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VEBET ABLES. I FLOWERS. v Collections produce Webbs' Boxes of Floral Gems wl11^ supply of the best arranged for the Gardens of "setaoles all the year round. Ladira and Amateurs. JjTt.7/6.12/6, 21/ 42/ and 2 6, 5/ 7/6, 10/6, and 21/- Delivered Free. each. Delivered Free. Lists, O^criptions.and Illustration* of th«» fo«*8t sorts, see Webb I Siplinir Catalogue. Post free I, gratis to (,ustomers. WEBB& SONS. Wordsley, Stourbridge. FRANK HOWARD, Consulting Ophthalmic Optician, W. CHEAT PORTLAND ST., LONDON, W. Or to?™carof^ully test your sight a.n'1 supply suitable ■•■>ctnoles *b"Klasses from 2a. Od. Consultation and Ad view f:ae. most perfect system of sight-testing: by corres- pondence extant. —Forms forwarded, Post Free, upon Application. •THE BEST FAMILY MEDIC:ML: -liji 'ftNv s i-D iiiLIOu'o .'is! A-.O Jiv\ EASES. QUICKEST RiM2^Y //J&> ^JS\ Fv;B FEVJSH. AMD EHEC3IA- //Mr £ S\\ TI M. ENSUBJS SLiSliP. AB- lies MO I t- SOLUiELY N.> D ANGUS li OF; /f«^ flYI. r" com so COM :\j O .< WITH: £ ■«■ ■■ V/»\\ MESCBET ANI) OTHES *J| Hi I N i. E A L DRXJGS. SAJfii ONE TRUl SUFFICES |fef|g TO CCNVfNCE. j kX7>^2*i5^VNS^>/ by all Clieinist.4 und Medicine S2\ P//T~v/' eiK'rrs ill Iimis l.'ijil. and 2' Sfe> "»/ • TXX" • -im.ISON'S l'OWDEKS, 1SR per' sg.' i-v/'J." J OINTMENT, 13id. arid 2/y per "7 -J Of \V!iol* saie Houses or from A II Mr»fr«. MOK1S0N & CO., Til E ■ mm HITIS1I COLLEGE OK HEAL'lii. yk I 7Xa 33, Euston Roud, London. yi J J N.B.— Thc Pitii arc alto prepared with >\ (ff a Pearl Coutinff which renders them jSs quite tattelexs, but does not interfere with thtir iiri/inpf action. Wunq&IZhroat rcvfilro 2i 6 JifectioIlS. .l:ach. All who suffer from I/UNG and THROAT COMPLAINTS should bear in mind that the atmosphere of PINE & EUCALYPTUS FORESTS mic Can be secured at Home (thns f PINE FORESTS saving an expensive journey 11 g 0NCH T'5' abroad) by using "SAN IT AS OIL" "SANITAS FUMI6AT0R" "SAWTAS" OIL (1- & 4-Bottles) is the best possible inhalant, and is a powerful Germicide and Complete; as in use. Oxidant. Both iu hospital and private practice it has given the most KWeot satisfaction."—R. LUDLAM, M.D., Hahnemann Medical Chicag-o. drujf has given me greater satisfaction than Sanitas Oil. "On. W. GIBBON, M.R.C.P., Ac. Pamphlet Free. _'UE SAMTAS COMPANY, Ltd, Bethnal Green, London. SLEIGHS" LEAD <ip «% THR0U6H SHEER SUPERIORITY A ffa Largest single Cycle Factory in J^JSSRBRA the World. Latest up-to-date ^Jf/zX' wi/ labour-saving machinery. Skilled I V. J. Mechanics. Day-labour only. j) 'Inequalled Designs. Incompto- — \Vv r J! able Finish. "ICBUN 1' PERFECTION. "iAtEXGJ* OYOLB CO.. LTD.. NOTTINGHAM. V K'lVi AGENT. NEWTOWN. O- CLINCHER TYRES WO& CYCLES, CARRIAQ-iiE 4 A; MOTOR, CABS £ *& AH £ THE Biit T. VaaesaE-J^ They ^>85^7 They Boon.« Witb B'õllen. :I = u r' i" lii™ will ten J00. « u r' i" lii™ Will ten J0O. WTwmmM ¥an?le- Folit3 Ask them. A4. feL-wm directions, ana i, Hl*k **J.V*;Bn« Holborn, LoV SEEM » son, or W BBi'SctajI colour. They rate Mn- \iB11Pmfay more, lute thou- Bold SttMtb now in u»«. Lv.