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BILLIARDS & BAGATELLE. H ENNIG BROS., Ltd., Billiard Tablft Make** K*- 29, Hi~h St. (corncr of New Crford St),| cheapest house for repairs and W Price lista and samplea tree. llHlinAI I IMP for the SOUTH AJ?RICA.W GOLD ONION LINE FIELDS THB ROYAL MAIL JSJOTTEBMEDIArEi 8TEAAIEKS sail from SoHifiarnpto* Sgy Saturday for South and Jiast BU' sSr&gf-a £ HS& SEk/SS gttfaiuriDton- and 8outh African Houae. M to 86, Biahopsg* mthin. B. fcdforSi" ey pooZL mm A perfectly, ma, Cost M hun- ASL a -with Roller* 0f MBI jpggffiasJl Wrins mi tell you. Mangle. Follow them. Ad- c&ktr-WHRk direction*, and dress. High aajegJasni they keep linen Holborn, hun- i§s £ r-51L*,« a beautiful D cr Dean»- $S%F^iW.4i colour. They aBte. ili»- last » rew? or CIIIIS>< or tw&?T..rmore, like taou- Eold Streot, MUidgnowiDU.se. Jjivsnooi.. CutiJewa. fr»« br E"«*. I (itBMETALS of every description pu^chafled^ AjcHuh.—H. B. Bamtabd & Soi»s, ljji,Lambeth WalkjLongg- ESTABLISHED 1851. ^IRKBECK BANK 30, Southampton Buildings, Chancery lane, London. r,^O.Mj)-A-HAXF por CENT. INTEREST allowed ou 'OSITH repayable on demand. r,er 03NT. on CURRENT ACCOUNTS, on tho mim- *,0u nionihly balanced, when not drawn below Aiou. SlOi > and SHARES purchased and sold. K*h« BUIKJ3ECK ALMANACK, with full particulars, post yn&NCIS liAVEXSCa.lOFT,J^a7igg»r. EVERY MARRIKD wokapj should apply to NTTXSE GABRIEL for a *^«I8 OF SURGTCAU APPX-tASCTS. Enclose tWO pen^iy to AKSLO-FKSNCH K"JBE^^»nTTLY 5a, NKWTON 3TUaF.a\ PI^CAML^.gT:EB> *s2food j not approved of wtli be. exchanged.} MAN (thTbEST FliLV i||ciE.1 I T- Hi J I FUliEL\ VKv:i^XASLx. & jattf. K rArri fc £ £ N»'* ,COM?OSIT. SjrSUilPASSSU FOB. ALLi T?oK^TptvplvU& SI3SA3ES. QUICKEST Bi Ma JY ^OK IT&VE b & gHEUMATISM. E1I3UBS SLi.i.P. ABSO^U* iSl^ IjO °ANaES OF COLD SO COMMN WIIH MERCDxlY rnjmi SUFFICES TO CiOHVlHb'c, by »U Chemi.-ts and Medicine Veudort U l«. •• £ «* •ORISON'S PUW OEUrt, WJd. pw Bo*; om»-ItN r >v. anl^ ??Mt. Of Wholesale Uo-seB, M2SJ:Fx,'™n *16 BRITISH COLI.EQlS'iK UtAL rrf.98, hu.^v n -on.on. „».S.-TO« pa/j or, „/« J.rej.wwl «** « C"n» f* ^5^rait; (-I,(.>>» _?■ .if wlt^ thr,r P^l'' T ABIES' LILLY'S wMWonderful, harmless FSMAIjS MISrjBB, positive and K6^ nt, for aU in-epuiariti. oi the female 8y==u-ia. Is ever tail- 8§. eMcaeious remedy know. Testunomals, stamped envelope. Wce'i 0 vofitfrer; srroncrst. 10-,sealed. Aadressi3. Or.LH.LY, v ila-1)^Ojiston Bristol. 50 years' coiuii^ued_succes% f\VA, FEY, YEARLINGS, Two-year-olds, ftC of S. Fario. S. Levenensis, S. Fontinalis, Rainbows, and Saline 'FOB SALE Apply MESSRS. ANDREWS, jHftagr TROUT FARM, CI»TCHHJG;:E, HASLEMEKK. <ScEstablished by the late TITOS. ANDREWS, of Guildford. 4 il &Ilk -E,, L i, Run I ^ftBOoKllofs I Par LADIES' & Cnu,DREN'B WEAR. Of all leading retailei-a. V5Sh?"v genuine., stamped" CnrDEiflBliLA. MASUFACTOET, YTOBCESTER. JTameol nearest Agent seat on receipt S— of postcard. IRON CEUSCHES. ESTIMATii^ AVP DESIC-Tsf FI?.EB. E. C. aud J. KF.AT I.TMIT T>, BIBSOis 'JHAaC;. Ottch Bnlbs.