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Family Notices

.Tm—nr™ ABERYSTWYT -. |


Tm—nr ™ ABERYSTWYT | Max's TRIBUTE.—The sectional photographs O fl|( the lengthy precession on outurd.iy >ec tired ov M ga J. W. Thomas, Great Darkgate Street, are of grea « interest, many of the portraits being clear and easiV'Sjj recognistd. r feS ACCIDENT.—Owing to the high wind on Mon<t«- |l night ]a"t, a large portion of th,. b'.il-po.stii.g hoar- ing in Llanbadarn Road was blown down over them tedge into the road. Fortunately, no damage waJsl done to any person or vehicle M MIXING-.—Mr Ken.sit, sou ot' Mrs Kensit, Oc-'aifil View, Marine-terrace, who is in the service ot c.|5 large goid-mining company at P.irtisington. JMtisl-JS Columbia, has been promoted to the posfc ofl £ | manager, wiui an increased salary of £ 160 perjjig annum, with travelling and other expenses. THIS i!KAULNG ROOM.—The stirring events of|| "thelast lew weeks have naturally caused great rim*N upon the papers iu our Public Heading Koom,sg which has oiiien been inconveniently crowded. is mnch to be desired that a larger and bettei|f ventilated ruulll was available. G. MUSICAL—At Eglwysfach competitive concert |jjj held on Thur.Miay in last -week, Miss Warrington.?! Terrace-road, was successful in winning the silver!, teapot, which was offered for the best renderjrrg of any solo. The competition was open for sopranos^ and ( ontrabos, an 1 there were eleven competitors. iIíi NEW POST OFFICE.—The building in Darkgate-street, which Mr Daniel Thomas, draper,! is erecting for the use of the General Post Oft«ee this town makes good progress. The foundation*! are laid and the walls rapidly rising—the opera-i tions being a .source of continual interest to by-Jj standers and others |jf LECTURE.—On Friday evening next, February| 8th, the Rev T. E. Roberts, M.A., will deliver a| lecture at Shiloh Schoolroom on Egypt audi Canaan." Persons will appear attired in East.ei)!| dress, and articles from the East will be exhibited | Mr E. Edwards, Laurels. wiU take the -chair .vj p-ru., ati(i the procee(is will be devoted toward* Skinnei-,t reet Schoolroom. 1 OBITCARV.—L'he interment took place on Satumay last in the Cemetery of Mr. Alor i. brother of the late Dr Morgan, of Well.ingu>n. ^Somerset shire, and uncle of Mrs J. D Hughe*. SeftUll House. Deceased who wasa t)aiiveoc A ystwy i ii had resided here for some timepdortohis death. The burial service was read by the Vell. Archdeacon ProLberoe. B MONTHLY FAIR.-The monthly fair was held on Monday Li"t at the Smiihtield, when a lar:e number of dealers were presentand trade was brisk. There was a large show of store cattle, pric sg ranging from £6 to £8 for yearlings, and £ 9 to El for two-year-olds. Cows and calves sold well a from Pl ?, to £16, and barren cows at from F,10 to £12. The show of horses was a very poor one. ■ LAXTEHX LKCTL'KE.—Captain Rowlands, of the Church Army, delivered a stirring address illustratld with some very tine slides, in the Old Room, on Monday last; his subject being the life lived in the slums of our large towns. The Joeing in full touch with his theme held the of his large audience in a very close manner from! Z, beginning to end. Archdeacon Protberoe presided, and numbers failed to get admittance to the Hall. The collection realized over £3. 1 excellent views of the working men's long and orderly procession to Divines Service, last Saturday morning, were secured by various photographers, those by MrDJ Lewis being exceptionally clear in detail. They were taken from the porch of the Lion Royal Hotel. These, as well as those taken by Mr Lewis on Proclamation Day, form a reliable record of interesting and history -making events in Aberystwyth. B zn MARCHING.—The steady tread and regular ste of the various processions, en route for Queen's- square last Saturday morning were continuously and favourably commented upon by the general public-especially was this the case with the N'ava Reserve, the Volunteer Drill Class, and the railway men. A deep sense of the solemnity of the occasion seemed to be the all-pervading feature o these large gatherings of men. DRANK TLRPENTINE.— Maggie Lizzie Davies, a four-year-old child living at 17, Crynfryn-bnildings, Aberystwyth, was admitted to the Infirmary on Sunday 1 ,Or. suffering- from turpentine poisoning. It seenis that-a quantity of turpentine had been left in a saucer and of this the child drank. Dr Tho mas, medical officer, was called in, and ordered the child to be taken to the Infirmary, where she is making satisfactory progress. ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE.—A meeting of the Assessment Committee of the Aberystwyth Union was held on Monday morning at the New Market Hall, when there were present:—Mr W. A. Miller (chairman), Messrs David Edwards, Edwin Morris, T. E. Salmon, William Morris, James Jones, and E. J.Evans A supplemental valuation list for the parish of Cwmrheidiol was submitted fcy the Over- seers and approved of. The Committee was en- gaged for a considerable time in hearing objections to the valuation lits of the several parishes in the Union. PROVIDENT CLUB.