^oor"* yg* CiUi»mt fro by pml> ■ I iLD METALS of every description purohaaedMt B. BAJUTAJU> <k 8o_M, lU.LambrtaWilViT JJVERY Lady who attempts Home Millinery II Dre^sniafeing shonld write for a. sample box of tKp ^ii^oria" Specialities, containing 3 Bow 8tiffener8, 1 pieffe for stiffening lievers of Dresses & Jackets, & 1 box ^JS-njis. Latest patent lm rovements. Saves time & trouble, "^gee for 1/- froui a. SYMONS. 8mith Street, ftuernsey, C.I. WHITF COLLARS *■ I L wlTin I U will supply to the public direct all shapes in Collars at 3/ 1 per do?-. h»lfdoi. White Shirts, Offish, or 17, half doz. Send size of «eck & shape of collar with staun>s & •. ^°;Q. palLiF CUlIa" & Co, Shirt & Collar Mauufactnrerg. Manchester. A BARBAIN ALL WOOL SUIT LENGTH, splendid quality, 12/6, pott free, worth 20/ money returned if |jSg»fied. Cash with order. Nb'W. »7. l aurel Road.LBIC»»T»K. liYni FQ (1897) BEAUTIFUL TOW {jyULU £ 30 HX7MBEB MODELIiADTS SAFETY, gearcase, dress & mudguards, l&ver brake, Beeston Aiw^iatio tyres, accessories; Dunlop'a 30/- extra. £ 8 lo/- cash, r^gyal.—&EOR&E O. BUSTON, aa. Fenchuxoh St.. London. V THE FRIDAY ST. MANUFACTURING CO., Est. 5; MANCHESTER. 3S. ttt^Ppljing the public with all classes of Drapery and reaay- sjsS^Jioods .irect. from the Man facturers on the single profit All goods sent carriage v>aid, and all moneys re- <S9jnfull unless s^t.^lied. Latuiogue free on applicatiou. K *SX.XAV>A PATH ow AHT KIND. J. COLLIS BROVRE'S CHLORODYNE, MnHHHnniaCOUGHS, COLDS, If 11 ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, at 8B1 isgfs BBsrS? If Srnlfil: nk[TRALGIA.—A few doses MBM»«BlE^U'«w&Avfr quite efleotuaL— Caution. — Th« extraordinairmedioal reports on the effioacy of Ohlorodyne render importanw that the public shonld obtain the Genuine, br a Government stamp.bearingthe words "Dr. J. Collis £ om%8 CWorodyne. V See decision Vice-Chancellor Sir W. Page *}mes, July 16,1864. Testimonials from eminent Physicians ?^gaoh bottle. Sold in Bottles, 1/lj, 8/8. & 416, by all Chemists. XARDE ft CO.'S PRIZE MEDAL SEEDS. aUiS^tagw'a collection, 3/6, post free,contains loz. each Onion, CWgiWBiiB. < arrot,&Turnip.lgoodpkt.eachBeet.Broocoli, SS~PUBsels, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Oelery, Cucumber, Endive, JC*-« Lettuce, Mustard, Cress, Parsley, Savoy,Marrow,& 6 pkts *JT?r 8eeds,worth double. 20.'t00 sold last year. 18 vars. choice Beeds.post free 1- Yarde & Co, Seed Growers, Northampton. HE-NONPAREIL NCUBATOR w|1!ARXk COMBINE O, Guaranteed Automatic, paoked ready for immodiate use. J^TIMoHI'ALS' HATCmN<i 100^%B CiBNT. s, .and ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, Post Free. „ lAMT.ry, MAHUFACTPBIB, PUTNEY, SPKBEY. tON DON. Best Stylea. New and Seoend Hand. jrC BUILT Sale or Hire. IjAreIAGES. LAURIB AND MARNER (I^d.), au QJHTOSP STBBBT. LOTOOK, W. Aberdeen ORAHITE MOITUMEWTS, Su) 'rom £ 6, carriage paid. Innrlptioni aoenrate and beanr *2^ plans & prices fawa J. W. LK&GE. Soiulptor^Abardewa. ENT'S New Silver Keyless WATCH. Worth M/- f^^griftoe 12/8. Approval wi:h warranty. W«TC«I.lVi.ThoriMKl«lc Rd.L«fidoiv.y IjOUGL A S, HU iN GERF0RD.