—Gir< us Da.y 'jjaiunlays •i^wpS-li. MSSSaS. PS0TH.EE0E & KOR'JU3 vxil 4ar-„ SELL, ET AUCTION, at their Co" t.-nl Hale R 07 ItoL 68, CHEAPSID2, E.G.. at TWELVE O^L K, 4m consignments of Iiyacinths, Tulips, Crocus, >avo^>us, °ther Balb.s, direct from Holland, lot-,cd to puit i:.rse «i £ ?naU buyers. 5,1/00 lots sold every week. Comnuesinne lasted for those t-nable to attend. u>ts pac.ec! and en'^arded to all parts. Sixpence remitted in stamps will ion supply of Catalogues for twelve sales. — Auction ,Y-?»is_and Offices 67 and 68, Cheauside, London, E.G. J, I HUlG C HA G- OffrVr The remainder of the TEA BROUGHT BY TIIE J§iNESE ENVOY EXTRAORDIIvARY (fo En gland) for fei^SENTATION to his ILLUSTRIOUS FRIENDS, has been ^^dbv B. F. GOULiiURN. (This Tea, when exhausted, cannot be replaced;. 8/- per lb.; Jib, per post, 2/1. ifeJ6jtTid IS, OLD JIILLGATE, MANCHESTER (only). ylOLlNLEAMT IN A FEW LESSONS by the aid of the "SIMPLEX ATTACHABLE CrAMUT' ^1' a boon to beginners and instructors alike, [nrti- ativi? at a fiance all the notes on the instrument, en.'iblmg J*ni?5e to become self taught; unequalled for simplicity, ^eo, i/-f complete. LG-AR?:ETT, & Co. (DEPT. Ml), 4, Cable St., Liverpool. W. \jHR0NIC DISEASES OF THE URETHRA ttw. »'<! PROSTATE, with special reference to th^- treat; most recent methods. Post Tree, 16.—-HENRY S^Mj?jrox, Medical Publisher. 82, High Holborn, London, W,C. i\ ,.ART OI tiie VVORIA IN viting settlers offers bri.r!it«r prospect? to the Agriculturist than b.. ost ■xa^»->HS'S:o- (fc $SIAjmo SO^e^Liverpooh A. b K YOU R TAILOR for the |v7jyj3LEY rpWEED. A J&WMOMV. xo ¥ Fft.V?ifir*BBYAN*S Celebrated G Fi A SS HOPPER FOOTS A ILLS 'Assor.iaUOii ov iluftl.yj. Goa, Nets, Maul Caps, Shin Ginirds. fc., oi all culiit.eis, or price list free. SS, Charterhouse 59uare, Lond-in. E.C. SYSTEMATIC INVESTMENTS. ?r £ 1 to £ 1 10s. WEEKLY ON A £ 10 CAPITAL. WAN G'S RE ALLY'S |?"e. Prol«!e:n .<s.,ivo.l liotv to in.i'ie a woi-k'v j;><;o:;n) a ?maU ■Ji.'XToof 10 to 15 ••.•• "er;t.. ireflk'r, with a minimum ot risk. }!•«., "W. WANS, 312, 5:oind. Londoa. f-Wished over 3 ye:vs ar. a !x>ra address. i':u't:cu]a'S ,rv. ^ANUIS E' 11!>; A'S, sou of riie into Mr. if. Bpnass, Fish iieicl.arit, 2, St. Thomas "Walk, Searboro', &,? lIJ new Cod Sonnls, which are th Sne-'t obtainable. 4 VV,aT1<* Bavi-ols from tt to £ 2. Impo-tiv.1/ •t.t'rr, 'r_;ssor(. MR. F. 13 iX ASS, 2, St. Tho:ua- -S -a-rb .r-••:••• h. p TOOTH CULTIVATOR f. Autumn Wovk, £ 5. ?0iir~ lANtJRB DiSTisiBtTTisa for Basic Slacr.S3 13 ■^trv HOUSE ON WHEKIIS. 8ft. by Sir., uiilvaniaed p. Iron fi-> £ 4 4-. ifTr-" Particular, T. A. JlK'w,' h»N, STOCKTON*- .y-<T.s. OflOOl WNAEliW 6MP; POLO, PA ^'JfUi.Lw AND STEBi'LEOlTASE;• fashion,1. v^'fe saddles. Fine HAK.'vESS of every rtc>i>- I. #.V Uiaiitv and iini^h. Pri. yd lists on arnUvAti • A I< fOLL-S & CO., 13.Berkeley St, i^iccaiiiil v, i^:uo.