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5 THE WAR. 6*___









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--1>---,--,-THE VOLUNTEHR…

,--__--+----LL4NFYLLIN WAR…







PARLIAMENTARY. MR. CHAMBERLAIN OX THE OPPOSITION. The first two hours and a-half of the Debate which was resumed on Monday, were occupied by Sir William Harcoart and Air No two speeches could have formed a greater contrast, both in matter and manner. Sir William was it his most depressed vein, even though several paseasres bore traces of careful preparation, and of <:ctnmir,i.ii to memory. It was a Party speech from betriiiiiina* to end, and was devoted turoaghout to au attack o.. the Colonial Secretary. It dealt solely with his policy, and scarcely made a single aliusion to the conduct of the war. He quoted 7.1 r Chamberlain's defence, in 1881, of the Boers' Independence in their i domestic affairs, and his declaration that the main- tenance of the annexation of tbe i'ransvaat wou'd be an act of fraud, force, and iody. Tiie complete recognition of the independence of the Boers had been the policy of all Governments between 1881. and 1896, when it was leversed by cbe present Government, and Sir "Yiiliam asserted that it was to that reversal that THE PRESENT WAR WAS DCE. be attributed it to Mr Chamberlain not having gone to the best Arriean opinice, sucti as that of Mr | I Schreiner A- Mr li r, but to his having consulted the men of the Rand and be interrogative")v insinu- ated also that the Colonial Secretary had taken the I advice of the "helots who iiihsrhired PnrK lane. The one part of his speech which was listened to more than any other was his reference, ro the reopening of the South African Committee. It had been spoken of, he said, by Sir Robert. Reed as a scandal and dishonour to the country. The authors of the Raid bad const antly endeavoured to j. ersuaoe i, the world that the British Government connived 1 at iifiid. lie believed wneri the matter w; probed to the bottotc it would appear that these charges were part of the SYSTKJJ OF FAL:-KUGOD AND FRAUD j practised by the Raiders Relieving as he did that these i-d&nfers a id falsehood? should be refuted aLl dispelled for eve' it would be t.he maximum of pruo.-mee and wis^on.. to do so. OM^ or two voices called out How ?"; bur, question was ur,- j answered. In continuation Sir WiPism declared that the war must be fought out until victory to the British arms was secured. Mr Chamberlain's reply made a great impression j on the Honse. It was patriotic, elevated, and Imperial in its plane of thought, full of iiulhagging vigour from exordium to peroration, and had many eloquent and some pathetic passages. At intervals it met with aome ironical cheers from the Opposi- tion, but the Ministerialist approval was continuous. Referring 1 o the re-opening of the Sourh African Committee, which had been closed at William Harcoart's own suggesiiou three years ago, and which he seemed to suggest should now be re- opened. he would reserve any statement he had to make on that point till the Motion which Mr D A Thomas had pac upon tile paper came to be dis- cussed. The turning point of Mr Charniieihnn's argument was that 1I13 issues between Boer and Briton did not begin with 18S1, out went back to the beginnbiS1 of the century. Thoy were real issues, and the Franchise question and Biomfontein Conference were not causes but mere con- sequences of them. Before the ink of the Treaty of Maju<*>a was dry, the Boers began to Prank their obligations, and even Mr Gladstone was com- pelled to run the risk of race hatred by sending out an Expedition. So far from the present Govern- ment having been tbe first to INTERFERE IX THE INTE.RXAL Ac FAIRS of the Tral2Yna¡, tLe Liberal Aomi^i;; r, ion which immediately preceded them had themselves done so, and their proposed remedy was a ifve years' franchise, and this remedy n.e present Govern- ment hao borrowed from them. The ditficulties with which ministers had to con tend were ?