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OUR LATE QUEEN. Pulpit Tributes. ABERYSTWYTH. ST. MICHAEL'S AND ALL ANGELS. 1 be Venerable Archdeacon Protheroe, preaching on Sunday evening from the words:—" Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord," Rev. xiv. 13, said: „ -A great sorrow has fallen upon us, a sorrow Which is shared by the whole civilized world. A Week ago the thoughts of many turned anxiously and prayerfully towards the sick chamber in Osborne Palace, where lay, in a very critical con- dition, the greatest and most beloved Queen of modern days, if not any period of the world's history. The sad end then feared, if not anticipated, soon came, and today profound grief prevails not only throughout our country and Empire, but also far beyond the limits of both, at the death of the most illustrious Sovereign that ever adorned the throne of England. There is something peculiarly solemn and even sublime in so universal a sorrow AS is ftilt at the present time. Grief is at all times sacre(i. But how much more is this the case when it is not one heart only. or one family, but the heart of a great nation that is ehus stricken. Such is the grief which we share today. This generation can never know, save in the most general and im- perfect way, the extent of the beneficent influence wielded by our late Otippn nvpr the srreat as well as over the lowly ones of the earth. How great was her power in the councils of Europe we may perhaps not be able to form a correct estimate. We have also much to learn in regard to her influence as a Constitutional Sovereign, in directing and con- trolling matters connected with home affairs and the general government of this great country and its many dependencies. We all know something -of the tender and sympathetic heart of our de- parted Queen, which enabled her, from personal ex- perience, to enter into the various afflictions and bereavements of her people, sharing, and as far as possi hie alleviating, their trials and sorrows, where- ■TJfi • whether in cottage or palace. It is «aid oc her that on entering on the duties of her 'nigh office, with its overwhelming* re- sponsibilities, her chief desire was to rule the king- dom wisely in the fear of God. Her piety was firm and undeviating from early years, and throughout her long reign her devotion to God was entire and "Complete, Here then is the great secret of her power, of the affection which she inspired, and of her wisdom in ruling. How inestimable was her great quality of goodness and godliness. Who can measure the influence for good which her character iias had on the nation at large 1 It inspired her subjects with such veneration and love as are with- out parallel in the history of nations and through 1wUr ^ePar'ed Queen has left behind an imperish- able name. The value of such a life and character at the head of such a great nation and Empire cannot easily be estimated. Her noble example Was a light set on high, which could not be hid. it was a beacon to guide and direct her people in times of temptation and trial. That light shone before them for neaily three score years and four, and now at length, after so long and beneficent a reign, full of years and honour, she has passed to her rest, and her place here and in her councils of the nation will know her no more. The hymns sung were :—" Psalms of glory, raim- ent bright," Peace, perfect peace, Now the labourer's task is o'er," and 0 God, our help' in ages past." The organist (Mr Panchen) played the Dead March," by Chopin, and the Bead March," in Saul." There was a large congregation. HOLY TRINITY CHURCH. I Y Preaching to a large congregation on Sunday feTening, the vicar—Rev Prebendary Williams, took ior his text, A mother in Israel and referred in touching phrases to the late Queen's purity of life, find her just and wise rule of 64 years—Greater Brif->,in beyond the seas was at one with the home Country in expressions of sympathy and of sym- pathetic veneration. Her name was appreciated ?k*th all that was noble, elevating, pure and good, Her Court was a pattern for purity and order to every house in the land. Hers was indeed a tender sympathy for all her subjects in any times accident and distress. Her life had been one of v« s,acr^ce public duty. Her reign was one I Which stands out pre-eminently as an able and a iSe one, under a ruler beloved and respected at home and abroad. Her early vow, "I will be H uhad remained unbroken till the sceptre fell hfr hands. Blest with the best of v am s' a portion of her reign, hers had ( Ma "S We with its full share of joy and of w e; ^ay she rest in peace 1 The hymns sung «m. When our heads are bowed with woe,' i ,re a blessed home,' Now the labourer's 1 ls 0 er>' and For all the Saints who from their ours rest.' At the close the organist (Mr erjeant) played the Dead March in 4 Saul' whilst: the congregation and choir remained standing. The prayers and lesson were read' by the Rev. Ll. ifootman, M.A, ST. MARY'S WELSH CHURCH. The Ven. Archdeacon Protheroe preached in the morning, and in the evening the Rey. J. E. Lloyd, B.D., who based bis remarks on g Sam. iii., 38—" Know ye not that there is a prince and a great man fallen in Israel." He re- < ferred to the Queen's great influence throughout er gleat Empire on behalf of morality and virtue, her loving sympathy with those in sorrow and distress, her bright example which had been an instrument for the moral elevation of her people- A good queen, a noble and tender hearted woman ."1d an earnest Christian. The hymns sung were —f" Ai marw raid i mi," Duw mawr, pa beth a vfelaf draw 1" Mae'm cyfeillion adre'n myned,' Ar lan Iorddonen ddofn." BAKER STREET INDEPENDENT CHURCH.I The devotional "portion of the service at this place of worship on Sunday evening was con- ducted by