-u,%V. "%=' £ ». s:e p-ood Secondliaitd Sa-.lules and K-i'v.-s. P:0:j.îlr;lGe&nÊxïhl!ÏiIj ;lihfEJ: 4le„ -'KS, large stock, for variou»work: will A hur- 'j"- smitliing. GITTPS, Midland Works, Travis Sr., >ia?\_c Jr^Ris EXHIBITION" BONDS, 1900. ^V- r; and Extraordinary Advantages to Bondholders. « £ >J' vi°?'^forpai-ticulars.to participate. (Letter postage '»oi-iR,r' Nea ?a Libiury, 218, Hue doRivoli> Paris.' TEA Well, try SUNBEAM; it's a TBEAT. PG.t p"15!- S-iripic on application. SonbeamTeaCo., Sli<o. I SjCHARD, THE ORMONDE OF THE AGE. H A.K,"D is acknowlodgred by all to "bo the most sue- authority livi.-sgr. &• A.S,D'S is a household word witft the sportmc* ^iVall over the r>-orid. Wby'f Because he willfLnd wuiuer" name h*s appeared daily in the London ana »SVrSSPvt:ngr Papers for■ t-vev 25 years. *4fe\ "^y^A'RT) l us innumerable oldies in I<ondon 'see Spo^A/ip pj* 9,lso oJiL<>e,s in thepriu iya\ towns in Europe and J-iidia. I is the only International Turf 1>lt¡ Provider. addresses on the Continent-24 Rue d' Am- 1 i'aris; Ijebko>v11y.platz, Vienna; Belvedere, Davos- Via Veneto, Rome; and Sandweg, s(": 'mrg. (to P°» ts'nen visitiris the Continent.cn pleasure .°J.l)usl^L,e^ beinn- lailfh' would do well to call nt the above fcjfSsex. i-'vr introducti ri to Principals apply to (Hea OKice1,, 47 Strand, London, W.C. | j and Cambridgeshire Double. t>m?':Cc »"ABD has two for these events that will astound the Afc, ll"» pqual to his 'Teat French selection—Arlequm for the •ent°t Stakas or Carlton Grange for the Ooodwood Stakes, Jij,'1 jecs-ipt of 2 v, each event, or 3/6 the double. t>§^C SARD'S daily finals always ready at 10.30. r-ive- three animals per day. £ *?HAKD gives but one horse PfJ ra-ce. ;f ARC'S Napoleon alwavs placed first on woe. always the same-Wires, 2/6; 0&U«rs nY'ekiy wires, ■■ days, 12,0; 5 days,10/6 h peYinv wise and pound foolish, look on this I Wtiv waste vour hours wading through form \a:eh Pbotu:pltr^fen^ypti^^lvwevery Thi- explicit confidence in their 1>T G'lide. and ^ICIU.SDrnev»r Lowers 48 word Reply Paids. not being ub'-e Z? uSiJJ C.oss all Cheques and Orders All I ^3. Stu'lio,ons inuint be addressed to Head Office, Pnchard, I London, W.C. < EIOR-PES' (Ltd.) SAUSAGES. 0 0 n tiiGEsT MAKERS IN THE WORLP. ^1^11 Principal Qrocets. Oame Dealerg^ U^rROLD and SONS' NEW NOVELS. Of all Booksellers and at the Libraries. Fh« Just Published. Ahe Power of the Dog. B An Entirely New Novel. la™ ,POLAND GREY, Author of In Sunny Switzor- <4the«ii Virtue of His Office" "Lindenhlumen, ^wry of Chris." Crown 8vo, art linen, gilt top, Cs. :>EU NEWSPAPER NOTICES. '•>?.« idvjV^1 reading. Strikingly original."— T)aity Chronic'k. "Slit r'v.elempnt is erarelol and pure."— Morning Pout. 5*y*tevi y ohaiwters. A. book full of the fs^eUft»<.l°tt?.y"vkimcs of the human heart. Finely true, yet Vn« of witlxal."— ^ch aj> tp; ^alr>able hits of the season."