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TRKWEli'X.i '





LLANIDLOES. RENT AUDIT.—The r-Tit audit of the Green estate was held at the Royal Oak on W--dnenday, wilen the rents were received \)\- Mr \V George. An excellent cliuuea was provided by :\1r" Hanier, the hostess. DISTRICT NUKSK ASSOCIATION.—The hir-d annual meetiug of the Llan.dloes.District A> eiation was held at the Public ilooms, on Thursday afternoon. The Ex-Mayor of Llanidloes, (Mr J Kiasey Jones,) occupied the chair. The Hun Secretary rend the annual report, which showed that during the past I year Nurse Roberts had paid 1146 visits and nursed 40 patients, while Nurse Gladwin bod made 1240 visits and nursed 30 patients. The subscriptions I showed an increase upon the previous year of £7. The report acknowledged a donation from the China Street Eisteddfod Committee, ari(i n parcel of goods from Mrs R Hanwr, National E mporium.— :Jlr Edmunds, commenting on the baian t.e sheet, said that the Association had L173 to commence another year. There ha a been an increase in the subscriptions but the fees had decreased. The Institution had also lost ths grant of £ 10 from the Queen's Institute.—The report was adopted, and votes of thanks were accorded the (lfficiais:-1r was also decided, on the suggestion of Mrs Edmunds, to approach the Town Council with a view of making a collection in aid of the Association on Mayor's Sunday iu the church aud chapels of the town. WORKING MEN'S INSTITUTE AND BR Y. A N N U A L M K F. T I N G The annual meeting of the > .nstituiioa was held on Wednesday evening. lr J H Williams, N and S. Wales Ban!: (pn s-dent) occupied the chair, and there wa-- a large and eutaubi&stio at.tendance of members.—The Chairman, in the oourse of an interesting address, said that during the past year they were pleased to be able to report an increase of £ 4 in the honorary and £7 i; the ordinarv inet-, (cheersb The tolls, less 19s, paid the rent of the premises, mnki au increase of £ 15, and besides reducing the previous overdraft by L10 they had expended a considerable sum in painting (loud cheers). In the coming vear the committee hoped to wipe the present debit balance off, and expend a small sum ia purchasing new books. Evervthit.g pointed to an equally successful year. The membership now exceeded 200, about 50 ahead of last year. They had been twitted t-everal times that- the Institute was a quasi-gents club, lie did not se <verv working man coald not be a real genr.lemic. (hear, heÐf). Anyone coming there wauid find it was SU. He had not seen anything going on that was ull- gentlemanly (applause). During the year they had been particularly fortunate, nearly 400 volumes having been added to the jibrary, chiefly by s. gentleman who is well known, but who only wished to be known as "a native." a working man (cheers). It Irs Lloyd-Yer..ey bad sent a large number of books, unci otie r con- tributors, whose kindness was eojeh appr.jed, were Misses Marsh, Mr Cot: antise'. the Yicar, Mr Hort-on (Messrs Smith's book*-tab), .Mr IJcbton, i and Mr D Rees. lie hoped the neor: -w v.- do all they possibly could for the Institute, aat. ex- horted all emp;overs of laboni to ;niiuce their servants to join. The snb.seriptiou was striae, and it was an institution that was better supported than any other, in fact it was trie great 4i Public- House of the town (laughter and cheers). They [ bad it on the authority of Mr Turner, the head- master of the County Schools, that the boys who attended the Institute were the best, essay "v.riters (applause).—Mr John Smout, J.P., j,, ,-erv wittv speach, said he was glad TO have the honour of being associated with the Working men's Institute since its formation. It had been failed a gentle- man's reading room. a, was perfect!v- correct, the "devi! tells the truth frequently (laa.riiter)! He wondered what were geteiemo-; (,nt had not taken the trouble to write to ask ^L >a.i laogiit-«>r). Every member of the Institution was ^utmosed to be a gentleman and their conduct would prove that they were (hear, hear). The Institute was now patronised by ladies. He had not tackled them yet, that would come later on, and then thev would double the membership. The more fau;: p-ople found the better they got on The Institute was now in a celebrated oid building, and was of inestimable va'ne to the town which could easily be seen bv the large number of members wbonucked there daily (cheers).—The Secretary (Mr H D Webb) read the statement of accounts which showed the total receipts amounted to £104, leaving a deficit of C6 on the expenditure. -On the motion of Mr J M Paimer the report was adopted, and it was decided to nave the balance sh --et printed and circulated amor.iSt the members. -The election of officers was theL orocseied with. ELECTION OF PRESIDENT Mr John Davies. solicitor, proposed that Mr J Smout be elected president for t t,e ensuing Tear. He had been connected with the Institute since its inception, and had stood by it through periods of depression and prosperity.