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=--:.r_,:-=-ï ABEUYSTWYTII.…


=-r_=-ï ABEUYSTWYTII. R^iilwaymen's Dinner. The r:v:a! or tno railway in Aberysi s,ylli, which had been postponed' owing to the Queen's death, was held on Thursday evening last, at t ha-Talbot Hotel. The Mayor ('-Nir E. Wynne; piosiueil, and he was supported a* cross-tuole by Mr A. J Hughe* (town o!crk), Coun- -ciliors iL Peake, It. J. Jones, T. E. Salmon, Messrs T, Gri.titn, J.P., VV. H. Holler, A Thomas (statibn- master Sergeant, and i). C. O.ven. There were also petit Messrs E. J. Da vies (M. and M. Officfc), S. Giit .>e,' No D. Jones, E. Grilhths, J. J. BemboW, John I. David Davies, John Lewis, 1' Browne, John Urdus, William Grilfitbs, Thomas Owen, AU'reU ilag_U«.\3, \V. Jones, Jack Hughes*. W. J- Evans, Xotn S. Owen, Thomas tyfkelt, John Potts, Charles Campbell, VI. H. Williams, D. T. Jones, T. H: Collins, Lrhvat-d Shore, J. F. Thomas, J. Bumtord, D. Jones (guard), W. T. Roberts. E. Hindley, R. J. Jenkins, VI. Tregonning, D. Griffin, G. Jones, Henny Jenkins, John Rogers, Charles Jones, Til. T. Wil- lianas, i) Prise, i'ryee Jones, J. A. Bevan, J. R. Thomas D. J. Davies, J. Edwards, J. Jones, D. Rober.s. Pearson, J. 11. Potts, William Thomps, Ai->en, etc. A'rer partaking of an excellent dinner, an enjoyable toast list, interspersed wit il -soags, re uiaiou- &o., was gone tarougn. The .vlayor in proposing the toast of The King and and tae Royal Family," said after the sad e\ •••JK.S ot rbe last few weeks he was sure that he ne" appeal to thc.Toyalty of th2 company preset.. and he had great pleasure in asking them to driii:v uearty to the toast of the King and Queen. He did his with all the greater pleasure because a week ,,1' two ago he had the honour ot proclaiming the Kiug as King of the United Kingdom and Erhperoroi: i.he Indian Empire (hear, hear). No words were needed to commend that toast to the railway- men, uan whom there were none more loyal, whowere always devoted to their work, to their country, and he hopud that they would be to their King (hear, near). The toast, was then drunk with en- thusiasm, Mr Arthur Hughes, submitting the toast of The Army and Navy and thd Auxiliary Forces," said al no time had there been a greater likelihood of this toast being well received than at this time (Hear, hear). He did not think it was becoming to refer to the terrible losses that had oecured—he thought they would be consulting the wishes of the soldiers and sailors by not doing so—but rather they should wish them li-od speed. And it was always a matter -of great, comfort and solace to our men that when they were giving up their lives and enduring every Z, discomfort and suffering, to know that they had a warm-nearted country which felt deeply for them. (Cheer.). He was sure they all wished the men a safe return, and that soon (hear, hear). Conclud- ing, Mr Hughes said he would tell the Company as a great secret that in every probability a volunteer corps at Aberystwyth would be a real accomplished fact and that in a very short time. (Load cheers). Mr David Jones proposed the toast of "The Town and Trade of Aberystwyth. In the course of a humourous speech the proposer said he had been in the employ ot the Cambrian Co. for 40 years, and hoped he would see another 40 years' service. (Laughter and app'unse). The Mayor was the first to respond. In the first place, he said, it was one of the greaest compli- ments be believed he would have during his year of orhce was to preside over this gathering of railwayrnen. (Hear, hear). Had it not been for the confidence reposed in him by the working men of Aberystwyth he would not have bad the honour of being in the chair and presiding over them that evening as Mayor of Aberystwyth. Speaking of the trade of Aberystwyth, the Mayor said lie did not agree with some people when they said it was declining. Perhaps it was not as flourishing now as it was 30 years ago when all the lead mines were working, but if they perused the returns of the different railway companies week by week they would see an increase of traffic. This was the case with the Cambrian Co., while the M & M. Co. delivered into Aberystwyth last year over 3.000 tons more goods than the previous year. Then again there was the scheme for the light railway to Bevil's Bridge, which they all hoped would bring additional trade to the town. (applause). Councillor it. feaice also acknowledged the toast, and enumerated the University, Pivnlimon water scheme, drainage, and other works and improvements, all of which had been accomplished during the past 25 years. Future works included the extension of the promenade and main sewer, street paving, and other important works. Their intention was to make Aberystwyth one of the finest watering places not only on the Welsh coast but on any part of the coast of England, (applause). Mr W. H, Ilollier also acknowledged the toast. He said the success of the town lay not with the employers, who were willing to pay a fair and living wage for a good article turned out, but it lay with tae working men themselves. He referred to the great influence which railway men had upon the commercial success of a town,-aiici said if tney did their work conscientiously they would not only benefit themselves, but the town at large would reap a great and lasting benefit. The toast of the evening, "Success to the Cam- brian Railways Company, the M. & M. Railway Company, and the Vale of Rbeidol Company," was proposed by Councillor Salmon, who, after a brief reference to the time when he himself was an .em- ployee in the locomotive shed of the M. &. M. Rail- way Company, alluded to the pleasure he felt in being honoured with the proposing of that import- ant toast. He remembered the time when only I four trains came into the town on the Cambrian Railways Company and onl*. two on the