-The list of subscribers and tenth annnal statement of accounts have been printed and circulated. The total receipts for the year 1900 amounted to E100 10s 3d, the expend- iture to £97 Os 7d, leaving a balance of £3 9s 8d, carried forward to current year. The number 0 members iast year was 107, being an increase of ten on that of 1899. The accounts were examined and found correct by Mrs E. H. James, on 15th janliary last. The president is Mrs Colby, Carregwen, and the honorary secretaries Miss Getta Jones, Marine Terrace, and Miss Davies, Sycamore House. H ACCIDENT TO A STEAMER.—The steamer Glan-lj hafren," of Aberystwytb, bound in ballast from Limerick to Newport, met with an accident in the Shannon, where she stranded within a short distance of Limerick. When leaving that port the gale that blew caused her to swerv across the river to the dock, and she struck the piles, doing damage to them. She then for safety cast her anchor, and as the tide fell was drawn close to the north bank, where she remained grounded. At the following full tide she went ahead with her own steam with the object of giving her a firmer grip in the mud, as it wasfearedif she floated again while the gale lasted she would do further damage to herself and the dock wall. She eventually go off safely and proceeded on her voyage. I THE LATK Alil. W. SCC)fT.At a meeting of the -Cardiff Free Libraries Committee, held on Tuesday evening. Mr John Ballinger, librarian, was directed! to convey to Mrs Davis, Aberystwyth, acopy ot the -following resolution, upon the death of her father, moved by the chairman (Mr Councillor E. Thomas, J.P.), seconded by Mr Alderman Trounce. J.P., and carried unanimously in silence :Tli,t this Com- mittee de-i res to express its deep regret at the death of Mr William Scott, an esteemed member of the Committee, whose diligent services and generous gifts to t))!; Library have added considerably to the value 0; the Welsh collections, to the great advantage of all engaged in Welsh literary research. These services and girts will always be remembered with gratitude. The Committee feels that by the untimely death of Mr Scott, Cardiff and the Principality have lost the influence and heip of a zealous friend, and the Committee desires to express its deep sympathy with the widow and family in their bereavement." THEFT FROM AN HOTEL.—At the Police Station on Thursday last before Mi ssrs Thomas Griffiths, and John Lewi*, John William Davies, Trefechan, was charged with having stolen a livery coat, two brushes, and a carriage cloth from the Talbot Hotel. The coat was identified by Mr J. W. Jones, Talbot Hotel. -Th(i iiias Thomas, busman at the Hotel, said about three weeks ago he met the defendant on the street carrying the coat. When questioned, he .said it had been given him by Mr Ellis, ironmonger, The other articles were missed subsequently, Defendant was asked several times to return the articles, and although lie promised he did not dcH no.-Gaf)rif-I Williams, 2, Brewer-street, proved having bought the articles mentioned from the •defendant, who stated they belonged to Davidg Thomas, who was formerly a coachman at Glan-Hj rheidol, and who did not like to come there.—P.S m Phillips proved the arrest, and said when charged i defendant replied that be intended to return thf coat, but he knew nothing about the brushes-In reidy to Mr John Lewis, accused said he was npffrat did not intend to steal tbe articles.—A of E2 and costs, in default a month's bard labollir. q 5mnosed. H CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOUR.—On Sunday evening a Service to celebrate the anniversary of the Christian Endeavour movement was held at the English Congregational Church, when several speakers took part. The Kev G. James, of Nebraska, who con- ducted the service, gave a short account of the beginning of the movement and of the great success that had attended it during the past twenty years. The criginator of the movement was the "Rev Dr Francis Clarke, of Portland, Maine, U.S.A. yrom a snail and unpretentious beginning the movement spread rapidly, and to-day it had 60,000 Societies, with about three and a half million member" Mrs Murray, the president of the local Juvenile So. iety, gave an interesting address on the aims and of the mÙVtrocnt and of the work among': e As a proof of the increasing popularity of the movement among the young JMLrs Murray said that although the juvenile societies wer; only started about nine years ago. they numbered to-day 15.500; and out of this .number one Thousand were formed last year. The Rev T. A. nrv in giving the reasons for such a movement said that they were all apt to forg-et their profession in Christianity, and one of the aims of this movement was to give a. stimulus tog renewed life and activity. As an auxiliary then "Sunday School had done an untold good. But there wn a when men looked askance at the Sunday School just as, met* look askance to-day at the Chrisirin Endeavour movement. Great wor -was beinj done through the instrumentality of this movemeio It opened a period of aggression-allB the Society asked of its members to do was to tryjl to end: HA-onr-to do something. Mr Leah gave an address on the claims of the Society. I ffi DEATH.