_o( the work i.if C'¡( ur any Government; dley were inherent ic tbe cituatiou, in the Boer character, ami in the British character, iu Boer civilisation and British civilisation. There lay the root of all t.b&r, had happened. From first to last the Boer aspira- tion bad been to get rid of British supremacy, aud that meant the inferiority of every other race. This issue had tc be tried and the battle foacbt out; one party or the other had to give wcy. ii peace was to fee preserved. Tbe Government were anxious ,lr V; F4 W, for peacc but the war ,Itist, righteous, and necessary. This wa.s met with cries of "No," in which the Iri7:, mem here loudly joined, and by cluster Ministerial cl.eers. If the Opposition did not think it was, then they should bare brought forward an amendment that the war was unjust, unrighteous, and unnecessary. An.er r -ierrinrr to the self-sacrificing attitude of the country, to the losses in many homed hero ana ;i: Soutu Africa., to the noble developetnent of the lo pe'iai spirit in the Colonies, to the M'LBNDIP HiiROiSM OF THK .SOLMKuS and tile Coloni&t troops, and at.or exuregseinarresrret for the mistakes of the Government, he toucned upon the divisions of op'.nia: o" toe ^opposition benches, aud, aww great, cheering, asserted thai- ne.er again would lie a second I.iajuba, that never again wuuid a citadel be erected in South Africa, never again would the paramountcv of Grea.t Britain be endangered. The closing passage of his speech referred to tbe of the Empire which the war bacl piomcted, ana he sat down amid ringing cheers. During tho delivery of those two speeches the House was crowded to tle utmost corner. Iu the Gallery facing the Treasury Be men, from which Mr Chamberlain could be well heard and seen, tbe throng of members was so great, that the door was blocked by 1 hose WHO could not find a seat. From the Gallery facing the Frout Opposition Bench, a row of members looked down upon Sir Widiara Harc nrt. The Peers' Gal;ery was also overflowing with noble Lcrds. all of whom left as soon as the two speeches were over a.nd the Strangers' Gallery f\ \0 presented an unbroken arrsy of visitors. The debate was carried on by Mr Moulton. General Russell, Mr Athertey-Jones, Mr Maicolto. Mr Churning, ami Mr Dillon. Mr Courtney amid a tremendous burst of Irisii v Radie.nl crceriug, and de- nounced the war as the result of the deplorable and perverse mismanagement of the diclotnacy the Colonial Office. His speech wns continuous! v and vehemently cheered by the Irish mem bees. Loud applause y, ent up from them when he de- scribed the dilfienlty of governing South Africa by an English garrison. You know what it is in Ireland," he remarked amid a triumphant Nationalist outburst. Mr broke iu, how- ever, with tbe jarring imiuirv Whv did von op- pose Home Rule ?" to wloch Mi Coovtoev g*ave no reply. The debate wn« continued by Mr Beckett and Mr Hemp,oil, and was adjourned on the motion of tllr ASquHl. MORE OPPOSITION" ST'E^f^rc.. A number of Liberal cl the Posr?' gallery in the, House of Commons on Tucsdry to listen to Mr Asquith, who resumed the' debate on the vote of censure. Mr Asquith received same applaust-, fi-, ,li the ,f rising. The opening passages of hi;* speech were of a strong party character, and for a time he was londly cheered by the Radicals aud Nationalist. But when he went on to ear that the war was neither intended nor desired by the Government the applause of the Nationalists turned to derisive laughter, which was drowned by cheers from the Ministerialists. He added as a. second proposition that the war might and could have been avoided by President Kruger. Soma Irish members called out "Oh." while others broke into laughter. Proposals bad been put forward in September, and urged or, his acceptance net only by Her Majesty's Govern- meut, but, by men belonging to every shade and school of political opinion in this kingdom, as per- fectly compatible with the independence of his ovrr- State, and as a proper ami legitimate instalment of a long-delayed and OVKRDCK DEBT OF JCSTICK to tne tfripMi popu(;vuor in t!;o Tr:>i.