& WILLIAMS. „ PROFITS PAID DTJRINO_ 1895. }L»V' ^8 per cent.; Feb. 1, £ 6; March X, £ 5; April! £ 8i j» £ 7: June 2, £ 10: July 1,^9: Aug.l, £ 9; Sept.i «8: X*ejf"_i* Nov. 1, £ 7; Deo. 2, £ 7-Total for 19 months, £ &i ^t., an average of nearly ^8 Per Cent. PBS MONTH. 0PiiOFIT3 PAID DURING 1806. £ 0 °/o May 1 £ 6" Sept. 1 £ B'/0 1 £ 7 „ June 1 £ 6 Oct. 1 «6 AS?" £ 6 „ July 1 £ 5 „ Nov. 8 £ 6 „ £ e 'Aug.l £ 5 „ £ ec. 1 £ 6 „ 1897 £ 8 per ceijJ, J 1,1897 £ 6 per cent. Nil* OUR NEW HiLaSTRATSa> MANUAL, upon ivqnoBt, showing how these profits may be WITHOUT SPECULATION. Cheques for profits Prompt,l\ 1-" of each month, and for withdrawals of Ni ii? 16 n of each month. Trial investments of £ 6 Oq»J J'Wards iiih V be made. We have not a dissatisfied Client. <AV1LA,» rTT RJtFORD, & WILLIAMS, 5 OopthaU Lui^.u K.C., and Ji, Pi*■ ^g|a. Bourse. Pans. FDpp CATALOGUE OF NEW PATENT INDIA- k ni!» t SPECIALITIKS for domestic & other purposes. :i mane liett-or than Fweigri. — MANCHEST»* j a 11 A< ti .o Co., ( laytoi), Manchester. Mention thi» Paper. VICTORIA MILLINERY BOW IT SUPFBNER. 8 j )e known to every girl who attempts Home Millinery. e so liel »Ujip.e, so helpful & economical, says the Gentlewoman. Of all Fancy Drapers, ljd. eaglL CHEAPEST MANURE for FARM W harden, NATIVE GU iVNO, £ 3 lOs. per ton, in bags. J?*l, 0J"l*carria«e paid within 100 miles. A 1-cwt. bag, carriage all reoe»Pt of P.O. for 5a. For 21st year's testimonials ^ewiEK'* address KAZZVX GUANO COMPANY, UX, VC—^dge Street, London, E.C.—Agents Wanted. VV AXiTED, CAPITAL in small amounts Si'/ a 'W eornnii rcial lirtn in the North of England, intere^. Pi incipals only treated with. Address. Mi;. DEY, Solicitor, HALIFAX. Bargains.^ » ft, each issue of fiSl ^e Exohange and Mart" by Private Persons who CT it?JULa* vci-y 1«'W pn'oes. Also, for DISPOSING SIP0 iitov ATE 1-1, o iiRTY that is no longer roquired there t'txaio qua The Bazaar." GET A COPY AND .uu of Information and Illustrations of the greatest K, :i'at ^!i ^y ejninent Exuorts and fipec aHst*. See also 2f-L 1LLUSTRAT SUPPLEMENTS, given free. ^%tHi okstalis and newsai ei.ts, or post free mm lor three fwmny stamps. Office: 170. btrand, Ixwdgp. LADIES Pikrtioulariy thom rnDISPENSABLE TO LAPtESl whodeøirell qulcll Isafe and reliable remedyfor all obstructions and irregu- larities, a medicine which cores (usually in a few hours) eases which have baffled the skill of the best medical men. No lady need despair as the most obstinate A hopeless have been immediately relieved by this remedy. Mrs. Wilson, of Honor Oak Park, Forest Hill, says: "Your Invaluable remedy took immediate effeot; In less than 12 hours I was all right, after 14 weeks of misery and hopeless- ness." A properly certified guarantee is enclosed