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Strife of Will.

Sacred Opportunities.

' The Folly of Envy.

, 1The Study of Children.…

! Silence and the Human Soul.…

- Aberystwyth Welsh Baptisjts.

Cae Gibbets : or a False Lover's…


[No title]







THE SEAMY SIDE OF TEACHING. Slit,—I was very much surprised to see a gentle- man of Mr Hamer's position coming out in the Welsh Gazette to defend a cause which he con- fesses in his letter tc be a wrong one. Could the most modest man forbear to laugh when noticing how Mr Hamer had lost his temper, and how he had lost control over his pen when he gave vent to his feelings in such phrases as muddled brains," &c. After looking carefully through his epistle, four things strike me as forming the nucleus of his innocent prattle: (1) He resolves to pour as much spleen as he can over Pupil Teachers in general; (2) He speaks of the sacrificing qualities of school- masters; (3) He points out that Pupil Teachers are appointed who have no qualities to fill that dignified position (4) That he is president of the North Cardiganshire Teacher's Union. As regarda (1) he succeeds very well. He displays the tactics of schoolmasters when attacked to perfection. Thanks to Mr Hamer he did not beat much about the bush, but threw off the thin veil that covers the attack- ing fiend," and shows clearly what would be the fate of the Pupil Teachers if subjected wholly to the subordination of their respective headmasters. I venture to ask Mr Hamer whose duty it is to in. form the School Board that the schools under their charge are understaffed? Surely it is not the Pupil Teacher's duty. According to him, let the Pupil Teacher go to his own Board and inform it that the school at which he is engaged is not properly staffed. Does he really think that they would treat with him ? Perhaps he is not aware that it is a rule with some School Boards in Mid Cardigan- shire not to bear any complaints from their teachers except through the headmasters. And you may assure yourself that every complaint receives its death warrant once it reaches their hands. Never on record has a petition or anything from the teachers been brought forward in these Boards. This is the reason why teachers do not go straight to their Boards in Mid-Cardiganshire. But suppose a teacher goes there with a complaint, and they agree to hear him and rescind their former rule, what would be the result? 'The teacher should arm himself cap-a-pie against such sundry weapons as his master's scorn and displeasure. Does the correspondent of the school always know that the terms of agreement have been carried out? Does the pupil teacher get some voice in the filling of form 9 ? (I presume he refers to that). Does every schoolmaster ask his teachers at the end of every school year if they are satisfied with their condition ? These are questions that arise out of what Mr Hamer wrote, and 1 ask him respectfully to answer them. The schoolmasters that sacrifice ten or twelve hours a week in order to coach their pupil teachers are few and far between. It would puzzle the wit of man and the ingenuity of the devil to discover what some headteacliers have done during the year to their pupil teachers. He says nothing to justify the masters that work their teachers ten or twelve hours over the maximum, but retorts that schoolmasters do a lot of good work to teachers without pay." What about the grants, sir? Where do they come in ? I agree with him when be says about. the ninety-nine cases out of a hundred." Yes, sir, as you testify, only one per cent of our schoolmasters are friends of the poor plodding backward pupil teacher. Yes, and this single one out of a hundred (honour be to his name) takes upon himself a responsibility that the'other ninety- nine shirk. A friend in need is a friend indeed," so says the proverb, and if somebody wants en- couragement, it is the backward person. But these ninety-nine only befriend the bright and intelligent. The backward persons—those who cannot learn so quickly as others—are mill stones to them. They turn' them away in scorn let them go where they like, but do not let them bother us. There may be a Newton, or Darwin, or Shakespeare among them, but they require too much effort on our part. Let them go—this is the fine spirit that dominates the acts of our Northern teachers. With regard to the appointment of pupil teachers, I refer him to Article 35 of the Code, which says Candidates, in order to be engaged as pnpil teachers, must be presented to the Inspector for approval, and must pass the examination," &c. And Mr Hamer has the face to say that persons are appointed that have no sufficient ability to go through the neeessary train- ing, &c. According to his mode of reasoning many of our schoolmasters have no sufficient ability, &c. If a person can pass the examination required to qualify him as a pupil teacher, what hinders him trom being as good a teacher as somebody else who has passed ? It is not so easy now as it was in days gone by to pass the different examinations, and persons whom Mr Hamer brands as athletes may be better teachers than those who call them by that name. I do not expect the pupil teachers to spend their days in school without being of use to the schoolmaster, but I further expect the school- masters to deal decently with their pnpil teachers, and to give them suitable instruction. I pity Mr Hamer very much, but he should not rush to print without finding out whether what he was defend- ing was worthy of his pen or not. He should not judge all teachers from the standpoint of North Cardiganshire. I may as well inform Mr Hamer that I am not an aggrieved parent of any pupil teacher, but I am A pupil teacher myself, and one who knows what roughing it" means. I state once again that the pupil teachers of Cardiganshire generally are shamefully treated, and something ought to be done at once to ameliorate their condition. Mid Cardiganshire. PRO P. TBACHEB. Victoline is strongly recommended as an effective remedy for toothache, neuralgia, and headache. Printing quickly and neatly done at the 4 Welsh Gazette Printeries. Bridge Street.