- v;/jiI. i"hon;. proposals were- rejected, and demaiols were put for- ward liuowE to be impossible, and intended to be refused, and these were followed by ihe invasion and annexation of British territory. If Mr Kramer thought that the negotiations of the Government had been a mere cloak and pretext, aud had the purpose of sapping the independence of the Trans- vaal, and paving the way for its annexation, and, worse than all, if the Government had allowed themselves tc become the dupes and of a gang of interested speculators, then, despite the invasion of British territory and the loss of British lives, Mr Asquith could not have voted one halfpenny for the prosecution of tho war. But that was not the opinion uf the House or of the great majority of the country, and that WPS why, with regaru to the necessity and duty of carrying <1 the war, 1,1üY were a united Parliament and a united people. He then branched off into a criticism of Mr Chamber- ban's methods, temper, aud judgment—which cuuld not be condot-led or approved, and which showed a demonstrable lack of uo-kht aud fore- sight. He imnjuated that Mr Chamberlain himself would like now to have a chance of RE-EDITING HIS DESPATCHES and speeches, a sentiment which produced enthusi- astic opposition cheering. "I wou'd not altera word," iuterpoloted the Colonial Secretary quietly across the table, and, the remark being taken up by the Ministerialists, they in turn applauded vociferously. The rest of the speech was a criticism of Mr Chamberlain's mauagement of the negoti- ations, and closed with the acceptance of a challenge thrown out to the opposition by the Colonial Secretary on the previous evening to state what they thonght the end to be aimed at should be. The settlement sketched by Mr Asquith differed little from the fundamental points which have more than once been stated by Mr Chamber- lain imself. The Nationalists and Radicals -emained silent, but the Roseberyites and Mini-o rialists cheered. The former laughed n -Air tliit the Dtit(!), and E.iibsh, after the war, would forget their ull1r106: t. The c'r. f speeches of the dinner hour were by Lloyd-George and Mr John Barns. The- io.tn.t— spoke with Litter sarcasm of the of the Uitlauders, and denounced the war as a fight for 1 a forty-five per cent. dividend. Of the ..j itlar.ovi-s, cause the Government had taken np, seven thousand were fighting for the Boer. and the others were cot worth ONE DROP OF BRATE BRITISH F.LOOD, Mr Burns, il a speech presenting many points of rhetorical originality, protested against the incom- petency of the Government, the stupidity of the negotiations, and the insolent manner which the C Secretarj* hari too frequently shown in this controveiv.y. He mentioned that he had examined the Register of the Chartered Company, in whose interests t.he war was being waged, arid he found it fn:1 of Dukes and Generals and persons highly nlaeed, and of newspaper proprietor? by the yard. Nearly n who bad spoken in support or the Government, in this Debate held Stock. Mr IIavdock Wilson supported the Government and warmly re>mked the Liberal Party for submitting sn^n a contradictory Amendment. Mr Bond made a. iliciirl-n against the Amendment. Sir H Cf-mpbel.-Bannerman began with a spirited defence of the right und duty of the Opposition to bring forward this Amendment, and was disclaim- .2- all desire or expectation of Party advantage when he was interrupted by a sudden tnd pro- ti-io'ed outburst of apphjuse ou the Ministerial b 1. e s. The news of the result of the York Election had just reached the House. How uc", ? asked some in the midst of the cheers. Fourteen hundred," replied others, and the cheering wae renewed and redoubled. The one piece of solid information they had received from tbe Government durir.g the Debate was Mr W statement that the Intelligence Depart- ment was fully ACOUAINTEO \rlT1 THE AK'I* AGENTS AD PIlt-PAB- ATlONS or the Boers. Bat. the House had received no proof of tbe exiater.ee (Jî a great conspiracv, and he believed if wa" an invention from beginning: to end. The key of ihe position was that tue English and Dutch had to live together at the Cape. He a-er.ed tbnt the war must be prosecuttd with V!gour aud without dospondencv. it was a qu.;> ter past eleven when Mr Balfour rose, amid vociferous Ministerial cheering. He opened with some pleasant persiflage directed at Sir W ilarcourt, who, he said, always answered speeches in the House to which ke did not belong, and Si voided the speeches in the House of which he "wat- so distinguished a member. Mr Balfour made a reference to bis own speeches, and a member of Opposi* ion reminded him of bis admission J a no he took no interest in them. "I have refreshed my memory," replied the first Lord, amid much laughter. The amendment was not, in his opinion, an attack on the Wer Office, but on