with all testt* monials and medicine. One package at Cs. 6d. 1s usually sufficient for any case. Ladies send at once fully directed en- velopc for particulars and proofs. I will forfeit Alooo for evoy testimonial that Is not genuine. Thousands of testimonials have been received. Established over 100 yeam- Do not be misled by showy advertisements and other so-called remedies which are utterly worthless. Write privately, at once, to- MADAME IFIRILir4 MBDICAL INSTITUTE, HACKNEY ROAD (Opp site Shoreditch Church), London, M.M, T ADIES' HANDY ILLUSTRATED GUIDE. n a 1-a.dy Doctor. 1 ost ft2 stamps,Madamei). G-. Lilly, Colston Street, Bristol* tmy&Aua.M" tttturm&tMU_a.nd blessing to w iikiiid. YUMPHREYS' IRON BUILDINGSforSALE Churches, Chapels, Schools, Iron Coach Houses, Stables, -boxes. Bungalows, Shooting-boxes, Golf Club Huiws,] ion *^wI&lTOn_Ho8pital8. erected any distance.—( :t' to view or WTlteHPMPHRliiYS.LTD.Kjiightsbridge. Hvde Park. Loudon. A NEW COMPLEXION Can he gained by using > POMEROY TOILET SPECIALITIES. Send for particulars of HYGIENIC COMPLEXION TREATMENT AND ELEO- TROLY6IS, also PRICE LIST, for one Stamp, to MRS. POMEROY, LTD., 29, OLD BOND Street LONDON, W. MILLIARD AND BAGATELLE TABLES. A. LARGE STOCK of NEW and SECOND-HAND TABLES always on hand. WRITE FOB PKICE LISTS. 9. EDWARDS, KIN"HT.A NTT) ROAD. LONDON. N.K. GIVE YOUR INVALIDS I Boma A NOURISHING fluid Beef, prepared from PRIME SCOTCH MEAT* and guaranteed FREE FROM SPICES. mo LOVERS OF ANIMALS—The Dean of JL Durham writes: "'THE ANIMALS' FRIEND* is a sharming- Journal." Twenty pages, beautifully illustrated, Ld. monthly. Post free, 12 months 1/6, direct from the Ottice", 20 Vïotoria. Street, London, S.W. Trade: ALLEN, Ave Maria, Lane, or SIMPKXN, MARSHALL. t SILVER MEDAL, INDIA EXHIBITION, 1896. "VENETTA" WINDOW BUND IN ART LINENS or COLOURED PAPER (llurr, HUTK, TBBBA-COTT* &GBKEN). Elegant, Durable, Inexpensive. A Perfect Sanitary Blind. Similar in appearance to a Venetian blind. Can be fixed at once by anybody. PRICE IN PAPER, 8/11 each. icii. IN LINEN, from 3-id. per foot. >btama.ble of all Drapers or send P.O. lor Sample. VBHBTT* BLIND WORKS, 10, Skipion St.. London C0UTHP0RT.—PALACE HOTEL, kl? Part. Wi iter Seaside resort, in own grounds: Electric light. Turkish baths. Birkdale Palace Station contiguous. Tennis and G-olf.-E. A. FICK. Manager. iminM I MR fcrthe SOUTH AFRICAN GOLD UIMIUIM LIIlL FIELDS. THE ROYAL MAIL and INTERMEDIATE STEAMERS sail from Sovthamvtoa every Saturday for South and East African Ports. Calls made at Madeira and Teneriffe. Apply to THE UNION STEAM SHIP COMPANY (Limited), Canute 'Road, Southampton, and South African House, M to96, Bishopsgats Street Within, London, E.C. lift -M, IIGE & ITS CONSEQUENN lbi w d .l:SUù. DY J,).1fo. b- Tell You What You Ought to Know," Post Free, a stamps, HYGIENIO REMEDY CO.. m, Rwc&qL"b RoAD. LONDOK, •RRADP0RD MANUFACTURED DRESS .1 GOODS.