— fiaih/ Mail. °thpro „ e attention is absorbed bv the central characters, Vigour ii Pictured with equal vitality, cleverness, and most' /» Scotsman. 1>>T^+r-rn, io denouement is reserved to this most "sS? sto?;l?0e n<;fel.S^r. ^{'lies 5 weU told."—^Nntional Observer. v5°°d.J:1^?tn^s jPictui-es of fresh, pure English maiden- V cor, ■'f*rnry World. eifeo^erable power."— Aberdeen Daily Fret Press. T>e RT)d Powerful. The whole story is mterestins i. fu^liinav • ^']r^ng}ia7n Daily Post. • A^?^ion »> startling and tiovei. An excellent piece of I Gazette. ti characters."—Manchester Guardian. • a*ilful. Very ori^invil work."—Public Opinion. 1 <we ^OW0r of the Dog I ^^dojn. ^*°ek to buy and to enjoy."—Publishers' Circular^ I ajytOLD and SONS. 10. "Warwick Lane, E.O I ROLD and SONS. 10 Warwick Lane, ■ar .SLB-ra^JaLg AJEaie^ pDiSPESSABlS TO LADIES 1 whodesircaqaick Aaafe and reliable remedyfor all obstructions and iarities, a medicine which cures (usually in a few hours) CAses which have baffled the skill of the best medical men. No lady need despair as the most obstinate & hopeless cases have been immediately relieved by this remedy. Mrs. Wilson, of Honor Oak Park, Forest Hill, says: "Your inyaluable remedy took immediate effect; In less than 12 hours I was all right, after 14 weeks of misery and hopeless- ness." A properly certified guarantee is enclosed ▼ith all tesda monials and medicine. One package at 4s. 6d. Is usually sufficient for any case. Ladies send at once fully directed en- relopo lor particulars and proofs. I will forfeit 21000 for evm7 I testimonial that is not genuine. Thousands of testimonials have been received. Established over 100 years. Do not be mi6ied by showy advertisements and other Bo-called remedies which are utterly worthless. Write privately, at once, to— jREJi5LTO.fr5.MijE! MEDICAL INSTITUTE, HACKNEY ROAD (Opposite Shoredltch Church). London. H." SCOTT'S STANDARD TYRES. Ho Holss in Rim. J^ULLY% Won't Puncture. NO MOOKS. gL,0^R?^Dfi WON'T SUIP. No Loose Screws. %DUHLGPCR': Y Fully Guaranteed. 'iKSIST CN KAVI8S THEM, PAT_P,Y AIc THE VEQY BEST 89, (Mswell St, Ji- Lodofl, E.C. AUEIE LONDON BUILT CARRIAGES. 3 Best Styles. New and Second Hand. Sale or Hire. TyrAR-wEs — w i-'Ja- (LTD.). 311. OXFORD STREBT, LONDON, W. TO W0MEN.ffig £ S^<2ffiSSS» CKF..TAIN Method WITHOUT MEDiCINE. No Pills, Mi*- ture?, or Useless Injections. Greatest Discovery of Modtrn Medical Stir-net. Send st.RTuped envelope for particulars,fI,estunoiual8.«o#i TO MRS. AMOS-BKNNYON, 328, Eigh Holborn^ London, W.Q. TO LADIES. MACKENZIE'S FEMALE MEDICINE. IvJL Will positively remove the most OBSTINATE OBSTRUCTIONS, Irregularities, &c., from any cause, in twelve hours. Guaranteed the most powerful and strongest < earth. Failure is impossible. It acts like magic in the .lost long-standing and intricate obstructions. Ladies will lave time, trouble, and expense by coming to an ex- perienced specialist at first. Post free, under cover, securely packed, with full directions^and advice (4s;. 