—Tne Rev E 0 Jones (Vicar of Llanirboes) said be was sorry to come in- to conflict with Mr Davies, but I:e must beg to put another name before the meeting, and he knew he would have Mr Srnout's perfect goodwill in the matter. He believed it. was usual to change presi- dents every year (No, no). Ho.vever, whether it was right or not, he certainly thought they should re-elect the president of last year, and be had much pleasure in proposing the name of Mr Jas H Williams (applause). It was well merited. They had heard a good deal of the of the Insti- tutD during the past year a.d latter Lad of pmceding year. It wou,d be recognised and acknowledged that the increase in membership was entirely due to the activity of the present president who was then only an ordinary member of the Institute (cheers). His efforts were recognised, and they elected a com- paratively young man to the responsible position he now i-,el' He slackened none of fcts efforts. People from Wellington, Salop, LifiUgurig. and far off piaces do not send presents down to the Working Men's Institution, Llanidloes, unless it was brought before their notice. Mr Williams was not the man to talk about his work. He bad volun- teered his time and energy for this Institution and he thought they should insist upon his taking the presidency for another year, so as to give him an opportunity of consolidating wnat be had already done (applause). There was certainly not a more energetic man in Llanidloes. There had been attacks made upon the Institute, nominally levelled at the committee, notwithstanding the fact that the Institute had been doing such good work during the past 12 mouths—(shame)—and ,:&ving regard to what Mr Williams bad done for i,, these attacks should never have been made (hear, bear). Someone bad said the los'itute -a the P,ijlic House of the town. He was told that dav there were six public houses to let (lujg:,t -t). If such was the caw. unJ be believed it was quite irut this Institution had something to do .i- i,, i:. When he came to Llanidloes 5 or 7 years ago only some half- a dozen tradesmen, aud two or three mine t rs used to visit, the old room. Now he f.u!Jo working men, none the less gentlemen for that, making use of a valuab'e Institution (cheers). If they were able to get the working men of the town and up per classes to attend the Institute, as had be'-m tbe case during the past 12 they would be doing well by showing their appreciation and asking Mr Williams to again accept the presidancv (ap- plause). This was seconded by Mr Smout, and carried unanimously. ELECTION OF SECRETARIES A letter was read from Mr F W D .vies resigning his position of hon. sec., which he had held fcfr the last five years, on account of business engagements. -Mr Dulston in proposing the election of Mr H D Webb, spoke highlv of his past efforts, and men- tioned the fliot that his late father was the chief promoter of the Institution 30 years a go.—A hear- ty vote of thanks was accorded Mr F W Davies on the motion of Mr J Davies, L. and Proyintiai Bank. The election of officers resulted as follows:— President, Mr J H Williams, X. « S. Wales Bank (re-elected) vice-presidents, Colonel J Davies- Jenkins, Mr John Smout, J.P., Mr H Duistou, Mr John Davies, L. & P. Bank, Mr J M Palmer, Mr Daniel Higgs (re-ei(-cted), with the addition of Mr J Kinsey Jones and Mr D H Owen. C aiTjittee Mr J C Constantine, Miss Marshall. Mr E R H Turner, M.A., Miss Kinsey, Mr John Davies (High street), the Rev E 0 Jones, Mr L'.ewr-lvn Phillips, Mr Edward Chapman, Alderman Wiibatn Aston, Mr T Hart, Mr R Hamer, Mr D Alderson, Mr Arthur Davies and Mr David Rees. Ho:, treasurer, Mr Gwilym Edmunds, N. & S. Wales Bank. Hon. secretary (pro tern), Mr H D Webb. Assistant secretary, Mr E Walter Rees (L T) Bank), Auditors Messrs J Kinsey J anes and E D Davies (re-elected). NEWTOWN. M, oi, Ei T I A. -Ther(, waG ago d nnend .ice of mothers at the National School last evening on the occasion of the annual tea. A mutt enjoyable time was spent after the tables were e'eareu. FUNEKAL.—The funeral o: Mrs Cub,e, mother-in- law to Mr Bur.ford, grocer, Broad sa.-et, took iliace yesterday at the Cemetery. Mrs Came had been suffering from influenza, which resulted in an attack of bronchitis, from which death tojk place on Wednesday morning. The R'-v ». ;'arry, M.A., officiated a: the house and gr.vesbfe, and some very pretty wreaths and hixtos w ■ eeni by sympathising friends. Plvl'.SENTATION. — On y Mr bb'.eliyn S O iver was presented wbb an e'ebt- e.y Amer- lean timepiece on J1P occasio- < bin !-J;"ement rnHu the saperintendentship of the We?-:e\an Sun- day School. The meeting >K or- -e at the Wes- ]e\:&:1 Band room, and tl:" 1! v .1 b-des made the presentation. Messrs J Williams, G Sew. Arthur Swaen, and F T Jones (hoa is c to 'he it»i vein en t) also bpoke and bore testimony •» fe constien'ious man.ier in which Mr Oliver had fulfilled bis duties. Mr O,:Iver s:itabi 'r res,)ori(ioi aed mg'd ,i the teachers present to sunport the su v-rin'etidents. clock was supplied bv Mv H l).,vies- Newtown.