— Write at once for Our New Patterns of Novelties for Spring Wear; also Blankets and Flannels. Patterns, with Price Lists, and Estimates for Charities, will be sent, post free, to any address on application. THE BP "W»b ALBION DBKSS COMPANY, Bradford. Yorkshire. ARE 'itill JUNO CYCLESv^Sift. 3 RACING, TOURING, "Í' 10,1 Y 01JTHS ":r I XIIJTARY, AND OTHER SAFETEM EASY I 12 Monthly'Payments. K /7SS. LARGE DISCOUNT. I CARRIAGE PAID. I ff —((FS^&|<H| Send at once for Nem D lv' Season's Large lllus- I \\LIST\S>yP 0 ST VS^P RiE>tv/ traled JUNO List of I >§CLU^J?; l Machines, Fittings, Sun- ITTETR OPOLITAN M A CK1NISTS' CO.. J.TD. HUAI PA THE INTREFI1) CYCLE CO., I■ W ■ ■■ STAFFORD. We are now offering .w ■ Cycles to suit Ladies, Gents, or Ch' h en 's at prices which oannot be beaten. Our machines area c-' L.a- tton of all the essentials of others sold at double the p: ce J-'or finish & durability none can eompare. Customers not .-a -ed with machines on inspection can return same; we pay cat riage back. Every machine guaranteed 12 months. Send for Catalogue, DIAMOND JUBILEE MEBALS. a. B. FFHOMIU «» THE ACTRESS'S SECRET I AND WHY ACTORS LOOK YOUNG. THK very youthful appearance ot the members of the Dramatic i'rofesxion is a constant source of surprise to the public at large. Visitors to the theatre can be hoard every night commenting on toe wonderfully preserved youth of some celebrated actress wbo is well kii Av.'i to have parsed that memorable landmark in a woman's life of forty I ears, an who might h.. mistaken for a girl in the early twenties. ft The'same observation is ma le ni^ht after night, while heroes of melo- drama on the stage look like dashing youths ornve-and-twenty, but who arc* known in private life as middle-aged gentlemen nearing the mile* si of riily. The reason for this is not due, as many suppose, to the pain necessary to be u-ed in making up," but to a secret preparation verv little known, called M" SJLVERLEAF CREAM, which is obtained by a process of distillation of the celebrated African Silverleaf Tree. This cream obliterates the natural wrinkles of the skin, which it lubricates and nourishes, bringing into constant play all the muscles of the face, which maintain their ftrm consistence, so that none waste away from disuse. the result is that the skin is kept stretched 'and tense owr the face, and does not fall into hollows. By the use of this cream many an actor as he grows old is able to continue imper- sonating youthful characters until ho has outlived the allotted period assigned to man Should be used by all. IT MAKES YOUTH BEAUTIFUL and AGE CHARMING. PRICKS .