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-------_--jiltiE WA11. ----



THE YEOMANRY AT CHURCH. YFCAA'S FA HE WELL Te TIIK TROOPERS. TliYeomanri* a: 'uTl'¡Pr1 divine service fit. dio Parish Ciiurch, on Sunoay morning. The men paraded in :<ro-,o i-et. <1,nd with one or two ex- I ceptions were i in kharki with the sloucu hats. Thev were under the command of Capt Robt Williams-Wynn, Capt. Armstrong, Lieut liayner, z ti, ine bana or the 4th B under Sergt Drummer Campbell, was in at endanee, and the muster was witnessed bv a la-, ge number of people, the streets being t.hi ongi d v.-ith -■ no. o; s. They were accomp trned to CI-tii-, 'he :a>-ai iiti- (If the regutar Y e (, i ii: v a riet ncl; nient of the Yolunr.ee: s. The ser-ice at the church was attein' -d !.V •! go ci-Ii■ -eg;: Hon. The Kev Merlin Davie '•oi iucun ;rvic-, which opened with the wc Ii '••tu.wn ytnn, Ti: r,,a;; h all the changing scene-, of iif Alter rhe third collect a specia 1 anthem. Son of f,)i-tli to war," was I' fi b the choir, under the guidance of Mt M :d ■- \J! P Tile hymn before the ser. mon w ■ Eight the go-] ifght of faith," and the CO!1. i,ist;lv ir, pinginit. TheVicar, i,re:i(,ho.(i from 'I,)t.tlic-w xx, 18, "Ministering toothers." In the course of his retnavk;: he said tl at mitmtei'ing to others was an incumbent dutv upon Christians. Though we could not. si! !v git--at ;>sti.e uorht counts greatness, nor clever as the worid oounts cleverness, still we could all do some good while we are in the world. This !>;••'i■ -ij>1" was true not merely of "individuals, but of indiuduahs i'i their corporate capacity, that was as nations. Every nation in the World had not o;¡]r ;¡ ;tliJecl: but als¿ il :pecial mÍEdior: to carry out. In ancient times the great mission of Greece was to impress on the world the ideal of beauty in the various spheres of human life. The great mission of the Rom,.n Empire was to stamp law and ¡ order upon the worid. Our own mission as a nation i: L dkve. u, be to take the foremost place and part in civilising and Christiau""sing the world, and this we had been enabled to do, under God, to a largeVxteuf. in the past. This he humbly trusted and believed was onr great mission at the present time in onth Africa. Our great objects were to free the slave, defend the weak, put down oppres- sion, and asi-ert the eternal pi mci.>l*»R of individual righ' ;«i>d ire om. How dt, » ¡;is conviction was j among »-rr p> ople and especially amoug onr breth- reii in Si ti: I, Africa was strikingly illustrated last w-e' by the ru noria! sent from th-j Natal Congr, eari.iwul Utii.e: to tiie members of the Congrega- tional Union of England and Wales. The Vicar then read the following extract from the memorial: As Christians they (the Natal Congregational Union) deeply deplore the present war. And yet, humanely speaking, the conflict was inevitable. They desire to impress upon their fellow- Christians in England that the Boer ideal of government is a military oligarchy, the power being exclusive!v in Du:,eCt hands; while the British ideal is based unm 1 ¡". i 4\1ity of all white men and the humane and just, treatment of the native races; and they be- lievo that this is only to be realised by the com- plete success of the British arms, and that in British administration lies the only hope of uniting the various states of South and o" tire per- manent peace and prosperity of the whole country. For this great end large numbers ot the Colonists of Natal, very many of whom belong to the Churches and Sunday Schools of tiw Union, are now fighting at the front. They must trust that this efatementoftheview.c and convictions of the Natal Congregational Union will command your svmyrathy, and that von will rmite witb them in prayei that this terrible struggle umy 80011 bo brought to an end, and that the fruits of it wiil be peace, prosperity, and freedom from the Capo to Zambesi." Such then were the deliber- ate views and convictious of men who could in no way be charged with jingoistic tendencies or in any way as men who delight in war. Firmly believing that these views were the right views, he wished, with all his heart, speedy success to the British flag. But in carrying out this great and difficult mission, we had to undergo many sorrows and many anxieties. He believed our nation would come out of thu ordeal purified and strengthened, and discern more and more the great work which God had for it to do. Therefoie it would tend to destroy many of our national vices and to foster and strengthen many of our virtues. We read of great fires devastating some of the Western States of America. lu connection with these fires there was one very curious effect worth observing. When the fire has pn«s*?d over a district, plants and trees very different from those which formerly grew there appear on the soil. The seeds of those trees and plants were lying in the ground but it needed the fire to make them live and grow. And in the same way ive even need both as a nation and as individuals the cleansing fires of God's ordinance in order to kill what is bad and bring out what is good within (air nature. Better things lie buried iu the heart spring into growth, the flowers of L holy and good life blossom where the flames have been. He understood that that Sunday was likely to be tie last wl"'1! they woulu have the privilege of having- their brother yeomen with thetn as fellow wors'iippers in that Church. He did not wish that opportunity to by without bidding them farewell, and to say that their hearts went with best wishes. May they hU''j liar;nee in difficulties, Courage in the field of t i.t'le, mercifulness in victory, and may God give them in His own 'iuie a happy and safe return to their native i:.nd and t> those near and dear to them. After rhe sermon the hymn "Onward Christian soldiers" was sung followed by tiie National Anthem, which was rendered with a great and striking effect,. Altogether the service was most inspiring. Ir concluded with the Vicar offering the Beue'beiion.









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