Prof. E. Anwyl, M.A., U.C.W. The flstor, Rev Job Miles, afterwards preached from the text, Proverbs iv., 78, 79. Wisdom is the Principal thing, therefore, get wisdom, And with all thy getting get understanding. Exalt her. and ■he shall promote thee: she shall bring thee to oonour, when thou dost embrace her. She shall gve to thine head an ornament of grace; a crown ef glory §hall she deliver to thee." The reverend gentleman, in the course of his sermon, said a circumstance had taken place during the past week, which, to a large measure, was unusual in jneir country and in the world. There had been t-K removal of one, a removal which had touched whole of the civilised world. That removal naa drawn his mind to the words of his text, as the most appropriate, to impress upon his hearers that life which had been so full of blessing to country. Although a woman, their de- Queen was the strongest, most influential, and most respected sovereign in the whole world. lie was uttering strong words, but they were true, aiJi Was thankful for it. The question was, What made her so? Was it the greatness of her jjimpire, or the fact that the sun never set on her dominions? No, these were not the chief reasons, but it was the character of the Queen which made her what she was. That character secured for her that which had been paid cheerfully during uese latter days-the great expressions of loyalty ana exceptional respect paid to her. Not becanse she was Queen of Great Britain, but because of her noble character. Proceeding, the reverend gentleman said the late Queen was animated by deep religious feelings, and for this she was under a great debt to her mother. By her influence her a i courts of Russia and Germany been made purer. Referring to the difficulties Which were associated with a Constitutional monarchy, where the sovereign had to conform with the wishes of her ministers and Parliament, «e said the Queen, during her whole lifetime, had uisplayed much wisdom and discretion. This had fJ*eiLthe admission during the previous week of Prime,Minister and Lord Kimberley, who said surprised with her wisdom on occasions difficultyt and when dangerous questions had to positi 1 •With- Althougb occupying the highest which in the EmPire' her submision to views tribute ^er^aPs» were opposite to her own, was a the sertQ ^er re%i°n—At the conclusion of Handel'tQ<?n' ^iss Miles, the organist, played manner8 063,(1 March in Saul," in an impressive A LFRED PLACE BAPTIST CHURCH. as aneoAward Till ^^7 draPed with m0«rfn;^ mnrnino- servi/» ?? the national sorrow. At the SS to uEVS* T. Williams, B.A., sustained hv ^ra^eled Ions' which the nation of Her Most Gracious on anchor of T&king for his text Hope pierces the gloom of^eath^aS^idTha^?n^a°verv special mannerourbeloved Queen had d n this anchor during her W life so pe £ -tefullv ended. She was a cobstUut.onal Sovereign. She gave a ready assent to the wishes of the leool° as expressed through their representatives in Par- in Par- liament. She maintained a character of unsullied purity in the fierce Hght which beats upon the throne. She was keenly sympathetic and ever ready with words of condolence and acts of prac- tical benevolence to aid and succour those in distress. She was made perfect through suffering She was bereft of a noble consort, Albert the Good and beloved children. She bore her trials with exemplary resignation. The anchor of her soul was sure and steadfast. Her death was peaceful. She passed away in her sleep. The hymns sung were: "0 God of Bethel," "Psalms of glory raiment bright," A few more years shall roll," For thcp, 0 dear, dear country," 11 Mine eyes their Vigils keep." SALEM CHAPEL. Both services were conducted by the Rev Cyn. ddylan Jones, D.D. and the organist played the Dead March in Saul," whilst the congregation remained standing. ST. WINIFRED'S (R.C.) CHURCH. Rhe Rector, the Rev P. B. Waldron, intimated that the Bishop's letter dealing with the references to our late Queen, would be read to the congrega- tion on the following Sunday. Owing to the late delivery of the post on Sunday morning, the im- portant missive did not arrive until after the mass was over and the congregation had dispersed. ST. PAULS WESLEYAN CHAPEL. The pastor, Rev David Morgan, was the preacher on Sunday last, and in the evening he paid a glowing tribute to the life and work of the de- parted sovereign. During the service, which was an impressive one, the "Dead March "was played on the organ. TABERNACLE CHAPEL. Professor Edwin Williams, Trevecca College, ofiiciated at Tabernacle Chapel on Sunday last, and made appropriate references to the death of the Queen. The organist, Miss Maggie James, played the Dead March at the evening service. WESLEY CHAPEL. On Sunday morning the service was opened by a hymn and prayers for the King, and the lessons read were the narrative of the death of -Aloses and the prayer of Moses, Psalm xc. Dr Brough, who preached, commented on the call of Moses to the leadership of Israel, and on the changes which took place in the ru]e of succession during the generators a;ter bis death until the final adoption of hereditary right. This latter rule prevails among our elves and. most modern nations. It is a system under which both the influence of the monarch on the people and that of the people on the monarch are largely indirect and moral. And among the means of influence which a people may bring to b"'ar upon monarchs one of the kindliest and most powerful is that of gratitude for their love and The columns of printed eulogy and the universal crremonials of sorrow which mark our Queen's final departure, are not too much even from the selfish outlook of a people's policy. But they also spring from sentiments even purer than mere gratitude. Her length of reign has linked us spiritually with our fathers