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University College of Wales,…






Family Notices

Is it not a Scandal ?


Is it not a Scandal ? THE BURIAL OF PAUPERS. [To THE EDlTOn OF "TilE WELSH GAZETTE."] SIR,—There was witnessed in Newcastle Emlyn a few days ago a scene that filled the hearts of a good many of the inhabitants with indignation mingled with disgust, and it appears to me but right that the facts should be published, so that, if inclined, the public, who is the real arbiter in matters of this kind, should have the opportunity of expressing its feelings. I refer to the burial of a pauper. Th# body was con- veyed to the cemetery in a small cart drawn by a donkey, led by a small boy, the contracting under- taker, the master of the Union, and the officiating clergyman walking in front. This was the way in which one of God's children, who through thd stress of circumstances had been compelled to receive in-door relief for many years, was consigned to her last resdng place. Does it not seem heartless ? We, who pay an enormously high rate, should see that the paupers (who ought to be a sacred charge) be at least afforded the ordinary decencies of interment. Is there to be no respect for the feelings of possible living relatives, or are they rather* to be harrowed? And is a pauper, who is a human being like ourselves, to be taken to her last long sleep as if we even grudged her her burial ? I am informed on the highest authority that the undertaker is only allowed a ridiculously low sum, and this state of affairs, I submit, is a scandal and a disgrace, and the Guardians should be told forcibly that the poor rate alone is high enough to allow for a hearse. God forbid that our real feelings are expressed in the poet's words- "Rattle his bones, over the stones, He's only a pauper whom nobody owns." Yours, etc., PLEBEIAN I Newcastle Emlyn.



----------London Letter.

The Dovey Bridge^

Vale of Rheidol Light JJJL.…