6d ) FOUE SHILLINGS AND SIXPENCE, WITH Rlf GUARANTEE OF CURE. Mrs. L. of High Street, Morley, near Leeds, writes "On" 4s 6d. packet cured me alter FOUR MONTHS' anxiety of mind, and after I hacl tried no less than tive different so-csJlcd remedies My sister recommenc.ed me to you and she is equally enthusiastic. Several ladies have told me they have always been cured by you, when other firms failed. Send at once for 100-paged Book of Particulars and Testimoninls, which are sworn on oath before Her M iiesty's Commissioner for Oailis to be true and genuine. AM onen to inspection, and £ 10C0 given to any charity :f' one is proved not genuine. Advice willingly free.— ilKS "B. MACKENZIE, Trali'ovd llou-e, 85. l>a\\(-s Ho-ul, F1!Jham, London, W.-Avoid Imitations, Worthless aud Injurious. Please meutiou tliis pa^er. L k: '<• STORM ..J 4yj)aan.% J of Books MA YE Jfo R VA L'. A PRIVATE CAPITALIST, member of a well-known wealthy firm, having a considerable sum of uninvested money, is prepared to advance the sa.me m sums or <iot less than £ 20 to £ 10,000 to persons of undoubted re-spectabi aty on their own Promissory Note, without asking for Sureties or Security,or preliminaiT charges whatever,at a low & reason ;tble Rate of Interest, for short or long periods; strictly private and confidential. As this advertisement is not connected withcny loan society, itis requested that habitual borrowers will jious,p- ply.—For full particulars apply personally or by letter to lender, W. WAiiiiis, Esq..66. Gt. IiusseliSt.,Bloomsbury,London,W.C. WANTED. Colonists in Chili, Farmers & other A griculturists (must be married); grants of 173 acres of good land; pas.aire paid, & other advances in money,cattle. & un- Slements.—Apx>ly, with qualifications, in addressed envel..pe, to L. DROIT ILLY, agent for GT.Britain, 61. London St, Southport. PURITY A2TD QUALITY QtTAB.ANTEEI^ ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. ESTAB. OYER 250 YEARS. SOTTTHWARK, LONDOU. rpHE GLOBE TYPEWRITER, £ 2 5s. a e.uipie -JB- and perfect Machine, at a price within tlie reach of the million. Writes 77 characters. So simple in .Manipulation, n.at, no lessons are required. May be seen and tri«d at i'i, 1 au .• t:t) 1 London. S.W. Partioulars Free by Post. Mention > DOUGLAS, HUNGEREORD,& WILLIAMS PROFITS PAID DURING 1895. Jan. 2, JE8 per cent.; Feb. 1, £ 6; March 1, £ 5; April 1, £ 8 May 1, £ 7; June 2, £ 10 Julyl, £ 9; Aug.l, £ 9; Sept. 2, £ 8; Oct. 1, £ 8 Nov. 1. £ 7 Dec. 2, £ 7. Total for 12 months, £ 92 per cent., an average of nearly £ 8 Per Cent. PER MONTH. PROFITS PAID DURING 1896. Jan. 2 £ 0 per cent. May 1 £ 6 per cent. Feb. 1 £ 7 „ June 1 £ 5 „ „ Mar. 2 £ 6 „ July 1 £ 5 „ „ Apr. 1 £ 3 Aua\ 1 £ 5 „ OU1- H3W ILLUSTRATED MANUAL, nuriled free np<m rcqneat, showing how thfiae profits may be inafle WITHOUT 8PEuui>ATION. Cheques for profits mailed promptly 1st of each month, and