of sacred memory, her world-wide renown and influence have made for us a certain kinship of feeling with other peoples which we could not have realized inde- pendently; her virtues have been a pattern for our emulation; and thoe alleviations which seem to soften the horror of her death, reirech the hopes we may each have of such an ending for ourselves if we care to liveiJ such a life. So teach us to number our days that we may incline our heart, unto wisdom." Rev T. H. Ingram preached in the evening. Miss Phillip" played Beethoven's "Funeral March at the close of the moraing service, and Handel's Dead March in Saul at the close of the evening service. ENGLISH CONGREGATIONS L CHURCH. The morning service took the form of a menorial one for ti e late Queen. There was a large congre- gation, allj being attired in mourning costume. The service was opened by the organist, Mr Leah A.R.C.O., playing Meodelsshon's 0 rest in the Lord as a voluntary, the hymns sung being, 0 God, our help in age° past," "Great King of Nations, hear our prayer," Peace perfect peace," and Now the labourer's task is oe'r," The anthem was ) Tennyson's Cro sing the Bar" sung to an eseacd- ingly touching and original composition by Mr Leah, which should certainly be further heard in public. The pastor, Rev T, A, Penq. preached from the words :—" Strength and dignity are her clothing She openeth her mouth with wisdom, and ihe law of kindness is on her tongue, she looketh well to the ways of her household, and cateth not the bread of idlene s. Her children rise up and call her blessed A woman that feareth the Lord shall be p.-a'sed. G.ve her of the .1. I-uit- of her hands and let her works praise her in the gates." He said he regarded these words as an appropriate esp.eseion of the tlioli- it-and feelings sherished respecting our late Queen, whose death has been so deeply felt by all her subjects and bound them in a common bond of sorrow and sympathy, The universal tribute now paid to her memory is due not only to one who has honoured her throne and exalted the Sovereignty of our country, but to a good and God-fearing woman. Io praise where praise ii due is not only an acknowledgement we owe to the past, but an investment for the future, a declaration of the manner or person whom the nation delights to honour. With much of the marvellous progress so distinctive of her reign, her long occupancy of the throne may only have been accidental, though if ill were known, she has probably been a greater factor than is sometimes supposed in bringing a.bout those social, political and international con- ditions in which progress alone is possible. But even apart from this she has done much. She has raised the standard of sovereignty in the world, and made it for ever impossible to revive in our country the courtlife of her predecessors. To break with that past cost her much, but her courageous resolve to maintain a pure court has been amply vindicated by the approval and affection of her people. During the past forty years she has had many domestic sorrows, which she has borne with exemplary Christian fortitude, and faithfulness to the onerous duties of her high office. Her personal griefs made the kindness of her heart more publicly jvident. Her children even to the third generation 3all her blessed. The German Emperor's tribute will not readily be forgotten. Her life and influence have given her successor a vantage ground, which warrant us in regarding the new reign with hope- fulness and confidence. Whilst thankful for all that she has been and done we pray Give the King thy strength and save the son of thine hand-maid." At the close of the service the Dead March in Saul" was played, the whole congregation standing in reverence. BATH STREET C.M. CHAPEL. The Pastor, Rev A. Wynne Thomas, preached in, the evening from Pioverb3 31, verses 25 to end. He said it was difficult to realize that the Queen was dead. They all looked at her as an essential part of the constitution of their country, and they could hardly conceive what the empire would be like without her. The Queen might have been a queen without having been a good woman. On the other hand she might have been a good woman without being a great queen. But the fact was she was both. I Such a double success was due not to rare qualities, for it must be admitted that the Queen did not exhibit outstanding genius in any direction. She possessed, it was true, a strong intellect, but in that she had been surpassed. She possessed a wonderful power of tact and insight, but others had had similar gift. She showed thoroughness and industry, but there had been persons of greater thoroughness and of more active industry. She bad a warm and affectionate heart, but there had" been women who had shown an equal capacity for love and devotion. It could not be said that the Queen possessed any one of these qualities in an astounding degree. Her greatness was not dependent on the possession of any rare quality, but it lay in a combination of qualities which were rarely found together. Her influence over her ministers was as great as over her people. It would be quite a mistake to suppose that the Queen reigned but did not govern. Gladstone said that the longer he knew hei the more he valued her judgement. Her influence over her ministers was as great as her influence over her people, and that double success could only have been attained by a rare combination of sweetness and of strength, a subtle blending of the highest qualities of head and heart." The hymns included Sarah Flower Adams' noble lines Nearer my God to Thee, and Now the labourer's task is o'er" sung as a quartette. At the close of the service the Or- ganist (Miss Jenkins) played the Dead March in Saul" whilst the congregation remained standing.





» Aberystwyth Town Council