Mr Chamberlain, and he delivered u glowing eulogy of the Ononis! Secretary, through whose great adtoin- ¡ i&trative abilities THE DRAMATIC HAD OCCXRRFD when every British Colony joined hands with the toother Conntry. His name wonlcl be for ever associated w-.tli—the sentence was interrupted by a s.oj'ru of iron tea. cheering fri):n the Opposition, and when it subsided, Mr Balfour completed his broken s' u'cnce—" associated with that great moment in our hietcry." "With slaughter," exclaimed Mr liealy. Mr Baltonr went on to inquire on what the Boers had rested their hopes. Or. God," interpol- ated an liisb mnmbfir. "On the complications in which this country might, at some time or the other 1;; -nvob ed," replied Mr Balfour, when it. might, 1), driven to a disnoaourable peace." He wound up •i, pileh with an eloquent appeal to the House to present an undivided front. Ilt- 'rTfirA-o,)d rose from the Opposition Benches, and poaiJ not make himself heard for^impatient Ministerial cries of "Divide," When it. was discovered, however, that be was advising the oeia. Lea.-ru.rs to withdraw the Amendment, loud cheering broke from the Miuisteriab'stK, and loud hooting find protests 'rem tbe Opposition. Mr C D •'straw, rtamg from below the Opposition Gangway, soco vied t ai? appeal, and declared himself a warm mppor.er of the Government. W: en be sat down tnc-re were 10ml Ministerial cries of Withdraw." I response came from the Front Opposition Bench, find the Speaker put the Question the first time. Arcaacr, a°r,ho," shouted Mr W Redmond in a loud v oice, and the Irish members rose in a body and ■ left the H oil S3. The Question was agaii, put for j ;.e socoi.d t:mc as usual, and the Division taken. The figures showed that the Amendment was re- iccted by -352 tc 139, being a majority of 213. The ilrnisterial cheering which greeted the announce- j ruprtt broke out again aod again. THE IRISH NATIONALISTS AND THE BOERS. AN ANIMATED SCENE. The debate on the address on Wednesday was resumed on Mr John Redmond's amendment that the war should be brought to a close on the basis of recognising the independence of the Transvaal and the Orange Free State. The Nationalistmem- brrs. he said, thought, as one man on this subject, i and acted as one. The sympathy of Ireland was with the two Boer Republics. Ireland abhorred the war. and called for iis cessation. The Nation- alms world do Ri] in their power to maintain the ''id/yoendence cf the Republics—on independence v,ri by untold sacrifices and defended with a j heroism which had few parallels in the history of Wf"1 '■ if tbe object of the war was to destroy the indeper.o<»nce of these two Republics, he uraved Gcd that it might be frustrated. The opinion of the whole civilised world condemned the war, and Britain stood to-day in a state of disgraceful isolation. The HOirce was very empty when Mr Redmond spoke. Mr Serjeant Hemphill was the only (CCU pant of the Front Opposition Bench for the first • nree hours of the Debute, with the exception of a bve minutes' visit, from Mr Asquith. About twenty of the Liberals who sit above the pano-wav CONSTITUTfiD THE AUDIENCE ( of the various speakers down to three o'clock, when Mr Healy rose, and members entered in consider- a.de nr.moors from the smoking-room and lobbv. 11 Campbell-Bannerman was among the first arr ivals, an3 be left- when Mr Healv had concluded bis speech. From the Treasury Bench the Debate was watched by Mr T W Russell; and Mr BaHour looked iu once or twice to -how the Debate was proceeding. The attendance of Ministerialist members was considerable, and the Irish Benches were crowded throughout the day, the only con- soicuou? absentee being Mr Dillon, who has gone to Ireland. Air Power seconded the Amendment, and it was opposed .by Air J H Campbell, the Con- servative member for St Stephen's Green, who attributed the attitude of the Nationalists not to their sympathy with the Boers, but to their im- p'aeable hatred of the English race and the Con- -Or Clark supported the Amendment in an historical review, which the Speaker cut short, and he pictured the dire evils which would follow from this wnr. Mr Healy s speech was i:, tbe most vigorous style. It was delivered with a most extraordinary solemnity of voice and manner, but it abounded with humorons sallies. Like Mr Redmond's