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NOTES BY THB: WAY. The Directors of the Welshpool and Llanfair Raitway are about to issue letters of allotment and to convene the first meeting of shareholders, The response to the call has been very satisfactory, nearly all the shares having been taken up. Mr John Evans, Incorporated Accountant, W elshpool, has, we learn, been appointed secretary to the Company. If evidence of the good work accomplished by the Welshpool Nursing Institute were needed, it is to be found in the report of the annual meeting of the subscribers published on another page. If we bad before us only the fact that Nurse Crabbe, in the course of her work during the year, paid 2,8o9 visits to patients, this of itself would justify the maintenance of such an institution. Those 2,889 visits represent a vast amount of work among the poorer classes, over a very considerable area, and the work is appreciated to a very great degree by the many who benefit by services which they would otherwise be unable to command. The Institute is particularly fortunate in having a nurse who throws her whole heart in the work, and wo trust the public will see that this institution shall not lack financial support. Lust year the receipts wore £ 10 short of meeting the expenditure, but we trllft that the present year will show a marked improve- ment in this respect. Those who oannot contribute in money may be able to provide old linen, of which a great quantity is always required. A matter which is certain to afford much food for discussion is the suggestion that nn additional nurse should be engaged with a view to extending the work. This would mean an additional outlay of from £ 50;to zP,70 per year, and unless we are much mistaken, the question will be considered almost entirely from the point of view of finance. For our part we should not like to see such a step resolved upon until at least the greater part of this money is assured, for the reason that we believe the work of the Institute would be hampered if the committee were face to face with the financial difficulties. It is true that the fUllfls will be aug- mented by £ 50—perhaps more—from the Horti- cultural Society, but this can only occur once, and it would be unwise to act on the strength of this contribution. A way might be opened out by the Forden Guardians increasing their subscriptions when they become acquainted with the exteat of the work amongst the poor, but this would of itself be insufficient to warrant such a step boing taken. It has been suggested that collections should be takep at the Churches and Chapels, and again we must point out that- while there would be no lack ofsym- pathy, there would be difficulties in the way of this being carried out, for it is no secret that owing to the number of churches and chapels in the town, the collections on one day in the year could ill bo spared. *1 Welshpool has seen its last horticultural show, under the present conditions. As the Com- mittee could not hold the show on the particular date on which they desirei to bold it, and ^s they believed that to hold it on another day would mean to court disaster and to fritter away the balance in hand, they have agreed that the show shall be dis- continued. They have made this decision irrevo- cable by appropriation of the funds. The Com- i-nittee, anxious to know the feeling of the 260 subscribers on the matter, sent a circular to each but received only five replies with different sug- gestions as to what should be done with the balance. According to the decision of. the meeting on Tuesday afternoon JE50 will go to the Nursing Institute, 150 to tbp Dispensary, and £ 10 to a benevolent institution connected with the gar- deners. The Finance Committee are empowered to realise the assets but the meeting issued no direction as to how the remaining balance of C20 or JE30 is to be appropriated. As there seems to be a desire on the part of the Committee to wipe the slate perfectly clean, the balance will probably be devoted to the charities. Whatever may be the feeling among the subscribers as to the decision there is no doubt that the discontinuance of the show will be looked upon as a very great loss by the townspeople. It was the event of the year. V Despite all the controversy and the adverse criticism of Sir Wm Butler and the constructions put upon his silonoe, we have never believed that Sir Wm Butler was disloyal. What passed between him and the home authorities is not known, but we believe that whatever he knew concerning the state of things in South Africa, he told to the Govern- ment. We have it on the authority of a par- liamentary statement that Sir William was recalled because of a difference of views with Sir Alfred Milner as to the policy to be pursued in South African affairs. For our leaders to hold opposing views was to make a deadlock possible, and it was to remove this possibility that he returned. It was not for Sir William to open his mouth in reply to every cuckoo critic, it was not, consistent with the traditions of the army that ho should do so. At the most Sir William has been in- discreet, but that he has been disloyal we can never believe. It is the next thing to an impossibility that a General in the British Arwy can bo a traitor. An American paper with the somewhat peculiar title of The Twice-a-weeJc Detroit Free Press, has a lengthy article entitled The British Military Sys- tem is Bad." It states that Amazing ignorance is the