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THE ELECTRIC LIGHT WORKS. LOCAL GOVERNMENT SOARD BEJTSE TO SANCTION A LOAN. The Town Clerk said he had received a com- munication from the Local Government Board declining to sanction the loan for the purchase of the Electric Light Works (hear, hear, and applause from the opposition).-Dr Lewis: That wili put Oswestry back 20 years. — The letter was as fol- lows I am directed by the Local Government Board to state that they have received the report made by their Inspector, Mr Bickntdl, after the enquiry held by him with reference to the applica- tion of the Town Council for sauctiou to borrow £18,000 for the purchase of the undertaking of tha Oswestry Electric Lighting and Power Co., Ltd., and for purposes in connection therewith. The Board have catefnllv considered the report, to- gether with the evidence submitted at the enquiry and have come to the decision that thsv could not properly sanction the proposed loan of £18,000. FINANCE COMMITTEE Mr Daniel brought up the report of this com- mittee and the recommendations were adopted as follows:—That the bills examined and allowed be paid, i.e., against Borongb Fund, £253 14s lid; Markets, £143 5s lOd and General District Fund, £993 7a id and that the costs attending the acquisition of the Bailey street properties be tem- porarily advanced from the Market funds, to be repaid on completion of loans. That the Town Clerk take steps for recovery of rents due from the .E ailey street properties. ANNUAL BULL SALE. Mr Whitfield applied for the use of the Smith- field for holding the annual bull sale on March 16. On the proposition of Mr Bremner Smith, seconded by Mr W T Jones, tho application was granted. GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE THE QUESTION OF AIR, SPACE. The following recommendations were vaBSeG:- That ten oilskin coats be provided for the use of mell iu charge of Corpüraion horsP8, &c.; that the plans and estimate produced by the Surveyor for the construction of Ash road, and completion of Lome street, be approved and the work be pro- ceeded with; that the following plans be passed, i.e., three houses in Ferrers street for Mr John Vaughan, and two houses in lioft street for Mr G A George.— Mr Whitfield said with regard to Ash road and Lome stroet, the Committee had decided that the work should bo done on the cheaper 8cale and the Surveyor would explain.- Tho Surveyor gave the explanation, and said as to ASH read a saving of £12 would be effected and Lome street a savint' of £8. The apportionment of the cost would be for Ash road 6s 5d and Lome street £88 Is 4d. The work which had already been done there had been allowed for.— Mr Bremner Smith thought it was unfair that the owners, who had already done certain work, should be asked to do work over again to comply with the I Council's arrangement.. He did not think the Board intended to be unfair. He thought a reason- able allowance should be made in respect of the work carried out, and if the Council could not do so it would be a great hardship on the owners.— Tho Surveyor said he had made a proper allowance and Mr Bremner Smith said he was glad to hear that and hoped the arrangement would be con- tinued. It had not been done in the past. Ho added that he thought Stewart road should be attended to also.—The Mayor said Ash road was an older road than Stewart road and should take precedence.—The Committee also recommended that the plan for a workshop at the rear of Mr George's houses be rejected aa not complying with the by-laws.—The Town Clerk having road the by- law, Mr Chas Williams said if the Council rejected the plan they.;ou!d inflict fIo hardship upon the owner of the property. The by-law stated that they had the power to modify where such ought I reasonably to be doue. He proposed, the Council being satisfied there was thorough ventila- tion to the houses, that the by-laws should b, modified so that the plan might be passed.—Mr Spaull seconded, and after giving the measure- ments said there was enough ventilation,—Mr Howell Davies said if the Council was going to upset the Committee's decision without hearing anything about it, it was a waste of the Com- mittee's time to discuss these matters. He STlp- the amendment, aud was glad to find that the Council was in its right mind abommia matter, as the ex-Mayor told him ho was on one occasion (laughter).—Dr Lewis humorously remarked that if he did say so he would withdraw it now (re- newed laughter).—Mr Howell Davies reminded the Council that there was a serious case pending now (cries of Oh ").—The Mayor ruled Mr Davies cut of order on that. point. — Mr Davies added that he rejoiced at the Council doing ar act of justice.— Mr Perks said he thought it should be clearly understood that there was more space at the back of these houses than the by-law required.—It was then agreed to pass the plan.—Mr Whitfield pro- posed the adoption of a recommendation of the Committee that a plan fur alteration of promises in Salop road for Mr T H Ellis be rejected as they did not comply with the Lv- :aws.-1Ir Spaull thought the Council had arranged to purchase this ground.—Several members ex- pressed a similar opinion.—Mr Daniel, after making a remark as to gentlemen making loopholes to evade the by-laws, thought the Council did agree with the trustees- to purchase this projection.—The Mayor said the Council did agree to purchase, but they could not close on the terms.—Mr Bremner Smith referring to Mr Daniel's remark thought Mr Daniel should give the names of those who he said triod to evade the by-laws.—Mr Daniel What .1 have said I have said, and if I have said anything wrong the Mayor will say so.—In reply to Mr Mac- lardy, the Town Clerk said the Council's terms were not accepted.