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CHESS. All communications for this department should be addressed to the Chess Editor, who will be glad to hear from Secretaries of Chess Clubs as to tournaments, matches, &3. All letters to reach this oflice by Wednesday morning. Local intelligenee will be given the profereuce to other news. Solution to Problem No. 33 Kt- K3. Correctly solved by Maurice Whittingham, J. Maxwell, S. Jones, W. A. Doody a.nd T. Barry. "1.0 PROBLEM No. 34.—Solutions invited By EDENEK MACH. (iVom Ceake Linty Sachovc.) BLACK 4 Pieces. Wf k 'J|P §|p 4S// 'i wm WHITE- 7 Pieces. White to play and mate in two moves. Position: White—K at Q4, Q at QKtS, Bs at KR5 and KH6, Kts at KB7 and QB8, P at QB6. Black K at Ksq, R at Q ii2, Ps at Q3 and f >4. X- -V. Another of the feiv remaining links that biml us to the days of Staunton and Buckle has been broken by tho death of Mr Marmaduke Wyvill, which occurred at Bournemouth in the latter part of June. Wyvill was 82 years of age. He first acquired his chess renown in 1851, when he won second prize in the London International Master Tournament of that year, Professor Anderssen being first. This touanament was played upon the "retire-after-defcat'' system, which proved to be ill-adapted for such a contest, as great European players wera defeated in the first round, whilst admittedly weaker players were left in as prize-winners. This does not, however, apply to Mr Wyvill, for there can be no question that he would have beeu a prize-winner under any form of play indeed, Mr Staunton, in his Chess Tournament," speaks of him as one of the finest amateurs in England" In the first round, Mr. Wyvill was paired against "Old Lowe," the well-known Divan player, whom he defeated without the loss of a game. He was next pitted against Captain Kennedy, whom he defeated by 4 to 3. He had next to encounter Mr. Williams, a very difficult man to beat. Mr. Wyvill lost the first three games and his chance looked very bad, but displaying that pluck and endurance which were marked charac- teristics of his natur3, he won the succeeding four 1 games, thereby winning the match. In the final I round his opponent was the redoubtable Andersseu —then in the height of his fame. Mr. Wyvill made a gallant stand against the all-conquering Prussian, but was at last overcome, the final score being Anderssen 4, W yvill 2, the former taking first prize and the latter second.—" B. C. M." for July. GAME No. 50. The following is taken from the New Orleans Sunday States:" Brother Pollock, with his well known happy faculty of always having something new and origin 11 in his chess column in tho B< tit hit ore- Erening published three or four years ago the subjoined game and notes. We were very much struck by the game and the lesson which the notes inclllcat.>, and preserved the article. It is now reproduced, in the expectation that it will amuse and instruct our readers. "Let 113 contrast the recipient and the attrac- tive styles* the heavy and the happy, and to do so I take a game played long ago between Genius and Something Else, a. game which is an example of the delightful style in vogue before the modern school had laid its withering hand on dash, on brilliancy, and on chess." t "y KVAXS GAMBIT. t; IT BLACK. (renins. Something Else. 1 P-K4 P-K4 2 Kt-KB3 K£-QB3 3 B-B4 B-B4 4 1>iKt4 B x KtP 5 P B3 B—R4 6 P X P 7 Ca.-ties B-Kt3 8 P x p P—Q3 9 P 1,115 Kt—K4 (a) 10 Ki x Kt P x Kt 11 (b) B—Q5 (c) 12 Kt Q2 B x R 13 (I x B P- -KB3 14 P—B4 (d) I" x p 15 P-K5 P -133 (f) 16 Kt— K4 P x QP (g) 17 Kt Q6 eh (h) KQ2 (i) 18 ch K—K3 (j) 19 P x p Kt x P (K) 20 K q ch Kt—K5 21 <2—Kt3 ch 22 4 A NOTES BY PROF. DKYASDCST. (a) K11?4 is much superior. (b) Au attacking move, lmr KM,)2 is safer, (c) We do not rei'.im- uiend thi.-? against such an opponent. (d) !]¡,r. fe) Black hus no satisfactory line of piov. ([') Weak. (g). 