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[ THE CHARITIES OF MONTGOMERY- SHIRE. INQUIRY AT WELSHPOOL. Mr T March ant Williams acting on behalf of the Charity Commissions on Thursday morning at the Town Hall, Welshpool resumed his inquiries imo the charities of Montgomeryshire. Those present inclnded the Mayor, (Mr David Jones), the Town Clerk, (Mr E Jones), the Yicar, (Rev D Griinaidi Davis), Col. Twyford, Capt Westby, Messrs E L R Jones, W Forrester Addie, C Shaker, T Simpson Jones, J P Jones, and F Roper. At the outset Mr Williams stated that the object of those inquiries was, amongst other things, to remove any abuses which might characterise the to■ ministration of those charities, and aLo to see that none were lost. Ha pointed out that the trustees had not been very regular in sending stat,ementa of accounts to the Commissioners but he was giad to observe that the Yicar of Welshpool had regularly sent such accounts during the last three or four years. He did no:, a; taoh much blame to the trustees for the omission, but now that be had mentioned it he hoped the accounts would bo regularly submitted in future. It was impossible for them in London to know whether the charities were properly administered unless they regularly received the accouuts. Hence it was that charities had been lost and could not be recovered. THE FRFE LIBRARY. The deedsof tne Free- Liorary and the conveyatice of the site were put io by tite town clerk. Sums of £ 200 had been given by the PowyMan.d Club and of £ 100, by will, by the fate Dr Barrett, The £20,) was still ia existence and the interest used for the benefit of the library. Another £ 100 was left by the lat,3 Mr Jones, Gun grog, to be employed, entirely its the trustees might think fit. Mr M Williams: I wont to know exactly how the trustees did think fit. Mr I & Jones said part had gone ilL pay ment for a heating apparatus and he agreed to supply tho Commissioner with full particulars. THE INTERMEDIATE SCSuOL. Mr Addie represented the managers of the1 Inter- mediate School. The inquiry was very formal, the Commissioner stating that he was anxious to see the school as it was said to be a good one. The documents were handed in by Mr E L R Jones. THIB BURG ESSES' LAND. The Commissioner then took the older charities in the order of the report of 1837, which, he said would be printed along with his, so that there would be a complete record of the charities for the last hundred years. The first charity mentioned was the Burgesses' Land, the object of ivi2icil was to provide a fund for tha bni'ding, repairing, enlarging and beautifying the public edifices belonging to the Corporation. The rerunoie'ei- of the rents arising from the land was to be for the benefit of the dis- tressed and poor of the borough. The property was now vested in the Corporation, but Lhey "were simply trustees, and he was snre the Charity Com- missioners would insist iu future that the accounts of the charity should be kept separate from tne general accouuts of the Corporation. He should t'niak from what he had teen that there could not be much profit. He mentioned that the Town Oletiv who had already ■ ,ivon him great assistance, 1 which had greatly facilitated his inqniri' had fur- nished him with a complete list of hinds, and he took that opportunity of publicly ac^owlcdgittg hip, great kindness. The land consMe.i of over 66 acres, and the annual rental was £ 146 7s 6d. 1 he j own Clerk explained that the money was paid 1,0 the ooroce'h luno tiud the amount had Ceen spent over and over ag-tin, on the bunding, i'tio last time when there w :s any surplus for distribu- tion amongst the poor was in 1324 wheu x20 wes disbursed for the poor. The Commissioner remarked that the rents in ¡ 1881 amounted to £ 243 but it was explained that rents, since then, had fallen considerably. In answer to Mr J P Jones, the Coihmigsioaer said that if the Corporation borrowed moaev for the public buildings they could repay with the monpv from this charity, using it as far as.it would go. RICHARD TUDOR 0RARITY, This amounts altogether to £:7() and cnr.evsts of £ 140, the interest of which was to go to the school- master for teaching Latin in a Church School, and which was now used for the benefit of the National I Schools in accordance with the resolution of the ) Commissioners in 1837 or 1838: £ 80, the interest of which is to be used io appror.fJoint? beys, and £ o0 to be devoted to the poor. The Yicar selects the boys for apprenticeship, but has difficulty in finding suitable boys. The -614.0 and the £ 50 I form part of a mortgage of £900; but the Commis- sioners would probably suggest that it should h- invested in consols. Mr WiUiurca hoped they would I see that the mortgage provided an adequate margin. He also suggested that they might allow the ap- prenticing money to accumulate for two or three j years so as to enable them to fipprentice ato a superior calling. EDWARD PARRY'S CHARITY. t About 1870 Edward Parry bequeathed to the vicar an] churchwarde?is £ 170 to be laid ont in good security or vested in lands and the interest paid in support of the chief master of the National Schools. He also left about £ 70 to provide garments for six persons annually. The recipients are selected by the lady visitors without distinc- tion as to sect,. year they gave to all who applied. Mr J P Jones The tady visitors are church people. The Commissioner: Yes, but they don't select all church people. The money was bequeathed to the vicar and wardens. You have not changed them evidently yon are Mr J P Jones: We didn'), know we hsd the power. Ice Commissioner Ii you had the?>ower, weuid. you change them ? Have you any fault to find with the distribution ? There was no reply to the question. PGRSEGr}s CHARITY. i>os Pursell bequeathed £ c0 to the vicar and wardens, the interest to be paid to suitable persons in the Middle Division. It is distributed each New Year's Day without regard to sect.