. Alderman Palmer—I accepted the proposal because the majority were in favour of it. Mr Samuel—My motion on the 19th November was that we should have flushing tanks on elevated positions, and Alderman Palmer is speaking on that point. Mr Salmon moved that the matter be referred back to the Public Works Committee for further considera- tion. There was no comment on the report at the committee, although ten members were present, and new things had cropped up since. Mr W Thomas said he hoped that whatever discus- ion took place at the committee meetings, would not bar full discussion at the Council meetings. He be- lieved new light had been thrown on the matter since the committee meeting, and he was prepared to second the amendment that the matter be further considered. No doubt, flushing tanks would answer the purpose better. Mr Peake said lie supported Mr Salmon's sugges- tion. It was all very well for Mr Samuel and Mr Thomas'to talk about flushingtanks. He asked the sur- veyor Was it not far better to have the sewers flushed by means of the van ? How were they going to flush the drains by means of flushing tanks ? Alderiyiazi Paliiier-Go to other towns and see how it is done there. Mr Peake-We have a matter of 400 or 500 gals. in the van, and you can get more flush from that than from any flushing tank. The Mayor said he hoped Mr Thomas did not think he wanted to check the discussion but he did not think it was right for any member to get up unless lie moved an amendment to improve the resolution before the meeting. Alderman Peter Jones said it seemed to him that all agreed that it was advisable that they should have an improved method of flushing. This was a scheme that could be carried out without serious outlay, and if they found that this was not effective to the extent anticipated, they could go in for a larger scheme. He thought it was well to define the time the flushing should be carried out. The Surveyor said he had not submitted the report without thoroughly considering it. The reas- ons he had given no time in his table was that the flushing would depend a great deal upon the tides. The flushing would have to be made for the most part when the tide was down. The report was then adopted, with the addition that a fortnightly report of all the flushings be made by the sanitary inspector. The amendment was withdrawn. GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE. A recommendation by this committee that a cheque for two guineas be tendered Mr G Eyre Evans for his valuable services in the revision and completion of the souvenir was unanimously accepted. The important questions with reference to the ar- rangements for public entertainments during the ensuing season, and in particular the engagement ofa Town Band had been discussed by the committee, and it was unanimously decided that the matter be considered by a committee of the whole'Council. FREE SITES. Alderman Peter Jones proposed that in the event of Aberystwyth being selected for the location of the offices of the Central Welsh'Board and of the offices of the University of Wales, the Corporation are pre- pared to provide suitable sites. The proposition was unanimously agreed to. MEDICAL OFFICER'S SALARY. The Mayor proposed that the Finance Committee consider the advisability of Jincreasing the salary of the medical officer of health for the borough. The Mayor said the post was an important one in such a town as Aberystwyth, and the duties that devolved upon the medical officer were far-reaching if properly carried out. The only way to have them carried out was to give their officer sufficient remuneration, so as to enable him to give the proper time to the work. He was sure he was not exaggerating the case when he said that Dr Thomas' work since his appointment had increased more than fourfold. He hoped the committee would recommend such an increase as to enable the doctor to feel a certain amount of inde- pendence in the discharge of his duties. Unless in- dependence was brought to bear on the work, it could not be carried out efficiently. He thought it was a matter of the greatest importance to them, having regard to everything that had occurred during the last few months, and the energy and work done by Dr Thomas in that time certainly justified him in placing this resolution before them. He found the salary at the present time was only £50 a year, and from'his knowledge of the medical officer's work that certainly was most insufficient. But even out of that sum Dr Thomas only netted £ 35 2s 6d, and he ven- tured to say that sum was ridiculously small, and they could not expect him to render that service to the town that the office demanded. He had every confidence that Dr Thomas had not neglected the work since he had held the office, and if they only recog- nised his services more liberally, he would be able to do a great deal more, and would be able to carry out the duties with that independency which was neces- sa rv to the office. Mr C M Williams having seconded, the proposition was unanimously agreed to. MORTGAGS. A resolution was passed to'receive the sum of iE400 from Mr John Jones, Talybont, on mortgage at three per cent on the workmen's dwellings account, and to authorise the Mayor to affix the cor- porate seal to the mortgage security. WORKMEN'S DWELLINGS. There were three resolutions on the agenda dealing with workmen's dwellings. The first by Mr T E Salmon, read that six additional workmen's dwel- lings be erected in Smithfield-road, adjoining the pre- sent workmen's dwellings at the same cost as hither- l to." The mover said there was no need to comment on the resolution, as they were all aware of the necessity. Mr C M Williams, who liada resolution to the same effect on the agenda, seconded. Mr T. J. Samuel proposed that the work be let by contract.. The surveyor had got more than lie could manage now, and the only explanation they had in committee that the paving of the streets had not been completed was that the surveyor had all his masons engaged on the workm(-,ng dwellings. If that was so, let them have the work done by contract, so that the Corporation masons could go on with the paving of the streets. Alderman Palmer said it would be well to consider the question of workmen's dwellings before they pro- ceeded further. They had already built twelve, and when the matter was last discussed the question was raised as to whether these were the right class ot workmen's cottages (hear hear.) He had protested all along that the cottages they were building were