—Mr Spaull suggested that trre piau be rejected and a committee be appointed to report upon what terms this laod could be pur- chased. It was most desirable that the Council should secure it.—Mr Fletcher Rogers supported. He thought that when an arrangement was made they should know the result. He understood that the member, in whc>s« hands the matter was left, would be abl to arrange for the purchase at the offer agreed to by the Council.—The Town Clerk read the minute of January of last year in which it was stated that (, .") .1 -1o'j "i Saunders for the land at this place in order to make a footpath. He did cot know thai matter wi uld crop up that morning. The off--r "1E n°* accepted. Mr Bremner Smith said he wi.1; pre. to contend that the plan complied with the hy law. The Surveyor said it did not. — Fletcher "Rogers seconded the amendmen* to tp* point ato go into the quest' of pur. chase.—Mr Howell Davies contendad that it T out of order. Jt was net on the agenda. Thfl 1 Mayor said that the Town Clerk stated trot it "80S in order. The following were appointed a mitteo to go into the question: Messrs William*. K S Parry Jones, Daniel, and Spaull. — T'v mittoe further recommended that Mr E \V*;niafl>i I 57, Park Avenue, be requested to tltk. 4 1 buihling ev: o:by him at the rear (,f no plan having l. '-en sent in, and the building beifl^ placed en the required air space at the of th4; house. The adoption of the recommendati'-r! ing beeu read, the surveyor stated that jt was wooden building, with a corrugated iron roof, l'j blocked half of he living room window. c: buiidi.ig was a i _;i; [<idj)1 one. Mr Wdlli-ims was building 111 Oswestry and he used this plaoo >;o'eP,: some of the materials in. — Th'_> MayO's pointed out that no plan had boon senf in.— Mr Davies: It says nothing on the Oi. nct*' about the plan not being sent iii.Tlie Tn-" (reading part of the Committee's recommen Jut ion) No plan having been sent in previous to oroetimiHi Mr Davies: We'll, you need not be in a too'.oor, iSk Town Clerk.—The Town Clerk: I am Jfl|. Davies proposed an amendment that Mr Wihh.tfU be asked to pull the building down in six inonthd time.—Mr Roberts seconded this.—Mr emnfli' Smith asked if it was necessary wher -1;• io| was put up in a yard as a protection from i'.do # ask a man to send in a plan, and were thev serioO'i in doing so? Ho took it that in the present ?:iS0o a corrugated sheet whore had been put ,,e they, a lot of grown-up men, going to ask f ir a ultJ of it He thought their time could bo bottei employed. This question of open space in real | of houses needed grasping. They were Vdnf wrongly advised on it, not wilfully. ,M- th builders and professional men ,;11 and they all agreed that the by-law was interpreted. Surely everyone could not be wron| and one right. He thought it was time t; ^y rJ) ped that quibbling, it was not hing else, al>o.o spaces. The object of the space at the re'sw# veutilatiou ro if pot a go,d circulai ion of ai throughout the house, why should the Connci interfere and cause no end of trouble. Suppo-in# they rejected a piau aud it was right, a man \< ul€ have to go to court and apply for a t, i tl tf compel the Council to pass the plan, and how iltll a working man bear the expense. The uiiM,oif pretatiou was cruel and unkind. He was not oio o ia# the committee; he was only saying that the madefi should be thoroughly considered. Every boddeM in the town was complaining about vt. Mr Spaull said if it vai a shore, it would b4 affected by the by laws.—Mr Thompson s;:i;i thaw the structure wau similar to the one he -put 0 the rear of bis houso a few years ago and ho wa* uever atked for Iii. plan (laughter, and It was not too late yet "),lir S Paz-i-v Jones thou ht tb council should support their officer (Mr Bv..nine* Smith: Utter rot). Mr Smith was one of tbos* interested in building. The builders had been against the surveyor in this matter. I t w as I public duty and an unpleasant one He thougW they ought to support him (hear hear).—Mr Daui^ said that although without any knowledge o? tb« circumataaoea of the particular building he ooul^ not bit silent and hear the charges and mtinuft' tions which had just beeu made by Councillor Smith in regard to the legal reooinmendafcions t the CnnneiJ noon the questions of air spaov. did not koow if Mr Smith was to be tor ifl this matter, it was perfectly useless for thoiri t meet or have a surveyor at all. It was not -r.anjl months ago since they took counsels' opinion. (Mfg Bremner Smith No.) Proceeding, Mr Danhn :-ai4 he was addressing the chair and he asked the to protect him. They took counsel's opinion on fl similar question to this. (Mr Smith No) and of that occasion Mr Smith was opposed to the deci' sion given by the council (Mr Smith: No.) Tho/ admired Mr Smith, they knew he was an able 11130 and gave him credit for what he was and what W had done for Oswestry, but he could not Siè stil and hear that flouuted in the face 0 the Town Cierk. It was au insult to the Town Clerk and an inPnit to thuS0 who present, and he for one could not tolerate if. -The Town Clerk said in this case the advice was givef by the deputy town clerk aud he thoroughly agreed wLh him. It was a building, and it was an in fringement of the by-iawa. He had the opinion 0 tho best authority iu England on the subject. Three voted for the amendment. The proposition to request removal of the building r,, tba. majority. The Mayor: Carried UnJI!il",)sl1:t (laughter). Well with the exception of tor e. CLERK OF THE WORKS. Applications for the position of Clerk to th* Works to superintend the Cross Market were considered. They were 30 in number.—On the suggestion of Mr Bi'emnor Smith, the matte* was taken ill Committp8.