—1/0 and 2/6 per Bottle, post free; to be had of Chemists everywhere, or direct from THE ENGLISH PURE MEDICINE COMPANY, LTP. Manufacturing Chemi" 15m, MGHBURY PLACE. LONDON, N. THE NOVELTY FOR 1897. A new and exquisite Material, made in Black, White, all colours, and lovely shot eifeote. ROOBIEMRULD DRESS FABRIC. The fabric is ornamented with Gold, Silver, and other compo- sitions of great brilliancy, woven on the cloth so as to give the gPPearance of being adorned with DIAMONDS, RUBIES, .if -R5S, EMERALDS, AMETHYSTS, &c„ the radiant splendour of which scintillates with every movement. This ting a new production—oifered for sale very recently—if any diiliculty ROOBIEMRULD FABRIC address, e PATENTEE'S BOX, 332, Royal Exohange, Manchxstxb. „ AGHILLE SERRE, I HIGH CLASS DYER & CLEANER, LONDON at MANCHESTER. All v*ooos carriage paid one way. The most elaborate oostume cleaned without the least unpicking. Write for PRICE LIST (Mention this Paper) to the Works:- WHITE POST LANE, HACKNfcY VVIOK. LONDON. E. CHARMING CRAYON PORTRAITS. ct-zp Unequalled IN THE WORLD. ANY SIZE ifrom 1 inch head i life size) for 5 or tinted 10/6, post free 1< lom any ph„: ,aph JOHN BOOL (Artist Medallist), 86, WARWICK ST it LET, LONDON, S.W. COO-EE COO-EE PUZZLE The Latent and most Interesting Puzzle ever offered to the Public. Anoros endle ss amusement to young and old. Post Free,^stampsi_ J^MARKcj, 1W, HXQH HOLBOBN. LONDON. NU-VITA cures NEURALGIA. It is now » well-known fact that NU-VITA is the only genuine cure for TOO CHACHE. TIC, NEURALGIA, and all Nervous Complaints. A positive cure, well worth guinea a bottle. To be obtamedat 64.. Islington, Liverpool. Price 1/H, by post Va. H "ap3 of Testimonials. EXPECTED INDIA-RUBBEK FAMT ^K If all is true one read-" of everywhere in tco f ross and hoars of from almost every lip, as )" the diminishing supply of india-rubber, the outlook for Investors in Companies using it must be more than j perplexing. 'No satisfactory substitute for Rubber seetns possible. British Government Represen- tatives abroad (at the few places where the India-rubber tree flourishet3 in a wild state) have repeatedly reported the fact that gigantic fortunes await capitalists who would direct their attention to the proper collection of Rubber from wild trees, and to establishing Plantations for securing by cultivation a oontinuous supply in the future. A very strong London Syndicate has at last been formed with this object, and has succeeded in seouring the most valuable and important known plantations in the world. One of them — known as La Esmeralda," in Mexico; containing 200,000 trees-will yield a revenue sufficient to pay a very handsome return, which will grow into a princely income in a few years' time. These Properties will be offered in the form of a Company shortly, and investors who can secure shares will be lucky indeed, for an enormous applica- tion is a foregone conclusion. ENGLAND'S GLORY MATCHES. Save TH-, DOZEN WRAPPERS ilrid send for particulars of PRIZES to S. J. MORELAND &: SONS, ENGLA.ND GLORY MATCH WORKS, GLOUCESTER. The above brand of matches are made entirely by BRITISH LABOUR, and the public by buying them are fawning to find amniovmant for their own countrymen. (A.DTTL HA VB YOV A POST-CARD P H not, please obtain one, and send it to the Pearson Pottery Co., Hanley, with your name and Address on th" back, and you will receive by next post full particulars of the most wonderful package of crockery the world has ever seen 100PIECLSFORzClls, A dinner service of 50 pieces is included, which is guaranteed to borth the guinea alone, and a China Tea Service of 28 pieces, finished in gold, together with a lot of useful kitchen crockery. Thousands fold all over the world. Post-card and letters to be addressed to The Pdarso* Pottery Company, Hanley, St*ffl».