not the ones required for the working-men of this town. The house they wanted was a brick house, which could be built for f,100 or kl20, and a house that a working-man earning 183 or Zl a week could live in. They had passed a resolution that day to turn out certain families in Bryn-road. Where were they to eo to ? Would the Corporation let them those villa residences which they"had put up in Smithfield-road,, which they called workmen's cottages? In the summer time the people in those houses let lodgings, and they became as crowded as the very houses which tney were condemning in Bryn-road. He did not mean to say they were as dirty. They were very nice houses, and very clean, but in the height of the season they were more crowded than those in Bryn- road. What they wanted was that the Corporation should build workmen's cottages and let them at 3s or 3s 6d a week, and there should be a condition in the lettinf of those houses that they were not to take lodgers of any sort, either in the season or out of the season. He hoped they would send the matter back to the committee, and he would support the borrowing of another iP-3, 000 to build 30 or 40 cottages which could be let at 3s a week. But he did protest against the building of these houses, which were villa residences, and which did not accommodate the working men they were intended for. Mr C. M. Williams said he was sorry Alderman Palmer had not stated his objections when the Local Government Board inquiry was held. He maintained they could not now deviate from the scheme, and would have to build the 18 houses agreed to by the Local Government Board. However good the houses were, they were not too good for the working men of Aberystwyth. Perhaps it would be well in the next scheme for the Corporation to erect smaller houses, so that they could be let at a less rent. Two classes of houses were built in other towns. This, however, was part of the first scheme, and they could "not deviate from it without considerable delay. The precent houses wers, all •ccupieA by working-men, and he was not aware that they were overcrowded in the summer time. He believed, however, they were now in a position to proceed with another scheme, a they had now arranged with Messrs Roberts and Son for the renewal of the lease of the field near the river, and he hoped by the next meeting of the Council or the meeting after that the estimate would be ready of the cost of erecting smaller houses. Mr W Thomas supported the resolution as it ap- peared on the agenda. Mr Salmon said houses could not be built for £ 100 unless the Corporation gave the land at a nominal rent. Mr Peake was in favour of having the matter re- ferred back to committee, as he thought a scheme more advantageous to the workingmen could be devised. In reply to the Mayor, the Clerk said it was ob- viously clear that they could not depart from the terms of the loan without application to the Local Government Board. Alderman Peter Jones said he agreed with Alder- man Palmer that there was a class of workingmen who could not occupy and furnish houses of the de- scription now being built. They could take that class into consideration upon the completion of the original scheme. After further considerable discussion the amend- ment to refer the matter to committee was carried by seven votes to four. Mr W Thomas then moved that the Finance Com- mittec be desired to report as to the best means of erecting more suitable workmen's dwellings in var- ious parts of the town. He said Alderman Palmer's first speech had cleared the ground for this resolu- tion far better than he could have expected to do himself. He felt that houses rented at 4s 6d a week did not answer the purpose originally intended. What they wanted were houses in various parts of the town, built at a cost of £ 150 or so. The houses already built did not attain the object. Mr C M Williams—We want two classes. I don't think you are justified in saying that they don't an- swer the purpose. Mr W Thomas' said the committee should consider the question of building the houses, as far as pos- sible, in different parts of the town. Alderman Peter Jones—But we have no free land in different parts of the town. Mr C M Williams—Perhaps some private land- owners will let us have the land at a low rent. Mr Thomas appealed against the continual inter- ruptions to which he was snbjected. The Mayor asked that Mr Thomas should be al- lowed to proceed uninterrupted, otherwise they could not proceed expeditiously with the business. Mr W Thomas—It is hardly fair that these gentle- men sliouIX, occupy an hour and a half, and imme- diately I get up, they begin to interrupt Mr Thomas proceeded to advocate houses with double lets, which he thought would be of great service to the town. After further discussion, Mr Thomas' resolution was agreed to. POSTAL DEPUTATION. On the motion of Mr T E Salmon, seconded by Mr J T Davles, the Mayor, Mr C M Williams, and the Town Clerk, together with Mr Vaughan Davies, M.P., were appointed a deputation to wait upon the Post- master General with reference to the unsatisfactory postal arrangements. FORTNIGHTLY OR MONTHLY MEETINGS ? Mr J T Davies proposed that the Council meetings in future be held once a month. The mover re- marked that perhaps this "wqpld not suit them all. (Laughter). The reason he Had moved in the matter was that since he had been on the Council he found so many orders given to one .official and the other, that meeting after meeting came, and the orders iven werc nocarried out. He thought if the/meetings were held once a month, opportunity would be given to have the work done. Mr C M Williams opposed the resolution on the ground that when the plan was tried on a previous occasion it did not work satisfactorily. They did not find the work of the town done too efficiently when they met fortnightly, and how could they manage, especially with all the speaking they had had for the last two hours. It would be a pity to de- prive the Council of such opportunities. Mr W Thomas—Especially some members. (Laughter). Alderman Peter Jones-I think our experience here to-day almost demonstrates the necessity of curtailing the number of meetings. Mr W Thomas—Or the speeches. Alderman Peter Jones seconded the resolution to test the feeling of the meeting. The Mayor strongly supported the resolution. On being put to the meeting, six voted for and seven against the resolution, which was declared lost. The Council rose, after a sitting lasting two hours.

[No title]


. Urban District Council.