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ESTABLISHED 1857. Messrs. MURPHY & ROWLEY, if T SURGEON DENTISTS, s TERRACE ROAD, ABERYSTWYTH r a Eouogcary Dentists to the Aberystwyth Infirmary o and Cardiganshire General Hospital. v ————— d Mr. ROWLEY visits MACHYNLLETH J E WEDNESDAY AFTEROON. Attendance C f 2 to 5 o'clock at Mrs. J. Hughes's, Dovey Ie Vift near the Railway Station. n T YN-The Second and Fourth Friday in I mpnth, from 2 to 5 o'clock, at Mrs. Jones B a a Street, near the Eailway Station. v At Home at ABERYSTWYTB t MONDAYS, TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, and v SATURDAYS. 11 CONSULTATIONS FREE. v a NOTICE. j JOHN ROBERTS, T TOBACCONIST, I 25. TERRACE RD., ABERYSTWYTH, Cp Begs to inform the Public that he has opened ( a BRANCH SHOP at the c b COHNER OF BATH ST. AND TERRACE ROAD, t AS A TOBACCONIST AD HAIR-CUTTING AND SHAVING SALOON. ( ( One,Trice for all—Hair-Cutting, 4d; Shaving, 2d. J I; AA&SG FOR GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY CO. LTD. — t f' 9 s ( f a c ( è J. HUTCHINGS, t NATURALISTS & GUN MAKERS. 1 1, BRIDGE STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. — ( ESTABLISHED 1851. ] 8IRKBECK BANK Sonthampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London. ] TWO and A HALF per CENT. INTEREST al- i lowed on DEPOSITS, repayable on demand. < TWO per CENT. on CURRENT ACCOUNTS on ) iwinimnm monthly balance, when not drawn below < iioo. STOCK, SHARES and ANNUITIES purchased i .ad sold. ———— 1 SAYINGS DEPARTMENT. For the encouragement of Thrift the Bank re- ceives small sums on deposit, and allows Interest < mofifcUy on each completed Xl. ] —————— I BIEKBECK BUILDING SOCIETY. HOW TO PURCHASE A HOUSE FOR TWO I éJUlNEAS PER MONTH. 1 BIRKBECK FREEHOLD LAND SOCIETY. ] HJQW TO PURCHASE A PLOT OF LAND] fOR FIVE SHILLING PER MONTH. The BIRKBECK ALMANACK, with full parti- r liars, can be obtained post free on application to FRANCIS RAYENSCOFT, Manager. ] LOW PRICE OF PRODUCE. JL S the harvest has been bountiful most people /y imagine that farmers are doing well, but t who are aware of all the facts know that all gold that glitters." It is doubtless a fine thing 9 tratftve a good harvest, but every farmer knows tBi £ this involves additional expense in getting, hoRltng, selling and deliverirg, and that, if prices lytiMbw (as they are at the present time) there may I be little if any more profit, from a good hNWBat than a. poor one. 9&b only men who can make a good harvest profitable are those who can hold their pro- ddcjjruntil needy men have sold and can bide their tia^for selling until produce is scarcer and prices coni^piently harden. Meantime, however, RENTS AND TAXES have to be met, and WAGES AND YEARLY BILLS have to be paid. To assist in meeting these claims and thereby to wait for the improvement in prices which WILL come" later on, the undersigned is prepared to make PRTV&TE ADVANCES, ON PROMISSORY NOTT ALONE), and at a reasonable rate of charge. Full particulars, free of charge, on inquiry, per- sonally or by letter to GEORGE PAYNE, ACCOUNTANT, TOWN WALLS, SHREWSBURY WJSQtfESDAYS AT THE CAMARIAN BUILD- INGS, OSWALD ROAD, OSWESTRY. (Next to the Cambrian Railway Station). ESTABLISHED 1870. WEDDING CARDS. NEW SAMPLE BOOK now open to inspection at the "County Times' Office, Welshpool. SALTER AND ROWLANDS, PROPRIETORS. JOHN LLOYD & SONS, TO WN CRIERS, BILL POSTERS & DISTRIBUTORS, fjTAVE the largest number of most prominent JUL Posting Stations in all parts of Aberystwyth and,Distriet. Having lately purchased the busi- ness and stations of Aberystwyth Advertising and General Bill Posting Stations, they are able to take largdoontracts of every description. Over 100 Stations in the Town and District. Offifcial Bill Posters to the Town and County Couacfls, G.W.R. Co., Cambrian Railway Co., all thai Auctioneers of the Town and District, and other publio bodies. Private Address— 18, SKINNER STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. TOWYN-ON-SEA AND MERIONETH COUNTY TIMES A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER FOR MERIONETHSHIRE. EVERY THURSDAY. ONE PENNY. Full and Impartial IJeports of all Local Events. General News. Markets. Notes. A FIRST-CLASS ADVERTISING MEDIUM. PUBLISHERS SALTER AND ROWLANDS, 21, BERRIF-W STREET, WELSHPOOL. THE OLDEST ADVANCE OFFICE IN SHREWSBURY. ADVANCES made privately and confidentially It insums of £ 10 up to X500 UPON PROMISSORY NOTE ONLY, At much lower interest than usually charged. Repayments arranged to suit borrowers' require- ^N'O BILLS OF SALE TAKEN. Genuine and extensive business done foi 25 years past. Hundreds of Borrowers have given unsolicited testimony to the fair and considerate treatment received. Apply personally or write for terms to GEORGE PAYNE, ACCOUNTANT, TOWN WALLS, SHREWSBURY. OSWESTRY BRAXCIl-1, Cambrian Buildings uawald Road (next to Cambrian Railway Station) Ap ARTMENTS.-To all having Apartments to A. Let. Do not lose pounds by having your apartments empty, when for Is (or three weeks for 28.) you can have a 30-word advertisement in six newspapers circulating in districts which each year oJend thousands of visitors to Mid-Wales. Names )f Papers: Leyton, Levtonstone, West Ham, Wan- tead, Woodford and Forest Gate, Manor Park and [lford Express and Indepeudent.-Address: Inde- pendent Office, Leytonstone, Essex.





____' < CORRIS. J





——.° NEWTOWN. «