—{ADVT.] ilvts. PRINTING EXECUTED WITH DESPATCH AT THE C o C S T T fpiMES IVJNTTNO- WORKS, W POOL. ENGLISH-THE BEST! BENSON'S ENGLISH WATCHES. Guaranteed for Accuracy, Durability, Strength, and Value. Thousands of Testimonials have been received. BENSON'S t BENSON'S £ s English Lever Keyless English Lever "LUDGATE" WATCH "BANK" WATCH. In Silver Cases. In 18-ct. T U ° r> Gold Cases. In In OLD. WATCHES AND JEWEL- Selections LERY of TAKEN IN Watches or EX- JeweIlery CHANGE. sent.free on All Good receIpt of Not s referenc Approved will be Ex- cJ'la.nged. CheaprRt" Strongest and most Durable London good Knockabout Watch for rotight \rear at a made THRKE-QLTAHTER PLATE ever sold. low prIce. Best London m..de, Three-Quarœr Flate An English Le\Ter, Jewelled "with 13 Rabies, Chrono- English Lever, Larse. Chronometer Balance, Jewelled meter Bala-aoe, Patent Large Barr el, and Damp and in ^nbie9, Strong Keyless Action. Keeps better tim'e^thanTand fe^oublo the Strenzth K^efs^atX' «Id<to £ 10.nd hetter TaInc tb311 ;,3V aSld Va clue of, tnhYs£5 55. Watch made. In Sterling '» *»» Sterling Silver, Crystal Made in Four Sizes at one Price £ 5 5s —No 1 Gentlemen & Youths No. 2, Working Men; No. 3,' RENSON S ENGAGEMENT RINGS, in Half- Railway Men and Miners (as illustrated): No. 4. Ladies. Hoop, Marquise, Gippey and U1 o ';er desi-ns In massive 18-ct. Gold Cases, with Crystal Glass, set with Brilliants. Rabies, Emeralds I'earls. fi-ui-' Gentlemen s size, £12 12s. Lady's size. £10 10s. phires, Opals, Turquoise. Ac., &c\. or in p.in g0i,j '1 ALL WATCHES AND JEWELLERY sent post free, and at my risk, to all parts of the on receipt of Draft, Cash, or P.O.O. payable at G P O. CEND FOR BENSON'S BOOK of WATCHES from £ 2 2s. to £ 500. CLOCK? CHAINS ENGAGEMENT RINGS, BROOC HES, PLATE, !c.. &c. Sent i>ost free on application to JW KF.MQAM WATCHMAKER and JEWELLER TO • JUL • J3I H.M. THE QUEEN and ROYAL FAMILY Steam Factory: 62 & TjXJJ}€5rjFLTX,&: And 28, ROYAL EXHANGE, E.G., and 25, OLD B > D SriiJS.L';T, W.! LONDON. WATCH, &c.. CLUBS—Applications for agencics invited. Easy syoterrs, no risk, .4 Brookes' A I English & Americaff^P^ g | B S 1 UNRIVALLED íf1 S 1 ARTIFICIAL TEETH..■ e p:: Q (J) 00 ,ft ¡"r vs: a L' :> Z Qr- 0 IQ t.:zj 0 L. q¡ 3 Č- t.:zj o °oE I\)" en         :.r <1 o 0 ::> t;j t;j S ? Stopping, Extracting, Scaling, and Cleaning JI1 g also at Moderate Charges. o 5 h J. M. BROOKES, Ltd. | g 02 oj 5, Bulwark, BRECON, S g C S AND C jdSlS&V38' CASTLE STREET/JP» £ G HR9HBHAS^V°VEF> K>,NA>FT PF1°TOCRAPH(0 SHREWSBURY Price List. Post Free, IMPROVED SERVICE OF TRAINS




[No title]