for withdrawals of Capital oi: 2nd i-.lfith of each month. Trial investments of £ B and upwards may be made. We have not a dissatisfied Client. DOUGIA.S, HUNGERFORD, & WILLIAMS, 5, Ctmthall Avenue, London, E.C., and 11, Place de la Bourse, Paris. IrloH FOR EVERYBODY. .Tost now. Finest Stornoway Kippered Herrings lar?e, sehsctod, 4' Mediums (about CO per box*, 3 6 pn-hox. Red Herii-iis, 4 per bos. ,smo3:ocl Haddocks, 4 per bon. Dried Ling, Cod. a>id Sait'is, in qi.aatities of not less than lewt., 25' 23/ and 14- re.-pectively. Liberal Discount allowed on ordc-rs of mo;-e than lewt. Pickled Herrings, per ha, i.cl, 25-; hall barrel 15- )Hrriago paid to any railway elation iu England or ;-c-ilr.nd. Cash with order. MACFARLAXE E-ROS., Fish & Herring Curers, SronxowAT. BELIEVES PAIN OF ANT KIND. DR. J. COLLIS Browne'S CHLORODYNE, COLDS, A THMA, BRONCHITIS, a, NEURALGIA. -A few doses quite eff-tual.- Caution. -The II -.Aextraordinaxymedicalrenortgon the efficacy of Chlorodyne render L k: '<• STORM ..J 4yj)aan.% J of Books MA YE Jfo R VA L'. A PRIVATE CAPITALIST, member of a well-known wealthy firm, having a considerable sum of uninvested money, is prepared to advance the sa.me m sums or <iot less than £ 20 to £ 10,000 to persons of undoubted re-spectabi aty on their own Promissory Note, without asking for Sureties or Security,or preliminaiT charges whatever,at a low & reason ;tble Rate of Interest, for short or long periods; strictly private and confidential. As this advertisement is not connected withcny loan society, itis requested that habitual borrowers will jious,p- ply.—For full particulars apply personally or by letter to lender, W. WAiiiiis, Esq..66. Gt. IiusseliSt.,Bloomsbury,London,W.C. WANTED. Colonists in Chili, Farmers & other A griculturists (must be married); grants of 173 acres of good land; pas.aire paid, & other advances in money,cattle. & un- Slements.—Apx>ly, with qualifications, in addressed envel..pe, to L. DROIT ILLY, agent for GT.Britain, 61. London St, Southport. PURITY A2TD QUALITY QtTAB.ANTEEI^ ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. ESTAB. OYER 250 YEARS. SOTTTHWARK, LONDOU. rpHE GLOBE TYPEWRITER, £ 2 5s. a e.uipie -JB- and perfect Machine, at a price within tlie reach of the million. Writes 77 characters. So simple in .Manipulation, n.at, no lessons are required. May be seen and tri«d at i'i, 1 au .• t:t) 1 London. S.W. Partioulars Free by Post. Mention > DOUGLAS, HUNGEREORD,& WILLIAMS PROFITS PAID DURING 1895. Jan. 2, JE8 per cent.; Feb. 1, £ 6; March 1, £ 5; April 1, £ 8 May 1, £ 7; June 2, £ 10 Julyl, £ 9; Aug.l, £ 9; Sept. 2, £ 8; Oct. 1, £ 8 Nov. 1. £ 7 Dec. 2, £ 7. Total for 12 months, £ 92 per cent., an average of nearly £ 8 Per Cent. PER MONTH. PROFITS PAID DURING 1896. Jan. 2 £ 0 per cent. May 1 £ 6 per cent. Feb. 1 £ 7 „ June 1 £ 5 „ „ Mar. 2 £ 6 „ July 1 £ 5 „ „ Apr. 1 £ 3 Aua\ 1 £ 5 „ OU1- H3W ILLUSTRATED MANUAL, nuriled free np<m rcqneat, showing