—The assured the Commissioner that they received verv good value for the muney from the tradesmen Y/itlt whom the money WBS spent. Mr J P Jones said he knew of one old lady, about 80 years of age, a.nd he remembered a. few years ago asking if she was to have something- from the charity, and the gentleman replied, "0, she goes to chapel." There being a general call for the name of the old penwn, Mr Jones replied that ho referred, to Mrs Rowlands, of Clifton street. The Vicar pointed out. that she waa oce of the persons who get gowns this year, and Mr Shukor added that they could not give the clothing to tbo same persons year after year. A reference to the book showed that the woman had benefited from the charity in 1896 and again at the commence- Ulent of the present year. Mr Jones said lie had felt very sorry for tho old lady. Be thought it hard tiittt she" should lose because of being a Dissenter. He had notbiug against tho Vicar. # The Vicar said they made no sectarian distinc- tion as to who should supply the ge>ods, in fact, he believed that this year the tradesmen wei-e all. Nonconformtms. The Commissioner said he was glad Mr Jones bail mentioned the matter, an he liked to lay the oust wherever he wont. ELIJAH PHILLIPS' CHARITY. Elijah Phillips left £ 1000 to be laid out and the interest distributed on January l«f. A small farm of 36 acres was purchased with the monov and was let for £ 12 a year, but the tenant, deducted h. for a dinner. Mr Williams thought it the duty of the trustees to visit the farm, and, if to take a conveyance, the cost of which they could deduct from the rent, examine the farm and see that the buildings, fences, and so on are as they ought to be. He had not the least doubt that the rent was not adequate. The rent had been paid every year with- out any kind of grumbling by the farmer, and they cotild depend or. it that it was because he had a very good bargain. It was the duty of the trustees to see the state of the- farm. He suggested tha.tt.hev might have the farm re-valued, and the trustees re- plied that they would instruct a competent vaiuor to go over it. ELIZABET.TF LLOYD'S CHARITY. Elizabeth Lloyd, spinster, left £ 90 to be dis- tributed amongst such of the poor as should be most religion's and should most frequently attend divine service. It realises £ 2 14s per year, and the Yicar gave 58 each to eleven people. In answer to the Commissioner, the "Vi- ar said he could generally say who were the best aitendera at Church, but he could not say who wore the most religious (laughter). LANG FORD CHARITY. This consists of L7 143 8d and is paid by tha Rev G B Pughe, of Mellor, Blackburn. It arises out of a farm, and £ 1 18s 4d of is sent to the Rector of Castle Caereinion for distribution amongst, the poor there. A gown, a pair of shoes, ami a pair of stockings were given'annually to eight poor persons, and the average age of these, last year, was 76. Mr J P Jones believed that these old people for- merly met at the Bnek Inn, aud walked in pro- cession in their new clothes to the Church. The initials T.L." were marked on the backs of the coats. The present Vicar had done away with this. The people also nsëd to have a pint of beer before starting. The Town Clerk: Perhaps it was the pint of beer that swallowed up tho income tax. The Vicar: Or the shyness ? THE ALMS HOUSES. The Vicar asked to whom the alms houses belonged. Who was responsible to the r;-)tet,).iyers ? The building consisted of eight rooms, two of which had been condemned by the medical officer as unfit for habitation. Up to the time of the Commissioners report In 1838 the repairs had been paid for out of the poor rate. The V"Gt ry in 1843, however, decided that in future, before any repairs were done, a meetinlYof the inhabitants should be called who should also decide as to how the cost should be met. There were now six or seven tenants. The Commissioner said he could not state who were really responsible. Would it not be better to Bell the houses ? The Vienr: Could we do that ? The Commissioner I should say po with the authority of the Charity Commissioners. The Vicar further stated that it would £3CJ to repair it. They had no endowment and in pre- vious years they had tinkered with the premises and had drawn upon the Church alms ItwasT.r.f in his opinion, kindness to allow people to live in the rooms. It was very dangerous. He was keev- ing the rooms empty as they became vacant. Mr llnper mentioned that a lady by mear.s of an concert raised funds for providing the old people with coals. The Commissioner promised to ascertain what could be done. LATER CHARITIES. T L Dickin iu 1852 left £ 150 and Sarah Dick in a like sum. Tee former stipulated that the mctfj should g° to the relief of the pool and the latter that it should go to apprenticing boys in cer aiu tr ades, or, in the case of females to learn useful and not ornamental occupations. The scheme of i--n had been altered so th^t both now came under one bead. This money was part of the Y,900 mortgage and browght in £ 8 2s a year. The poor were supplied with blanket?, sheets,* &c, on New Year's Dav. Lady Harriet. Herbert bequeathed £ 312 10s (in- crease-! to £ 320) to bo disposed of in clothing or such other manner as might be thought best for the benefit of the poor of Welshpool. The Eilr] of Pow ts, the Vicar, and the Mayor of Welshpool were the tvustees. This money, and a sum left bv Miss Clive, formed, a mortgage (.)f C500. and the pro- ceeds were used for the benefit of the sick, for sending them to convalescent, homes or ma in tabl- ing them there.—The Mayor said it was the first he had hcei'd of his trusteeship, and the Vicar replied that he had simply acted as he had beet given t.) understand he ousrht. The Dispensary and Cottage Hospital, and the propeity of St Winifred's Chhrch were mentioned, as also was the house of one of the Nonconformist chapels, but no first hand information was given. The Vicar proposed, and the Mayor seconded, a vote cf thanks to Mr Williams for his conduct c' the inquiry, and the Commissioner suitably replied.

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