principal possession of the Intelligence De- partment." This mode of expression reminds us of the enterprising reporter who wrote that a certain prisoner was the owner of an immense amount of baldness, which covered his head," and of an old lady who, having died in a arret, was found to be possessed of an accumulated store of poverty." There seems then to be hope for the man who owns nothing to be wealthy, if only he owns enough of it. This week we give the third article dealing with the question of the poor rate at Towyn. There is not much that calls for additional comment from U3. We hope our contributor has not got it into his head that the case of Towyn is an isolated in- stance of an apparent injustice; there are hundreds of similar instances, some more, some less aggra- vated, in England and Wales, and should Towyn protest against the present system of grouping parishes of Poor Law purposes with any degree of success, the hundreds of other piaces similarly sitna'ed would be so spurred on to action that the Local Government Board would have to sit day in consideration of fti, tiier applications and to engage a special staff of clerks to deal with th» correspondence. ioll- i" ,()I I r all fours with that oi Towyn was mado to the Local Government Board some years ago. but it was firmly refused. We suggest that, if tnere is a sufficiently strong feeling iu Towyn on this matter, application should be made to the Local Govern- ment Board for an inquiry to be held into the special circumstances of the case, and this little bit of business will produce more solid results, one way or the other, than six months of argument or newspaper debate. Our correspondent is very unwise to attempt to pose as an authority on the valuation or assessable value of Machynlleth, Towyn, or anywhere else. One would gather from his remarks that the Assessment Committee arM engaged in a conspiracy to take money out of Towyn pockets aud put it in the pockets of Macbyulleth. If the people of Towyn are not .satisfied with the services of the gentlemen whom thev themselves have chosen to represent them they must blame themselves alone for the time being and return different men at the next, election. Further, the fact that the Assess- ment Committee have not accepted the valuations of the overseers is evidence of nothing, but if an injustice has been done in this way to a large number of people they have a thoroug-hly legal way out of the difficulty. When our correspondent states the system adopted by the Board is to base its figures on the rent" he only justifies the action of the Board. What other basis would he prefer? What does he, or anyone else, consider a true basis, if not the rent? We must believe that every builder or house owner builds or owns houses from either philanthropic motives, or from business motives. If from business motives then the rent represents the annual value of the house, and on that value the assessment ia based. The size of houses is no guide as to their value; if it were there are hundreds of public-houses in the kingdom which would have been assessed at one- third or one-sixth the rent, and there are large farm houses which would pay more in rates than the small but heavily rented shops of London. The effect of which wourd be that tho owners of such shops could demand another C200 or zE300 per year as reiit, wiiile the owners of large farm houses would have to pay peopla to live in them. We are pleased rather than otherwise to learn that Sir Watkin lVilliaTns. Wynn treats his tenants hand- somely in the matter of rent. If it proves anything it proves that our oid nobility are not all boors, and we also think that a landowner's generosity towards the agricultural interest ought not to be made a pretext for other people or authorities en- deavouring to cripple this important industry. It is idle and absurd to discuss such matters as these without first obtaining a sound preliminary know- lege of the principles of rating. To state that if the assessable value of a parish is high the poor rate will be high in consequence" is utter rubbish. The exact opposite is the truth. If zClOOis required of a parish rated at X2,000, it will take a rate of one shilling in the zC. But if the parish increases in value to C4,000, the rate drops to sixpence. Therefore as assessable value increases the rate (poor or otherwise) necessary to produce a certain amount falls accordingly. # The proposal to call in a competent valuer is sound enough, but the proposal to attain the end in view by Looking on Pennal with Towyn is un- sound. If Towyn hopes to obtain a divorce from Machynlleth, let it not spoil its case by flirting with Pennal. To take on a parasite parish is an admission that the principle of the stronger and richer parishes helping the poorer ones is sound, aud thus the whole fabric of evidence which has been built up to show that it is unfair and wrong in principle that one parish should be liable to con- tribute to the support of the paupers of other parishes, is demolished by the very people who built up that fabric. Let us say that we should like to see Towyn in a happy position financially and every other way. We should like to see the rates low, patronage unlimited, town extended, people happy and contented, but we predict that any application to the Local Government Board on the lines suggested by our correspondent will meet with complete and total failure.




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