M. &. M. Railway. He was proud to know that he was the son of one who for the last fifty years had been a railway man (hear, hear). The prosperity of a town depended very much upon the railway which served it, and he was glad to know that Mr Denniss was showing much energy in adding to the pros- perity of the Company wbiuh he had the honour to represent (hear, hear). And as a manager he was no doubt doing his utmost to add to the prosperity of the towns on the line of railway. The Cambrian Railway Company were doubling the line at differ- ent points, and he looked to the time when the line would be doubled into Aberystwyth (hear, hear). He also hoped the M. & M. would continue to im- prove, and that the Vale of Rheidol Railway would bring further prosperity to the town (hear, hear). He coupled with the toast the narpes of Mr Thomas, station master Cambrian Railway, Councillor .H.JI. Jones, and Mr A. J. Hughes. Mr Thomas, stationmaster, in acknowledging the toast on behalf of the Cambrian Company, said it had been truly said that the prosperity of the local railways meant that of the town (hear, hear). Last summer the number of people who came down to Aberystwyth would no doubt have proved a record had it not been for the exceptionally bad weather in August. With the unrivalled beautit..sof Aberyst- wyth, which were so greatly appreciated, they were assured of a large number of visitors; but he should like tQ see some steps being taken towards making Aberystwyth a winter resort. He was sure if people in many parts of England which were at the present time covered with snow, knew what the state of the weather was at Aberystwyth they would be glad to come down there (applause). Mr Evan J. Davics responded on behalf of the M. and M. Co., and said the traffic on that line for the past few years had increased enormously, while last year they carried more passengers than in any previous year. Mr Arthur J. Hughes, responding on behalf of the Rheidol Railway Company, said he had bad the honour and privilege of occupying various-positions in the town of Aberystwyth, but thirty or forty years ago he little anticipated that his ntyiie would be associated with that of any railway company. However, he was proud, after having been their guest for many years, to join the ranks of railway servants. He might tell them that for a great number of years h" had been working hard with one object in view. It was not to create competi- tion with what he might call the parent lines, but by the promotion ot the vaie or rineiuoi LJgllt Railway it was hoped to provide additional amuse- ment and pleasure for those whom the Cambrian and M. and M. Cos. brought to Aberys: wytb. They all knew that for years past there ha< 1 been a great difficulty in dealing with the visitors who came to the town. The Town Council had now actually commenced the great work, the extension of the promenade. That was, really, because the promenade was too small to provide for the needs of the people who favcured them with their visits during the summer. Now, if this little line was carried through they would be able not only to relieve the traffic from the Terrace, but also be able to provide amusement for the thousands of people by getting them out to Devil's Bridge to see what they had to show in this country. It was always dangerous to prophesy, but what he was going to tell them was not a matter of prophesying, but a matter that had been really settled. He said it with all c^vic'ion th?** 'ittle line was going to be, and would be, completed Ly the of 1902 (applause). Those connected with the Company were men of position, and the capita1 of £ 51,000 had been actually found between seven or eight uf them. The contract, had actually been signed, and if possession of the land was given to the Company before the 9th March, the line would be completed before the 9th March next year (cheers) He was not speaking out of boek, but telling them what was practically certain. However, there were some, and, he supposed, some would always exist, who wanted to throw cold water on every scheme What. would Aberystwyth be but for Tom Savin and the pioneers of the M. and M. Railway 1 What were thev called in those days They were called fools And this same feeling was associated with this small undertaking. He had heard it asked" But will it pay"? Yet those who made such observations were the very men who would not su escribe one I J, £W sixpence of the capital. It was time to put down sucn men who discouraged these projects. They wanted every encouragement for the people v.*ii ang embark their money in such concern. The gentle- men whom he was associated with were not philanthropists; they did not purport to come there and deal with them as a matter of charity. They meant to invest their money with the view of getting it back, audit was not for those who threw cold water on these schemes to put their opinions against those men. Those men were men who had made their money by this means who had the cold water on these schemes to put their opinions against those men. Those men were men who had made their money by this means who had the courage of their convictions, and bacxerl up their opinions by investing their capital (hear. hoar). He hoped that by next year they would have an employee of the Yale of Rheidol Railway present to respond to the toast (applause.) Mr Sarjetait proposed the toast of The Host and Hostess," to which Mr Jones responded. Mr Thomas (stationmaster), proposed the toast ot the Health orthe Mayor," which was heartily received, and the happy re-union concluded with the singing of God save the King.' Amongst those who conrnuntcd to the evening's wero, Messrs C. Jone, M. T. Williams. 1. D, Jones, D, Price, S. Giitherce, Armitage, Cauip- be'.l. J. Davies. D. Davies. end others.

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