—The death took place OF Tuesday after-J||< >on of Mr K. T. Cowley, youngest -son of Mr JohnHsi )owlev, Cambrian-street. Deceased had endured: ••ainful illness for several months, during whichiS- I but imehepaid a visit to the fevlis at Buxton, but Hi vithout any beneficial result. Deceased had beenljjj ;!ig<'t!'cd for some time as foreman-printer at tiic- Gazette Office. His death is deeply regrett ed )v his fellow-workmen, amongsv whom lie was very .)■ .pular and much respected.. Mnch sympathy i*jg| •xpressed with the family in their bereavement, jg INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL.—The monthly meeting 3 >f the governors of the Intermediate School was ield on Tuesday evening at the.'1 own Hail, wiienjtej here were present Messrs Jessy Williams ^ice-Ssi ■hairman), Mrs Griffiths, Miss Maiia Jones, nldej-^ nan C. M. Williams, Mr Richard 1-iichards. Mr G.J> iv.y'es, Mr R. J. Jones, Mr David Saomol (headjM er). Miss Ewart'(senior mistress), and Mr John | \u s (clerk).—A letter was read from Mr H. C. | clerk to the County G.svei'.iing Body, askingfej /01' a copy of the headmaster's report and statement is to scholarships, &c, and the Clerk was (lirecte(I to supply tbe sam8.—On the recommendation ot| he Finance Committee, bills were passed salaries ordered to be paid amounting to -2257 10s. —It was decided that Mr G D. Ellis' Scholarship of elO be paid in two equal instalments, £5 now and £ 5 at the end of the College Session. Bursaries* w"re granted Rachel EMen "Thomas and Annie Alary 'Hughes.—Mr Appleton's requisition for draw- ing boards and diagrams was granted. | Pr.TTY SESSIONS.—The weekly Petty Session, were held on Wednesday morning before the Ma. or (Mr E. P. Wynne), Alderman W. H. Palmer and Mr W. J. IVatkins. For ridiog bicycles an hour after dusk in North-parade on the 2nd inst., Charles "Hess, 64. Greencrot't-gardens, West Ham, 1 London, and Jules Grostils, Lyndhurst, North- parade, were fined 2s 6d each.—Clement Hoe, Tre- fechan, porter, was charged by P.C. David Mathias. with obstructing the highway in Terrace-road by rausing a crowd of children to gather round him. Accused was bound over in the sum of £ 1 for six months.—A similar decision was given in the case of Sarah M. Owen, Trefechan, domestic servant, who was charged with wandering abroad without fechan, porter, was charged by P.C. David Mathias. with obstructing the highway in Terrace-road by rausing a crowd of children to gather round him. Accused was bound over in the sum of Fl for six months.—A similar decision was given in the case of Sarah M. Owen, Trefechan, domestic servant, who was charged with wandering abroad without tnv visible means of subsistence on the 2nd inst. a THE STUDENTS. At a meeting of the Town Council held 011 Tuesday. The Mayor (Mr E. P. Wynne) in tlit- chair, the question of the conduct of the Collegt I students in the streets on Proclamation Day came | under consideration, and was discussed in private. | It was afterwards communicated to the Press that a resolution was passed condemning in the strongest g t.erms the action of the students at the proceedings. I SHOOTING FATALITY AT BORTH. | A shocking accident occurred at Henllys Farm, Sl'enybont, near Borth. on Wednesday, January 30j| JOn that day, Hannah Margaretta Owens, aged fivejg years, daughter of Lewis Owens, labourer, of bli-vii- elmen, Penybont, had accompanied her mother U'jg the farm. A lad named Henry James, aged 120 vears, of Pentrebach, was also there, and wl)ilt playing about he discovered a gun, belonging tll I one of the men servants. Unfortunately, the j weapon was loaded, and the boy, pulling the I ptrijger, exploded the charge, which' struck the I a':1e girl and enl ered her forehead above the left e, e, causing a fearful wound. Dr James, Y Fagwyr, I was sent for, and having attended to the iiitleJ child's injury recommended her immediate remov. 1 to Aberystwyth Infirmary, whence she was tuk 2 She received the assiduous attenton of I),- Abraham Thomas and Dr James (house surgeon ) j and lingered until Tuesday, when .-he died "at tee j a.m. On Wednesday afternoon an inquiry into th | circumstances of the death was conducted by MrS John Evans, coroner, when a verdict Ù Accidental death was returned.

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* .■ Aberystwyth Town Council…