speech, it was bused on Nationalist sympathy with small States PLOHT'NGT AGAINST GREAT EMPIRES ^•■r their independence. Two passages in the i-peech produced n great sensation. In OUe be was saying tbêÜ the Boers had only two peace davs- Ihngaan's-clay and -Alajuba-day-but England had now giveu thom a Buller's-day, a MetnuenVday, f; Yute's-day, a Warren's-day, and a Synious'-cav! i he last phrase excited loud and continued criesi of SJ.ame" iroai all the Ministerial Benches, which the cries )f Oi-Cic-r from the Speaker could not repress. At last he rose and remarked that cries of "ShaUle" were out of order, whereupon the Nationalists broke into exultant cheering. But Mr Healy saw he had gone too far, and immediately paid a handsome tribute to the memory of General Symous. He closed it, however, with the sting that the English had turned their backs on their dying General; aud a Nationalist sup- plemented the remark by caning out, And left bim to die on the field." The other noticeable passage was one cf some length. It was the odd use he made of some, o!d telegrams preparing the way for the tail of TLeebaw that amused the ilou(; Day after day, he remarked, telegrams announced, dtiringa Conservative Administration. Theebaw is drinking still." Then came five years of silence during Mr Gladstone's Administration and after its fail, the telegrams were resumed, "Tieebaw is drinking still," and in two months Theebaw was himself au Outlander, and England had taken Mandalay. The British pretext for taking Johuannesburg was just the satue the British policy was a policy of grab. The official reply to the amendment was made bv Mr T W Russell, in an animated speech, in which he declared that it would be an act of cowaidice to adopt the amendment. In the subsequent course of the debate, Commander Bethel endorsed the policy of Mr Courtney and Sir E Clarke, and at ha f-past five the divided and the amendmenn* was rejected by 358 to 65. "HP. TKOOPS AT THE CAPE. Points of detail relating oc the War furnished the staple subject of the questions addressed to Mir's- ters in the House of Commons, Thnrsday. Mr Cham- her lam has not yet received an answer from the Governor or Natal in reference to the reported shooting of certain Englishmen in the Orange Free State for refusing to be commandeered. Mr Bnxlrick stated that six Maxim guns had been obtained from Egypt for the forces at the Cape. The most jnter- est-ing of all the answers was given by Mr Wvndham who informed the House of the total number of the British forces now in Soutb Africa These amounted to 179,846. and as it had been oemoed to send out 17 additional battalions of Militia and 3.000 additional Yeomanry, the errand total would in two or three weeks be 194,000. In ans"-«T to Dr Farquharsor. he real telegiams from Lord Roberts and Sir Red vers Bulier storing: tfcat tnere was no ground for the relfections w b; f] had been cast on the management of tbe hospitals Pot the Cape and :IJ Natal. THE PATRIOT" FUN.7?. The debate on the address wng then resumed by Mr Kearley, who moved an amendment in favour of steps being taken :,a ensure that the aecummuta- tions and available surpluses of the various funds administered by the Patriotic Comrrrh-sioners should be applied for the benefit of the widows and cbild- ren of those othoers and men who lost their lives in South Africa. Seven. 1 members gave expression to the public dissatisfaction with the the funds by tbe Commissioners, who. it was ured, were boardice up half a million of money irrespective of the £ 270,000 which bad been banded over to t hem by the Lord Mayor. The debate brought out first, from Mr Powell-Williams, on beoalt of the War Office, and afterwards, from Mr Bs'.focr, on behalf of the Government, a promise, in the words of the latter, tc do their best to consider wit-'i those who were responsible foi the new ana tne oiri funds some method of genera, organisation Öy whicn they shouid be distributed to the ceneral advantage Mr Powell-Will iarns was a iittie more specific, for he stated that Lord Lansdowrre would ask them to re consider the valuation of their assets, and he pointed to 6 possible re-arraugecientof the Com mis- sion itself, ilr Kearlev, in view of this generous offer, withdrew his amendment,

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