how thfiae profits may be inafle WITHOUT 8PEuui>ATION. Cheques for profits mailed promptly 1st of each month, and for withdrawals of Capital oi: 2nd i-.lfith of each month. Trial investments of £ B and upwards may be made. We have not a dissatisfied Client. DOUGIA.S, HUNGERFORD, & WILLIAMS, 5, Ctmthall Avenue, London, E.C., and 11, Place de la Bourse, Paris. IrloH FOR EVERYBODY. .Tost now. Finest Stornoway Kippered Herrings lar?e, sehsctod, 4' Mediums (about CO per box*, 3 6 pn-hox. Red Herii-iis, 4 per bos. ,smo3:ocl Haddocks, 4 per bon. Dried Ling, Cod. a>id Sait'is, in qi.aatities of not less than lewt., 25' 23/ and 14- re.-pectively. Liberal Discount allowed on ordc-rs of mo;-e than lewt. Pickled Herrings, per ha, i.cl, 25-; hall barrel 15- )Hrriago paid to any railway elation iu England or ;-c-ilr.nd. Cash with order. MACFARLAXE E-ROS., Fish & Herring Curers, SronxowAT. BELIEVES PAIN OF ANT KIND. DR. J. COLLIS Browne'S CHLORODYNE, ASTHMA^BRONC^ITIS, as e^raordinarymedical report3on the efficacy of Chlorodyne render it of vital importance that the public should obtain the protected by a Government stamp,bearing the words l., v< elus Browne's Chlorodvne, See decision ^V ice-Chancellor Sir >\ .1 age Wood Timet July 1(5,18Cf. Testimonials from eminent Ph:i^.ans with each bottle. Soidin Bottles, 1/11,2/9, & 4/6, by all Chemists. A BERDEEN GRANITE MONUMENTS# t^L ^nfl'pri^^ J- Ab|^» RUSTIC—A POWDERED MINT^ Will not blister or crack. Any co.orcor Bistemper. equals two of. or(linarv paint; cwt. One Pound can be varnished, ireotions on every package, sample tiv; 6; p^st q.?| JaINT SYNDICATE, miu;- ™ — UL, 6d., 8d., 10d., & 2/6 SOAP (for Delicate Skins), ^erTablet CREAM (for Itching, Face Spots, &c.), 1 /It, -/«• POWDER (for Bedness, Bouglmeaa, A D"F0RD MANUEACTUEED DRESS ~WH^L0YM23TT FOA. BOUSFFOUIS 5Ke Hotel M6tropol« B0 £ rfcSTTsthe uadinsHotel of ^Tojn- Close to Peason. Specially RBmicED -Car,2 m A \tAI»ER. No chtxip rubbish. f..tate wnetner LiMUSIC STORES, 63, -f 35 inches wide; un- glrf. of lO upwards, shrmkablo. L'AI terns free. w UHVOFBLASD. Only address—38 S9. FAWCETT STREJ^^Suvnj^Ajv^ THE PERFECTION SYSTEM OF INVESTMENT (Registered and Protected) by A METHOD of operations, which, being safeg^ A. clear and prudent rules, produces an immo centage of profit. <<- +. ;93, dB20 Capital secures a Weekly Profit Of 12 to 930) £ 200 Capital secures a Weekly profit of f 20 and pro rata for lanrer, -mailer or BFj MADB. TRIAL INVESTMENTS of £ 5 & £ 1° IiA PROFITS PAID KVEUY ONDAV. CAI'ITAL WlTKIJUAffABLU AT TEN DATS N • Fun pr.rtinuiars will be sent free of clia)^ ou receipt of addrc. s- or.w to— Y,. MR. HE2IRY STILLER, 14, lioirjorn, LOHDO.S,_li.C: ITIHE CESTSAL STO^ |MHANa|, LM. Accortt «tn be' o'pen Jd'n^ all. ^l?t depo it, witnout furthei 'la 'nOO stock- £ 5 eoni'uunds JjSOO stock. WO—^ Telegraphic Address Centage^—" C0UTHP0RT-PALACE HOTEL, Birkdale Park. Wi.ter Seaside resort, in own gr Electric hght. Turkish bath^ li^dale Palace contwi.ons Tennis and Golf.