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OSWESTRY. CEOSS MARKET EXTENSION. A special meeting- of the Town Council was held on Thursday morning to confirm the Ma-kets Com- mittee s decision, and accept a ion with reference to the tenders received for extending the Cross Market. There were present the Mavor (Councillor n IT Mason), Alderman W en field, Councillors llowelt Duvies, W li Plimmer, Edward Roberts, S Parry Jones, E Bremner ad P., Danit.L vith Mr Jackson, deputy it-wn clerk, and Mr G W Lacey, borough surveyor.— The Mayor apologised for the absence of Vise Town Clerk, who WPo" detained in Lomh>n. The report of the Markets Committee t" ed that the following tenders were opened f„i h maiket extension work .— Mr J Higgins, £ 5,183 12s Id • Messrs Jones and Evans, £ 3,794 12s Mr Nicholas' Shrew bury, £ 5.751 3s 6d; Mr W Fehom £ 5,495 lis 9d; Mr W H Thomas, £ 4,99C I:- 9] Toe committee recommended that the lowest (Mr Thomas') be accepted.—Mr Bremner Smith said the committee went carefully into the tor rJer sub- ject to a revision by the Surveyor. Toe Surveyor had done the revision and there was an error of £ 9 12s 3d in the tender, which 0 Counci would not notice, he hoped. lie pr« pored that that ter.der should be accepted. He was glad ü find that a townsman had received the contract. —Mr Howe11 Davies seconded and saia t uat from what they knew of the firm the work woald be well done. He hoped the work would be finished before the fruit season as that was a bn.-y time in the market—Mr Jackson said Mr Thorns.? saw him that morning and stated that the snrvt;. or was errEd, be; he thought that as the tender was the lowest the sum in error should net be takes o5. | The propositi:Ti was agreed tc. i SCHOOL BOARD.—Trrj-DA >' j Present The Rev Norman Ogilvy {vice-chairman) presiding, the Revs T R-edferu and J I Povnter. Messrs \V Martin ar.c; J J Roberts « Mr J C Bull (c-lerk), and Mr H T Gougb (school attendance orflcei).—The Chairman and Mr T II H vt were appointed \>iring Committee tor t1 e "nsuing < nriomn. — Mr Maltoy sent in his rep.- rr on the examination of the Roarc Schools ir: religious knowledge, and stated that on the whole thought I the knowledge displayed by the children in the various subjects chosen by the Board was very j sac-istactory.—Mr Poynter moved that a neart-y vote of thanks be accorded Mr Maltby for his thorough examination and interesting report. He added that it was pleasing: to hnd that the relierioas instruction was so happily a: tended to.—Mr R,edfe> -1 seconded the proposition, which was agreed ,o. -Th(- Revs J J Poynter and T Redfein were appointed to revise the syiiabus of religious subjects.—Comelaint was madi- that short notice was given of tin examina- tion for labour certificates. The noric-i was i-e- ceived on Tie morning tne school broke up for the holidays and the examination held during tae rolidays. The Chairman said he dd i, --) t know whether the Bo.t. d would j rre;ke representations, to the chief inspector with a view to receiving suScient notice jn future. — Tne Clerk thought proper notice would bi3 given next time.— In reply to Mr Poyntei the Clerk stated thr.i be had ree*-ivr-d no information from the Education Department with reference to the Act which came into force on January 1st. whereby a chili must attend school until the age of 12, and not 11 as LEfore.r Poynter said he wanted parents to know that the school age had be n raised, and the Clerk asked the representatives of the Press present to give publicity to the fact.—Relative to the distribution of prizes, Mr Poyntei said Le thought some kind of an entertainment should be got up at whiCh trie school children should take part and tiie parents be invited, with a view to the Board getting into closer touch with the part nts. He gave notice that the matter should be considered at the next meeting- Ir Poynter asked the cierk if he had received any communication from the In- spector about the staff at the Bf}ys'Sdwol.-The Clerk said he had ziou.Mr Red,eru said the school was fuliy staffcu according to the number present. What they wanted was a junior to assisi as pupil teacher.—The Clerk also said that the Board com- plied with the regulation a.F: to staff.— Mr Poynter said his idea was a readjustment of the teaching staff more LIlaH an addition, but tuey had nothing official before them.-—Applications from Mr Srnouc, caretaker, arid Miss Nellie G Taylor were e >nsidered iu Committee. THE WORKING GIRLS' CtCH. On Friday evening [week, a successful children's entertainment was given in the Ariiiar Street Assembly Rooms, in aid of the "Working Girls' Club, which meets in the Assembly Rooms. There was a crowded house, nearly every seat being occupied. Tne programme opened with an over- ture on the pianoforte by Mr G W Ferrinirton and Mrs Henry Ferrington. The first portion of the programme ir.ciuued a pretty Maypole viance by a number of children, a march by the kazoo Band, the instrumentalists appearing in suitable uniforms, a scarf drill, two scenes from "Alice in Wonderland," the chief character beintr taken with much success by Miss E Coulson, a butterfly song by Master II Barclay and Miss E Coulson, and a Japanese umbrella song by a num- ber of girls. The part closed with a dormitory song, which caused ujuch amusement, the final scene representing a pillow fight between about a dozen school boys. The second part was entirely taken up with the operetta, Robin's Remedy, or the changes cf a night." The singing was much appreciated by the audience, and the dresses were much admired. Evidently great pains had been taken to train the children, all of whom snstained their parts faultlessly. The following were the characters:—Fairy Queen, Miss Mabel Minshall Prettywinks, Miss N Huxley; Robin the Red, Miss G Hammond Wiiiiams; Santa Clans, Mr F Askin German Ma.ician, Miss N Phillips; Spanish girl, Miss Littlehale* Japanese girl. Miss Whitridge; Welsh girl, Miss M Jones; trench demoiselle, Miss R Jones; Indian girl. Miss F Owen; Alexander, Master A Phillips Li-Yung, Master Owen; Antonio, Master J Whitridge; "ionnny, Master B Phillips; with a chorus of fairies and a chorus of rabbit fairies, who acted as charioteers to the Fair., Queen. The success of the entertainment was largely due to Mr W W Coulson, who acted as stage manager, and undertook the laborious duty of instructing several of the children in their parts. It is hoped that a large sum will he handed over to the funds of the club. Mrs Henry Ferrington made an able accompanist.


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