0'). (i)- (j) (k) Tneon!y move to prolong the game. (I) (m) White here n; 1 nona'vd maie in tix moves. (The r- a.h-r iiiav imagine any amorm; of Jrves- dust" a'si Iis following each of the above f.* :>Ion:" ALSO. (a) The chivalrous Knight, turns From his lowJv ()Nvll is iimne- d:atoiy slain and as quickly avenged. t h ive re.ired discreetly and with propriav to it, 4, and so have lived f) fight another day. (b) The White Commander now sends out skirmishers, and ]<s ef a i-n-atfjj-iai, he would have advanced his r."i>-ii iiK 1, t,r) Q 2. (e) Black has yet to is liot n.. fair c.\f:hJ:n f,O it, i< very o.ah id) He feels now particularly a- ea-e, deep dream of pc:.u-e. {<) %< There's smiail t.h'.fce in rut tea apple— wh eh, beintr inferpre! ed, siirniiiiM thif Black must lie down on the bed he has made for himself, (f) This amiable and considerate pro>- •- cn.re, yclept playing your opponent's game, is good ween you haver, t ore of your own to plav. (K) Th.S appears to threaten a, good deal, and hite gives his immediate attention on the ground !oat it ;s as weo to be civil, as the old woman stud, (h) tie is evid>t(r!v no: ioeeii fright- ened. though he makes basic to wi-r ,,in. his way. (i) And now the commander-ic-ciiii'f ir.x fo shet. up hi" nrnhrnlh and take the field on his o.vti ac- count. j, the first to find out that tltnnh \t¡. i, the SP(H't f)t' king", onv HJ(' ,d' tfit'rn laughs, (k) He spriuga forth in time to avert a certain ••-< ■>' • a four or tho loss of his is- tress. f i) The King retires into his corner o ia;,<;h, offering ihereny to ids opponent idte cup of Tantalus filled with the legacy of Philidor. (tri) The clip is smashed m sheer disgust and desperation, and White then proceeds to bring the encounter to a eoneiuse;'• m a very artistic way, announcing mate I iTi 23. R x Kt ch, 24. !5 4 Ih, 25. Q F, 7 eh. 26. Q. x O ch, 27. Kt x V ch, and 23. O Xr 5 scale. Tr.i- is ee v ease.— ""i our obedient servant, T. T. Tr aM »soN-Tw 1 <; 1; 1 k. v-s r.r: miyr: lit etiKss. gave hint a :eleecy to intellectual pasfime-j. and, always :h e-onah :;r.d prac,' tea! in all he undertook, .e was a a eon ten! ed with aicdioerity, even in his divefd- HM vaporim i»e skill at ches« wn« our a .■re'Khlhr-v f..» m his ;oes: ren-iarV.idtb- iniellecr. J ri.- b, 1': ,uie- he recjgnised a poncri'ully scii*n- fcirie etoee: ,;>0 ,in,| nee, spa per liter- attire of tiu-r game to-day is fast proving for. in quite ttio i"alllo"iq OV draughts is fast becoming very popular. In these games, together with whist, he prided himself on being an expert. In lluth's biography, draughts is elevated to the importance of illustrating by diagram a position on the board which Buckle pointed out to the players outside a cafe in Paris its a., win, nmch to their surprise and chagrin, its they lost a bet with him on that point. This problem, however. is one of the most simple of "strokes." At twenty he WJ recognised by chess experts as quite (fee themselves, and the marvel is how I;teratl found time, in view of his tremend him 1 energy and the ever-present need wi -n jjje mental leiaxatiou, to attain such a P08^" chess world. He turned to chess for reid ^.g says, aud it was a not unfrequent custom 0 g;ttin^- indulge in a seven and even a nine iou tj)is Aud to this Jmau of feeble physica po grg(; was relaxtion! With home players 0 pUtye(^ water and recognised calibre he frequeu* ^tegtifie* —Staunton, Captaiu Kennedy (w ao In specially to his powers), Horyvitz aa< in 1351 he partook iu the great chess took which most of the important nationa. part. Tho winner of this tourney was 1 affei'' ssen, then at his best, with whom uc bya- warns piaved a series of 15 games, am c|,esS majoritv of one game. During those a 000 Buckle worked, as usual, at his bo' l 1 chess ■ resort, the Divan, where he had_ an^ "_aictly reputation for uniform courtesy, sitting 0ipjr before the board, smoking his cigar, 'J,, !-peopfe" his game with inflexible stead mes- j Jim i"Iwl. O