-E._A. XI0T W ATER INSTANTLY, Nig^t or Day. ■ H "EWART'S LIGHTNING GV.Y^ER- -^0. Euston lt,ad, London, N.W. T a le supr* ilifii' DON'T GO BALD. ■ Blfll tTSE CLARKSON'S UYO. Unrivalled Hatt IB KB Producer. Price 2s. & 3/6 per bottle. Sample VF W W is postnge.3d.—Of all Chemists, Srores, &c., or of W. CT.ARKJSON, 45, Wellington Stree^S^ndjJ^ ^??THERE IS THE GREATEST CHANCE V f ^VlARGE RETURNS for little o;.» %;«YbS £ £ >>< H> T ipr>n«;ii, v o \V rire ^CTOCK EXCHANGE. GROUP DEALING WITH LIMITED LIABILITT. THE Only Ans^I System OF STOCK Exchang^ punoi AS TO- M-i.Xx-i.UM PBOETIS. PAID WEEKLY. For particulars, send t.o^EY & oQ REVOIR JilOUSR, BASINGHALL S'fmH;TLOND"N, EIT01L.XSS2-TX-SES BEST S BENSON'S NGUSH WATCHES. I Guaranteed for Accuracy, Durability, Strength, and Value. Thotisands of Testimonials httve been rocoivoil. BENSON'S BENSON'S English Levez- Keyloss J&lara^lisln "LUDSftTI" WATCH WITH. In Silver Cases- In 18-ct. T T ap «a Gold Cases. » <-i Ia^, «s |§L i? ?e^lei £ Cheapest, Strongest find most. Durable London i, A- good Knockabout JVateh for rough voar at a made THREE-QUARTER PLATE ever sold. low pnee. Best Loi,(^n made, Three-Quarter Plate An Enelish Lever, Jewelied ^vith 13 Ruhies, Chrono- English Lever, Lar?e, enronometer Balance, Jewelled meter BaUace. Patent Lar^e Barr el, and Damp and m Rubies, Strong Keyless Action. Dust Proof Rin<r Band. Price £ 5 5s. An Exact Timekeeper, and better value than any Keeps better time than, and is double the Strength Kevless Watch sold lor A«i0. and Value of. any £ 5 6s -Watch made. In Sterling Price £ 5, in Extra Strength, Sterling Silver, Crystal Silver Gases, with btrong tn stal Orlaas. Qjass Cases. Made in Four Sizes at one Price, £ 5 5s.No. 1, __N„>N,C TTKflfiftF'RffP'W'n -nrvrfty • TT IR Gentlemen & Youths No. 2, Working Men; No.?,, RENSON S Lr(uAtii.raLxil" RINGS, m Half- RailwavMen and Miners (a« illustrated); No. 4, Ladies. Hoop, Marquise, txipsey and all o: her designs, In massive 18-ct. Gold Gases, with Crystal Glass, set with Brilliants, it"Dies, Emeralds, Pearls, Sap- Gentlemen's size, £ '2 12s. LadyV size. £ iO 10s. phires, Opals, Turquoise, &e., &e.,or in plain gold. A LL WATCHES AND JEWELLERY sent post free, and at my risk, to ail parfcs of tbe World Gentlemen's size, 9,12 12s. LadyV size. zio 10s. phires, Opals, Turquoise, &c., or in plain gold. ALL WATCHES AND JEWELLERY sent post free, and at my risk, to ail parts of the World on receipt of Draft, Cnsh. or P.O.O., payable at G.P.O. „ SEND FOR BENSON'S BOOK of WATCHES from £ 2 2s. to £ 500. CLOCKS, CHAINS, ° ENGAGEMENT RiNGS, BROOCHES. PLATE. 1:e.. &c. Sect post. free on application to J. W. BENSON, H.«WA™KE"S5I^^d,I0wAtMv. I Steam Factory: 62 & 64 ]rT_T3DaYIW-T- And 28, ROYAL EXHANG-E, F,.C., and 25, OLD BOJSD STREET, W„ LONDON. WATCH, &c„ CLUBS.—Applications for agencies invited. Easy system, no risk.












